untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1915-04-21


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DAILY RACING FOtiM PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY Daily Racing Form Publishing Co 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILLINOIS Entered as secondclass matter April 2 1S0 at tlie postoffice at Chicago Illinois under the Act of March 1879 SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE ADVANCEPer Per Week CO COPer Per Month 150 150Half Half Year 900 900One One Year liOO liOOThe The above rates are for single copies as sealed letters firstclass mail mailBAdlC BAdlC NUMBERS 5 CENTS EACH If sent by mail firstclass only sir cents Dallv Racing Form Publishing Co prefers to send Single copies as firstclass nmil in all cases casesLocal Local subscriptions outside the downtown dis ¬ trict will be declined at other than Urstclass mall matter rates A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph Editor and Proprietor F II Brunell BrunellAssociate Associate Editor Clinton C Riley RileySecretary Secretary Mrs F 11 Brnnell TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON For business and circulation purposes only This telephone has no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be used to com ¬ municate with them To be considered and answered all queries 10 Dally Racing Form must be sent over the full name ami with the address of writer The names and ad ¬ dresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test ST LOUIS MO OFFICE 112 N BROADWAY Win leaser General Agent Telephone Bell Olive 4053 Back numbers and monthlies supplied CINCINNATI O OFFICE 720 MAIN ST W S Manns General Agent AgentTelephone Telephone Canal 1S77 Back numbers and monthlies supplied DETROIT MICH OFFICE 85 CONGRESS ST West Corner Wayne Street StreetL L Grosseup General Agent Telephones Main 32rii City 3252 Back numbers and monthlies supplied LOUISVILLE KY OFFICE 202 FOURTH AVE AVEC C T Deariug General Agent Cumberland Phone Maiu 3155 3155Home Home Phone City 1508 Back numbers and monthlies supplied PITTSBURGH PA OFFICE 807309 THIRD AVL 11 A Scliafcr News Co General Agent Back numbers and monthlies supplied Summit Cigar Store 115 South Maiu Street ANACONDA MONT MONTJ J M Minor 111 Main Street BLUE ISLAND ILL j II D Wattles 10 Union Street StreetU U J Seldenberg Ellicott Square Newsstand j BUTTE MONT MONTKeefe Keefe Bros 27 West Park Street CHARLESTON S C 15 Doscher 242 Meeting Street CLEVELAND OHIO 1 C Btuld 022 Superior Avenue AvenueO O S Schroeiler 212 E Superior Street DAYTON OHIO OHIOPony Pony House Newsstand NewsstandKendrlckBellamy KendrlckBellamy Co 900912 Seventeenth Streei StreeiConey Coney Island Newsstand 109 N Oregon Street StreetJ J J Harrington News Dealer 11G Mills Street EVANSVILIiE 1ND C H Stockwell 201 Upper Second Street HAMILTON ON1 McArthurs News Agency 12 Rebecca Street StreetThomas Thomas French SO James Street North HOT SPRINGS ARK ARKO O H Weaver Co 258 Central Street INDIANAPOLIS IND J A Moeslein Newsstand Waiting Room Termi ¬ nal Station JAMESTOWN N Y 1 A Jacobson 1 South Main street streetV V Ricksecker Cigar and News Co Ninth and Walnut WalnutStreets Streets KENOSHA W1S W1SC C H Ernst Co 271 Main Street LEXINGTON KV KVE E T Graves 100 North Limestone Street StreetW W E Hudson Maiu and Limestone Streets LINCOLN ILL ILLB B M Nelson 409 Pulaskl Street MeKEESPORT PA PALloyd Lloyd Torreyson TorreysonFrank Frank W Torreyson MEMPHIS TENN TENNWorld World News Co CoPealKMly PealKMly Holel Newsstand MILWAUKEE AVIS AVISFrank Frank Mulkerri Tlilrd and Grand Avenues MINNEAPOLIS MINN MINNM M N DitTIel r 0 South Tliird Street NASHVILLE TENN TENNZihart Zihart Bros 701 Church Street NEW ORLEANS LA LAO O E Hill 10S St Charles Street OGDEN UTAH UTAHKd Kd A Munsey 48 2rth Street OKLAHOMA CITY OKLA OKLAMarch March Daily News Co Main and Broadway PEORIA ILL ILLPeorla Peorla Newsstand 500 Main Street SALT LAKE CITY UTAH UTAHChas Chas W McGiitis News Dealer SPOKANE WASH WASHStnbeck Stnbeck Gambel TOLEDO OHIO OHIOT T E Mattimore 142 St Clair Street CHICAGO ILLINOIS APRIL 21 lill

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915042101/drf1915042101_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1915042101_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800