Pari-Mutuel Novelties At Windsor., Daily Racing Form, 1915-04-21


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PARIMUTUEL NOVELTIES AT WINDSOR The Windsor course has been steadily improveii until it is now one of tin handsomest and most complete racing plants In America Each year finds something added for the comfort and accomodati n f the members and the public The imposing stand II feet long and the beautiful approach and park ¬ ing space under the great trees give a pleasant im ¬ pression that is maintained by the wellkept aspect of the place in all parts the gem of a clubhouse bi ing a most attractive feature This year visitors will find the most noticeable change in the dis ¬ appearance of the booking svstem of speculation and iM its Iiclongings The addition of a niutnel biiild Ini about 1ifl feet by ill feel has been inrtilf to Hit north of the stand It is a roomy anil wll lighted structure and broad stairways ItMil into it from the stand obviating the necessity of going outside iu rainy weather Besides the public quar ¬ ters then are numerous and spacious otliccs stock and supply rooms and all the necessary provision for carrying on the new method with the greatest dispatch and the largest amount of accomodation for the public There are some novelties to be of ¬ fered to investors through the machines twenty seven of which are being built All will operate with a keyboard and have a ticket register as well as the regular money register Fourteen machines will accomodate the twodollar Investors while the livedollar fellows will have live and the tendol ¬ lar crowd four all of these being divided among straight place and show showThe The twentydollar machine is a decided novelty and is really three in one as the investor can play all three ways at the one stand Another innovation is the sixdollar machine which issues one ticket for an investment of two dollars all three ways If four dollars is the limit of a visitors play there is a machine which issues a single ticket for two dollars straight and place Similarly here is a tendollar register for a single ticket good for live straight and live place placeThere There is no central totalizer at Windsor nor any other place When such a machine is devised it will quickly come into general use but up to the nvseiil mine of the manufacturers have been able in reach what is wanteil Everybody agrees lint it is dislnibb and all tin amuteiirs say there should be no trouble about devising one but the big con ¬ cerns that manufacture registering and counting de ¬ vices have not yet succeeded in spite of the applic lion of their experts to the task Kut as hi s been said all along in these columns the compel tion among the clubs now that the machine syste i has come into general use will all work out to 01 e end the purpose of giving the public the best de ¬ velopments that are shown to be practicable and tlmesaving Frances Nelson in Toronto Globe

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