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CHURCHILL DOWNS FORM CHART LOUISVILLE KY TUESDAY MAY 11 1915 Third day New Louisville Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 12 davs Weather cloudy p in Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile 12128 111 2 103 000 added 2yearolds Selling Net valuo to winner 510 second 130 third 74 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 20196 MAZNIK wn 100 1 1 1 1s 1 ° 1 ° W Lilley SM Henderson 6801CO 6801CO20I95 20I95 MAN1OC w 103 310 9 S2 4 k 2h V Meehan J G Greener 1870100 18701001483G 1483G SUPERHUMAN WB 108 76 41 42 32 32 C Borel J Butler 165100 19535 = SINAI 98 6 S 7 = 72 oh 42 K LapailleC W Gasser 3470100 3470100201102GILT 201102GILT EDGE 105 5 2 32 2l 21 52 J McTagtJ MacManus 780100 780100201GGBETTERTON 201GGBETTERTON 105 9 9 61 6 J G1 G2 C Van DnH Oots 19080100 18300 AUNT JOSIE w n 112 8 7 51 51 73 7 E Pool Mrs J E Sheldon 775100 77510020199BLACKTHORN 20199BLACKTHORN 108 10 3 2 3J S SJ J Butwell M A Colton 375100 2 199LES INVALIDES 103 4 4 S 9 9 9 ° B Marco D W Scott t0905100 181 GO JACK CAREY w 113 1111 10 10 10 10 C Ganz G C Bennett 4660100 4660100JiGlO JiGlO MOUNT PEARL 102 25 Lost rider E Lamter W Gerst t tMutuel Held Time 23 47 5 113 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid Maznik l o straight 740 place 470 show Manioc 2080 place 890 show Superhuman 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Maznik 080 to 100 straight 270 to 100 place 135 to 100 show Manioc 910 to 100 place 345 to 100 show SuiKrliuman 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Mazagan Nikita trained by S M Henderson Went to post at 21S At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MAZNIK quickly raced into a long load End won nil the way as his rider pleased MANIOC began siowly and closed a big gap in the last quarter SUPERHUMAN ran a good race SINAI gained fast near tiie end GILT EDGE showed speed but tired in the last eighth BLACKTHORN quit after racing for vardly to the stretch The winner was entered for 000 no bid bidScratched Scratched 201lr Pleasureville 107 107Overweights Overweights Manioc 1 pound Superhuman 1 Blackthorn 1 Mountain Pearl 2 SECOND RACE 34 Mile 12128 111 2 10 000 added yearolds and upward Maidens Special Weights Net value to winner 52i second 145 third 80 Index Horses AWtPPSt4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 14019 SKILES KNOB 3 108 4 2 Il I2 1s 1 ° J Butwell W Feuchter 300100 300100183G5 183G5 WHITE CROWN 3 107 8 1 21 22 22 2 A Neylon J Livingston 235100 235100183G7 183G7 MANNERS 4 115 2 13 3t 31 3l 3 F Teahan A B Metz 11020100 19744 VIRGINIA FIELD v 3 105 9 14 71 9l 41 4 W Lilley C W Gasser 2535100 25351001524G 1524G BLONDE 3 107 13 6 6J 5h 5u SU J Kederis J T Mahoney t 20229 HOOS HOO w 3 lOSi 7 12 9 GJ 61 G2 W W TlorF J Kelley 935100 20073 GRUMPY 3 108J14 9 11 10 8 i 72 T McTagtJ T Hughes 2190100 20201 TENER 4 115 C 15 12 12 91 S4 A Mott W L Lewis 785100 14918 STONINGTON TV 3 107 12 4 52 41 7l 9 J Smyth C E Hamilton t t201GG 201GG ODA MAY 5 113 11 5 4 81 10 101 E Pool L Marion t 15182 BADINAGE 31101011 13 13 11 11 J McCabe H II Hewitt t t201CC 201CC BEAN SPILLER 3 107 3 S 14 14 12 122 L Gentry B R Bradley 10SO100 10SO10018262HATTIE 18262HATTIE BURTON 3105 13 10 71 13 13 J McTagtWeil Bros GO 1855G BINGO w J 3 107 5 10 15 15 14 142 R Goose W F Knebelkamp Knebelkamp13GG82SPL1TIT 13GG82SPL1TIT l 3 105 15 7 S 11 15 10 F Murphy T J Brown 3820100 3820100tMntuel tMntuel field Time 24 4S S 113 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid Sidles Knob 800 straight 580 place 380 show White Crown 380 place 300 show Manners 3iO show showEquivalent Equivalent hooking odds Skilrs Knob 300 to 100 straight 190 to 100 place 90 to 100 show White Crown 90 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Manners 7 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by Hurst Park Felicity Murrat trained by O A Bianchi BianchiWent Went to post at 252 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing SKILES KNOB showing the most speed sprinted away from the others us if much the best and won in a canter WHITE CHOWN was well up in closest pursuit all the way but swerved out In the stretch MANNERS ran forwardly and well throughout VIRGINIA FIELD closed a good gap HOOS HOO came fast In the striteh stritehOverweights Overweights Skilrs Knob 1 pound HOPS Hoo lj Grumpy 1 Badinage fi Of OPCQ THIRD RACE 34 Mile 12128 111 2 10o Purse GOO 3yearolds and upward I OO Allowances Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt h Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 2009G B AND SADDLE w 4 108 4 1 IK I3 I3 1 = A Neylon Mrs J Shilling 1480100 148010020124SBENANET 20124SBENANET w 5 103 1 C C C 4 22 A Mott E R Bradley 105100 18388 BANQUET w 3 108 2 4 2 2nk 2 t 2 T McTagtA H Morris 1445100 18101 RUNNYMEDE w 7 109 6 3 43 31 3 4 ° k F Keogh E Herz i 435100 20124 GIPSY LOVE w 4 10TU 5 5 G1 o1 T 5 W J OBnW G Yanke GlO100 GlO1001G0433MARS 1G0433MARS CASSIDY WB 3 103 3 2 35 41 C C J Kederis J W Schorr 910100 910100Time Time 23 47 l13 5 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid Boots and Saddle 3100 straight 720 place 530 show Bcnanet 290 place 230 how Banquet 470 show showI I iqnlvaltnt booking odds Boots and Saddle 14SO to 100 straight 2CO to 100 place 105 to 100 show BeaaiUt 45 to 100 place 15 to 100 sbow Banquet 135 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by Voter Cap and Bells trained by J Powers PowersWent Went to post at 320 At post I minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving BOOTS AND SADDLE was away fast and hard ridden and showing much the most speed led all the way and won easing up BENANET began slowly but saved much ground on the turns and finished fast BANQUET raced well up all Ihe way and finished gamely RUNNYMEDE was well up all the way and ran a good nuv MARS CASSIDY quit quitOverweights Overweights Rnunymede 1 pound Gipsy Love 2j Mars Cassidy 3 fyfnKA FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles 08386 144 5 105 Purse 800 3yearolds and j jj Jrt upward Handicap Net value to winner 050 second 100 third 50 Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 2022G3PRCE HERMIS wn 5 103J 3 1 22 24 22 I1 ink E Pool L Marion 1C5100 20151 STAR JASMINE w C 108 5 4 41 41 4J 2h 2l E Martin T C McDowell 310100 20220 GROVER HUGHES w 7 101 4 2 1i Il I1 3 3 = A Mott J Umensetter 2340100 23401002022G 2022G LEO SKOLNY wn 4 103 23 3 3s 3J 45 42 J McTagtR J Mackenzie 335100 20151 DR SAMUEL w 4 109 1 5 5 G 5 5 5 W W TlorR L Baker 495100 495100Time Time 23 47 5 112 138 145 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid Prince Hermls 530 straight 310 place 240 show Star Jasmine 370 place 200 show G rover Hughes 470 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Prince Hormis 105 to 100 straight 55 to 100 place Jasmine 85 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Grover Hughes 135 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch h by Herinis Crimea trained by L Marion MarionWent Went to post at 350 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and thlM the same PRINCE HERMIS was restrained behind the pacemaker until on the stretch turn then finished fast and outstayed STAR JASMINE in a sharply contested finish STAR JASMINE came through the stretch with a rush and was gaining at the end G ROVER HUGHES set a great pace to tint stretch aiid tired In tlu final drive LEO SKOLNY raced gamely but was outpaced DR SAMUEL ran poorly poorlyOverweights Overweights Prince Ilermis 2 pounds FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 12128 111 2 105 000 added 3yearolds Selling 2O255 Net value to winner 510 second 130 third 74 20175BILLY JOE WB 105 3 5 5J0148IZZETBEY 3i 2i 1J 1J W J OBnW G Yanke J0148IZZETBEY W 104 4 3 I1 n 21 21 E Pool A L Ferguson 40148 MEX WH 105 S S 4h 4J 43 Snt D Stirling F D Weir 0137SGRECIAN WB 107 10 1 2i 3 3h 4 R Goose W H Baker 20043 PENNYROCK w 110 1 2 fin 52 G2 h J Butwell C L Carroll 10165 STALWT HELEN w 111 12 11 11JOIG5 10 S C5 6 C BurgmeL Weiss JOIG5 M MONTGOMERY wn 10SJ 0 10 10183G53 11 10 St 7 T McTagtW R Mizell 183G53 DUNDREARY w 103 7 4 oh 61 72 S2 B Ott G J Long 17902 ALSTON w 112 212 12 12 10 9 F Keogh F Creigler 17889 FIRST VENTURE w 109 11 7 72 9 9 10 ° J Kederis J Livingston 19564 WHIMS W 103 9 6 i 11 11 11 = A Mott J Umensetter t 18305 MARTINOS w 110 5 59 9 S Si 7 12 12 J McCabe J C Calm 1990100 fMutuel Held Time K 231 48 113 Track fast 2 miuuels paid Billy Joe 1C10 straight iCO place 500 show Izzetbey 10 place 300 show Jlex 10 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Billy Joe 705 to 100 straight 210 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Izzctbey 1G5 t 100 place SO to 100 show Mex 205 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch jf by Russell Ethel T trained by W II Buckner BucknerWent Went to post at 433 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the Kiine BILLY JOE followed the leaders close up to the homestretch and finishing fast drew out decisively in the last sixteenth 1XXETBEY showed the most early speed and held on gamely in the strertch drive MEX ran well and finished resolutely GRECIAN showed speed but tired FIRST TENTURE ran green Jlu winner entered Mr OO was bid up to 1405 and bought in inOverweights Overweights Mabel Montgomery 1 pounds Martinos 1 SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles 9380 144 5 105 Purse COO 3yearoldp and lip ward Selling Handicap Net value to winner 450 second 100 third f50 Index Horses AWtPPSt Ji Str Fm Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt WB 6 109 G 3 1 = I2 I2 I2 I2 R Small M Quinn 700100 A w 4 102 6 6 G 42 21 2i 2 J McTagtJ MacManus 1205100 0151 EXPECTATION 4109 1 4 7 7l 71 42 3s A Mott Wr L Lewis 965100 20148 STAR ACTRESS 0111 4 1 2 5J C4 3 4s E Pool P M Civill 525100 20177 THE GRADER s 5 110 7 7 fi2 C2 5 C 5s J Butwell J T Hughes 450100 4501001940G 1940G = RENO 5 104 2 5 3 3 4 fi3 R UrqhartJ Hogan 1455100 14551000115BEULAH 0115BEULAH S v 5 109 3 2 42 2 31 7 7 D Stirling F D Weir 305100 20127 U STEPPA TV i 5 113 S S S 8 S S 8 W AndressF II Hawkrins 835100 835100T T ne 2314 48y5 114 140 146 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid Bonanza 1000 straight 1010 place 20 show Robinetta 900 place 800 fdiow Kxiifdatioii 000 show showEquivalent Equivalent looking odds Bonana 700 to 100 straight 40r to 100 place 210 1o 100 show Robinetta 350 to 100 place 300 to 100 show Expectation 200 to 1 H show showWinner Winner 15 K bv Broomstick Opliirdale trained by J Reed t w s t 510 At post 3 minutes Start bad and slow Won ensilyr second and third drriv aced into the lead quickly and setting a fast early pace easily Won all the way R B IMIMA iiinii H slow beginning ran a good race but tired and just lasted long enough to hold second Place EXPECTATION closed a gap and finished with a rush STAR ACTRESS ran well but tired noar Ihe finish THE GRADER was away poorly RENO tired BEULAII S quit The winner entered for SI OOO was bid up to 1305 and bought in inOverweights Overweights Bonanza 1 pound C1VC BT T SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles 08380 144 5 105 Purse 000 4yearolds and 2O257 upward Selling Net value to winner 450 iond KK tliird 50 AWtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 2 3THGHTRKADER w 4 112 2 2 4 3l 3s 11 I C Burgme1 rb Gardner 390100 I22 390100I22 = BUCK KEENON wn 4 115 S 7 52 2 21 21 22 J Butwell P M CSvill 1C5100 1C5100tVlSKIRISH P 1C5100P tVlSKIRISH GTLEMN w 7 113 4 1 I2 I2 I2 3i 3 W J OBnJ H Mead 355100 355100Ioo Ioo pHCE EUGENE w G 110 3 4 61 51 43 43 43 A Neylcm J Livingston 725100 725100UOIGiMBIRKA UOIGiMBIRKA WB 4 10T 1 3 Si 4l 5i S is E Pool J Lowenstein 1620100 1620100201G7cOPPBRTOWN 201G7cOPPBRTOWN wr 8 110 7 6 71 710 C2 G G F Murphy T J Brown 47401001 20201 FORT SUMTER WB 5 110 9 S 9 9 S S 7 D Stirling J X Mounco 44470100 17248 WHITE WOOL wn 7 110 5 5 21 fij 7s 7l 8 R Goose W H Baker1 2775100 2775100J80293HELEN J J80293HELEN G275100J M W 4 100 6 9 S 8 9 9 9 R UrqhartJ Hogan G275100 Time 24 48 48s s 114 l409 l46 i Tuck fait 2 mntuels paid Thought reader 9SO straight 390 place 290 show Buck Keenon 320 place S240 show Irish Gentleman 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Thought render 390 to 100 straight jr to 100 place 45 to ICO show Buck Keenon jo to 100 jdnce 20 to 100 show Irish Gentleman rO to 10O show showWinner Winner Ch g by Mentor Rustle trained by L Erb ErbWent Went to post at 544 At post 1 rninuie Start pood and s3ow Won driving second and third the Psiiie THOUGHTIIEADER raced well up from the start and taking the lead In the homestretch out ¬ stayed BUCK KEKNON In tiu closing drive BUCK KEENON ran a good rac nul made a game llnlsli I1MSII GENTLEMAN tired after showing the most speed to tM last eighth PPTNCE EUGENE was galn Jn at the end BIIIKA tired The winner entered for 400 was bid up to 1100 and sold to E Herz HerzScratched Scratched 20229 Bis Dipper 108