Ralph Goes a Good Mile: George J. Longs Derby Candidate Works over Churchill Downs Course, Daily Racing Form, 1914-04-22


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RALPH GOES A GOOD MILE ] OEORGE J. LONGS DERBY CANDIDATE WORKS I 4" OVER CHURCHILL DOWNS COURSE. I Goes Mile in 1:42% and Expert Opinion Is Tiiat He Could Have Done Much Better — Gossip from Louisville. v I Louisville. K.v.. April 21. — Ralph. George •!. j Langs Kentucky Derby candidate, worked a mile , ■I Churchill Downs in 1 : 4 2*4. The big eoU did the , i rial handily and apparently could have geese auaea . ranter. He went the Krai eighth in 12%, the uuar- j ler iii 24-.-,. three eighths in -i-,. t lit- half in 4*-.. , live eighths in l:irj.-.. three quarters in 1:15% and , seven eighths in 1 -X;. . This good Dial, following .•satin-days fast hair milf. seems to disprove the . i ■perl that Ralph is not training well for uis Uerby , ■-ogagemeat. His only ailment was ■ slighi attack . ..i indigestion and there is do apparent reaaao why he should not lie in the liest of condition by May , :». Ralphs trial took place yeaterday and it la ex- j pected thai be will be aaked to go ■ atlle and an eighth tomorrow. He araa cantered slowly today. Todays Leal llerby trials included the following: Bronsrwing -Three-quarters in 1:18, pulled up: . liisi five -igm lis in l:til%. j Hodge Half mile in ■•-i7. ; aa opener for i r low s trial, when In- will likely BO a mill and an . eighth. Kohiuctla — Three quarters in 1:17. Watermelon Mile in 1:42%; fraction:! Is. hair in , 42%, live eighths in 1:112%, Ihiu aaaitim in 1:13%, mill and an eighth la 1 :**%, pulled up. Bullae — Throe quarters in 1:12%; tract ionals. half mile in 48%, live eighths n l.oi-. »lher horses worked as tatleera: Caaey Jones— Three-ojaa iters in 1:15%. I— hoWr Vallc -A Kentucky Inks eligible, liiih- I In l:«2%. .r. I.. Iiinipsiv visited the loeal tracks today oa his wa* to Lexington from Hot Springy via Ciuelu-nati. lie expressed himself as much impressed with I be grand apptarauce of many of the two-year olds i training hit. and thought they arere far al. -ad of i iii- average of the juveniles thai raced al i liai lesion last winter. He reports that William liotav has imvii removed to the Araaj and Nary Hospital al Hot Springs on account of disability. in A tea tare of the second days rii in;; at ChlU chill pawns this spring, following the opening oa Derby Hay. Saturday, May 9, will be a card of seven rare-. This is made possible by the fuml aceruiag 1 nun run up money in the treasury of the New Louisville Jockey lull which was carried over from lasl fall, when a run-up look place on the dosing day of the meeting. This advance money purse will l»e carded :is an extra race in addition to the six races regularly] provided for that afteraooa, the day beiag selected as a lit tin; time for such an arrangement because there is no stake event down for decision on that • lay. All of the Derby candidates are now being aeal along in earnest in their training for the cooling great event, which will have a value far in exc — of any Derby race ever run oil in ihis state. Old Rosebud is now at Lexington, read] to begin his three year old racing, hut Hodge. BellOC and Ralph leinain at Churchill Downs, and al Douglas Park Brlckley, one of the most likely of the maiden fligihlos. is taking his training. The latter has None following. Hi- is in the stable of William Herat, of Naslivlle. who won the Derby with Donaa in tin- season in which Waldo was even a greater favorite in the future liooks than Old Boor bad is at the present lime. This son of Ort Wells had qnlte a private reputation as a two year-old last wesson and went wrong in his early training. He has none a mile in about 1:4:; in training this spring. Begone Blrod, manager of the letting rings on Kentucky tracks, has -elected his crew lor the potuing Lexington meeting, which begins aext Friday. He will have teli pari nuitiicl machines ill operalioli. One will he a .0 straight device; there will he three •$•" machines, one straight, one place .anil one show, and six . devices, two straight, two place and two shew. The administration building will he in charm- of "Ruck" Bargees, John Holler and Jeorge Morgan, with Al Weinberg, Ed Rrugel, Sam H inkle and Barney Bernard as cal eiilatois. while the ticket room v ill be presided over h Hen llinkle. I.d Trayner. Roy Dillard and J rank Roach. Louis Hoffman is board man and William Dundas electrician. The cashiers are Charlie Beapeas, Fred Nelson, S. llinkle. B. Bernard. Burgetl Walton. Richard Toker, Fred ate-Claug, Roger Sullivan. Clarence Price and Noah Met lellaud. The ticket sellers are .1. 15. Campbell, John Wagner, Fred Milter. Dea Ore-sen. Smith Raker Walter Pierce, 11. Stelnbrecber, James lion Ion. "Joed" Wilson and W. Shelley. Mr. Blrod arQl return to Louisville one week from the coming Mnnday and will then make public the personnel of Ills crews for the Churchill Downs and Douglas Park meetings, which will practically .include all of the above aaaaed, si of wham have hen rega lilllv employed ever since Hie pari niutiiel system ..f betting was put in operation on the Kentucky .•rack-. John W. Schorr has in his stable a promising apprentice rider in Fred Faerst. The lad. whom! holm is in New York, has all the ear marks id a coming jockey, as he has ;tn excellent seat oil a borer, is anusually strong and poaaeaaea a go.ni l.alr of hands. He can ride as light as it.", pound* und will Ik- given an opportunity this sin-lag on the local Hack- to ride often in the Schorr colors. Name good judges think that U-fore the year is out that he will have a- good a reputation as an -i , . prentice rider as A. Nevlon. then in the Schorl -t.ihle. poaaeaaed when last season closed. . l. Cunningham, acting as agent for the Van roarer trainer. W. K. Moody, who baa tin- contract mi I he apprentice rider, A. Molt, has disposed of jirM call ou that boys services to K. . Arnold kx-to., whose string of boraea, mclnding the Kin tacky Derby candidate. Teoer, are in the hands of Jaraea Bverman at t burchill Down*. Tener. which has lieeli hacked in the Derhy in the future hooks from list to 30 to 1. will thus he ridden by Motl if he starts in that event. The contract now held liy Arnold and: Co. runs until July 4. when the spring and summer racing season will close at Latoola in this stale. Mott is i most valuahh- addition to any Stable, as he ran i id.- :i- light as s7 pounds and his u| oieuticeship doe- not expire until August !■" . He arrived at Lexington from Vancouver yesterday and Arnold and Oa. have consented to let him ride during | tin- Utxiagtofl meeting, though Bverman has de elded to ship no boraea .-ere this spring to race. Mott was regarded us the beat apprentice develop jiient of last winter at the Juarez track. iormer jockey Roy Fslia may now he cnananl j-. a trainer, since he has in charge at Doaglaa Park Hie. horses Balgee and Kenneth, which W. . Clancy turiril over to h iii. a few davs ago. These hordes helaug "• B« I- H- MacKenale of Pittabnrgb, who ., wned "iosgrove. the well-known performer which naeently iied here. The fact that Estep has taken charge ot these two performers for their Pennsylvania owner seems to indicate that In- does not .onteinplatc taking out :l Jockeys license this spring and thai In- ha- made up his mind to try his hand at tracking. This transfer leaves Clancy with only his owu two horses. Rooster and .Muff. — -» ami ■ i to handle. The California turfman has in mind securing some new material for his stable and that i- the rea-oii that he is gradually getting rid of the boraea thai have been racing iii his colors far the last two or three seasons. He will try to secure during the spring and summer a useful lot t, racial Inarea next winter. Kildie Ellis, an old time race rider imw in the ; employ of the citv of Louisville, made a visit to , Douglas l.uk yeaterday to see old Rosebud. The Derby favorites Irainer. 1 ■. D. Weir, had Kills in his employ for several yen- in the old days, and [ the latter rode maiiv winner- for the trainer of the s f I nele, partioillarh in the old days at Gnttenberg. LIlis thinks 0M Rosebud will certainly win the Derby.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1914042201/drf1914042201_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1914042201_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800