Havre De Grace Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1915-04-21


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HAVRE DE GRACE FORM CHART HAVRE DE GRACE MD TUESDAY APRIL 20 1915 Fifth day Harford Agriculture and Breedc Association Spring Meeting of 14 days 7 books on Weather showery Racing starts at il0 p in Chicago time 10 p in AV indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance or each race indicate indc and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile 7840 11 1 01 Purse 40n 2OO31 Selling Net value to winner ISIMK second F70 third Index Horses AWtPPSt t Ms i Sir Fin Jockeys O II C P S 20028 = PROGRKSSIVE wr 5 108 1 fi Oi 1 U ShlllinK Mrs T Francis C 7 7 1131 17SKU WATEU MIA w 4 IOS a 4 1 in 1i 2U C Turner R F Carman S 1 12 3 2 I01GCOY viiulCS 1 1 I1 AV Ural A J rteinhardt 3 5 4 32 710 200 J 6 GLINT w G lia S 4 47 4 ti T Rico A Turney S5 L C3 1 14 20021 SHERWOOD wsn S 111 5 J r CA 3 5 E Taplin J W Hedrick C 2 45 45J 20004 FLY HOMH w3 97 7 S S if J C P Louder V Martin 3 10 10 15 7 7Ci 18441 3BE5N QUINCE wn 4 110 4 V Si Ci 7 C Fbther E Witte 40 HO GO 0 10 10Si 20025 GOH RUSSELL wn 5 IIS 7 fi fi Si S A ScluiterMrsJilGoodman 12 20 13 fi Li 20023 HUDAS BTHEU W 4 115 15 l 7 7Time 7 t K Trosler W J Mclllniurray CO iJ 40 15 0 Time 23 4 i iWinner l13 5 Track fast Winner Ch h by Cesarion Star Cat trailed 1 by J Arthur Arthurrt Went to nist at 2Sr At post 1 minute Sta rt good and slow Won driving s cond and third the same PROGRESSIVE was off well but dropped i Kick and was saved under slight r straint while going down the backslretch then slipped through on the inside when entering the boniest ret li and having dis posed of the tiring COY in the tinal sixteenth won goijig away WATER LILV raced nto the lead on the last turn but was tiring at the end COY set a fast early pace but also tired in the st elcn drive GLINT ran fairly well SHERWOOD finished close up and so did FLY HOME The winner w is entered for 700 noi bid bidScratched Scratched a K8 = LocliieI 115 1002 Uncle Mtm 118 atKllsJoe Finn 110 Saturnus 105 Overweights Sherwood 1 pound SECOND RACE About 2 Miles 17540 57 1 142 Steeplechase Purse 00 4yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 45iJ second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt j 0 i Fin Jockeys O H C P S 11473RHOMB w C 145 4 5 1 1 F AVillnis I AAr Garth S5 2 45 13 out outj5 18621 FOXCRAFT w G 117 1 4 j5 jc w Allen P S P Randolph 1 32 32 12 out 20007 JUDGE AVALSER w G 137 137ll 3 3s S StevsonC K Rockwell i15 25 20 G 2 ll 917 FROG w 7 137 4 4 E AAalker A J Reinhardt 12 20 20 G S5 S55s 18508 ROGER GORDON w 4 132 5s G = AV Kohler C K Rockwell t 5 25 20 G 2 20007 SIR CALEDORE w 4 132 3 2 6 = l 5 6 6 J Smith E J McGraw 15 30 30 S 1J 18404 LADY GRANT w 4 130 7 1 2s 5s Fell C Schtzer J F Sweeney 15 20 1C C 2 18400 SUN KING ws 4 132 S 3 Bolted J Dupee A D Parr 15 20 20 C 2 2iLouplcd iLouplcd in betting no separate place or show hettlnz hettlnzTime Time 406 Track fast AMnner fastAMnner Ch g by Fatherless Diamoutina trained by L W Garth GarthAVent AVent to post at 250 At post 1 minute Start geod and slow Won easily second and third driving RHOMB fenced well and after being saved for the lirst turn of the Held took the lead when his rider was wasr r dy and was going away at the end FOXCRAFT raced well un throughout md ea d d sale JUDGE WALSER was outrun early but closed a gap and finished resolutely ROGER GORDON ran green and pecked at several of the fences FRoG linished well LADY GRANT fell at the twelfth jump md SUN KING bolted at the lirst THIRD RACE 5 12 2OO33 upward Selling I Net value to winner I55 second f7 third 0 AWtPPSt VI Vi Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 5 10G I 2 2w 2l I1 C Miller J S Ownbey 3 3i 2 4 20017 SARSENET w 3 J5 2 3 2 J McCaheyll T Wilson 1151152 7 UM512 CLIFF FIELD 4 tlO 1 G 4 3 AV Lillcy L J Carey 15 20 20 S Sn 20020s UELAMOUlt G 112 G 4 n 4 E Taplin J AV Hetlrick S5 2 2 7 7fi1 20015 MAMIE K 3 100 31 fi1 5 = J McKver H S Kearney GO so SO 25 IN PARIl w 3 7 G E Forehcl R Parr 30 loo 10 J to tor 20005 ROLALA w 4 102 7 7 G = G3 r 5 = 7 II Llresch A Turney 10 12 10 3 G 5 5Time slowA Time 23 1S5 108 Track slow OwnbevAVent A inner B m by Peep oDay My Gem trained bv J S Ownbev AVent to post at 21 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing VANDA P1TZER after racing in closest pursuit from the start wore RELAMOUR down when straightened away in the stretch and taking the lead was doing her best at tlio end to otitstav SAR IM1 The latter was saved for the first half and finished with a rush CLIFF FIELD closed a big gap and was wearing the leaders down at the end RELAMOUR set a fast pace to the last eighth and tired Hie others were beaten off There was a heavy downiKiur of nin when the horses paraded to the post for Ihe race The winner was entered for 1200 no bid OOO fczL FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 7K10 111 01 Third Running Eclair Handicap VJvOtt 1000 added Hyearolds and upward Net value to winner f 1120 second 200 Index Horses Sir Fin Jocki O II C P S 20003SLUMHER II w 1 110 31 li 1 = 1 1 M IJuxton II I AVhitney S5 2 20009 POMETTE HLEU wn 4 10T 2 3 2 2s 2 = 2 J McCaheyll T Wilson 33 13 1 453SURPRISING w 4 11 1 2 3 3 3 3 C Turner U F Carman 7 S slowA 1 me 24 48 114 Track slow A inner B g by Hamburg I irget trained bv A Simons SimonsAVent AVent to post at 4J At pos minutes Start good and slow Won casilv second and ng SLUMBER II a rapid begiui er dashed into a safe lead at once and racing next to be entire way was shaken up on the t irn for home and drew away to win easing up POMETTE II under slight restraint for the lirst uarter then moved up with a rush but could never get to St UPRISING was always outpaced and ran as if short shortScratched Scratched 2n 0 Ten Point iKI 20021 Emerald Gem 10O 1 I01S Jesse Jr OS 2O035 Index Horses AAVtPPSt it Sir Fin Jockeys O H C P S 10 10 10 4 2 15 40 40 12 G 20011 PATON wi 7 115 1 10 10 0 51 3 = 3s J McCuheyA P Doyte 3 3J 3 75710 2001 1RUZX AROUND wi 4 105 4 3 G1 G = f ii1 4 R Shilling Mrs J Arthur 3421 35 2001 1SUPRBME w 4 107 2 1 52 5 4l 4 V P Louder J F Smith 5 7 2 G 2001 IAI5BOTSFORD ws 5 107 10 J S1 S 71 C1 II HiimmerMiss M Oliver G 10 10 SC SC181J55 181J55 COL ASHMEADE wr S 112 5 5 1U l 3 G 7l H Brcsch C C Smithson 20 40 10 15 7 10072LOE DAY wit G 110 G 2 7 lo 1 SJ I HartwolIM I Howser 10 20 15 G 2i 2iI90TAMERLAXE I90TAMERLAXE w 3 100 3 G 3 41 S 9 AA Lillcy P M AValker 5 G 5 21 2120043AVEYANOKE 20043AVEYANOKE wr 5 110 J S 85 7 10 0 10 D StewardW Smith 5 12 12 4 2 2Time goodWinner Time 24V 49 114 1414J l45 l45s s Track good Winner B bv Ilermis Bermuda Lily trained bv J Booker BookerAVent AVent to post at 41S At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second ami third driving HLRMUDA raced in closest pursuit and raced COLONEL ASHMEADE into defeat and saving ground on tlie turns drew away easily in the linal quarter HAS F GRAINGER raced well and was on the outside ti r the entire way but was tiring at the cud PATON was off slowly but closed a big gap and would have iHen second in a few more strides BUZ AROUND also closed a gap but tiusbed In close quarters next to the rail SUPREME was shuttled back on the first turn COLONEL ASHMEADE set a good pace to the stretch and quit The winner was entered for 4IM no bid bidScratched Scratched 20012 Chuckles 112 10002 Beau Pcre 107 10005 Colonel Cook 115 20002 Cogs 115 0011 Dr Diienner 112 1005 Col Fred 101 Overweights Tamerlane 4 pounds SIXTH RACE 12 Mile 2 xil5 2O036 Lights Xet value to winner i00 second 70 third Index Horses Str Fin Jockey O II C P S 19HS5 TOM EMVARD w 110 7 3 P r 1U J Butwell E McBridt 21 1G521 132 132IJ8y IJ8y IOLITE 107 t I 21 2s 2 J Dreyer A 1 Steele 1 G311101 1 20022 TYPOGRAPHY A 107 7 3 3 35 r Turner II F Carman S S K 3 7 20008 IJIIOOM CORN 107 1 1 i t I AV Lillcy G A CoHiran s 10 S 3 7 10835 ELLEN SMYTH v 107 K G G 5 5 F Adams P I Sullivan 10 20 o S 3 3I I Or Id NARMAR willO G 2 3ii G G3 J Metcalf A I Spreckels 15 20 d S 3 10835 SEMP STALAVART v 110 2 S N S 71 T Rice AV L Oliver 20 25 20 X 3 3TINGALING TINGALING 110 3 5 7 7 S E AnibroseQuiney Stable 10 20 20 G 3 3Time Time 23 36V5 48 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner Pr e by McGee Trisaiice trained bv T J Shannon ShannonWent Went lo post at 415 At post minules Start good ami slow AVon easilv second and bird dri ing TOM KLWAltD took the lead quickly and sotting i fast pice luld the others StIV lironiiiritt iii won in a ranter inllTK riced in nearest pursuit and finished fas and gamelyV TYPOGRAPHY be slowly but closed up groirid and finished resolutely PROOM CORN only raced moderately well T others were always olltoaccd Scratched 20022 Will Cash 110 Little Dipper 107 Tattktale 110

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915042101/drf1915042101_3_5
Local Identifier: drf1915042101_3_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800