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PAY-OFF RULES IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA. As inquiries often reach me rclalivc to totalisator rules in South Australia, the following from the biNiklot eoshilngag the South Australia Jockey Clubs i Adelaide I autumn program should be of interest: ••When ten or more horses start in any race the total amount invested, less 7 per-cent. commission and 2o percent, government tax, will lie divided pro rata as follows, viz: — Three-fourths thereof between holders of tickets on the first horse and one-fourth thereof between holders of tickets on the second hoise. When less than ten horses start in any race the whole amount invested less com mission and government tax will he divided between the holders of tickets on the first horse only. Fractions of one shilling on one pound tickets or of three pence on five shilling tickets will not be paid." Relative to two dividends, the New Zealand rule permits of that rOSSSe being adopted when the runners only total six. -Pilot, in Sydney Referee.