Fifth Race [5th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1915-05-12

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FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles 4ycarolds and upward Sellins OSaSU 144 5 105 REQUIRAM b f 4 103 By Tony Faust Resignation G W Innes 20239 Churchill Im70yl41fast 81 108 G 21 2 C Djshmon 8 BCandle MAnuK MDn MDnhveber 20162 Lexgton 34 ll hvy 35 102 1 4 43 3 = 1 W Lilley BIrka Aimcc Leslie Finnlce 10066 Lexgton Im70yl45 good4320 106 1 1 1 1 11 21 C Dishmonll Transit Wryneck Toner 19393 NOrlns Im20y l45hvy 8 105 S 1 1 1 1 I J McTagrt 9 YorkLad IrisuranceMan JSIcIn 19209 NOrlns 31 l35fegood 8 103 5 5190SG 12 11 10l 13IB E AmbroselS Viley Lady London Jes Loulso 190SG NOrlns Gl f lOSslop 2 101 1 1 1 I5 1 J McTagrtl2 Kayderoseros FYankeeAmorct 19019 NOrlns 61 f l07good 5 105 4 41S95G 4 3 3 = 2 J McTagrt S Sunnp Jezail Prospero Son 1S95G NOrlns 51 f l075good 6 110J G 4 5 5J 41 E rMcEwcn 9 I Lavinla Hstone Ethelbiirgll 18932 NOrlns 34 l16mud 8 105 7 7LQVELAND 1 7 61 G1C VanDun S O Tis Tnn Salon Big Dipper LQVELAND br f 4 103 1032014S By Ogden La Pucello E B Bradley f 2014S Lexgton 34 l137ifast 112 98 G 7 S S1 71 J Brown 10 Altamalm OHagan Izzutbey 16553 Saratoga 1 l41good 7 100 1 6 3 51 5 A Neylon 31 Executor Northerner LTravcrs 16364 Saratoga 1 141 good 4 1001 144 la 2 A Neylon 12 Fly Feet Golden Prime Armor 15987 Saratoga 1 l40fast 4J 106 6 2 1 1 21 23 A Neylon YI Bravo Kilcrea His Nibs 15862 Empire 1 11G 1 51mud 2 99 1 2 2 1 1 5 1s A Neylon 7 GallantBoy Heartbeat Camellia PENALTY br f 4 03 By Marathon Jliss Lida C W Gasscr 19171 Juarez 1 l30ffast 4 98 5 67 G 4S 4 = A Mbtt S Pay Streak Art Rick Choctaw 1U12G Juarez 1 1S l527sfast 1 97 1 G 5 4 5 = 1 1 = J A Mott 7 Goldy L Innocence First Star 19373 Juarez 1 l39Mfast 2 JS G 5 5 5 21 11 A Mott Spindle Cordie F Transparent 19339 Juarez 1 l3Sfast 85 93 8 S 8 G Gk G i P Louder 8 Llnhrook Curlicue Si indle 1913S Juarez 51 f l05Vfast 60 8 8 8 7s 6JP Iouder 8 ElPalomar Lit Will Mimbrloso 19064 Juarez 31 l12 fast 40 101 S 888 6IC J Callahan S Furlong New Haven Mimorioso 755 3 5 D Steward 9 Executor Cliff Field Orotund 4 2 2s 31 J McCahey 9 Ella Bryson Orotund Flitaway 4 4 4JO 4 ° 1 J McTagrt 5 Kxecutor Klwah Dartworth 3 2 22 2 = W Hinphy G BHead DrDuenr Cllolloway 4 3 3 ° 3J W Hinphy 10 Executor Drtworth Cllolloway G 3 2k ink p Coleman G Mockery Expectation TheUsher TheUsherByPcep WANDER ch g 9 ByPcep oDay Strayaway C E Hamilton 19SOO Havana 58 110 hvy 2 112 2 2 2 2 W Obert 7 Biinice C McFerran W Lad 19788 HaVana 34 131 hvy 21 Hi 1 G 4s 2 k H Snyder S Tiger Jim Cooster Water Lad 1S732 Havana 51 f l16Jhvy 1 110 5 4 41SC93 4 31 E Taplin G K Harwood Tiger Jim Colter 1SC93 Havana 01 f 121 hvy 95 111 3 3 3 3 D Connelly 7 A N Akin Tiger Jim B Belle 19613 Havana 1 l40fast 6 109 G 76 76193S7 767 7 31D Connelly 7 Quick Start Jawbone Nash 193S7 Havana 1 l44 slow 2 104 2 2 21 1 In 2J F Robinsn G Iochlel Margaret Moise Nash 19306 Havana 34 110 good 135 112 1 4 35 3 J D Connelly 7 Nash Sprlngmass Towt Field 19163 Havana 1 l49 good 3 113 2 4 44 4 3 2k D Cojinelly 4 Balfron BCimarder Uncle Mun 19129 Havana 34 125 hvy 115 111 3 4 41927S 3k iij D Connelly G Encore Shadrnch A N Akin 1927S Havana 51 f l18hvy 95 114 3 5 22 2s D Connelly 5 Manassch B Cunarder Y Eyes 19189 Havana 51 f l27hvy 85 114 2 2 2 1 5 C Peak G SonBoy Stars and Stripes Mac 19178 Havana 51 f l39hvy M 111 1 2 21910S 2 31 D Connelly 9 sackcloth Golden Lassie Minda 1910S Havana 34 l22mud 95 113 6 3 3GALLANT 2 I3 D Connelly S SandStrJpcs S Boy CuttyhunU CuttyhunUBy GALLANT 1051910S BOY blk e 4 105 By Fatherless Toots J Hogan 1910S NOrlns Im20y l41Bood 10 97 2 4 3 4 52 G JR Urciuhrti InsiiKMan LGeorgP WCWest 1930G NOrlns Im20y l41fast 15 101 155 7 Cl S9 R TJrquhrtlJ June W Kilday Wryneck 18943 NOrlns Im20y Ii45hvy 6 101 345 5 715 7101R Urquhrt 9 Marshon Beau Pens CFGrngcr 18867 Cassowary1SS36 NOrlns Im70y l45fast 2J 99 6 2 2 2 11 111 R Urquhrt 9 Benu Pern Marshon Cassowary 1SS36 NOrlns 3m20y l41fast 8 100 1 3 3 3 3l 2nk R Urquhrt 7 HHutchison HClass Ravcnal RavcnalCOUNTERPART COUNTERPART b gr 5 107 By McGee Little Whit J A Shafer 20223 Churchill 34 l13V good 385 108 5 578 8tsJB Ott 9 San Vega BHensUy Hawthorn 17621 Helena Im70y 115 fast 109 978 9 9 910 D Bauer 9 Barsac Electric Gen Mchniont 17390 Helena Clflfl6 fast 108 1 25 Gl 6JJ McBride S PayStreak StlaGraine FitzgerM 17495 Helena F C 1101 fast 116 4 476 fi R Pauloy 7 PayStreak Manganese HardBall 14048 Lexgton 1 116 M6fast 3710 100 5 7 9 10 8 9 JH Sumter 10 Weyanoke Brave TexasTommio 14033 Lexgton 1 l44hvy 38 312 3 4 4 3 3 k 3 H Sumter G Hawthorn Af Rnblcc Disparity 14011 Lexgton 1 142 hvy 31 110 3 3 5 4 4l 4 C Turner 7 Serena ta High Private Armor 13981 Lexgton 1 141 fast 8 110 122 i 3l 45J L Dcfonde G FlyingFeot EdithW r BeYlVlorse 13918 Jamesn 1142 fast 12 100 3 1 1 1 1 2J J Callahan 8 Jabot Col Aslimeadc TheRump COREOPSIS ch g 6 By Ornament Ollie Belle H B Gorin 20168 Lexgton 1 1lfi l4Sfclow 91 108 4 3 3 4 3i 3 ° E Pool 8 Thtreader Gold Girl Tavolara 200SG 112121DG71 Lexgton 31114 fast 12 11212 1DG71 Havana 3 343VSfast 9 113 G 6 7s W Hinphy 7 Louise Paul Quick Start Napier 19303 Havana 1 144 good 5 103 4 4 G W Hinphy G Br Cnnarder Balfron MnnasseU 19430 Havana 1 l57hvy 75 133 1 1 = I1 W Hinphy C P Regan C Holloway M Way 19361 Havana 1 l54slow 5 108 4 2 1 I2 I2 W Hinpby 7 Sepulvcda Jawbone Cllolloway 19291 Havana 31 l47hvy C 114 1 3l 3 M Griner 10 MargMeise Sanjon ParlorBof 19192 Havana 51 f 132 hvy 135 109 4 4IMPRESSION 21 I2 J Connolly 7 Transport Susan B Flask FlaskBy IMPRESSION b g 6 107 By Wild Mint Inspiration J H Stamper Jr 19365 NOrlns 1 116 liifast 15 300 3 2 2 4 5 511JU Urquhrt 5 For Fair Resign Just Red 19331 NOrlns 1 l39fast 8 JOIS 211 1 i 2s Red2s 2 L Gaugel 7 OldBon IITcmple TIusyb TIusybody 19272 Ca1920S NOrlns 3m70y 3 41fast 15 103 533 2 2 2i osj R Urqnhrt G StoiitHcart JiistRed I B Ca Candle 1920S NOrlns Im70y llV6good 15 302 4 3 3 3 4 45 3 iR Urquhrt 5 Stout Heart Ycngtuc Box Boxer 10115 lf M JNorlns frro 1 1 11 ltl r t 11 1 v t 1 t r 1116117 fast 10 110 1 1 1 5 5 5JLi Gaugel 5 M Ann K Orpcrth L of Savoy 26 NOrlns 31 l14slow 8 109 5 5 5 G 6i L Gaugel 8 Kate K K of Savoy Ricliwood 54 NOrlnR 34 312Cast 3 30T 3 3 3 3s 3J R Urquhrt H B Canillo T Bnsey Muskmelon SULLIVAN MuskmelonSULLIVAN ch h 5 115 By dddfellow Rosinante J MacManus 71 Latonia 1 116 l46fast 12 IWi 5777 6 = 5S3 J Metcalf 10 Indolence Florin Robert Kay 31 Latonia Im70y l45 fast 19 115 4 33 J McCabe 14 Woyoke WWCIrk HHowdy 163 Latonia 34 313fast 16 IIS 12 12 10 9l 0 J J Loftus 13 Thcsivres Oakland T M Green 199 Latonia 34 l33fast S 31711 0 S 71 771 C Ginz 11 Thesirres Zali Chad Btiford 17094 111 Lexgton Tn f 34 1 11 no 333fast 23 115 6 IC58G Saratoga 1 140 fast 15 110 5 16522 Saratoga 4 l15slow 10 320 7 16299 Saratoga 78 l2S slow 5 16011 Saratoga 1 340 fast 12 15126 Latonia 34133 fast 32 106 4 4 4 4 4s D Connelly 4 1 Win witch Bcnanet Hawthorn 15060 Latonia 34 l13fast 6 114 7 6 G 3 I A Neylon 8 TransMillor RobtKay Brlckley TRANS MILLER b g 4 20196 Lexgton 34 l13fast IS 20114 Lexgton 34 l13fast 57 573S234 3S234 Latonia 3m70y 345fast 27 18132 fl1S079 Latonia Im70y l41fast fl 1S079 Latdnia lirfTOy lir fast fl 18033 louuo Church VHUHU 1 i aniiuyiijv Im70yl43hvy iivy 68 txs JUU5 3 4 S 54 = 4M3E Pool G Jiminle Gill Love Day LitBean 17608 Douglas 1 116 l4Gfast fld 102110 7 7 S 13 13 1C VanDiinl4 Luther Big Dipper Roy 17308 Douglas Im70y 143 fast 47 108 6 G C 7 Gh 7I8iW W Tlor 8 Mockery Exportation Gal Boy ScrapperT 17283 Lexgton 34 114 fast fid 101 11 11 8 G 5 E Pool 11 Sunget BanK Bill Scrapper T I CTOV SPY V b e 5 C 0 TrnMiu j nt f t i t At Iooi 7 Jaiieslockerv Salnn DicksPet I21S6 Latonia 1 l3SV fast fld 1031 9 4 7 11 31 ll F Benton 11 Glint IlyingToin Flox I22BO Latonia CJ f 1 10mud 36 117 1 675 GUE Martin 8 Hap Cripco Oakland 12221 Latonia 34 l17hvy 31 100 2 2 2 5h 6 1 E Martin 9 Luthtr Jimmie Gill U Steppa

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Local Identifier: drf1915051201_4_4
Library of Congress Record: