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GERMAN RACING TO BE RESUMED Berlin Germany April 20 It is regarded Sir racing circles as virtually certain that racing will be resumed in Germany this year The first fix ¬ tures will lie a scries of sis Sunday races at lloppe gartou near Berlin leginning May 10 to test public sentiment sentimentFinal Final forfeit day for the years two most impor ¬ tant raws leaves thirtyone entries for the Berlin grand prize and forty for the Hamburg Derby whlcn is about normal Sportsmen are convinced that rac ¬ ing is sure to lie held at Berlin Hamburg Frank ¬ fort Cologne Dresden Leipzig and possibly Munich and Stuttgart StuttgartThere There is no present effort to revive trotting and stecplechasing because the gentlemen riders are serving In the army Plans for rlat racing embrace nnlv May June and July and its continuation wil depend upon public support supportSeveral Several English trainers have been released from the detention camp at Uuhlebeii because of the shortage of fliclent German trainers and jockeys American trainers MoCreary Fred Taral and Camp bell and jockeys Willie Shaw and George Archibald have been engaged for the season