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, , , ; . ■ i , ; . , . , . i , I , . I I I i » i • HORSES IN TRAINING AT NEWMARKET. Redwood, which -lands at the head sf the li-t for the Great Metropolitan Stakes, has beeu doing good work with Pigeon Pie. Brand. The Iht and St. Melraan and Dalmatian, in the same race, e- also well. Joyiur has been busy with the Balaton Lodge team, of which Warlingaam has done well since his arrival at Newmarket, and if not alto gether a beaaty to look at. the old warrior is om-J thai improves on acquaintance, and appears to have laid on muscle to a greater extent than might h!i»«-been expected at hi- age. MareeHiaas, which baa been distinguishing himself in the cross country department during the rctoaa. ami was pnrrhasrd hy Lord Lonsdale for the purpose, rinds ir no enviable ta-k to lead Warlingham in hi- Ion- gallops, and with loth stretched out it is pretty clear tbut he i- not uiii h good to him when covering a mile and three quarters on Side Hill and New Ground, a- on Monday morning. There may not be auv wi isk Brooms in Joy nets lot just now. but it can at least be attinncd that all his horses are looking wonderfully healthy and well, especially so Har-monicon. now a tine specimen of the thoroughbred. aud I hope, destined to make a big mark among tin seasons sprinters. Not much has been heard latch ot Barry id Hereford, and I fear the infer eie-e is that all is not quite eoalear de rose with the brother to Swynford, ami if so the elreumstaaee is the more regrettable as he had wintered so well. Mr. George Lembtoa has a big team under Ma supervision, and his time is fully occupied just now in looking after them. Willaura. Nimule and At Last have been striding along together as though wanted for early races over a long course, and Ste Ifast, after having been temporarily eased up. wcnl his customary dash in a two-mile stretch with Sephtoa on Monday. If appearances count for anything, one of the mosi improved horses in the Stanley House team is Diadnmenos, which Las been moving in tine style with Donore. Stoke Halternon and Han Ku— el. of which the last-named -bowed great promise last year, hut has none of the l est of joints. The G.-m* has evidently come on finely and another that has; done well is Glorviiia. which has only to fulfil her early two-year-old promise to take hat own part With the best of her sex this season. Ia-sfern was a winner last Weak at Croxton Park and. with The Gaul "bracketed" in the Karl of Sef tons Handicap al Liverpool, it is more than pleasant to noi" a favorable change in Ihe racing luck of Lord Wot rertOB. Both these horses should win again, am/ I gather from the "Kaciug Handliook" that among his lordships two-year-olds are a half-sister to the tir-t named in Menthol, by St. Frusquin. and a Ally similarly related to The Gaul, by Chaucer. t Leader has every reason to be satiated with the winter progress of Lord Harew Ia cantilever Which may be said to have wound up with a flourish of trumpets last year, and in Puyfondii Charles Peek na- a promising half-brother to Mr. S. B. Jo Is prime favorite. Long Set. which, however. will want time to mature to his best. Three year olds in the Sef ton Lodge team that are doiiur well may be instanced in Honey-wood and Westphaliv-anl the tame remark applies to Maiden BrleglsB which ran well in the Lincolnshire Handicap, Iw good looks and good action count for anything.! Bobert Sherwood should have some useful wiuner«fl in embryo, as. for example. Trinity Square. HoyfJ n mi Chelsho. King Edgar, Ful Flit and Knight fl the Valley, all of which are going and doing wcrwa an 1 in Charles Waaghs lot favorable note any 1w| made of such a- Knight of Glin. Speron. Cyllen a More, My Prince and Varavil.— Vigilant." in Lou d ui Sportashaa of April :,.