Second Race [2nd Havre de Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1915-04-21

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SECOND RACE 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling iS40 AL BLOCK br h 5 104 104y By Voorhees Georgia VI S Lewis y 9C Bowie 7S l29fast 710 112 1121K4 Ink ih T MoTagt I J5 Aionud Kiiiuht YorkLad 1K4 Bowie 51 f 1OS fast 4 112 1121SG07 It 3J M Buxton 10 Viley Uicliwood loe Kuiuhi 1SG07 Charlen 1 143 fast 1S5 113 113ISTJG 2s 1 AV Lilley S YellowEyes Astrologer Uerrard ISTJG Cliarlun 34 lltfast 4 112 1121S3U 1 I3 W Lilley 10 Perth Hock Stentor Priwer 1S3U Latonia 34 l13Afast flcl IOS IOS171CO 11 II7 J Hanoverl Coy Glint Utiblcon II 171CO I exgton 34 l13fast 4 114 71 7 i NV W Tlorl2 Little Father Grosveuor Snregei 17 W7 Ixxgton 34 119 hvy 123 115 3J 3s W W Tlor 7 Salon Curlicue Claxonetto 16990 LexRton T54 l12fttst 34 115 1 J Sloan 4 SofDanube Starltose Yemassce 14581 Douslas 34 112 fast C 2J 1 C DIshmon 7 Mlmorloso Coy Flying Vankee VankeeBy LADY LONDON br m 5 By Hermis Lida B W Smith l r Bowie 7S l lllCiOG llflrast 4X ins 4 11 i1 M Matttrs U 1 K Batiery Petelus Petelus4l llCiOG Bowie 24 1 1liS97 115 fast 10 110 fi 4l 4s M Maths S York Lad Thesieres Plne Jay liS97 Bowie 31 l ll llSslow 75 110 4 21 2l M Matthsl2 Henrietta V Stentor Lazuli l S3t Bowie 34 l lMfast 7 107 2 41 3s M Mthewsl Star Gift Pharaoh C Klliott 11100 NOrlns 34 l l13goo l 4 103 C 3 2 it MthewslS Uirka Dicks Pet Blue Jay 19332 NOrlns 34 l l13Vfast S5 105 7 5 4J M M thews 8 Broouisedge J Iconise CannocU 19291 NOrlns 34 l lWM l12Cast a 110 4 2 i 3S M Mthewsll Altamha TllusylKidy Camellia WM NOrlns 34 l lllat lI5ysgood 5 103 11 11iflOG 3t 2 M Mthewsl2 Viley Jessie Louise Toddling llat NOrlns 5ifl 5ifl11KI42 iflOG fast S 110 a 41 3J M Mthewsll Ollagan Broomsedge Priwer 11KI42 Juarez 34 l l1SSS3 l135fast 12 IOS 3 41A 2l M Mthewslo Mercurinm LoueStar TIglitISu7 1SSS3 Juarez S5 f l l1SS4S lQSslow 2 105 2 S S14M M thews S Eye White CWKenuon Ialnia 1SS4S Juarez 58 l lNEW l03hvy 3 110 C C 453 M Mthews 7 VelieForty Category Minnie F FBy NEW HAVEN b e 6 By Filigrane Ethel Thomas W Smith 20012 HdeGce 4 l l1990S lMfast 3 12 2 4 33 M Mthews Tliesieres 1ncle Ben Sleuth 1990S Bowie 34 l l1JIS5S l14fast 4i 111 5 31 56 M Matths S Yodeiing Brandywine MCasca 1JIS5S Bowie 34 l l14fast 135 113 1 1J 1 1J M Matthsl2 Chuckles Joe Knight Laura Laura3J 19293 NOrlns SJ J f l lMifast 41 IOS 3 3J 31 M Mthews S Galirio Mclicka Salon 19239 NOrlna 34 l l13fasit S3 112 4 I3 I4 M Mthewsl2 Cliff Top Iridescence Coirs 1S142 NOrlns 5i f 107 fast 20 IOS 1 ih GJ M Mthewsll Miss Declare M Casca Colors 1J 2 M Mthews S Furlong Mimorioso Lackrose 19033 Juarez 51 f lOCfast S 103 4 41S34C 31 3 M Mthews 4 PXareta LitWill KathineG 1S34C Latonia 34 l12fast 4i 114 5 5SIR 7l G J Loftus 14 TheKeach LLondou Rio Brazos SIR DYKE b B 6 100 By Modred Nellie Spur H Phillips 19363 NOrlns 34 l13fast 13u 114 5 32 21 K Goose 12 Oakland Altamaha Brka 15271 NOrlns CJ f lOGfast 10 102 7 71U219 4 = 21 J McTagrt S Jim Basey Viley Luther 1U219 NOrlns 34 l13fast u 112 3 319H2 4 C9 R Goose S J Basey II Brother Altamaha 19H2 NOrlns 5i f 107 fast 0 114 fl fl1SS47 9l S J MclntyrelU MissDeclare MarCasca Colors 1SS47 Juarez 5J f l14lwy 3 110 2 21S702 2 I1 L Gentry 7 ThisBelle AV Bear LHAdaii 1S702 Juarez 5J f 112 slop 21 110 4 41SC73 5l 3 J Acton 7 Mater Judge Sale Bird Man 1SC73 Juarez 78 l24Cast 15 109 2 21SC31 1J 33J D Stirling 0 GMarchinont Flitaway Ask Ma 1SC31 Juarez 34 lllCast 15 G 3 31S5S3 yf 3J A Mott 4 Pan Xareta Hocliir Flitaway 1S5S3 Juarez 51 f lOGfast 15 100 4 3J 3 A Mott 7 Othello Grover Hiighcs Orb o f lUSgood 31 IOS 6 1 1J D Stirling 10 An to Maid Tempest Vlreo VlreoBy JOE FINN blk g 5 104 104C0011 By Heno Alchemy W A Burttschell C0011 HcleGce Im70yl43sfast 3 10210 21 23 P Louder la Jawbone Mercurinni Abtsford 19970 Bowie 7S l27Sifast 9 103 3 319S40 3 5s F Coleman 0 Joe Deibold Celto Isidora 19S40 Bowie 1 l43fast 1 5 519CC3 12 1 = P Louder G Orperth St Lazurian T Field 19CC3 Havana 5S f 115 hvy 113 109 1 119G35 2J 2i Allen i A N Akin Envy Buzz Around 19G35 Havana 34 l13fast 4 IOC 3 3 45i D Connelly G Enier Gem BCnnarder WLad 19330 Havana 34 lMfast 13C 107 2 2194S7 2 1 F Coleman S Briar Path Kncore Colic 194S7 Havana 34 116 good 25 105 G 2 1s H Lafferty 0 Briar Path L Paul Progressive 1431 Havana 34 l20hvy 4 IOC 3 31SS28 is ink F Coleman S YelEycs LaMode CMacFerran 1SS28 Cliarlen 5i f l09ROod 2 113 3 31SG79 6 671 R Troxler G Brandywine Useeit VullwEyw 1SG79 Charlen 1 l41fast 135 10G 2 2lSrSU 1s I3 J Dreyer 7 Orn rtli Chartier Nash lSrSU Cliarlen ImlOy l42fast 3J IOS 4 41S5TS 3 31 H LalTerry 5 HarShaw ClifTFipld IGardneJ 1S5TS Charlen 1 l42fast 5 104 2 1s I1 H Lafferty S Nash Chartier Bayby Candle 18490 FTdpPV 34 113fast 8 109 10 10HRANDYWINE 4i 4i T rireyer 14 H Strpnm Grazelh Undaunted UndauntedBy HRANDYWINE ch b 5 99 By Stalwart Miss Canale J Wilkinson 0000 Bowie OJ f lOSfast 1G5 110 C CliS Ink iu v Ural 7 MarCasca KlMahdi Palm Leaf liS Bowie OS f lOSfaHt 5 100 S SISfifiS 2S 21 W Ural S Viley Thesieres Colors ISfifiS Bowie 31 l14fast 7 109 7 5s 2J W Ural S Yodeiing Martin Casca Dakota 313 Bowie 5 f 1OS fast 7 309 10 5 f l W Ural 10 Viley Uichwood Al Bloch 19915 Bowie 34 l15good 10 110 5 3J 23 W Ural 10 Star Gift Uncle Mini Paton 19732 Havana 55 f IHGVshvy 4 IOS G G19CG3 G C iW Ural C K Harwood Tiser Jim Wander 19CG3 Havana 34 l23ihvy 2i 111 I Il 1s W Ural 8 Francis PatUogan A C Haley 151 Havana 34 l13fast 4 111 3 Il W Ural S Gold Cap Black Chief 19014 Havana 5S 1 02Vfefast 32 112 7 71TS3 S 5 = W Ural Belfast Perth Itock M Brusti 1TS3 Havana 5i f lOSfast G5 105 7 2 3J W Ural 7 Jabot Lady Jane Grey Malik 19550 Havana 5 fl09 fast 12 112 G G1W23 5 43 Hirst 7 Marj A Yd Eyes Susan 11 113J 1W23 Havana 34 l21hvy 1 105 3 3J 415 II Lafferty 0 Napier Parlor Boy VaterLad 1S979 Havana rJ f l21ihvy 3J 5 II Lafferty 9 Sonny Boy San Jon SStripc 1SS2S Charlen 5 f l09 = good 4 103 G GLORD 1 1J H Lafferty 0 Useeit Yellow Eyes Ortyx OrtyxBy LORD MARSHALL b h 5 108 1082001G By Oddfellow Coraza J Johnston 2001G HdeGce SJ f l07fast 10 115 7 719S9G Cl G1 G Corey 7 Upniont Coy Ida Claire 19S9G Bowie 34 l17slow 30 103 5 5li307 5l 5 H Erescii 7 Celto JiniBasey Br Cunarder li307 NOrlns Im70y 143 fast 10 103 5 5191CG G 6JF Murphy 0 J Wright Indolence B Candle 191CG XOrlns 34 113 fast 4 111 3 3 3 J P Goldstn 7 Kate K JBasev Kayderosero 19143 NOrlns 1 11C 117 fast 4 US 3 3ini23 4 4 F Murphy Ii M Ann K Orperth E of Savoy ini23 NOrlns Im70y l43slow S 103 7 71WK9 S SJ W Lilley 0 Itob Kay I Gardner Verena 1WK9 XOrlns 7S 12G fast 3 101 4 H 4S F Murphy 7 Robert Kay Yenghoe Kate K 18997 NOrlns 1 11C INa fast 7 111 1 1 I F Murphy 0 Vorena II Hutchison MAunK 1S9G5 NOrlns NOrlns1S901 1 141 good 0 100 C 33 35i W Lilley 0 Just Red Robert Kay Polly II 1S901 NOrlns 3 31S799 31 l13fast fi 113 4 24 2 F Keogh 0 Viley El Pa to Salon SalonGJ 1S799 Cliarlen 3 31S743 34 117 mud 7 112 5 57R GJ 5 ° M Nathan 7 FFive Brandywine H Brother 1S743 Phnrlnn 7 7ANAVRI 7R 130 good 7 112 Ti 1 1h M Nnthnn 14 RnUcpnn GMfFirn Calellimpr CalellimprBy ANAVRI b p 8 109 By Ben Stromo Irvana R D Carter 20002 Bowie 4 l15i4faKt 133 112 2 2i 1 J Metcalf 10 Bob R Joe Knight York Lad 199I2 Bowie 5J 5J1SI330 1 f lOS5fast S 107 7 3i 1 = M Buxton 15 Faithful Blue Jay El Mahdi 1SI330 NOrlns 3 34 l12fast 30 109 7 75 GJ F Keogh 10 Coy Birka Bertodano 19142 NOrlns CJf107 fast 20 110 fi fi1SWSO Si 54 J Pen gast 11 Miss Declare M Casca Colors 1SWSO NOrlns 34 l13V4fast R 112 1 11S911 71 S11 K Anilirosell Gnbrlo Salon Cannock 1S911 NOrlns 51 f l07fast 2 113 6 61SS77 3 I1 K Ambrose S Barette J B Harrell Nimbus 1SS77 NOrlns 34 l15 mud 2J 112 1 11RS33 411 4llE Ambrose 7 JamesDockery Salon DieksPet 1RS33 NOHnR 31 113 fast 10 109 3 317S43 2s 21 E Ambrosell M Krutor Brnisedsre BAVelsh 17S43 Hlllcrost 7S 131 fat 7 IIP 3 r 7s L Gobies 1O Autiimn Sarolta Scarlet Letter 17791 THllcrePt i f l23Hfast 7 115 S 7 C K Carter 8 Euterpe MMnard DahnipyBoy 17759 HHIerost AhiS 100 fast 32 114 fi 51 551 J Doavpt S Miss Felix lTniU Dirk Van Bu 16625 Conght Oi f lODfast 4 117 4 2 = 2 G Hums 0 CKlIlott Iaiuplnca JIIHctOD RAY OLIGHT ch c 4 108 By Peep o Day Freyja J JL Louchcim 20012 HdcOce i lMfast lMfast19ltJ 112 4 S 9 N4J II Troxler a Tliesieres Inclelien NewIIavea 19ltJ Bowie 7S l29 fast fast1WK5 113J 431 431I 2l 351 II Troxler G Al Bloch ItuzzAroiind YorkUid 1WK5 Bowie 31 115 fast fast19S54 I 112 2 1 3J Gi R Troxler S York Liid Tliesieres Blue Jay 19S54 Havana 34 l13ifast 107 3 4 4i 2i 2 Allen 7 Elwah Minstrel Lolicngrln 19532 Havana 1 IMlVfcfast IMlVfcfast194S7 i 103 1 2 21 Il Allen S Yel Eyes Sweet Lottc Change 194S7 Havana 31 116 good 102 1 8 9 7Ju Allen JoeFinn BriarPath LouisePaul 19450 Havana 34 l21Uhvy 111 5 5 5 47 R Troxler 0 TJim Pgressive DrRLSger 1S4SO HdeGce Im70yl45 fast 109 S 7 9 1 2 1220 R Troxler 14 Hnilllatn Hurakan Pcressivo 1S137 Laurel 1 11G l43fast 105 5 G C C GJ A SchnKr G Auialfl Spearhead Holiday 1S072 Laurel 34 l12fast lOfi 3 5 G G1 C Turner G Sarpsliooter HPryunc SBoard 17846 Laurel 1 11G l43fast 99 2 1 1 lit 11 u Shiiling r Work Lad Carl ton i KlnsBor 17591 Laurel Im70y l44fast 114 5 C 5 22 32 J Collins 8 UnMnn Undercover J J Lillis 17279 Dorval 1 11C 150 fast fast1G5SO 105 411 1 21 W Ward 4 Cariton 0 Lahore Font 1G5SO ConEht 1 l42fast l42fastVENETA 102 4 3 4 72 7iojp CoIemanlO Stouf Heart Harbard Sandbar SandbarBy VENETA STROME b m 9 103 By Ben Strome Veneta E Truman 20003 Bowie lmayl4 fast fast19SSS 107 3 2 2 210G 32 73i A Nieklaus S Roll Stone THancock BUncas 19SSS Bowie 5i f lOSfast lOSfast1SS30 10G 2 G SJ C ° i A Nlcklausll Faithful Patrick S Aniericns 1SS30 Charlen 34 l17goo l17goo1879G 110 5 G 72 52i W Obert S DrDougherty M Toddling 1879G Cliarlen 34 llSmud llSmud1S7G7 109 2 5 42 37i K Shiiling S Northerner Hthstono P Itock 1S7G7 Charlen 1 l45V slop slop1SGS9 IOS 3 1 1 2l 4 i E Pool 14 Vollhorne El Biod Jacob Biiun 1SGS9 Cliarlen 34117 mud mud1SG39 114 1 4 G1 G J McTagrtir LAi lou Chilla Toddling 1SG39 Charlen 34 llGslo 114 4 7 C1 Gi J Dreyer J2 Frrd Levy York Lad Astrologer 18591 Charlen 1 l42fast l42fast1S5GO 113 9 9 8 GU 10li C VanDunKT Banjo Jim Armor Transport 1S5GO Charlen 1 l43fast 105 976 9769S 41 G ° J F Robinsn 9 P Regan Gal Boy YellowEyes 18458 HdeGce Im70yl46 fast 9S 8 13 12 12 IS2 W Ural 1 Uncle Mini Balfron Joe Finn 18374 Pimlico 1 11G l48fast 105 2 2 4 G = 5 ° 2 J McTagrtlO Cariton G Petelus Mycenae 18354 Pimlico 34114 fast fast182G1 104 10 9 C2 573 H Lafferty 11 Besom Delaney Chas Cannell 182G1 Laurel 1 l39fast 103 777 4J 47i J McTagrt U Gerrard Al Court Napier NapierBy BUNCH OF KEYS b h 5 By Cunard Princess Titania B IdcCastland 199SS Bowie 5S f lOS lOSsfast sfast S IOS 9 C2 45 K Haynes 12 Faithful Iatrick S Americiis 39943 Bowie 51 f 108 fast IO 107 8 7nfe7JE Haynes 10 Vilev Uichwood Al Bloch IS4C1 HdeGce C f lOSfast S 55 41 II Troxler 14 Useeit Dr Dougherty MissJean 133G4 Empire 34 114 fast G 107 1 1 1 2i A Schugrll OHagan Nild Yellow Eyes 14219 Pimlico 1 l42ifast 1910 103 3 2 2 25J C G11 P Ford Ablwtsford Orpertii Province 14049 HdeGce 5J f 107 fast 15 115 3 1 1J I1 P Ford 10 Incision Semiquaver Mon realm 10335 Saratoga 1 l39fast 0 101 7 7 7 C GojWolfe 8 Kutelv WorkingLad LJiipitur 99S5 Belmont BelmontNAPIER 1 142 fast 115 IOS 422 422G 2 1 Butwell Rebound Dixon Euterpe EuterpeBy NAPIER b s G 100 By Semproaius Lillian Fonso J W Hedrick HedrickS Utfll Havana 34 120 Slow 4 113 S 8 S urj J Pitz S Nijradoo LShark Ch IeFerran 19S52 Havana 5 f 110 good 1 103 7 G 5 Sherwoodr 5 = i J Gartner 7 Yel Eyes Tiger Jim Sherwood 19G17 Havana 31 l14 fast 6 Ki 4 3 r 3 7J J Gartner Si Dakota Yel Eyes Lohengrin ISfiOG Havana 1 Il2fast 115 105 1 1 1 ° 1s J Gartner 7 ChMcFerran Swevtlotte IalK t 19571 Havana 1 l43 fast 5 114 3 2 2 33 E Taplin 7 L Paul Q Start C Mclerrun 194S3 Havana 1 l45good 9 114 2 2 32 4jt E Taplin 7 JawlKine Supreme Sepnlveda 194G2 Havatia HavatiaLATJRA 34 l19good S 111 2 3 23 I1 E Taplin 7 QnickStarr BeuLncas Supremo LATJRA br f 4 09 Bv Woolsthorpe Incendiary H G Bedwell 19DSS Bowie 5 f lOSfast 1S3 107 5 4 4 S E Ambrose Faithful Patrick S Americas 19S95 ISowie 01 f l10slow 3 IOS C 4 C G1 M Buxton 15 Thesieres Ortyx Faithful 19S5S IJowie 34 laHfcfast 10 IOG 4 5 fi i2 S Wolstmi New Haven Chuckle J Killlit 19G17 Havana 31 l143fast 1C5 109 5 5 4 GJ5 E Taplin Dakota Yel Eyes Lohengrin 195SG Havana 31 llC5islow 1 107 2 1 1 J I3 E Taplin 7 PerRock ACHaley Lohengrin 19552 Havana 34 l15fast 4 110 1 1 1 = I4 E Taplin 10 Chilla Perth Rock Nigadoo 19303 Havana 34 l17good 45 105 2 2 25i 2 2J E Taplin 7 Cooster Vireo Inferno Queen 19375 Havana 5i f l14slow 45 105 2 8 85J 7 filuJE Taplin 10 Faithful Col Lady PhilConnor 19342 Havana HavanaANCON 5J f 11G slow G 103 5 3 2i 2 k E Tapliii 11 Tiger Jim Char McFerran Mac MacBv ANCON b B 5 105 Bv Mazagan Sister Juliet J M Zimmer 0013 HdeGce 34 l14fast 10 IOG 10 10 H3 HI5iC Turner 1 Scallvwg Progrsive RMcteor 20000 Bowie 5 f lOSfast y5 104 4 5 55A 4nv fs p Coleman 7 Brandywine MCasca ElMahdi 18733 Charlen 5A f lOS7jslow 2 112 1 3 35J 54 4J J Smyth 7 Chartier Undaunted Briar Path 1S709 Charlen 5J f 109 hvy 75 112 1 4 4oi lit su J Smyth S Celesta Water Lady Tas Steel 1SG7S Charlen oi f 1OS fast 95 111 I 1 15S I1 1 J Smyth 0 CoKe Wanda Pitzer J WrlgUt 1SGGO Charlen 5S l01good LJ 108 i 1 1 I4 J Smyth S Siiueeler Sherwood Briar Path 1S637 Charlen 34 l13v5mud 3 105 2 2 25i 21 2i J Smyth 7 IlnrryShaw ClField BCunder 1S5S8 Charlen 5i f 107 fast 4i 105 3 4 IJ 1 J Smyth 8 OHagan Undaunted Briarlath 18547 Charlen 34 l15Vfast G 112 5 4 45i 4l 433 E Ambrose 0 Boxer Sherwood Crossbun 1S533 Charlen 5i f lOSsood 2 104 1 1 2 31 J Connors 8 Luther Dr Carmen C Michael 18470 HdeGce 34 l13Mstast 1 117 3 2 3l 4 = 3 J Butwell Emerald Gem Prairie Sherwood 1S434 HdeGce 34 l13fast 23 99 3 4 5 43i J Smyth W Pitzer Enter Gem II Bee 8396 Pimlico 31 114 fast 41 106 3 2 4s 44i J McCahcy 7 Glint Gold Cap Frank Hudson i7812 Bowie 34 l135Jfast 1G5 110 3 G 3J 3s W Ward G Humiliation Luria Beudel 17737 Bowie 34 l14fast 95 114 4 6 SOL 45 K Watts 8 Batwa Dr Dougherty Chilla 17600 Bowie BowieCANTO 51 f l07iifaat 10 103 1 3 1J I2 W Ward 8 Colors Fathom Useeit UseeitBy CANTO ch c 4 104 By Chilton Chantilla R P Simpson 15997 Bowie 1 l44 fast C 112 C 1 3 37S Gl = A Schufer S Riehwcod Fitzgerald PiedPiper 1931 Bowie 7S l2Sfast 45 113 3 3 3 33 2 = C Turner 8 Yodeiing Castara DniiueJiie 1S7S5 Charlen 51 f 110 slop 12 107 SI 9 9 9 ° iA Nieklaus TIIBarr Ethelburg II Batwa 1S707 Charlen 34 l1Ghvy 12 IOS G 6 G G = H Chappell S Surpassing Sonny Boy Archen 1SGSO Charlen 34 l14fast 15 107 7 8 8Im70yl46 10 102i H ChappelllO Undaunted Brandywine Galaxv 1S512 HdeGce Im70yl46 fast SO IOG 7 C G GIm70yl43 72 G4 J Smyth 11 JDeibold Hurakan Uncle Mim 1S4SO HdeGce Im70yl43 fast 30 IOG 11 11 11 7 G J A Nicklausl4 Hmiliatn Hurakan Pgressive 1S3S4 Pimlico 34 l13fast 43 99 9 7 5 J J McTagtl2 WPitzer Honey Bee Gold Can 18140 Laurel 5 f 107 fast fid IOS S 6 Sh 7i A Schugrl4 Hurakan Mater Joe Finn 18010 Laurel 34 118 slop Si 111 10 10 S = 721 D Steward 10 Laura Hypalia P Antoinette 17GG2 Bowie 34 l14fast SJ 106 S S 7i A Nieklaus 8 C Cannell Colors Humiliation 1743S HdeGce 34 I15y3slow 7 101 C 2 I1 2 H Alex 10 Laura Ph Antoinette C Squaw 17337 HdeGce 34 t13fast 40 106 2 4 GJ G7 H Alex 11 Tarts Susan 15 J J Lllls 1413D Pimlico 34 l14fast 143 110 2 4 4J GCJ H Alex 11 Squeeler Laura Sir Caledore 1410G Pimlico 34 l1475good 31 100 S S 8 7 H Ales 10 Perthshire Chuckles Parlor Boy

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1915042101_4_3
Library of Congress Record: