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NOSES APART AT PIMLICO MOST OF THE RACES BITTERLY CONTESTED TO THE LAST STRIDE Swish Takes the Steeplechase Lady Teresa in Bad BadLuck Luck Perthshire Again a Winner Horsemen Departing1 Pimlico Mil May 11 Exciting sport marked the running of todays program at Pimlico In a majority of the races the winners remained in doubt until the otlicial placing was displayed This was especially true of the lirst fourth and lifth races in all of which noses separted the lirst two horses at the end endThomas Thomas Hitchcock whore horses are particularly good fencers furnished the winner of the Potomac Steeplechase In Swish a son of McGee and Frou Frou which Uat Abdon a neck Swish is a bold and safe JUIIIIMT and possesses quite a turn of siHed Jolly rated him liehiiid the leaders until in tho last turn of the Held when he moved up with ¬ out much effort and at the end held Abdon safe safeLady Lady Teresa favorite for the Belvidere Handi ¬ cap met with a mishap while running down the backs retch She was off slowly and McCabey cut over to the inside with her and squeezed through along the rail In rounding tho first turn into the baokstretch she was iu a pocket behind the leaders and at the halfmile post appeared as if she might have jumped 01 Trial bv Jurys heels as she stumbled and unseated her rider The winner turned np in Runes which beat Celto by three parts of a length Perthshire had to IK bard ridden to get up in time to nose An Del out in the final stride of the Driving Park Handicap The latter showed a tine turn of speed and rau well for the lirst time out this year yearThe The stables of John Whalen 1 Byer and William Hogan were shipped to Belmont Park at the conclusion of the races this afternoon John OHyrne has displaced J Smith as trainer for E J McGraw The latter will probably ship his stable from here to Toronto TorontoJ J W Pansjle this morning purchased Free Trade from H E Harboiirt Pangle intends his Jiuur purchase for a steeplechaser L W Garth added another jumper to bis already extensive trlng by the purchase of Young Morpheus which be secured from T J Donahue DonahueEdward Edward MeI5ride and W Martin will leave with tliiFlnPHHt fOf ff riiito Friday night and on Sun ¬ day the stables of W H Frey Walter Carr GWyn Tompklns Georgo Pearce and George Coch ran will also leave for Woodbine WoodbineJockey Jockey Gilbert broke his wrist yesterday as a result of a fall while schooling Jerry Murphys Collector Walter House who brought El Itiod over from Havre de Grace to run in a race at Pimlico but did not start him on account of the track conditions will leave for Belmont Park He has had six twoyearolds tho property of Mr Van Orden shipped east from Kentucky Two of the youngsters are by Peep oDay one by Ferole and another by Plaudit House lias given up the horses he was training for Alltort Simons The latter will ship his own and the horses be is training for Harry Payne Whitney to Hamilton at the con cluiun of the Belmont Park meeting meetingThe The filly Golden List which won the Clabaugh Memorial at Pimlico on Saturday is one of the smallest thoroughbreds In training She was so small that when offered at the sale of the Oxuard yearlings last year no one would bid on her Mr Oxnard then presented her to Samuel Ross who iu turn gave her to W 1 Burch She seemed poor a prospect that Mr Burch gave her back to Mr Itoss and the latter then disposed of her to H G Bedwcll for a nominal sum said to be 50 After running several times at Havana Bed well brought her north and she won at Havre de Grace He then tried to sell her to William Garth advising the latter that she was a Clabaugh eligible but the Virginian claimed that he bad a couple in his stable that could beat her Golden List by the way weigh but 750 pounds poundsWord Word was received from New York tills morning that F Ambrose Clark gentleman rider had been stricken with an attack of typhoid fever and It may be that the running of the Broadbollow Cup will be declared off offA A B Stelle has released jockey Nicklaus NicklausPimlico Pimlico workouts this morning over a fast track were wereAbseonder Abseonder Seveneighths in 133 133Achievement Achievement Half mile in 52 52Beaumont Beaumont Belle Threequarters in 118 118Belamonr Belamonr Half mile in 51 51Benin Benin Welsh Threequarters in 118 118Bill Bill McGee Half mile in 5 ° Brian Born Seveneighths in 133 133Carlone Carlone Threequarters in 121 121Col Col Kandolph Mile in 148 148Omidleup Omidleup Half mile in 52 52Dime Dime Novel Half mile in 50 50Ella Ella Grane Threequarters in 118 118Fenrock Fenrock Threequarters iu 1 21 21Fish Fish Walk Half mile in 52 52Flying Flying Fairy Mile and an eighth in 15S 15SGoodwood Goodwood Threequarters ir 1 1l 1lHalf Half Udck Mile and an eighth in 150 150Hauberk Hauberk Mile in 145 145Haversack Haversack Threequarters in 119 119Hermanna Hermanna TIirw piartcrs In 119 119Hiker Hiker Half mile in 51 51Holiday Holiday Threequarters In 118 118Ilorron Ilorron Half mile iu 50 50Klebnrni Klebnrni Milo in IMfi IMfiLife Life Half mil in 51 51Llngar Llngar Mile In 147 147Maryland Maryland Girl Half mile in 51 51MimiooThreequarters MimiooThreequarters in Miss Plillliin Half mile in 51 51Mustard Mustard Half mile in 51 51OHara OHara Threequarters in 118 118Oriiorth Oriiorth Half mile in 52 52Pardner Pardner Sevonolghtbs in 133 133Pny Pny Streak Half mile in 52 52Peggy Peggy L Threequarters In 120 120IVskr IVskr Half mile iu 53 53Phlllesln Phlllesln Half mile in 52 52Plxv Plxv Threequarters In 121 121Plaintiff Plaintiff Half mile In 51 51Polariu Polariu Threequarters Iu 122 122Reliance Reliance Throequarters in 110 110Hodondo Hodondo Thniqnartcrs In 118 118ttosewater ttosewater Half mile In 54 54Sonny Sonny Boy Half mile In 51 51Spring Spring Board Half mile in 50 50Sun Sun God Half mile in 5ff 5ffSiiIKrintendent SiiIKrintendent Threeqnarters In 121 ft Tamerlane Mile In 140 Ff The Masqueradcr Threequarters in 1 22 Top o tb Morning Threequarters In 117 117Vldot Vldot Half mile in 51 51WebWilp WebWilp Mite in 150 150WrfMhn WrfMhn Six Threequarters In 117