International Aspect of the Derby, Daily Racing Form, 1914-04-22


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INTERNATIONAL ASPECT OF THE DERBY. II seems strange thai, although it i- now oniy seven week- to h- week in which tin- Derby is t" be run. The Tetrarcb should lie the only candidate for that nc that, a- far M 1 am aware, has been hacked. His juvenile form? of course, places h i well in front of his rivals, but there lias been an "if" about the son of ij,,i Herode and Vahren - in-, last October. Present reports concerning him. fort una teh . ar more encouraging, and tl -c that should he in a position to know all thai can at present he known about him are perfectly satisfied alth hi- progress. At the same time tin- results oi recent Derbys have more often tl m not failed to -how the l e-i .juvenile occupying tl. e same position at three rears of age. Speai n nt, Orby, Mignorlnetta, Minora and Tagalie a. n ■ of these looked like blossoming oat into a Derby winner ai the close of their tir-t t in f s, a -on. Apart from Ihe csi-iiuu itossibllity of some I Mug rowing to the front in similar fashion this . ,i || gbould noi he overlooked thai th- coming I i. inav he Invented wiili greater international Interest than Usual. Imprimis, Here an many French-bred and owned horses engaged, ihe li-t h. lug headed by M lain I Blanc, with a party of a half dosen. Ih n M Gaston Drey fas has a qcarlet left ill. a- mi- l llarle- Carroll, wine It. i i: de Bothschild, u. Annsoat, M. Ephruasi and Madame l.omaire .1,. filler*, and others are all doubly represented, llungarj may enter the lists 11.1111 with a possible -me— ,.i io Kisher in the shape of one of ihe two Hungarian-bred colt-ii. lined bj w. Waugh at Ktugselere for Prince Ie-teti,-. They are the daik colt Jurist II. . by lolwinder Justice, and Patriot, by Adam out of the famous race mare, Patience. TUut Patriot [ ; I , • ; | . . . I : I 1 2 . 3 . O i can gallop to some time he showed in tin salaam when he ran scond to Happy Warrior for the Hopeful Stakes, beaten by three lengths when la receipt ol only a pound, with Sermione. Cresslag- ham and Playman well behind him. That was on hard going, and I attach no importance p, his subsequent failure when only fifth to Wa--Ui-sa in heavy going at Newbury. November. Patriot is I understand, going on well. There are many I. S. A. -bred horses left in the Heiln . of which Mr. II. V. Whitney is responsible for a trio, while Mr. Louis Winans owns the whole live nominated by their breeder. Mr. J. B. Midden. Iotir ol these tun last season without success. Inclusive of Lady Doreen sister to Sit% Mai tin ami Sir Colin i. Tlie only dark otic i- Wat taw, another son of sir Mai-tins sire, iigden. Wli i Mi- Martin goes to he -tud. In tlie way. it should nol he forgotten hy breeders thai he i- a tail male descendant of Melbourne, Ogden being bj KUwarlla, which ui. e- back to Botoa ia Arhi trator, Instead of through the more usual channel of Barcaldine. The Arbitrator branch of the Solon family can do witli a really high class represents live al the stud nowadays, having of late ears been rather overshadowed by the younger brani h rounded in Barcaldine and carried on by Marco, Marcovil, Wolfs Crag, Neil Gow. etc. Coming back to the foreign element iif the Derby. I am afraid that ihe enterprise of Mr. G. Paats in send iiiir the South American-bred Argaatino over here will noi be rewarded hy a classic victory. Another South American engaged in the race is Meat dOr, a eolt by Val dOr. owned by Mr. Cuzuo. but t cannot lin ! thai he has come over.— *, igilant." in I.onlou Sportsman.

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Local Identifier: drf1914042201_2_6
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