Getting Ready For Derby Day.: Management of New Louisiville [Louisville] Jockey Club Preparing to Accomodate Huge Crowd at Downs., Daily Racing Form, 1915-04-21


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GETTING READY FOR DERBY DAY Management of New Louisivillc Jockey Club Pre ¬ paring to Accomodate Huge Crowd at Downs Iiere will be a tola tolaof of fortyone parimntuel machines in o eration at Churchill Downs on Saturday May S the day Ihe Kentucky Derbv is to lie decided at this beautiful racing plant of the New Louisville Jockey Club fids is the greatest number of these devices ever installed on any track in Kentucky for a single afternoon of racing May S vyill inaugurate the lortvlirst annual spring meeting at this huge plant and this year the spring meeting of sport here will run for a doen racing days ending on Friday May 21 when the Kentucky Oaks will be decided decidedOn On Derby Dav thirtylive of the machines will be Installed in the enlarged betting ring at the Downs and the remaining six will In located under the grandstand at the club house entrance for the arcomodatioii of patrons of that exclusive portion of the grounds Those set up for the club house patrons will all be of the S2 variety and will consist of two for straight wagering two for place and two for show Of those in the big ring there will be three selling 25 tickets one straight one place and one show three for 10 tickets one straight one place and one show seven for 1 tickets three straights two place and two show and twentytwo selling 2 tickets nine for straight six for place and seven for show showOperating Operating these machines will provide employ ¬ ment lor thirtyseven ticket sellers and the same number of cashiers It will also be necessary to have ten men in the administration building to at ¬ tend to the money changing and six men in the ticket room There will also be as usual not loss than four men working calculators and in front of the betting ring will lie two change stands for Ihe accommodation of the public especially those who make their wagers in the 2 machines machinesTlio Tlio betting ring as now constructed and en ¬ larged at Churchill Downs is arranged so as to avoid any congestion in the future at this great racing plant no matter how enormous a crowd may be present Heretofore the chief congestion in the betting ring arose from the fact that the cashiers windows were on the same side on which the tickets were sold They are now around the corner from the machines and the space they formerly occupied is open to tie public What great congestion was experienced around the ma ¬ chines came chiefly where the 2 tickets were sold and the extra machines of this variety will relieve such congestion in the future futureEverything Everything will be done at the Downs this spring not only on Derby Day but during the entire meeting to make the wagering in pari mutuel machines convenient Two minutes after the horses pass the posts the devices will be re ¬ leased by the supirvisor of the machines acting lor the Kentucky State Racing Commission Ami it is safe to say that inside of ten minutes after the oflicial numbers are put up that the value of ouch ticket will be posted and the holders of the winning tickets will be able to cash them at a moments notice The thirtyseven cashiers on duty on Derbv Day at the Downs will be employed during the entire twelve days of the meeting meetingEuircne Euircne Elrod who will have charge of the betting ring at the Downs was at the track this morn ¬ ing going over all the details with President diaries F Grainger and Manager M J AVinn and everything already is in shape for the big opening on Derby Day two weeks from the coming Saturday Every mail brings inquiries about the cominu race meeting and with many of these let Urs are orders for boxes and SLats in tlie grand ¬ stand on Derby Day The orders for such reserva ¬ tions top all records recordsM M B Criiber has taken his Kentucky Derby candidate Little String to Ix iugtiii to give the son of imported MiGee a race or two as final preparation for the big stake He is regarded as one of the sure starters in the race and even those who ridicule his showing of last year as a twoyearold as compared with some of the other cracks engaged in the big race concede that if the track that day should be muddy as has been the case on several other occasions in the history of the race he will have a better chance than otherwise Little String has unquestionably im vrovod since last fall So far he has worked a mile about as well as any other of the locally trained Derbv eligible and as most of the get of his sire improve with age he may make a useful threeyearold threeyearoldWord Word has been received at the Downs from James Rowe trainer of H P Whitneys big stable that he has twentyone horses at present in his string U is supposed that he intends to bring the bulk of this collection to the Downs the last of this week in company with the Derby candidates which include the unbeaten lilly Regret Trainer Rowe reports that Regret has done well in her spring training this season and other in ¬ formation from Rrookdale Farm is to the effect that this daughter of Broomstick is as grand a threeyearold lilly as has been seen in iiiiiuv seasmis seasmisP P T Chinn lias installed a novel contrivance at the Downs to perfect J Livingstons English bred horses in breaking from the barrier He has hail a rope stretched from his stable to a nearby tree and every time these youngsters leave the liarn to go on the track to work they are forced to go under this rope As they are taken out they are lined up at this rope which touches their noses just a the barrier does at the start of a nice Most of the voiingsters are well behaved on the track and look as if they will race well Herman Brandt who has in charge the division of this stable which is now at Lexington has informed Mr Chinn that the Englishbred Derby candidate Royal II is doing nicely in bis work and he is now regarded as nearly a certain starter in the classic this spring Before leaving the Downs Ibis cdt worked a mile in 144 after having wintered as well as any cot in training He i credited with having keen speed and Messrs Chinn and Brandt both think he is a real stayer stayerIlie Ilie only unwelcome news from the Livingston stable at Lexington is to the effect that tin great sprinter Iron Mask may not be able to raco Ibis and in fact there is some doubt if he will ever again IM able to show in races the once brilliant form he displayed Despite his long letup of more than a year his legs are still under suspicion and it will take a lot of nursing to get him to the post postTrainer Trainer Will McDaniel will not take to Lexing ¬ ton any of the William Gerst horses now quartered at Chiirchill Downs There is no Derby candi ¬ date in this string this season but Mr Gerst has some useful racing material and some promis ¬ ing twoyearolds which will 1 Derby candidates next year This stable has two promising riders under contract this season but trainer McDaniel will not let either of them g to Lexington to ride One of them is F Robinson who was second on the list for the Havana meeting and the other is E Lamasler The latter can ride j s light as 0i pounds and the former can ride at 100 100AA AA W Darden i due to arrive t the Downs today from Tennessee with several likely racers including tlie Kentucky Derby candidate Dortch DortchConsiderable Considerable work was done by the horses at Cliurchill Downs yesterday but none of the Derby candidates did any fast breezing except Last Coin in the stable of James Butler This unbeaten colt went a mile and an eighth in 202 covering tin first mile in 145 He wa under hard re ¬ straint all the way and apparently could have run a fast mile This colt inmrcsscs horsemen great lv every time he appears on the track and apparently he has tic speed of the wind Comely also in the Butler strimr and almost a ceiNin starter in the Kentucky Oaks worked a mile with Doublet and Dervish pulling up in 152 and she also apparently is rapidly rounding to racing form In fact all tlie Bulk horses seem to be doing as well as trainer R Rensen could ask askPinnizcwing Pinnizcwing tin Kentucky Oaks winner of last season went a mile aro nd 150 paced by the old ililig Sir Catesby She seems to improve with v track appearance and has so far gone somfdly in all her trials Trainer Dan Lohan thinks she will fulfill every expectation this spring and l as good a lilly a he was last season when she ran third to Old Rosebud and Hodge in the Kentucky Derby DerbyAnother Another racer that wintered at the Downs which looks exceedingly well is Lady Panehitu a speedy mare owned bv J Umensetter She looks better than when she lirst came 01 the turf She was unite sick here last fall at the same time that ICiva also a member of this stable was similarly afflicted Mr Umensetter took Kiva to Juarez where she rounded to and won wonIM IM Jasper racing secretarv at the Louisville and Liitonia tracks has arrived at the Downs from his home in Cincinnati where be went for a few davs after linishinz his duties as eretary at Juarez He will busy himself until Derby Day assisting Secretary II C Applegate of the New Louisville Jockey Club in getting out the book nrngraiu for the coming spring meeting at the Downs A Iortion of this issue Is now in the bauds f tic printer and the bok in full will be ready for distribution among horsemen during the earlv part of the coming meeting at Lexington It will to one of the most pretentious programs ever issued by any track for a race nutting It is the lirst book over issued br a Kentucky race track with a daily program of seven races each after ¬ noon noonTlu Tlu woll1imwn performer Al Wormwood owned Iv l If Short who also has Freda Johnson at the Cliurchill Downs track died yesterday at that course from an attack of ulcurlsv contracted on tb cars whle being shipped from Juarez He was quite a good performer especially iu the mud aiid was a winner at tin Mexican course last winter winterAll All the other horses shipped here from Juarez landed in good shape Of these the horses of A C Woodman look extra good he having in his string Toynbee Sparkler Dick Deadwood and the speedy sprinter Kii Brazos Sparkler is a maiden threeyearold that has never started and is quite a promising gelding He is a son of the noted race horse Mien which he resembles to a great degree He had had luck in training as a two yearold but has come around in good shape and bids fair to make good for his patient owner Woodman has the reputation as a trainer of wait ¬ ing longer on a horse than any other man handling horses and it may bo midsummer before Sparkler carries colors colorsJ J E Madden opcnt Sunday here looking over his big string of horses at the Downs While here he had Dr Cann ueld one of his colts a two yearold that has been in training all spring With the exception of Sam McMeekin a Kentucky Derby candidate none of the Madden horses here is far advanced in training all appearing to bo still high in tlesh and none of them has shown any fast trials as yet It is presumed that the horses he has iHon going slow with will be shipped to New York probably before tlio spring meeting begins at the Downs DownsTo To settle a controversy between horsemen as to how long it really takes a great horse to re ¬ ceive preparation to win a Kentucky Derby race it is only necessary to state that on the report of F D Weir Old Rosebud the recordbreaking win ¬ ner of the Derby last season was not taken up to be put in training for the great race until February lii Vt that he is probably the only horse that ever won this great event on such brief training really less than two months prepara ¬ tion It is understood that this season trainer Weir will make no attempt to race Old Kosebud before midsummer at Saratoga though it is likely he will bring him to Churchill Downs with his string at the close of the coming Lexington meet

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