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PIMLICO FORM CHART FIMLICO MD TUESDAY MAY 11 1915 Ninth day Maryland Jockey Club Spring Meeting of IS days Weather clear Presiding Judge William P Kij Starter A B Dade Kaciiig Secretary William P KIggs OO11 FIRST RACE 1 Milo and 40 Yards 92025 l42Vfc 3 97 500 added 3ycarolds f tEtr and Upward Selling Handicap Net value to winner 415 second 575 third 850 Index Horses AAVtPPSt 14 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt SKS SSSSPJS FIELD w 103 4 3 3J 2 2 k 2J la AV Obert A G Blakclcy SO400 SO400oiJsiti oiJsiti SISl J w c 10S i 2nk 31 Sh 32 A SchufgrL A Sercgni 78O100 78O100r r ° r9 IC011 1 0 WliGAOG 3 2 li 1 li 11 3i AV AVard A Newell 3600100 3600100oPH oPH SR SArRCOT w 4 91 7 7 4 i 4J 4 4 4 P Lowder E C Dahle 11880100 11880100SnT SnT 5 FERY w5 92 6 8 7i7 = 7 7 5 J P Ryan II Rites SaooiOO loT S99 S99TTT WSB 3 109 8 4 Gl fii 5Dk 5 ° S C Turner AV Martin 30010r SnSili 9 SvHT SvHTJiST TTT JiST w 9 91 5 C Gb 51 Ct Ch 7 J McCaheyP M AValker 29OTl i SESfc7PA WS10G G 9 s 8 = 8 S J Pits E K Bryson 27S5100 4018 MYCENAE WB G 10G 2 9 SJ 9 9 9 9 E Taplin H G Bedwell 4300100 Time 24 4915 114 141 144 Track fast 2 mutueis paid Towton Field 300 straight 300 place 270 show Pctelus 50 place 120 snow iprk Lad SO show FHm104 ocokl odds Towton Field SO to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Pctelus 21o to showA 100 place 110 to 100 show York Lad 290 to 100 show A inner B h by Ben Brush Wliitc Rose trained by A G Blakeley Blakeleynm ° xTtart 1 At wgt s ninutcs Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same nm rOWTON r x FIELD was rated under restraint behind the leaders until in this homestretch then moved up on the outside and finished gamely after disposing of YORK LAD PETELUS finished fast on the out ¬ side and would have won in another stride YORK LAD set a good pace and showed the most speed for win evHs stretch drive DR CIIAIJCOT ran well COGS was always outpaced Tito TitoOverweights Overweights Towton Field S pounds Potelns 1 Oakhurst 1 Mycenae 1 OjOPr SECOND RACE 2 Miles 8114 349 S 149 Steeplechase Purse 700 4year j V WtttF olds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 475 second S125 third 70 fourth 0 Horses AWtPPSt 4 S 12 13 Fin Jockeys Owners Knulv Odds Strt SnSHo U25JJr W7119 5 9 7 2J llT tl kJ Jolly T Hitchcock 15V 100 52S22 ABDON wsGlli 685 3S 4 2 2 B Haynes Milltown Stable 1315 KK 17034 TQM HORN w 5 144 4 7 8 = 7 = 3 3 3 F Williamsl AV Garth 50 100 100Z Z M S IC FISH w 5 141 7 1 1s 1 = 2i 4 4nk E Wolkc W M Carter 210 100 127V100l H7 P PVOTEH VOTEH WS412C 2 4 4 6 EX 5 = 5 W Murphy J E Davis 127V100 l OIil INDIAN ARROW w 4 136 9 3 3 Si S S = C1 G IJ Bryant II W Sage 1065 IOO5IOO 100 Ji IOO5IOOJi 1 S SvIV ° vIV vIVCTOR CTOR ws 4 13G s cu 5h 7 s 7 M OConr J A Murphy 6120 100 18380 GOLDEN VALE w 5 o 141 3 G 2nt 41 6 GO U Ss D Gaddy L lj M Stackhouse 2710100 20217 ELECTION BET w 4 131 1 G 9 9 9 9 9 AV Booth Shoshone Stable 14MOIOO 14MOIOOTime Time 351 Track fast fastHorn Horn sLuoU sLuoUhS hS a Swlsh D10 stralSht 400 place 330 show Abdon 740 place 370 show Tom TomEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Swish 155 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 05 to 100 show Abdon 270 to 100 place showWinner So to 100 show Tom Horn 95 to 100 show Winner LambertA B g by McGee Frou Froti trained by J Lambert A ent to post at 259 At post 3 minutes Start good aud slow AVon easily second and third driv iing b IMI raced under restraint through the first turn of the field then moved up in the last tiino around iiiidrInivgnine finish lield ABDON safe at Hie end ABDOX moved iip wltha threitorilhgeliallciisc at the eleventh fence but finished tiring and bearing to tire outside TOM HORX closed up when going to the tenth fence but tired in the last eighth ROCK FISH made the early running but dropped back in the OOO lift TIIII5r KACE 1 Mile 92002 139 3 112 000 added 3yearolds Huidcai J A rdt f Net value to winner 50 second 100 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Kmiiv Odds St OCO1201G1 20211 RUNES wn lOfi 5 4 C 43 2J V IS M Buxton II Wattcrsbn OCO1 OCO100 201G1 = CELTO w 107 1 3 2U 2U iu 2U C Turner J S Tyree JS31 JS3100 20186 = VOLANT w 30 7 G 4 = 3n 4 3J 3 A Collins J E Davis f2901 f290100 20190 41GO1I83883TRIAL RAZZANO wn 110 2 1 0 o10 5 5 4 ° W Ural H L Pratt 41GO1 41GO100 I83883TRIAL BY JURY WSB 120 3 2 I2 l 3 4 5 ° T Davies E B Cassatt 1301 130100 20211 NINETY SIMPLEX wu 90 4 5 7 G G f G L McAtee E E Peck 830100 20118 LADY TERESA w 9G G 7 3 Lost rider J McCaheyQuincy Stable 170100 Time 24 49 114 J 141 Track fast 2 mntucls paid Kuues 1320 straight 420 place 330 show Celto 310 place S2r0 show Volant 550 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Kuncs 500 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place 05 to 100 show Cclto 55 to 100 place 25 to 100 show Volant 225 to 100 show Winner showWinner EdwardsWent Br c by Voorhees Chlffie trained by J Edwards Went to post at 30 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same KUNES began slowly but ii 1 inm iti n i r CJCLTO through the last quarter on the outside while the forcing eiiiv IMHU WUY J ran wi KAZZANO finished well and should improve by this race LA backstrctch and stumbled OOOzLT FOUKT KACE 34 Mile 95722 1120 121 500 added Kycarolds and up 1 J Itt I ward Selling Handicap Net value to winner 410 second S75 third 50 index Horses AAAtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owiiors Kmilv Odds Sir t 20204PERTHSHIRE w 7 109 1 3 3J 2 2 1 T Rice AV N Adrians 170 10 128010020191AMANS 18146 iCIN DEL w 3 103 22 1 1 1 2 J Dreyer AV II Frey 1280100 20191AMANS 1100010020104MINSTREL wis 3 99 4 6 G G 6 IX y Ural Milltown Stable 11000100 20104MINSTREL WB 3 104 la 21 31 3 4 3 T Nolan AV D Mitchell 2000100 20213 MARJORIE A wn 7 106 5 1 5 = oi oj E Tuplin II G Bedwell 5G5100 20207 YODELING w 4 107 3 4 4 = 4J 4 C M Buxton II J Morris fiOiMOO 20105 EMERALD GEM WB 4 111 310100Time C Left at the post A SchutsrF J Coleman 310100 Time 23 47 i 113 Track fast 2 mutueis paid Perthshire 540 straight 340 place 280 show Zin Del 1220 place 720 show Amans 1140 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Perthshire 170 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Zin Del 510 to 100 place 260 to 100 show Amans 470 to 100 show showWinner Winner BycrWent B h by Caiiglmawaga Perth trained by N Bycr Went to post at 405 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same PEKTIISIIIKE raced on the outside to the stretch then came to the inside and weariii XIX DKL d wn got up to win in the last stride ZIX DEL went to the front with a rush and sprinted into a good Uati but tired after going a fast half AMANS closed a big gap and finished fast EMKKALD GKM wheeled when the barrier was sprung M1XSTKKL ran well MAKJOKIE A and YODKL1NG were out paced The winner was entered for 000 no bid bidScratched Scratched 2C09S Ella Bryson 108 1097S Solon 90 90Overweights Overweights Amaus 4 pounds Minstrel 1 Marjorie A 1 KIIi11 KACE 4 12 Furlongs 213G 54 2 115 Purse 500 2yearolds Maidens Selling Net value to winner 75 second 75 third sr 0 AWtPPSt 3 Sir Firf Jockeys Owners Kuuiv Odds Strt w 107 31 IJ 2 1 AV Ural R T AAilson 153100 20037 3BESSIIEN w 112 2 U 2 iu iu 2J C Turner H L Pratt 180100 20202 TRIBOLO WB 113 S 5 4J 4 3J 3 i J Mctcalf A B Spreckels 4W100 20212 EDDIE T wu 113 76 5 Si 45 4 E Taplin H G Bedwell 5HIO100 20212 TAR BRUSH WB 113 47 7s G 55 5 G Burns R A Dorn 13SO 100 20181 LIFE w 112 14 VI 7a G AV Obert W S DllTcnderffer 4030100 20202 MACCABEE w 112 53 3U 5h ci 7 C Gordon J C Dow 11920100 P1QUETTE 11920100P1QUETTE w 112 6 8 S S S S D HoffmaiiE F AVhitney 9100100 9100100Time Time 23 35 48 55 Track fast 2 mutueis paid Tralee 510 straight 200 place 240 show Bcsslien 310 place 200 show Tribolo 290 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Tralee 155 to 100 straight 45 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Bessllcn 55 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Tribolo 45 to 100 show showWinner Winner HcaleyWent Ch f by Celt Sanci trained by T J Hcaley Went to post at 430 At post minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second casllv third driving TKALEE raced on the outside of BESSL11CN all the way and made a wide turn into the home ¬ stretch but came again and got up to win in the last stride of the final drive The latter was hard ridden nearly all the way and finished resolutely TKIBOLO ran well and easily disposed of EDDIE T in the last pghtlr for third place The latter ran in improved form and finished close up The winner was entered for iliOO no bid Q lQyf Q SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 40 Yards 92025 142 3 97 500 added 3yearolds 1 f xilTbCF and upward Selling Handicap Net value to winner 415 second S7n tlilnl Srn Index Horses A WtPPSt yt V yt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Knuiv Odds Strt 20208IEL ORO WB 9 107 a S S3 71 tV C = 1 C FbtherN K Beal Beal20188BALFROX 20188BALFROX w 4 103 9 4 2U 2 IJ 1 2 R Shilling Trtrs J Arthur Arthur202073DAINGERFIELD 202073DAINGERFIELD w G 103 G G 3t 3i 3 2i 3 P Lowder J Kelly 20189 = LIT ENGLAND WB G 110 4 1 fil 5h 4 4 4 t T Rice G C Brenton 20189 L INNOCENCE ws 4 95 I 9 9 S GJ L McAtee AV F Gloss 20204 ROYAL METEOR wn 7 IOC S 1 1 = 2ui 3h G E Taplin J J Mahon Jr 20207 DR DIENNER w 7 103 3 2 5 G 6s 7 7s J Dreyer C K Rockwell 201 ROLLING STONE w 7 109 7 3 71 S = 9 S1 SJ A SchugerC C Smlthson 20188 HECTOGRAPH 24210100Time W 3 97 2 7 4 4 7 9 9 J P Ryan E J McGraw 24210100 i w Time 24 49ys 114 141 144 Track fast 2 mutueis paid El Oro 550 straight 490 place 440 show Balfron 580 piace 470 showi Daiiigerfield 1010 show Equivalent booking odds El Oro 25 to 100 straight 145 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Balfron loo to 100 place l ° 5 to 100 show Daiiigerfield 405 to 100 show showWinner Winner B h by Ethelbert Dorothco trained by N K Beal Wwit BealWwit to iwst at 500 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AAon driving second and third thp sime thpsime EL ORO began slowly but worked P to win In the last strides BALFROX i last turn but tired in the last sixteenth DAINGERFIELD raced forwardly and iinnVon well to theenVl LITTLE ENGLAND had a rough race LADY INNOCENCE ran well KOYAL METEOR set a good nace but quit The winner was entered for S400 no bid Overweights El Oro I pound Balfron 2 Koyal Sfpteor 2 OOOESn SEVENTH KAOE 1 Mile 92i02 1 9 1 112 Purse 500 nyeacolds and up l J l JJ ward Selling Not value to winner 375 socoiid 75 third 50 I index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockoys OwnerT Equiv Odds Strt 201 OS PROGRESSIVE ww f 110 413 3 Z 3 1 R Shilling Mrs T Francis la 20iy3GLINT la20iy3GLINT WB 5 114 5 3 S1 2J 2ut ju nk F ColemanA Turney 730igQ 20221 CLIFF HAVEN WB 3 97 6 6 45 4 ° 43 4s 3l L McAtce Crown Stable 3 20205 LOCHIEL wn 7 110 3 5 6 5 G 5 4 E Taplin II G Bedwell 305100 30510020233CORN 20233CORN BROOM vn 4 102 1 2 Il Il I1 luk r A Collins J K L Ross 553100 553100S0106 S0106 SOLDIER w 5 110 2 4 5l 6 6 6 C W Doyle F C Friable 134S5100 134S5100Time Time 24 i 48 115V4 1415 Track fast 2 inutucls paid Progressive 4UO straight 320 place 240 show Glint 720 place 310 sliow Cliff Haven 200 show Equivalent showEquivalent booking odds Progressive KM to 100 straight GO to 100 place 20 to 100 show Glint 200 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Cliff Haven 30 to ICO show showWinner Winner Ch h by Cesarlon Star Cat trained by J Arthur ArthurWent Went to post at 531 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the fame PROGRESSIVE raced in close pursuit from the start and banging on gamely through the stretch riinl T punishment outstayed GMNT The latter forced the pace all the way and tired in the final strides LiFF HAVEX made a wide turn when entering the homestretch and finished wearing the leaders down lO HIEL finished fast CORN BROOM fet a good pace to the stretcli and tired The winner was entered for 800 U 111 111Scratched Scratched 201S3 = Joe Delbold 112 202142Lazuli 109