Saratoga Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-18


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m a. -! r T - J 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ii n - ,, ? = i j g j j j j ! I | , ; J J ■ ; I i 1 I 1 ■ 2 - I 1 1 2 - 0 2 : r. • n o » 0 2* ft 2 - 1 i 1 1 0 , «i 4 * o 0 4 I 2 I ii i ,, , . 5 SARATOGA FORM CHART. fcARATOGA. N. Y., TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1915. -Fourteenth day. Saratoga Association. Summer Meeting of 24 days. Weather clear. Iresiding Steward, Frank J. Bryan. Presiding Judge, C. H. ivttingill. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary. Andrew Miller. Baeing starts at 2:39*. 111. Chicago time 1:39 p. 111.1. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. OOQPvft FiusT baci: 3-4 Mile. 19919 1:11—3—113. Parse 9499. 2-year elda. Selling. QUO Net value to winner $;HK: second. i : third. $:: . Index Horses AWiPPSt % ~ Str Fin Jockeys Owners O 11 C P S 22214 SOUTHERN STAB w 99 7 I V- "■■ .! 1- W Lilhy M A Coiton IS IS IS ». a 21965 SFVILLIAN wb 109 l :: 1- l3 1- L- T Mi-Tag* t J Sanford x-o 24 SJ 1 94 22227"i:i NA KFN.NA w lot t; 2 f :- L- .!- L Allen M Hirsch M 15 12 E 2J 22069 VF.NII ItF w 101 10 :, H1 ss 7- 41 M Buxton " K G Billings 4 f. i 6-5 3-5 21034 BLANCH ITA w lM» 16 V «;.. 41 ■ K Martin T C McDowell 2 30 30 10 5 21C51 WALLOON WB lbs.ll 11 IP 7 9] 6 D ONeill .1 Carson 30 30 30 10 5 22170 SCOTTISH KNIGHT w 112 U 1 !■■ 4 H 7 i Rvrne S I, Parsons li 6 4 3-2 7-10 22227 AFTER NIGHT W I"! :, :i »■ W V. s L Mink .1 Hurley 20 .10 30 10 5 22194-ciIIVAToK wb 1031212 12 it.1. 11 V- D Connelly Mrs V J Soeirs 6X83 75 22214 IN AND OCT w 104 0 10 g 11- 9| M* K LapailleW Mulligan 40 40 40 15 6 21461 IRRAWADDY ws 1fK .i s ]o- 12 12 IP L Cray R Angarola » 91 1". 6 I 22214 NOLI. I w lOli I 7 .. El 10 12 R Hoffman W C Daly 20 30 30 10 5 •Time. 12. 24. 36. 49, "1:01, 1:19%. Track good. Winner Mr. f. by Maratl Edna Shannon 1 trained by B. T. Coiton. Weill to M.sf at 2:30. AI post ." sal— tea. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. SOUTHERN STAR, after being a forward contender from the start, responded gamely when called and. passing the leaders, was going away at the finish. SEVILLIAN shewed the most speed and sef a good pace, but quil badly in the final eighth*. EDNA KENNA made a game effort in the stretch, but tired near the end. VENTURE was in close quarters all the way and finished fast. BLANCHITA quit as if Ion. The winner, entered for 9409, was bid up to JjU.OoO and sold t.. I . K. MeCinnis. Scratched 217A9aGood Counsel. 107: 2214B*Moll!e Elliott, 101: 22211 Mis- PhUbtn, 104. Overweights---Walloon, 1. pounds: Chivator. 1: NotlL -• QQ KQ SFCOM BACK Ahout 2 Miles. 7o:i70 — 1:10—0—166. Steeplechase. SB99 Added. jg JM OO tt7 ::. ear olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner ::,s..: second. ?1ih : third. . Index Horses AWtlBSt .. 10 !■. 17 Fin J..ekeys Ow u rs O H C I S 22195 -* ALF.NTINK v 4 B!0 3 1 2- 2» 1- 1" 1 -- .1 Rowan J B Widener 2i 31 3 1 1-J 20060 CONQUISTADOR w 7 14S 5 5 f, 35 *• -,:l B Krause J Johnston S 12 12 4 2 22195*.MONSTONK w 4 132 I 2 4" 4- 4 3" 33" J Bmoot J R Tompkins 20 30 30 10 3 22195-*SI WANNFi: W 4 131 1 i ■ 31" 2J 4 4 S Bush Mrs T J Donohuf 4 6 5 S-5 7-10 20334 ROOK FISH W 9 149 .". I 1 ■" 1 " Lost rider.M Hen*sonW M Carter 3 4J 4 7-5 3-5 22263 DIXON IARK. WS 9 199 4 4 Fell. F TnburkeJ Collins 2J 2J 11-54-5 1-3 Time. 4:41. Track good. Winner— Br. I". by Marta Santa -LOricnt trained by J. II. Lewis. West to post at 3:07. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won eased up: second and third driving. VALENTINE, while racing in closest early pursuit, fenced badly, but had little opposition after he leader fell and was firing at the finish. CONQUISTADOR, a looker, hung on gamely uuder pres-urc and the effort Should improve him. htONSTONE lacked speed and was under a drive all the way. SUWANNEE made several bad landings and was pulled up in the final eighth. BOCK FISH had a safe lead •hen he bst his rider at the thirteenth jump. DIXON PARK fell at the second. The winner was entered tor $..00; no bid. Scratched— 22199, Meshach. 142. OOQftH THIRD BACK— 7-8 Mile. 91957— 1 24%— 5— lift | .00 Added. Air Ages. JU and OO J Handicap. Net value to winner 45: second. 00: third. 0. index Horses AWtPPSt,4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S 22916* LEOCH A RES w ."» IIS 2 7 fi1. E| 2?. 1»| 1* .1 Kederis J W Schorr 9-5 2 8-5 7-101-3 22171-TONM.; TOWER W 3 10S S 2 n 2J l| 22 2*» K LapailleMrs J Shilling 15 20 20 8 4 22230THOKMIILL WB 4 113 7 8 S3 8l 4*J 3s 3* C Turner D J Leary 10 12 10 4 2 22171 REYROURN wb 8 103 9 1 5- 3"i 5 5 " 4" M Buxton C K G Billings 6 8 S 3 7-5 20088-BBI.i;iIFRST 4 112 I 5 41 fak 7?. 9" B* M Garner J N Camden 4 5 4 S-5 4-5 12216 HELEN BARBEE WB 7 IPS ii I J» 7l 9 72 6 R HoffmanR .1 Mackenzie 20 25 25 8 4 21788 I --RUNNY w 4 111 I 4 ::» 6h «i Sl 7- W Lilley G A Cochran 4 5 4i 2 1 99049 DISTANT SHORE WB ". 102 4 I Q 1| 3- 4h S- J McTagrtOneck Stable 10 15 15 5 21 21706-HOI SFMAII 7 122 1 9 9 9 S* 9 9 G Byrne H C Hallenbeck 10 13 15 5 2S Time. 12. 24l/5. 36. 49. 1:01%. l:13*i. 1:27%. Track good. Winner — B. g. by Broomstick — Leayoaara trained by J. 1*. Schorr. Went to post at :;:•!•. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. LEOCH A RES was saved next to the rail to the stretch, then drew clear at his riders leisure and won easing up. CONNING TOWER raced DISTANT SHORE int.. defeat in the early running, but tired and just lasted long enough to withstand II loRN II ILLS challenge. The latter raced wide throughout and finished fast. RFYItOI BN ran well. BRINGHITRST was forced lo pull up several times on the turn and ran as if short. DISTANT SHORE ran well to the stretch. Scratched -21903Sam Jackson. 126; 22217 Waterblossosa, ill: 22218 Pixy, 108; 22143-Hanson. 105; 22170 Hands OfT. !H : 22020 Light Wing. 99. Overweights— Rcyli.. in n. 1 pound. OOQftl FOURTH RACE— 1 Hie. 91991—1:37*1 -9— 110. i Thirteenth Running Saranac Handi-i20U J- caP. Value 21,999. :;-year-olds. Net value to winner 91,999; second. 50: third. 50. Index Horses AWtPPStA % % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 99997RKt;RET w 123 2 1 1» 1» l1 I* 1 ". J Hotter L s Thompson 1-2 3-5 1-3 out— 22123 TRIAL BY JCBY WB 114 s I BJ L". 2- y- » T MrTagt I! B Cassatt 6X6 6-5 i r. 22217-1. AI BOTHA W BK. t "• 7" si. 7- 5- :: M Garner A Miller 15 91 U 4 S-T, 22265 THE FINN wit 12i; 1 I P ::- 5 :i". M Buxton H C HallenbecfctW IS 15 4 8-5 22123 TRON DUKE wi! Ill 6 I I 71 S 7 5» G Byrne H C HallenbeckflO 15 15 4 8-5 22262-1. I Y BABBARY w 100 7 l 19 3". B 9 ■ Martin R V Carman S M 21 f. I 22043-CAIKA wb 107 3 I Il 41 4 V 71. C Turner .1 Butler 12 IS 15 4 8-5 20322 HAUBERK wn 112 7 »; 51 5J u1 s s .1 Mc-Cah.-y Shoshone Stable 30 60 60 9 I tCoupled in betting: no separate place or show betting. Time. 12%. 25. 37. 49. 1:02. 1:15%. 1:99%, 1:42. Track grood. Winner — Ch. f. by Broomstick— Jersey Lightning trained by J- Rowe. Went to post at 4:00. At pest 1 minute. Start KOOd and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. REGRET took the lead at once, was never fully extended, and won tinder stout restraint. TRIAL BY JFRY followed the leader closely throughout and made a game effort in the homestretch, but could n.-ver get Up. LADY ROTIIA was outpaced in the early running, but saved ground when entering the bonaeatretch and unstayed TUB FINN. The hitter was forced to pull up on the hack Htretcfa and came again, but tired in the closing strides. C.IRA and LADY BARBARY showed speed. but tired. Scratched -21P7 Sharpshooter. 117. overu eights- Lady Barbery. • pounds. QAO FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. 91391— 1:37%— 9— 119. Purse 9309 :; year olds and upward. DDJi Selling. Net value to winner 0: second. X7Q: third. 93ft Index Horses AWtPPSt Va. % % Str Fill Jockeys Owners O H C P S 2184211. LA BRYSON w 7 111 N 3 l1 1- 1- 1 1] E Martin R V Carman « « 6 2 1 22228 « MARS CASSIDY w :; 101 7 1 » Ll. :;- ::; 8»J J Kudy .1 W Schorr 6 S 8 3 S-5 22169-BOR;o wb 3 lol s S 9» 4h 2S2| 3 .1 McCahey R T Wilson SJ 4 4 9-2 9-9 22096-1 iiBsican w 3 101 11 •. ! B" B1 M 9 M Garner W P Burch 8-5 97-5 3-5 1-3 22144 i, ROSY FNOR WB 3 109 3 - V V 7 and V T Heavy .1 M Henry Sr 12 15 15 6 3 222I9»oROTI NO w 4 102 13 8 B sa «- W «.. j, MeAt.-e L Blume 91 SJ i o s 4 22219 BOOKER BILL WB 3 ion 5 4 3 S 4" j "- 1 c.nnnellvV C Moore 10 29 r, 5 2i 22231 HA PENNY Wl 4 1 7 :» 7 7. 7- S E| 8 L Gamy I! Lang ."t 99 50 20 K 22168 SAM SLICK wa 3 103 1 l-t 11" ion 10. 9 H .1 McTaajrtCleveland stable 3 25 St s 4 21950SI.I MUKICFB WB 3 90 Z . !t- 0- Y hV W 15 WscherMrs .1 W Dayton 9t 60 60 20 10 21193*oi:i.l N KRIPP wa 5 113 I II l»i 1 1 1 -M 1 - II- ll- L Mink E L Kripp 12 29 29 2 4 22267 MARSHON w 3 113 C I- 12 12 12 12 12 C Turner R A White 15 20 20 8 4 Time. 12%. 25. 37. 49. 1:02. 1:15%. 1:29%. 1:42%. Track good. Winner Ch. m. by Juvenal Craziosa trained by R F. Carman. Went to post at I :.;!». At post 2 minutes. Start go .d and alow. Won driving: second and third the same. ELLA BRYSON. away forwardly. set I good pace and hung "ii gamely in the final drive, MARS CASSIDY was a forward contender from the start and. finishing fast, was gaining at the end. BORGO wan 1 ing fast in the boniest retch, when he was cut off. COR8K7AN could neevr get to the leaders. The winner, entered for 1915.sh00. was bid up to 91.005 and bought in. Scratched 22217-I.adv Teresa. 103; 222i;7-Ainalli. Ill; 222S7 oSullivan. 112: 21001 Rav oLight, in.;: 22190 Alhena. lol; 22231 Volant, 100: 22107 Easter star. 109; 2l7i»1 hang.. 94; 22909 Frank Hudson. 1Q4. OOQaCIQ SIXTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs, ileitis. 1:03%— 2—114. 1915.shhi Adde.l. 2 year-olds. ODO Allowances. Net value lo winner $:;o.5: second. 0: third. $.:o. ir.d.x Horses AWtPPSt A % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S THUNDERER w 1071 « ■» - I* P P T M.-Tagt 1. S Thompson 7 KM E 7 101 lout 22218 KILMER U 103 4 I 4,; 4 SJ 21 M Buxton W A Prime M 15 12 4 8-5 21980 ST. ROCK WB 100 .", •; r, r,- .-, ::. Turner A Belmont 10 10 8 I 6-5 91711* PEACEFUL STAR w 107 :: 1 iu 2" 2:: 1- .1 McCaheyJ T McDonald 4 fi 5 7-5 1-2 21711 It! RASP w 112 2 2 V V 4". ."... .1 Me Tag rt. I I :utbr :;. r, ;, 75 12 22170 11ANHS OFF wi: 118 1 S - i; fi W Lillev G A Cochras fi X S 2 4-5 21012 CLFNHALK w 108 7 Lefl at the post. P Nlii.-v.r Quincv stable en tUO 100 30 10 Time. 12, 22%. 35. 1:02. 1:09. Track good. Winner Ch. c. 01 Broomstick Jersey Lightning trained by J. Rowe. 1 • pest at 5:11. t post I minute. Start good and slow for all but GLENDALE. Wou easily: "ud and third driving. THUNDERER, a splendid looker, dree awaj telaarely in the stretch and won in a ..inter KILMER raced 00 the OUtaide of the leaden and tinislnd gamely under punishment. ST. LOCK was away badly and ridden from the outside to tin iiiMd - and closed I gap with a belated rush PEACEFU1 STAR set the early pace, but .piit after geing tie eighth-. HANDS OFF raced in dOBC quar- ters to the homestretch. GLENDALE refused to go. Scratched 2221s Indian chant. 103; i21!t.i4St. Isidore, 112: 2221S-IStartling, 115; 221i~ i Prince Harry 115; 22232Lord R xk Yale. 115; 22214 Smilax. 102. Overweights — Thunderer. 2i nouBMBi; St. Rock. 1.

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Local Identifier: drf1915081801_1_8
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