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NOTES OF THE TURF FROM OTHER LANDS M Kdmoiid Blancs Marka has been turned out of training and sent to the Haras de Jardy JardyGeorge George Dillon brother of the jockeys Bernard and J Dillon lias joined the Army Veterinary Corps CorpsFitzorb Fitzorb is the name bestowed by M Fitzgerald on his smart threeyearold colt by Orby Glaze GlazeBachelors Bachelors Bliss the newly named Irish twoyear old colt by Tredennis Lady Black recently pur ¬ chased by Mr Kennedy Jones for a long price lids wifely arrived at Lynhams stables at Kottingdeau England EnglandIt It was decided at a meeting of the Great Yar ¬ mouth Knee Committee that the fixture for Sept 15 and 10 should be held as usual aud that there should be no decrease in the amount of mouey added to the stakes stakesJ J B Joel has decided to mate Priucess Dorrle With Sunspot and the Oaks winner of last season has already taken up her quarters at the stud paddocks at Cbildwlikbnry Princess Dorrle is bv Your Majesty Doris and Suuspot by Sundrldge Lota LotaA A letter has beeii received in London from Fred Winter the well known English jockey who be ¬ fore the war was first jockey to the kaiser and is now a prisoner in the Kuhleben internment camp Winter asks for bread aiid biscuits and says Ills imprisonment is threatening his mental balance He does nut explain the circumstances circumstancesSandmole Sandmole Is a colt of manners but when caught in his best mood is distinctly useful This he showed when winning the Prince of Wales Stakes yesterday Mr A Belmont weeded Sandmole out of the Palace House stable because of bis erratic habits but his new owner lauded a coup with him In a selling event at Hurst Park last season sub ¬ sequent to which he was brought in for 1410 guineas London Sporting Life of April 21 21In In the examination In his recent bankruptcy pro ¬ ceedings Kkharil Marsh the noted English trainer said that when lie became trainer for King Edward nnd Lord Marcus Beresford in IOCS it was understood that he was to clear off all his debts but he found he was Hot In a position to do HO and had to bor ¬ row money as well as Increase his Indebtedness o the bunk He attributed his dlflicultics to dealings with money lenders and had paid off fourteen of them to the extent of over 75000 during 1914 He had not made money by betting but had lost its much as 10000 iu a year that wa