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I _ _ o _ at ii of if or ,_ ,. to • " _ • K u :. - . - :. - t DEFEATS WITHOUT DISHONOR. Iheie are many races which the best horse does 4 MM win. yet all the honors are his when, owing to , excessive weight or mistakes of his iockev. .r un fortunate happening- In the race, he is beaten, but t has shown ability far surpassing that of the actual 1 winner. It is some of these great TUiiners-np" to Which we proposal to call attention, for while B their names are not on the scroll of "previous winners, they deserv,. to be. in defeat they wea their c greatest victories, according to correct racing estimates -the estimate ,,f those who look deeper than i the surface and consider cause as well as effect. .fhe Cambrldajeahlre. Khglaads great autumn han-_ . dieap. has furnished some of the most "celebrated 1 eases" Illustrative of this, in fact, the Cambridgeshire has been the medium of some of the best handicap its inaugural in 1838 fell to . the renowned Lanereoat, then four yean old. which ! wiiii 121 pounds defeated Herman Platoff. :: years. . lid pound-, and many others, to the delight of the c north countrymen, who subsequently celebrated the j prowess of the brown idol of Cumberland in a ballad: A leering nag was Sharpes Canteen. Hut nowt to auld Springkell; Aud Chaase was a gamier. Ami laheritor as weal; A tougher nicer than Modesty Th border never crossed: Rut Cumberland just banged em a i Basashays lass i ssd Laiieieo-ts weight w:is not eijuallcd by another r Cambridgeshire winner for over forty years, when Poxhall surpassed it in 1SS1 with 126 pounds. In-» deed, Laaereosts weight has been exceeded only hy r four winners beside- loxhall — Florence in 1SN4. With , 127 ponnds; Plalsaaterie in 1885 with 124 pounds; . La Flecbe in ivi with 122 poasds and Iolviuelus j in 1808 with 122 pounds. It was in 1885 that Ad-_ niiial Uous allotted the three-year-old Qladiateor, 188 pounds in the Cambridgeshire, but the gnat t Ireiich colt was unequal to it. Xewmaiket. Rag.. October 20. 1 SOS.— The Cambridgeshire Stakes i handicap. 25 sovereigns each. M forfeit and only 5 if declared with 100 added. 1 mile. 248 yards. ]7!i sobscriptions, 65 of which j declared. Lord Wiltons br. e, See-Saw. 8, bv Buccanneer. . 114 lbs. Fordhami 1 Sir .1. Hawleys b. c, Bios Gown. :;. bv " Beadsman. 120 lbs. Wells 2 - Mr. Johnstones b. C, Mercury. :;, 107 lbs. Cameron i V, I Mr. Paynes eh, c, Makehaste, ::. 80 lbs Hunt . 4 I Mr. Webbi Aetaea, B, 112 lbs 0 J Baron Rothschilds b. c. Restitution. :s. 110 lbs.. 0 Mr. ;. AngelTs Pythoa. 4. 110 pounds 0 | Mr. Chaplins Prof. Anderson. 5. 107 lbs O J .Mr. M. Dawssas Lady Coventry. :i. 107 lbs 0 1 Mr. Naylor- Monarch of tlie Glen. 5. 107 lbs.... 0 1 Mr. Lincolns Kidderminster, 4. 106 lbs 0 | Count de Lagranges Neiusko. :; ioo lbs 0 j Mr. W". Welsbys Kine-land. 3. 88 lbs » [ Lord Westmorelands Wolsey, 5. 06 lbs 0 • Lord Stamfords Warrington, :t. 04 lbs 0 j Mr. .1. Dizoas Snowdrop, :;. so lbs o Major Pembertoos Cecil. :;. so lbs 8 • Mr. C. Blaatons Novau. :. SS lbs 0 | Mr. F. Olnevs Kaupai. 0. S6 lbs 0 J Mr. P. Elliotts Porters Knot. 4. SO lbs 0 J Mr. G. AngelTs Kettleholder. 3, s;j lbs 0 Mi. .1. Powneys Lady Raglan, x. S2 lbs 0 Mr. Hartleys b. c, ■ . hy King Teas Prtaeesa, 77 lbs 8 Mr. J. Bowes b. c. Taraban. 4. 118 lbs 0 Won by a length and a half. Value, £1.850. Blue Basras Cambridge-hire •second" was the i greatest performance for a three-year-old to that t date and following his Derby and Ascot Gold Cup tri graphs, -tamped him a high-class colt beyond nues- • tion. To finish a good second to See-Saw. to which I he conceded 12 pounds, was in itself a splendid performance, - as See Saw was a colt of decidedly high i elas-. But Blue Oown also conceded 16 pounds to each s salt a* Restitution. o7 pounds to Cecil, the Ceearewltcb winner and to the bottom weight, the Princess colt, as much as 40 pounds. Certainly all I the honors of the race were Blue Gowns. Newmarket. I-Tng.. October. 1.S71. The Cambridge shire Stakes handicap, of 25 sovereigns each. 10 I forfeit and only 5 if declared, with 100 added. 1 i mile. 24ft yards. 2iX subscriptions, of which 70 declared. 6. 0. Keswicks b. ~. Bahiaas, 4. by Newmiu- ster. ll!i pounds Fordhami 1 F. Grettons b. c. Sterling. ;!. by Oxford. 128 lbs Chalorier i * i Sir F. Johnstones br. h. All brook. 5. bv Wild DayreiL 83 lbs * i Capt. Maehells b. g. Xovre Tauren. St. 06 lbs 0 I S. Myers eh. c. Not Out, 4. 124 lbs 0 I Baron Rothschilds ch c. Favoains, 3. 12:; lbs 0 I Baron Rothschilds b. f. Corisande. 3. 117 lbs 0 Lord Patmoaths b. c, Kingcraft, 4. no lbs o 1 T. B. Case- h. e Anton. .;. Ill lbs 0 I T. Lssahards i . e, Henry, :f, 107 lbs 0 1 T. Lssahards eh. e. BM il. -"5. 18S lbs o 1 II. Delamarres b f. Veranda. ". 105 lbs 0 1 H. Morris h. f. Bicycle, :. 102 lb- 0 1 i. Angells b. h, Vestminster, 5, 102 lbs 0 Lord Avbsfords b. c. Adrian, a. 102 lbs 0 K. Bravlevs b. C. Pearlflnder. 4. 102 lb- 11 Mr. Cowans b. . White Slave. 4. 100 lbs n Lord Charlemonfs ch. ■. Dubois. 4. 08 lbs 8 B. Itravlevs b. g. Nero, 4. 07 lbs 0 J. Days ch. f. White Bone. 8, 86 Bat 0 W. S. Crawfords b. C. Mahomet ::. 02 lbs 0 l. Belatros ch. f. Mathflde, .". 82 lbs 0 Lord Wiltons br. m. Sylvia, 5. 88 lbs «i i Lord Box-ton"- . Black Gown :j. SS lbs.... Mr. Speii. ers eh. c, Ashtield. 4. S6 lbs 0 i 1. suiiidfiis b. e. Parmesan, :;. s." lbs 0 , It. c. Baylors ch. f. Mamora. 3, 84 lbs 0 i Mr. Eaatlakes b. f. Bister Helen :;. 77 lbs o i .1. BadciifTs b. c. Autolycns, .". 77 lbs 0 i Won by ■ head. *Iead heat for second place. Value 2.151 sovereign-. The race lias often been -poken of as "Sterlings Cambridgeshire" rather than that of Sabinus. as all the gmry was Sterlings. His dead beat foe -i Bond place with AUbrook, to which he conceded two veils and tinny pounds, was in itsell a tre-niemiou- performance. Bui Babtnas, the winner, to which Sterling conceded s year and four ponnds, was a real "crack" Ihal season. Sabinus had won tin- City and Suburban from a liebl of twenty-eight. He had won the Great Metropolitan, the Beaufort Cup and the Ascot Gold Cup. Besides, there were behind Sterling two Derby winners Kingcraft and Favoains, the winners of ls7o and 1S71. Then. Hole was Corisande, winner of the Cesarewitch; Anton, winner of the Stew ardsCup: Vestminster. winner of the Cambridgeshire of 1800, and the French colt Henry, which won the Ascot Cap the following year. To the minimum. Autolycus. Sterling conceded forty six pounds He defeated the Derby winner Favoains, at evens, and to Kingcroft, the Derby winner of the previoes .Mar. he conceded a year and seven pounds. It was a performance superior to Blue Gowns, in that Sterling saet ■ better class of horses. Sterling was s celebrated hone in many way.-, lie was the coll which came near betag matched against our Harry Bassett in 1871, which match fell through, hear- Mr. GrettoS would not send him to America, and Colonel McPaniel finally declined to send Harry Bassett to F.ngland. Again. Sterling revived s new male line of Birdcatcher, which his gire, Oxford, could njot have done. Fi Bally, while he was the most brilliant miier of his year, he clearly prosed be was not a stayer; yet he sired laoaocsy ami Fer iandez. the former the lincst stayer of bis time, and the line through Islnglaas and John OOaaat and Bwyaford, Is now on, of the mosi popular In England, not to sjieak of Siai Shoots popularity here. Sterling trained on into his tilth year! when he won tlie Liverpool Can with 132 pounds. At the rime be ran in the Cambridgeshire, Sterling was described by an English writer as. "a bay. without white, -landing sixteen haads. resembling Cotlingwood mere than any horse I can remember. He ha :1 large, well formed head, good shoulders and is deep in the heart, with capital back and loins. in- Forelegs are a little straight, which ;;hS the Idea of !rs going short, when he comes "ui ol the stable: bat this is dispelled when be begins to gs o and displays his magnificent action." Wi have I picture of Collingwood. winner of the Royal Hunt Cop 1848, and if the artist has not ITattered him, he must have been a giant horse of amazing beauty, but too heavily topped for :i lltaj :■ He may not have been -o exquisitely heauii ful as Orlando or Kingston, bat hi t! ntlre "Gallery of the Torf Cracks" no horse combined beant] with -o much szi- and substance as did Collingwood There aas formerlj ■ wider raage In the English handicaps. A cony of the Cesarewitch weights of 1842 shows that Charles XII beads the list with 145 pounds and the scale goes down to 63 ponnds "ti a t Inc.-year o|,| by Ba] MMdleton a ram:c of 82 iHiund-. Ttiis i- i;i i sample of nianv. Par the Chester Cup of 1844 Alice Hawthorn, then six years old. Bnlshetl second with 134 pounds, the wri-ner. Bed Deer, carrying only 56 pound- -i raoxe r»t TH |M,iind-. For the Cesarewitch of IS!:; Altec Haw thorn accepted ill imnada Lad:- Eleanor the uijin-iiium weight, ponnds— a raage of 84 pound-. Coaey Island. N. IT.. lutie in. 1880.— The Babaibaa Handicap. One and s quarter mites. KInlei Mick, c bj Islington. 125 lbs MeCne I Etheibert I 130 lbs Miner 2 Gulden. ; 100 lbs Odom :: Imp. R I2R lbs OTohaor " llerhcrt. :: tiO lb- Ranseh 0 Jean Bereaiid. 4. 127 His Taraer 0 Intrusive. 5. Ill lbs Shaw 0 Harms t Ian. ",. 89 lbs Henrv o Survivor -I 102 lbs .Mitchell 0 John Bright. 5, 119 lbs Spencer V 4 , t 1 B c i . 1 . ! . c j r r , . j t j . 2 - V, I 4 I 0 J 0 0 | O J 0 1 0 1 0 | 0 j » [ 0 • o 0 j 8 • | 0 J 0 J 0 8 i t • I - i Won hy a length. Four lengths between second [ and third. Etheibert has the distinction of being the greatest "second" that ever contested the finish of Hie Su burban. Not only that, but it was also the best race of his career and like Hie Cambridgeshire ; "seconds" of Blue Gown and Sterling, it redounded I more to his credit than all his victories. To have , conceded S pounds to the winner was a feat of • which no other horse of his day was capable, for ; while Kinley Mack was an unsound horse he was ■ | formidable racer, a giant in stature, with a stride . such as no horse since Longfellow has shown. Nine . people oat of tea who saw the race agree to this day . that Etheibert should have won. It was the lasi year that "Hannv" Maher rode in this country and I the ride on htbelbert was the worst he ever rode. He allowed Etheibert lo be pocketed on the rails during the third and fourth qtaarten of the race. especially on the liacksl rcti h. Where BC was utterly : unable to gel free, and when the hoi -e finally I clear he was catching Kiniey Mack — but it was tag late to be effective. Coney Island. N. Y.. July ■.. 1000 -Long Island 1 Handicap, one and one eighth miles: Charentus. ;. 88 lbs Shaw 1 Imp. 0. 138 lbs Odom 2 . Gievfeld. 4. BMI lbs Mitchell 3 . Itaffaello. 4. 100 lbs McCue O Bush. 4. 118 lbs Turner 0 John Bright. 5. 110 lbs Spencer l i Won by a neck: same between second and third. Imp deserves more than the credit of running so glorious a "second" as she did. for Charentus sub sequeatly proved himself a capital horse as he won the Kearney Handicap, the Citizens and Merchants nl Saratoga beating Advance Guard and Kinley Mack; the Oriental Handicap al Grnvesond. and the Lmniro City Handicap. As will be seen. Imp , conceded Charentus thirty sag pounds actual weight. while according: to the scale at weight-forage, Charentus would have been ailed uimn to concede , Imp two pounds. As it was. the race resulted in , "three necks" at the finish, and while Landers ; band neglected to salule the black mare with "My . Coal Black Lady" as it usually did when she won. she never won a race for which she deserved ir so much as this one. — W. S Vosburgh. in Thoroughbred ■ Keoord. Such tributes as Mr. Vosburgh pays to the greatness of Etheibert, Imp and Kinley Mack in honor- able defeat, were well earned by those superb i racers. But having viewed little except eastern , nemg. Mr. Voshnrghs range of observation does ; not take in Ihe equally meritorious eases of tlie . same nature cropping up now and then in western , racing. For instance, here in Chicago In 1888, tlie . Splendid McChesney carried more weight and over a longer distance, when he ran second to John Mc- Giuic in the Brest Western Handicap at Washington , Park in time less than a second slower than the . American record tor a mile and half. No greater exhibition of great speed under a heavy impost was i ever witnessed on an American race track. More- over. McChesney could not have been at his beat that day. for he coughed several times in the course , of he race and finished wttn his nostrils stained I with blood. John MeGurk overrated himself that day and never recovered from the strain, but Mi- Che-nev was aide two months later to vanquish tlie , . mighty Hermis at even weights in the Twin City Handicap at Sheep«head Bay. Washington Park. Chicago. July 1. 1903.— Gr?at Western Handicap, one and one-half miles. John MeGurk. 5. IOC Adkins 1 McChesney, 4. 134 Dominlck 2 I Little Scout. 4. 102 fSheehant :? I Ilo arliiie. :.. !K iHelcerson 0 I Laden Appleby, 4. 100 Henrv 0 i Gold Bell. .",. 02 Reed O » Flying Torpedo. o 100 T. Knight 0 i Won by a length. Time. 2:81%.