untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1914-04-22


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DAILY RACING FORM I _ PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. _ Daily Racing Form Publishing Co o _ 441 PLYMOUTH COUKT. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. A Daily Reflection of the American Turf bv Telegraph. IMitor ami Proprietor, l- H. Brunell. Associate Editor, Clinton C. llilev Secretary. Mrs. r. H. Brunell." Bateau*] as wcwd class matter, Ajjril J 188t at ii tlio post olhco at Chicago. Illinois, under The Act of if March .;, 1ST!. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON, I For business and circulation imrposes ouly. This lelephone has no connection with the news or ,_ editorial depart incuts and cannot be used to communicate ,. with them. To be MHnl and answered, all queries to • Daily Itucmg lorni must be sent over the full name " Had with tlw address of writer. The names and ail dnsses are subject to a local and foreign directory _ BACK Nl Mishits r, CENTS BACH. t / wnt by mail first-class only six cents. ,. . TERMS: Per ,.- Week « -o Per Month * ,•25 Half Year Ht °w *•« :.::::::::::::::: nS ■«!£. *:f-e22r«a te si,,Kic "*■ as • *HH£ ,K:""- V1"1 PuWlahtag Co. prefers to send jungle copies as orat-elaaa mail in all cases irir ,,m cn|inil~,,,tsi,1° Uw iowatowa dis-mati L K rales? *rW*i !,t tl"r 1lla" nrsr-class mail u Subscriptions must be paid in advance. ST. LOUIS. MO OFFICE. 112 N. BROADWAY :. Win. Laser, General Agent. Telephone Bell Olive 4655. _ ™rkini"n"crs and monthlies supplied. - CINCINNATI. O.. OFFICE. 720 MAIN ST. V. s. Manns, General Agent Telephone Canal IS77. 1 Back numbers and monthlies supplied. 1Ves?Ic 1r,M1Clv-- OFFUl:- * CONGRESS ST. . wist, turner Wayne Street. „,. ,L- Crosscup. General Agent. I telephones: Main :!252: Citv 3252 "acKimmhers and monthlies supplied. - liOUISVILLE. ICY.. OFFICE. 232 FOURni AVE C. T. Bearing, General Agent. t iiuiberl.-.nd none: Main 8155 Home Phone: City 1508. 1 uack numbers and monthlies supplied. Pirrs«unGH pa., office. 307 300 xhibd atb. :. II. A. Sehafer News Co., General Aeeut. __pj»Jfc numbers and monthlies supplied. - ANACONDA. MONT : BLUlf lfe.TMain StreCt BrWALaNI.:10:!rnlOnStn0t- BOTTE SM!vrr" E1Ikott *»»«*. Newsstand. «i "V/,,.n," •• -7 Wpst Vavk Street. HAKLKSTOX. s C.: niVfe! -4- Meeting Street. Cl.hA ELAND. OHIO.: .1. C. Budd, 822 Superior Avenue DFBB1TSIioerrMU,,d- DHNKIBK "t? °°m 900:,!2 Seventeenth Street. Prank .7. Qahagee. El. PASO. TEXAS: Coney Island News stand. 100 N. Oregon Street E SVU fiE",ixDN"°WS 1ealPr• 110 Mi,,S •Stroet- HAMfLTONT.f01 r""er BeMM Stleet HeArthur*s NeWg Agency. 12 Bcbeeca Street IN°DIAINAfs:1::2MCeBtMl8t,~t J. A Mpeateia, News-stand. Waiting Room. Termi-n«t Station. JAMESTOWN, N. Y. : J. A. Jacobaon, 1 South Main Street. h s.S CITY. MO.: Rloksecker Cigar and News Co., Ninth and Walnut t Streets. KENOSHA, WIS , £. H. 1,nisi . Co.. 271 Main Street. LEXINGTON. KY. : K T. Graves. io ; North Limestone Street "Vfj*1: "**,n "",1 lim"sl 1"- BtreetJ I iNcm v -..J-. V N«I-"V 400 Pulaski Street. MckEESPORT, PA.: Lloyd Ttorreyaen. Frank w Torreysou MEMPHI8. TKNN.: World News c,,. Peabodj Hotel Newa-ataad MILWAUKEE. WIS.: Frank Mulkoni Third and Grand Avenues MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.: M. .1. Kavaaaugh. 50 South Third Street. NASHVILLE. TENN.: /iharl Bros.. 2ls North Cherry Street. M:w ORLEANS. LA.: i. t:. Hill. ms. si. Charles Btreet. OODEN. ITTAH: Bd A. Muasey. 348 25th Street. M iioma CI IV. OKLA.: Marrh Daily c«s Co., Main and Broadway. PEORIA, II. r. : P ia Newa-ataad, 688 Main Street. SALT LAKE citv. UTAH.: Cans. W. McGillls. News Dealer. 8POK r:. wash.: stuhe. k ,v Gambel. TOLEDO. OHIO.: T. B. Mattlmorc, 142 St. lair Street. TORONTO. ONT: w. C. Ormsay. Iraaaois Hotel. II V. OConnor, Calmer House. 1". K, WaMock. Isanfilsl Hotel. v W* insrein H.t si. Patrick Street. A EST BADEN IND •i. C. Teaser. . n r~ ; CHICAGO. ILLINOIS APRIL 22. l« I

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1914042201/drf1914042201_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1914042201_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800