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FIRST RACE 6 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling 11947 104 2 92 index Cours Dist TlmeTckOdds Wt St 9i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish SAN VEGA b c 4 111 By Knight Errant Merdin R J Mackenzie 20223 Churchill 34 I13good9710 114 2 11 112014S 1 1i I2 J Loftus BHensley Hawthorn OHagan 2014S Lex gton 34 l13fast 345 109 9 34 4 5 41 J McTagtlO Altamalia OHagan Izzethey 20126 Lexgton 1 140 fast 8 109 4 4 3 4 3 3 J McTagt 4 BradChoice TheOrader Chtier 20092 Lexgton 34 l12fast tld 115 6 64 4 4 341 J McTagtll Chartier Mex Bob Hensley 18370 Latonia Im70y l43fast 13 102 5 2 4 3 3h 32 L Hartwell 9 Hocnir Stout Heart Ulngling 18294 Latonia Im70y l42fast 25 103 7 6 6 5 51S2C6 G 5 J L Hartwell 7 Wilhite FathHiley Casuariua 1S2C6 Latonia 1 l3Syifast 3310 103 6 4 6 5 42 4 ° 1V W Tlor 5 BofBBMawr Chrisine Lther 18162 Latonia 1 l41niud 11 103 1 4 5 5 5HAWTHORN 51 G12 W V Tlor 8 Prince Hermis Luther Hocnir HocnirBy HAWTHORN TJ g 5 118 By Hastings White Thorn C F Buschemeyer 20223 Churchill 34 l10good C5 113 7 44 4 3ii 321 E Pool SnnVega lob Hensley OHagan 20124 Lex1 gton 34 l12fast 17 112 4 56 56200S8 6 7 67J R Goose 7 Chalmers Korfhage Benanet 200S8 Lexgton 34 l12fast 365 114 6 44 4 G3 G9 J Smyth S Chalmers Benanet Bringhurst 20049 Lexgton 5 f 109 hvy 1720 10S 4 21 1 11 lh J Smyth 4 HoyallL Hel Barbee Useeit 17285 Lexgton S4 l13fast 3920 113 1 22 22171C4 2 2l 381 W W Tlor 4 HBarhee Presumption Benanet 171C4 Lexgton 34 l12fast 225 115 4 44 441C9S5 4 42 3C1 W W Tlor 0 Helen Barbee GHughea Hocnir 1C9S5 Lcxgton 34 114 fast 235 114 1 12 12IC321 2 2b 3s W W Tlor 0 Buckhorn Wilhite Benanet IC321 Latonia 34 112 fast 135 125 3 11 1 Il ink y W Tlor 5 Benanet W Witch Roadiuaster 15211 Latonia 34 l13mud 2710 126 9 G 5 G1 712JIF Keogh 9 TWMoon Korfhage F Yankee 15126 Latonia 34 111 fast 2120 126 3 11 1 lh 32 W W Tlor 4 Win Witch Benanet OSullivan 15008 Latonia 34 lllfast 2 122 3 11 1 I2 I2 F Keogh S B Belle Pce Himnis RoyalTea 14951 Latonia 34 112 fast 2320 119 2 11 11ROYAL 1 11 2n F Keogh 4 Gipsy Love Beiianet PceHermla PceHermlaBy ROYAL TEA b h G 106 By Right Royal TeeKyTee W H Baker 20199 Lexgton 34 l13fast 2120 IOC 5 22 2 22 21 E Meehan 13 Blackthorn Kdlth W Hob R 20113 Lexgton 34 l133fast 2 110 222 2 2s 2 W Meehan 11 Lackrose ConDelivy Quiaster 18173 Latonia 34 113 fast 61 1045 1 22 221S129 2 5l 6s J Collins 12 Lackrose Stout Heart Cole 1S129 Latonia 34 l12fast 8J 112 4 32 2 23 11 J Collins 12 Luria Salon Finalee 1799 Church 1 34 l16Vihvy 2910 109 6 73 3 22 11 J Smyth 11 Sureget Jas Dockery Sleepland 1794 J Churchl GI f lOShvy 7710 108 8 5 5 3n 2h J Smyth 10 Colle Florin Thistle Bele 17852 Churchl o4 114 mud 38 104 4 5 7 81 8 R Davios 9 Sosius Morristowu Bolala BolalaG 17607 Douglas Im70y l44fast 81 103 5 2 2 G 9 9241R Davies 9 CMchmt MAnnK Mrlstwn 17547 Douglas 34 l12fast 13 113 7 7 5 S 8 F Keogh 9 Bennudian The Reach Sureget 17208 Lexgton 34 l13 ifast 7310 113 G 4 3 7 7s F Keogh 11 Thesieres LitBean CMcFerran 17028 Lexgton 34 119 hvy 345 106 7 G 8 8 9 R Goose J Tsportation TNOrrnan Merrick 16987 Lexeton 84 l13fast 138 108 G 5 5CHABMEUSE 7 S 5 i R Goose 8 Furlong Gipsy Love Adelaide T TBy CHABMEUSE t f 4 107 By Mazagan Bewitcher T W Goldblatt GoldblattC 19601 Juarez 34 lllfast 8 10U 7 G C 4 k l W W Tlor Manganese Seneca Lackrose 19475 Juarez 78 l25fast 3 106 2 1 2 2 2h 55J J McCabe 5 Mimorioso F Roberts Injury 19412 Juarez 78 125 fast 85 100 3 6 6 66 7si II Stearns 7 Othello Executor Roadmaster 19353 Juarez 78 l26fast 21 106 5 4 5 6 32 22 W W Tlor 7 Clark M Mud Sill Claribel 19284 Juarez 34 lllfast S 106 7 G G1913S 4 3s lh J McCabe 8 Pay Streak Osaple Fl Roberts 1913S Juarez 51 f l05fast 7 105 4 7 7 5J 44J J McCabe 8 KlPalomar LitWill Mimorioso 19075 Juarez 51 f l05ysfast 3 107 4 G 6 7 GJi J McCabe 8 King Worth Osaple CarrieOruij 19002 Juarez 7S 1 26fast 31 106 722 3 31 G i A Mott 8 Clark M Gen Marchmout Paw 18949 Juarez 78 127 fast 93 102 112 112CARDIGAN 2 2 2 A Mott 5 Fathom BofBMawr CMmont CMmontBy CARDIGAN blk g 3 107 By Yankee Raglan G R Senn 20096 Lexgton S4 l13fast 18 it 3 3 5 51 ni J McTagt jl CTower TNonnan Psunition 18333 Latonia 34 l13ysfast 145 109 S 1 2 I 1 F Murphy 14 Dortch Resign Sandstone 18264 Latonia G f l07fast 125 111 9 4 4 32 I1 F Murphy 11 Sunset Billy Joe Carrie Orme 18128 Latonia Gi f 107 fast fid 109 1 1 1 I1 I2 F Murphy 12 W Crown Chesterton HmwHoo 17902 Bowie GI f lOSVsfast 2 109 5 4 3 41 2 R Troxler 9 Kncore Carrie Ornie Haflz 17777 Bowie 34 l14fast 10 109 G 3 2 31 2 i R Troxler 8 A N Akin Encore Mamie K 17597 Bowie GS l01fast 910 107 2 1 1 I2 1s R Troxler C Onar Elastclty St Heene 17564 Bowie GS l01fast 910 107 1 3 2 11 1 R Troxler G Ischgabihble UFitz BndonBelle 17390 HdeGce 58 101 fast 3 106 3 2 3 41 56 J Kederis 10 Videt Kmelda Volnspa 16978 BlueBon 51 f 110 slow 31 104 10 G 2 22 5 A Collins 12 Commensia Merry Twinkle Tlv 16900 BlueBon 51 f l09hvy 41 96 6 G GUSEEIT 7 51 42 A Collins 8 Finalee Borax Don Cortez CortezBy USEEIT b m 8 114 By Bonnie Joe Effie M A W Hoots 20096 Lexgton 34 l13fast 4 110 1 1 2 2i 4f L Gentrj 11 CTower TNonnan Psumtion 20075 Lexgton 24 113 fast 21 1O 1 1 111 li L Gentry 10 Chartier ConTower KdUelling 20049 Lexgton 51 f 109 hvy 14 119 2 1 3 4 4i L Gentry 4 Hawthorn Royal II H Bnrbee 19348 NOrlns 34 l12fast 2 111 1 1 1 11 22 W OBrien 4 Yenghee Ros Goose L Moonet 19220 NOrlns 34 l12fast 2 110 1 1 2 3 = i R Goose LadyMoonet Resign JWright 19155 NOrlns 34 112 fast 5 103 1 1 111 I1 J OBrien S L Moonet Richwood BCandle 19131 NOrlns 34 l13fast 75 106 1 1 1 1 Ib II Bresch G Richwood Tportation DrLaric 19081 NOrlns 34 l12fast 10 108 3 1 1I89S4 1 1 2 II Breech 5 BCandle DrLarrick LMoonet I89S4 NOrlns 34 113 fast 8 101 2 1 1 la lll H Bresch 7 Jim Basey Kate K OHagan 18864 NOrlns 51 f l06fast 710 105 1 1 1 1s 1 W Hinphv 7 Viley Birka Hearthstone 18828 Charlen 61 f l09good 32 103 1 1 1CHARTIER 3 2nk 21 F Robinsn G Brandywine Yel Eyes Ortyr OrtyrBy CHARTIER blk h I 117 By Hurst Park Belle Diablo Spiot Powers 20242 Churchill 34 l13i fast 275 10t 9 9 8 7l i8 T McTagt 9 TNorman Ollapan Undaunted 20126 Lexgton 1 140 fast 5 109 1 1 2 2 4 49 T McTagt 4 BradChoice TheGrader SVega 20092 Lexgton 34 l12fast 2110 112 3 1 1 I2 I1 T McTagtll Mex San Vega B Hensley 20075 Lexgton 34 113 fast 75 108 5 6 G 31 21 T McTagtlO Useeit Con Tower Ed Dilling 19407 NOrlns 51 f 106 good 10 109 5 5193C4 1 1 I2 1 R Goose 8 Viley Northerner Linda Payne 193C4 NOrlns 34 l12fast 8 106 G 6 G G2 51W OBrien G Jim Basey Sebago Luther 19324 NOrlns 51 f 107 fast 10 114 8 9 9 G2 CJ W OBrien 9 Viloy OHagan Subago 19271 NOrlns 51 f l06fast 15 114 8 8BUSY 888 S151S Davis 8 Jim Basey Sir Dyke Viley VileyBy BUSY EDITH t f S 95 By Yankee Busy Maid F D Weir 20175 Lexgton 34 l15hvy US 96 7 4 5 GJ V12 B Marco iO liiiiy joe Ollugan Hoenir 0150 Lexgton 34 l13fast 195 95 2 2 2 2s I1 B Marco 7 Oakland Lackrose Mar Lowrr 20110 Lexgton 51 f lOTfast 15 103 11 10 8 71 31 D Stirling 12 Amazon Gilt Edge M Lmvry 17471 Douglas 51 f 107 fast 41 99 3 8 8 G1 612 K Pool 11 Liherator Vogue Aunt Josle 16524 Saratoga 51 f lOSsow 12 97 4 2 3 23 2l B Marco 9 Headmast Gnat Sarsenet 16362 Saratoga 5 f 108 good 5 105 2 4 1 1s 1 B Marco 14 Planetary Onar Inez 16304 Saratoga 5i f lOSslow 5 107 11 8 G GI 4 B Marco 15 Tory Maid Haliz Change 16164 Saratoga 5 f l07sfast 2i S 8 4 3 31 23 B Marco 13 Vladimir Cvcle Voluspa 16009 Saratoga 51 f 106 fast 30 104 5 5 5 4 i 6 JB Marco 9 LBarbary Kaskaskia Montrosa 15920 Empire 55 f l09slow 2 105 4 2 1 I1 2 J McCabe 5 Mamie K Deviltry Cycle 15830 Empire 5 f l06fast 41 103 1 1 2 22 2 1 J Kederis G Bllortar MMtgomery Borgo BorgoBy DERVISH blk e 3 By Delhi Coppclia J Butler 1S25S Laurel 58 l00fast 14 109 5 5 5 G2 G i C Borel 8 Banquet He Will Hanson 18151 Laurel 5 f l06fast 16 102 S 9 9 93 912 D StewardlO Bet Us Lady Rotha Broomleaf 1S092 Laurel 51 f l07fast 65 1091 2 2 2 lh I C Borel 15 Carione Leonnine Key Mar 14914 Belmont 58 st l00fefast 1 114S19 1 1 21 3 = J Kederis 7 Type Sarsenet Jester 14S19 Belmont 58 st 59 fast 6 2 2 3 3 J Kederis 10 Polish Gaelic FenrocK 14507 Belmont 58 l01fast 4 8 8 71 Gl J Kederis n Razzano Charter Maid Minstrel MinstrelBy COLLE ch f 4 419f By Marta Santa Veracious W Gerat 19f 53 Havana 31 115 fast 6 4 4 5 ° E Lamters 7 Briar Path Cliff Field Encoro 19530 Havana 34 l14fast 5 51950S 51950S f Encorof 4 435 F Robinsn S Joo Finn Itriar Path Encore 1950S Havana 34 l15good S S194S7 S194S7 2 3 = I2 F Robinsn 7 Encore Cliff Field A N Akin 194S7 Havana 34 116 good S 4 G1 G1ilF Robinsn 9 ToeFinn BriarPath LouisePaul 19378 Havana 34 l20slow 3 4 5 59j F Robinson 7 BCunarder Manasscb C Field 19276 Havana 58 lllhvy 4 4 21 I1 F Robinson 7 Shadrach Susan B Banjo Jim 18678 Charlen 51 f 103 fast 12 2 2 21 2 W Lilley G Ancon Wanda Pitzer J Wricht 18637 Charlen 34 l15mud 8 81SH76 3 3 G1 G3 F Robinsn 7 Harry Shaw Ancon Cliff Field 1SH76 Charlen 58 l01fast 8 81S535 2 2 2 21 F Robinsn 9 Useeit Dr Carmen Jim Savage 1S535 Charlen 51 f lOSgood 6 61S367 4 5 Ch 710 F Robinsn S Luther Dr Carmen Ancon 1S367 Latonia 34 112 fast 2C 2C1832S 3 3 42 G 3 F Robinsn 11 Othello Coy T M Green 1832S Latonia 34 112 fast 10 99 4 5 G 33 3 = F Robinsn 7 LMoonet Presptlon Benanet 18173 Latonia 34 113 fast 40 401S120 99 4 3 4 3k 3l F Robinsnl2 Lnckrose Stout Heart Theslcres 1S120 Latonia 34 l13fast 19 1910 104 3 1 1 11 I1 F RoMnsn G Lady London Jessie Louise Coy CoyBy MAC b c 4 108 By McGee Little Wliit G W J Bissell 20196 Lexgton 34 l13fast 48 111 7 CCS S1S1D Connellylt Maznik Quartermaster Gabrlo 20113 Lexgton 34 l13V l13fast fast 61 115 S 8 S S1 ST D Connellyll Lackrose UoyTea ConDjlivy 19654 Havana 34 l13fast 12 115 1 1Gi 3 5 o3 D Connelly 7 Itfwah Ray oLight Minstrel 19637 Havana Gi f l07fast 40 114 5 3 3J 3s D Connelly 9 Marjorie A Cliitra Springmass 39529 Havana 34 l14fast 25 115 3 4 5 G 1D Connelly S Lochiel Chitri La Mode 39509 Havana El f l09good 7 3 6 63 D ConnellylO C MeFerran Bunlce Susan B 39289 Havana 51 f l12slow 9 114 4 G 74 72JD Connellyl2 DrRLSnger Snip EHarwond 39342 Havana GI f 116 slow 10 107 2 2 3 423 D Connellyll TigerJim Laura ChurMcFerraa 39277 Havana 34 l24hvy 4 114 1 2 2nt 3 D Connelly 9 S Boy Elsewhere S Strings 19242 Havana 51 f l2GV hvy 41 112 2 2LONGFELLOW 1 1 1s 1s D Connelly 7 CharBrown TheMonk Supren SuprenBy LONGFELLOW TJ c 4 113 By Chaucer Kalydor J Livingston 17966 Churchl 34 113 mud 29 931 7 7Newmkt 777 725JB Marco 7 Leochares Ilodere The W Moon Newmkt Eng 1 l good 6 97 97ManchesrEng l t j Prout 11 Bach Tax Cuthbert Guiscard ManchesrEng 1 l39good 103 109 109Manchr Il Saunders G Dartoi Sarson Spiked Manchr Eng 34 l15Vgood 3 121 121VindsorEng 1i F Tplemn 4 Rosavil Fislierwomnn Brom VindsorEng 34 good 3 10S 10SChester 13 Saunders G Witliig ISnstus Witham Chester Eng 78 l30good 41 104 104Thirsk G Saunders G AngPost MSweeperCSymons Thirsk Eng 34 hard 3J 122 1 1 F Tplemn 5 DusMaid DAlfonso TandSixII PENNYROCK TJ c 3 91 91202T5 By Rock Sand Poeketpince C L Carroll CarrollC 202T5 Churchill 34 l13fast fid 110 2 C 5 r 2 53 J Butwell 12 Billv Joe Izzetbey Mex 20043 HdeGce 34 l13fast 40 116 2 3 G G3 741 J Mclntro 7 Mercnrinm Tarzan T Bybody 19957 Bowie 1 l44fast 135 98 3 1 1 1 l 11 A Collins 5 Sof Iove Flyllome PiedPiper 19941 Bowie 34 115 fast 1310 105 S 4 41991R 6 41 31 A Collins 8 StLazcrlan FrIIlen Eiiprgetic 1991R Bowie 78 l28good 23 95 6 3 4 41S720 4 G3 5 S A Collins G JoeDeilwld Lochiel HarryShaw 1S720 Charlen GI f 110 slow 2 102 2 3 2 22 1 R Shilling 8 J B Harrell Carlone F Helen 18586 Churlen GI t lOSfast 5 104 1 3 3 22 Il R Shilling 11 Stubborn Hectograph MCphrll 18406 HdeGce 34 l14fast 6 107 7 4 41S436 3 3 k 32i H Laffertyl2 Mamie K Meelleka Surgeon 1S436 HdeGce 34 116 good 145 107 5 2 22 2 ° 21 M Buxton 11 Minstrel Meellcka AlmeV Leslie 18428 HdeGce El f l09 6slow 4 112 1 11 1 J 1 1 R Troxler 17 Babe D of Dunbar Lady Bryn NORTHLIGHT ch f 4 111 1111S03 Bv Northern Star Torchlight E Herz 1S03 ChurchI 34 110 hvy 7110 J02 5 C 6 s C VaiiDun 7 Ulchwood Surcget Osaplo 17912 Cliurchl 34 314fast fM 102 0 0NewrktEng 10 10 C Vaiilunl2 Kate K Toy Roy Edith W NewrktEng 7S good 12i 88 88NewrkUEng 10 Hrkman 1 Sneezer Trident Marcavis NewrkUEng 58 l00hard 11 119 119Epsom 10 F RickabylS Liisca Bitter lilt Honey Bee Epsom Eng 34 fair 121 109 109JWliainUing 10 Spear 11 Ardigon Tosson Scuttle JWliainUing 31 l22gootl 121 97 97ManchrEhg 5 Dickens I P li Menlo LitGaysome ManchrEhg 58 hvy 121 97 97NcwbnjEng 3i Wing 12 Sardina Starboard LightsOut NcwbnjEng 5S 109 good 10 110 110SWEETHEART 12 Spear ii Prepaid C bv Gal Lad Parade ParadeBy SWEETHEART SUE b f 3 100 1003S2S1 By Peter Quince Peninah W S Throlkeld 3S2S1 Latonia 51 f 307 fast fid 103 12 12 11101T Rice i Converse Tokay Aunt Josle 17603 Uouglas 44 1 12fast 67 113 7 7 7 K Pool 7 M Fielder Liberator TorvMald 17471 Douglas Gi f 1 07 fast 40 100 11 11ton 7 9 Jl Goose 31 Liberator Vogue Aunt Josie ton 51 f 307 fast 3730 112 1 11KS2 41 41 11 Goose 7 Sunset Ian Maid Grecian GrecianC 1KS2 Latonia 55 f l0fifast 12 112 7 71S1S4 C 41 M Griner Katharine G Grecian D Flower Floweri 1S1S4 Latonia f f l07fast 7 112 2 i 1 SI Grincr 7 Ian Maid Chesterton Astrology 14073 Latonia 61 I l07fast 4320 103 5 21 21 E Martin 8 Manioc Alineda Lawrence Gano Gano3i 14920 Latonia 58 l00fast 13 110 2 2HR3G 3i HJi M Grincr 0 MargiirctD PanMaid Rcbjloses HR3G Latonla Gl f l0fifast 60 109 2 5 5MJM Griner 0 KCpchran Rancher MargaretD 11381 Douglas 58 C9fast 8710 109 5 51432G 41 4tl M Griner L Barbary MarcaretD Filigree 1432G Douglas 41 f G4Hfast 8 110 3 21 11 M Grincr 12 Ambrosial Mattle C Chitra