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SIXTH RACE 1 Milo and CO Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling Handicap 9fiSO 112 3 IS JOE DEIBOLD b ET 6 115 11520IS3 By Irish Lad Custanco G 7 Day 20IS3 Plmllco 31 116 mud G910 115 1 3 34 2t M Matths 7 Faker Crossbnn Working Lad 20071 HdiGce Im70yl44 fast 8 113 6 4 42 5s1 G Corey G Jawbone Orpcrth RicliLangdn 20028 HdeGce Im70yl4rfast 31 108 1 3 3i 44J W Ural G StarGift Ixicliiel Christophine 19970 Bowie 7S l27fast 6 108 1 1 I1 I1 G Corey 0 Celto Isidora Brave Cunarder 19916 Bowie 78 l2Sgood 10 1061 3 319S3S 2 11 Il G Corey G Loohiel Harry Sliaw Eagle 19S3S Bowie 7S l27fast 12 106 4 5 G 5l G Corey 5 Isidora B Cunarder H Shaw 19274 NOrins 1 116 1 46fast 75 110 3 1 21 1 R Goose G Holton Earl of Savoy Armor 19198 NOrlns Im20y l45hvy 3G 111 3 1 31 21 R Goose G Reno Servicence Armor 19083 NOrlns 1 116 IMe fast 13 113 3 1 in 21 II Goose 7 CFGrainger JStein Love Day 18975 NOrPns 1 116 l4fifast 4fi 112 1 11S931 1 1 I4 R Goose 7 Reno Holton Ravenal 1S931 NOrlns Im20y 144 mud 7C 1071 2 1 Il I1 R Goose 8 Earl of Savoy Orpertli Kneelet KneeletBy RICHARD LANGDON blk ff 5 110 By Dick Welles Lass of Langdon R Jackson 20203 Pimlico 1 143 good 65 112 3 1 1s 1 ° H Lafferty ii Warlock Fly Home Lochiel 20183 Pimlico 34 116 mud 3710 116 3 4 42 5 1 C Fbtlier 7 Faker Joe Deibold Crossbun 20103 HdeGce lmOyl464BOOd 3J 108 1 1 I2 2l C Fbther 4 CliffField Lochiel Emer Gem 20071 HdeGce Im70yl44 fast 165113 2 21M92 1 2J 34 C Fbther G Jawbone Orpertb Tow ton Field 1M92 Bowie 1 116 l51fast 32 117 C CIi94r 1 I2 Il J McTagt G Lazuli The Rtiinp Orpcrth Ii94r Bowie Im20yl45fast 41 112 7 1 1s I5 J McTagt 7 Paton Little England Trovnto 19917 Bowie 1 116 lG2good 41 110 6 1 I2 1s T McTagt 8 Peacoek Tomllancock FordMal FordMalBy COCKSPUR b h 6 104 By Broomstick Semper Victoire E ITtterback 2020S Pimlico Im70yl47good2310 117 7 1 15 lh A Schutgr 9 Kl Oro Ridiwood Abtiotsforil 20146 Pimlico Im70yl46 fast 8 113 S 8 10s 8 2 J McCabeyl2 Lazuli LItEngland Abbotsford 19i9S Bowie 1 11 212fast 15 112 1 1 11 11 A Schuter G Paton Daingerneld BillieBaker 199T8 Bowie 1 1S l57fast 910 114 3 4 G2 6 i T McTagt 0 BeanPere Cogs Henry Hchison 19918 Bowie 1 116 153 good C5 113 1 1 Il I2 T McTagt 8 Cogs Love Dav Ravenal 19S41 Bowie Im20y l45 fcfast 40 112 2 1 V 22 J McTagj12 Daingerneld Hermnda Wnoke 14116 Lexgton 1 18 l57hvy 31 116 C 7 7 72 C Turner T Kingllng Prospect Ben Uucas 1409S Lexgton 1 14 212mud 2110 112 5 4 4 ° 4 C Turner 5 Disparity Weynuoke JStein ORPERTH ch BT 6 105 1052C221 By Ornus Perth Center M B Howser 2C221 Pimlico 1 l41fast 1110 108 2 3 32C071 4l G 1 M Matths U ClIIaven BcnQuince BArouml 2C071 HdeGce Im70yl44 fast 15 105 4 3 34 2l J Metcalf 0 Jawbone RichLangdcn TFielil 19092 Bowie 1 116 l51fast 21 110 3 4 419S99 A 4s W Lilley G RichLangdoii Lazuli ThcRump 19S99 Bowie 1 116 134 slow 75 llli 1 1 1 1J J Metcalf l BeauPere ThcRump BilBaker 15810 Bowie 1 l43fast 2 100 3 4 41U309 3J 22 W Lilley G Joe Finn St Luzcriun T Field 1U309 NOrlns 1 116 146 fast 45 109 4 1 V 15 W Warton 7 HIlchisou MAnnK Consoler 19143 NOrlns 1 116 147 fast 32 110 4 4 15 2n C Turner 5 MAnnK EofSavoy LMarshall 19071 NOrlns Im20y l42V fast 12 111 4 1 1s I2 R Goose 0 Ora McGee InsuranecMan Pnci 18931 NOrlns Im20y 144 mud 6 105 3 4 418S89 2l 3J E Pool 8 J Deibold Eof Savoy Kneelet 18S89 NOrlns Im70y l43good 2 104 4 3 2J 2n W Lilley 5 MaryAnnK Vcrena J Deibold DeiboldBy BUZZ AROUND ch f 4 103 By Cunard Wayward Lass Mrs J Arthur 20221 Pimlico 1 l41fast 6 lor 5 8 u4 32 K Shilline 9 Cliffllaven BenQuince AlRloch 20207 Pimlico Im40yl44good3710 106 1 6 23 23 R Shilling 7 Yodeling Dgerneld Sepulveda 20160 Pimlico Im70yl47fast 185 107 5 5 3 1 R Shilling 11 DrDnner LIncence LSpelle 20072 HdeGce Im70yl44fast G 94 7 4 I2 I2 L McAtee 12 Al Blocb Cogs Orotund 20035 HdeGce Im70yl43good 2 103 3 6 51 4U R Shilling 10 Hermuda C F Grainger Paton 20011 HdeGce Im70yl43fast 6 2 6 76 G52 F McAtee 12 Jawbone Joe Finn Mercnriiim 19996 Bowie 78 l29Vfcfast 8 100 5 6 3J 2i W Ural 6 Al Bloch R oLIght York Lad 199CS Bowie 34 l14fast 60 99 8 62 6 S Wolstm 8 Yodeling Brandywine MCasca UCG3 Havana 51 f 115 hvy 30 103 6 61S813 6 4121W Ural G A N Akin Joe Finn Envy 1S813 Charlen Im20y l46slow 95 99 5 6 7 4 1F Rqbinsn 7 Eof Savoy Fifty Five Mycenae AVIATOR br s 7 90 By Broomstick Lizzie T R I Miller MillerII1 20184 Pimlico 34 l16mud fid 112 3 II1 10T A Pickens 12 Kderoseros Hmniltion Ortyx 17803 Laurel 34 114 fast 32 108 2 217CS5 51 8T J McTagrt 9 Noble Grand FredLevy Hypatia 17CS5 Laurel Im70y l45fast 15 105 1 2 7S S2 J Kcderis 9 Front Royal Balfron R Lloyd 17537 Laurel 1 116 l46fast 144 107 4 1 74 814JD Steward 8 BHead JHHoiighton TRnnin 17519 Empire 51 f 107 fast 3 107 4 41 55i C Turner 7 P Rock Coreopsis SandStripes 17513 Empire 58 101 slow 8 112 1 Sb 52i C Turner G Ha Penny L Orme Northerner 17460 Empire 58 l01ifast 135 112 2 2 2li J McTagrt 8 Phew Chaser Song of Vallev 15702 Empire 34 113 fast 15 110 1 7 12 Butwell 14 Mater Lohengrin JDWakefield 15564 Empire 34 114 fast 15 107 3 102 10 A Bgame 11 Ollagan Bunch of Keys Nild 15291 Aqueduct 34 l1525Slow 15 81 8 1W Ward 0 Mary Warren Mater SofValiey