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BllADLEYS CHOICE IS FIT GOOD RACER IN BRADLEY STABLE WORK3 FASTEST MILE OF THE SEASON Senator Caimlcns Lulte Suffers Another Hemorrliage Hemorrliageand and Is Counted Out of the Kentucky Derby Other Timely News from Lexington Lexington Ky April 0 All possibility of former senator Johnson N Camden having a starter in the Kentucky Derby unless he should acquire one by purchase or lease went glimmering this morning when his famous oneeyed colt Luke win ¬ ner of the Kreeders Futurity of last spring bled profusely before he had gone a hiilf mile in what was intended to be a workout with the Oaks lillv One Step It may be that Luke along with Solly wilj summer at Spring Hill Farm FarmThe The fastest mile of the season over the Ken ¬ tucky Association track 1 was shown this morning by KradlcyS Choice from the string of E R Kradley In preparation for their local engagements ami the Kentucky Derby Emerson Cochrau and Pit Jr worked a mile in 111 im ¬ pressively for Jack Uaker Chalmers never willing to work alone loafed aling a mile in lHi Com monada went a mile easily in 11 and Little String another Derby candidate circled the track handily in 141 Kank Kill worked in I and Irish Centleman and Kirka in 145 145Marion Marion Coosby one of the Mose Moores Derbv eligildes worked threequarters in 114 It was the Inst move of the morning at that distance while others worked as follows followsKars Kars and Stars Threeeighths in U Keach Comber Threequarters in 11 Kelle of Kryn Mawr Threequarters in lll 7f Kob Heiisley Threequarters in 110 Kringhnrst Threequarters in 117 Cash tn Delivery Threequarters in 117 Harbard Threequarters in 11C Hazazza Threequarters in 11 Helen Karbee Threeeighths in Iron Mask Threequarters in 11M John Cella Half mile in 5175 Kiiiiiey Half mile in 51 51Little Little Nephew Threequarters in 117J K Mattie C Fiveeighths in 10 k kaii aii Maid Threeqiiartefi jn JLclDif i fe ITlnee Eugene Threequarters InllS tfiWVii itjrtThreeeighths In SairVega ThreemmrMrs in 11V Wjijju Crowji fffjjf mile in 48 Arrivals today Included J W Schorrs string of nine Eddie Deljing Cohlcrest Kov Lindentliiih Pleasureville Uoldtrtst Cirl Disturber Littln Cretehen Politician and John W Klein James A MacManus with Presumption Robinetta Cilt Edge and Tatiana Dan Lchan with Sir Catesby and three others and E J OConnell with Carrie Unniv Jockey H Stearns is with OConnell OConnellJockey Jockey Sentry arrived today with his father wh will make his engagements Jockey Joe Kcderis Johnny McTaggart Tommy McTaggart and V J OKrien the latter in company with W C Yanko came in today The Yiinke horses Wilhite Gipsy Ijove Krave Flying Feet Oakland Nobleman and Pilly Joe will be here tomorrow from Imisville When they are put away at Frankland farm on Winchester Road every available stall at or near the track will have been occupied There were never so many horses here as now nowFred Fred Gocd of Cincinnati who has four two yearolds in William Wallaces stable came in today from Havre de Crace and says the meeting there is a great one from the financial standpoint I have not in a lung time aid he ecn as much money in circulation as there is about Ialti more just now It is a great year for racing sure John It McLanghlin and his hrotlnrs Matt Ed Tiim and Jim today entertained a number of friends of the turf at a tish fry at Lake Ellerslie It was a great feast The guests included Col W K Apnlegato T C McDowell T P Hayes llarner MeUcvitt Charles K Ellison W C Yanke jockey W J OKrien J W May Gene Elrod John Galla her J C Jrockmiller William H Shcllev John T Ireland U L Kakcr Charles H Hughes Dick yilliams Harry Laudtman James McAllister Most Kosterman William Wallace Leonard Shousc Shiriff Tom C Itrailley John J Calvin Louis Feiber and T K Cromwell CromwellW W M Cain and Dick Williams trainer for J L Holland are in controversy over the contract on jockey Guy Garner One has a contract signed by the mother of the biv and the other a con ¬ tract signed by the father The Kentucky State Racing inmission probably will settle the matter at its meeting here tomorrow