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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF TILE DAY Official confirmation of the defeat of General Villa by the constitutionalists commanded by Gen ¬ eral Obregoii in the battle of Celaya readied the State Department in a dispatch from George C Carolliers special agent of the United States who has been attached to the military headquarters o Villa Cnrothers states that Villa has lost 0000 men Villa made three assaults upon the Obregon forces at Celaya in an effort to capture that city and crush the main army of the constitutionalists Repulsed with heavy losses he fell back northward on the main rail line to his headquarters at Irapua to on Saturday April 17 and Sunday he began re ¬ treating with fourteen troop trains from Irapuato to Aguas Calicutes Carothers tied to Aguas Culieutos on Saturday with the vanguard of the retreating Villistas Villa is making a desperate effort to rally his force against the victorious advance of Obrpgons army toward the north His forces engaged in the attacks on Matamoras Nuevo Laredo and Tampico are being rushed toward Aguas Calientes in the hojiis that these roenforcements will enable him to stem tle tide He is greatly In need of men and ammu ¬ nition The indications are that Villa will make his next stand at Aguas Calientes which is an im ¬ portant railroad center If unable to hold that point he can fall back on Xacatecas and Torreon TorreonItalys Italys last word to Austria which is expected to lake the form of ail ultimatum is expected to come at any time The nation is ready for war It is accepted that the Italian government is now marking time until the selected hour arrives So certain Is officialdom that the conflict cannot long lio postponed that the Austrian ambassador has wired his brother to prepare his Inshruck villa for his occupancy Reports to the Italian general slalT say that the frontier is a scene of the greatest ac ¬ tivity Military preparations are feverishly pro ¬ ceeding Austria has massed enormous numbers of firstline troops diverted from the northern bat ¬ tle front in the Elsach valley at Brunich and Relisnenr Big arcoplaise hangars for aeroplanes and dirigibles have boon constructed in the Ronchi valley in such a manner that attacks from above will lx hard In addition the Austrian fleet is reported as displaying the greatest activity at Mie naval base at Pola Meanwhile the Italian ovornnient is understood to have completed an ar ¬ rangement with the allies rogirding the action to lie taken on the Adriatic coast and the territorial limitations that may be expected should the war eventually result in a victory for the allies alliesRussian Russian army headquarter gave out the follow ¬ ing ollicial statement The enemy suffered great losses in a further attack on our troops on the heights of TeleiKitcli in the Carpathian mountains By a counter attack we forced the enemy to evacu ¬ ate the approaches to our positions and we cap ¬ tured an Austrian battalion which surrendered en bloc It is confirmed that on April 10 when we captured a height to the southwest of the village of Polen we took 1155 men and more than twenty ofllcers We alw captured six machine guns On April 17 we repulsed two fresh attacks in the direction of Stry StryGerman German army headquarters yesterday gave out a rojiort on the progress of hostilities as follows German napping attacks in the Champagne country yesterday made progress while a French attack In the Argonnes north of Lo Four de Paris resulted in failure Between tho Mouse and the Moselle yester ¬ day there were isolated but spirited artillery ex ¬ changes A French attack near Filrey broke down Near Croix des Cannes Gorman troops entered tho main position of tho enemy west of Avrleourt and stormed and reocciipied the Village of Embormenil In tho Vosgos a French attack on Schillecker heights resulted in failure while the German advance on HarfmannsWeilorkopf gained about 100 yards yardsTho Tho London Morning Post In n dispatch from the north of Franco states that in Belgium north of Ypres the British lined have been pushed forward throe miios after fighting fully as fierce as that at Ncuvn Chapello This Is the district in which the war oflice briefly chronicled tho taking of a hill The Post correspondent writes fu point of view of territory recovered this latest success of the British army is the biggest gain that has been made since autumn for they have advanced five kilo ¬ meters and have obtained possession of a district of the greatest tactical value valueTh Th official statement issuiHl by the French ministry of war told of continued gains by the French in their advance on Colmar and tho Rhine valley through the passes of the Vosges mountains We have gained possession of the summit of Burgkorpfold to the southwest of Schilloeker wassen which directly commands the Fccht val ¬ ley On the south bank in the region of Schnoo fanrloth wo havo made notable progress our troop marching from the south to the north in the di roction of the Fecht and Metzeral which is south ¬ west of Colmar ColmarWith With Italy still trembling on the verge of war here are more peace rumors than usual atloat in Washington There appears to be a general opinion in the diplomatic colony that the action of Italy is likely to have a direct bearing on tho possi ¬ bility of ending the war at this time According to the reports oC the allies Germany would bo likely to sue for peace if Italy should outer the war against the Tue tonic forces Germany it is pointed out could then say with good grace We cannot light tho whole world worldA A critical situation has arisen among the British coal minors Representatives of the Welsh minors have decided unanimously in favor of tendering a fortnights notice of a proposed strike to the mine owners to enforce their demands for a twenty per cent increase in wages The Minors Federation of Great Britain will meet today to decide what ac ¬ tion to take lo compel the mine owners to accede to its demands for a similar increase The situ ¬ ation may require drastic government Intervention InterventionWithin Within fho last twentyfour hours there has arisen in Rome persistent reports that the gravo international questions confronting Italy may 1 solved In tho near futun by what at first sigit seems most incredible the conclusion of a general peace in Europe at a not distant date While tbeso reiKjrts aro intangible and cannot at present be as erllted to a definite source they nevertheless are reflected in high quarters and hood Is given thou by careful observers of international politics politicsTho Tho London Telegraphs Peking correspondent says China has formally protested to Japan against the landing at Shantung One hundred Chinese rebels armed with Japanese rifles led the Japanese to Tslino whore they began seizing and ransoming rich Chinese and marauding villages Tho Chinese troops attempting t advance to deal with the rebels are opposed by Japanese troops Important and farreaching developments aro immi ¬ nent nentBoth Both sides of the Gorman wodgo in Franco are again being pounded by the Allies tho British at ¬ tacking on the FrancoBelgian border and tho Fronh pressing homo against the Germans left flank The lighting between the British and Germans near Ypros In West Flanders is described as almost as tierce as the recent engagement at Neuv Cha ¬ pello when more than 0000 Englishmen ami Ger ¬ mans wore killed wounded or captured capturedThe The French military authorities have decided io drop ho charge of setting lire to the steamer La Tonraino which was preferred against the man known as Raymond Svvobnda says the Petit Parlsion Captain Bouchardnii tho otlicer appointed to investigate the case is credited with having expressed the opinion that there is not sullieienl evidence against tho prisoner to obtain a convic ¬ tion on this charge Ho still faces an accusation of espionage however howeverAttorneys Attorneys for Loo M Frank sentenced to death for the murder of Mary Phaguu at Atlanta and wlio t habeas mrpiiM case was decided adversely by the ITnilviI States Supremo court announced that no effort would IKS made to obtain a rehear ¬ ing before that tribunal They said an application for executive clcmcney would be presented to the Georgia prison commission at an early date dateAmong Among the news given out by the Overseas News ency at Berlin is the following Tho Hamburg Steam Navigation society has given a gold medal to Lieutenant Commander von Muecke first otlicer of the German cruiser Euidon who at tin head of a detail of men escaped from Cocas island whoa the Eniden was destroyed and brought his parly safely to Ilodeida Arabia ArabiaTwo Two Turkish torpedoboat destroyers were blown up says a Salonlki dispatch while passing thrmgli a mine belt which Russian ships had succeeded in laying across the entrance to the Boqmrous while the Turkish Hoot was cruising In tho Black sea The explosions caused by tho destruction of the two Turkish boats gave warning to the re ¬ mainder of the licet which was obliged to remain iu tho Black sea because no mine sweepers wore available availablelan lan ships the America and Maud and one Danish steamer the Ham niershus have IKOII ordered into the British prize court Part of the cargo of tho Swidlsh initor ship Pacific will be investigated by the prize court Foodstuffs and cotton make up the four cargoes Errors in certification are responsible for acilon in the cases of the Maud and Hammerslins All the ships sailed from United States ports portsA A London Dally Express correspondent cabling from northern France says At miens Friday thirty persons mostly civilians wore either killed or wounded by a single bomb dropped from a taube which proves that the Germans are using more deadly explosives Twentytwo houses woiv destroyed outright and many others wore seriuislv damaged damagedThere There is general satisfaction in Holland in OHiso qilonec of tho declaration by Germany f its will ¬ ingness to express regret and pay an indemnity in tlie event an Investigation proves that the Dutch steamer Katwyk was sunk by a German submarine through a mistake The irritation caused Itr the sinking of the Katwyk has almost completely sub ¬ sided sidedThe The Western Union Telegraph companys standard message rates between Xev York ami San Framisoo and its cable rates from Now York to points In Eng ¬ land were pronounced not unreasonable or unjustly diseriiiilnalory by the interstate commerce eoiimjis sif u Tho rale to San Francisco was attaiUed by W N AVhitt1 it Co produce dealers in Neu York because of the lower rates for press dispatches dispatchesThe The house bill legalizing ten round no decision Ixixing matches in the three first class cities of Minnesota Minneapolis St Paul and Diiluth passed the state senate 7 to after several min ¬ or amendments had been adopted Concurrence by the house in these amendments will be necessary be ¬ fore the bill goes to the governor governorKentuckys Kentuckys localoption law was uphold br the State Court of Appeals which declared vai l elec ¬ tions held last year iu four counties It Is stated that a number of other counties which luive iioeu deterred by tho doubtful legality of tho law shoitly will take steps to call localoption elections The prohibition forces describe the effect of the decision as a long step in making the state dry dryThe The preservation of the common interests of all the powers iu China by the insurance of the indo pendcnco and the integrity of the Chinese republic and the principle of equal opportunities f fir ir the commerce and Industry of all nations in China was declared by Sir Edward Groy foreign secrotary to lie the policy of the British government in China ChinaTho Tho Austrian war department gave mt the fol ¬ lowing otlicial statement In Russian Poland ami iu AVest Galioia thoro wore no particular events In tlie Carpathians with tho exception of unim ¬ portant lighting in the wooded mountains in which we raptured 127 Russians tho situation was quiet In southeast Gaiicia isolated artillery comiiats lixik place placeTho Tho discussion aroused by the memorandum re ¬ cently presented by tho German ambassador Count von IterustofT to the state department at Washing ¬ ton respecting American neutrality is being fol ¬ lowed with the keenest interest in AustriaHungary Tho tone of the press gemrally is hostile to the United States StatesForest Forest fires which have been raging in Pennsyl ¬ vania and southern Xew Jersey for several days aro assuming alarming proportions Aast areas of valuable woodlands have been devastated and sever ¬ al houses and barns have boon destroyed while several towns have been threatened with destruction Forces of the Union of South Africa have occu ¬ pied Kcetaailshop the most important town in Gor ¬ man Southwest Africa next to AViudho k tle cap ¬ ital It is an important railroad junction and gives Gen Botha the 1oer leader command of ihe rail ¬ road to AAindhock AAindhockThe The London Daily Telegraphs Copenhagen corre ¬ spondent says Special messages from Aionna state that great excitement prevails then owing to information received from the Treiitlni It is believed that war with Italy is imminent The Italian embassy is said to be prepared for de ¬ parture partureThe The French war ollice gave out a report on the progress of hostilities which says There have been particularly spirited artillery exchanges in the region of Solssons and in tho sectors of Reims and the Argonnes otherwise thoro is no rieww to give out outSince Since midnight of Sunday all communication be ¬ tween Germany and the Netherlands has ceased Tho frontier is completely closed not evoji persons with passes from the Gorman authorities being al ¬ lowed to cross crossFinancial Financial difficulties of the Chicago Rook Island Pacific Railway company wore brought to a head when Indgt Carpenter iu the Knifed States District court appointed Jacob M Dickinson former secretary of war and II U Mudge president of the railroad as receivers receiversAccording According to the Turkish war ollice eight war ¬ ships of the AngloFrench loot have boon damaged or sunk since the allies opened their binnbardmont while live others have been loss seriously dam ¬ aged The forts aro declared to have sulTored only minor damage damageThe The English Football Association has announced that with the close of tho present seasni on May i no more professional football games will be played until after tin war is ended endedThe The British admiralty announced officially that the British submarine E13 was destroyed in the Dardanelles by British picket boats boatsTho Tho total Prussian casualties iu the war aro now lllCilli according t six now lists of buses pub lislied in Berlin The six lists contained 2 2i2t i2t names namesTho Tho Austrian and Gorman ambassadors have com ¬ pleted preparations for departure from Rome at a moments notice should intervention occur nnex liocfedly liocfedlyThe The Aossicho Xoitung announces that Austria Hungary is about to float a now war loan of 210 010000 In Berlin Tho proposal is to issue treasury bonds payable after the war