Windsor Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-18


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I 1 . 1 , 1 ; I ". . 3 » 1 1 1 9 1 a - 5 ;, n :, ,1 .7 I 0 •7 «» - •7 5 • o • .1 l 0 " 5 , • • 0 0 15 " , -, o II r. 0 in HI ,- ;;, ;.. - - ,: 710 7o." .- S hjbo 705 MJ 690 II I i;:.o " 890 be 715 r .1.7 Jo 720 -•o 710 10 710 I" 710 10 15 17 Wt WINDSOR FORM CHART. WINDSOR. ONT.. TUESDAY. AUGUST 17, 1915. Third day. Windsor Jockey club. Second Summer _ Meeting of 7 da.v s. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, Charles P. Price. Presiding Judge, Francis Nelson. Starter, A. B. Dad.-. Raciaa Secretary, Walter O. Parmer. Racing starts al 2:30 p. 111. Chicago time 1:38 p. m.i. W indicates whip, S spurs. B blinkers. Fig ur.s in parentheses following the distance of ea.-h race indicate index number, track record, age of horse -in.! vv. iht carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. * * •-£ /I Q FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 10311 1:05% 2 103. Parse 8888. 2 ..ids. OQ Selling. Net value 1.. winner -7": second. »1H : third. $.70. lii.|e Horses AWttPSt 4 ,. Sir Kin Jocke.v s Owners K. piiv. Odds Strt 22071 *H i: I w 111 12 1 l" l3 P 1* it afcDottS l.ouis 144.7 loo 31283 CARDIGAN wa 161 S 4 4- S" J* 2 V Cooper t; R Sena 210-100 22162 -LANGHORNE am 1M 7 S r.i t;1 .".. . .:. P Keogh S M Henderson 505-100 221S7**ZIN DPI. w M 1 1 p q j* p t Hayes W II Kiev Iso KKt 22077 M. 1.1. JENNINGS vv K 11 7 71 7*1 61 •"•" H Stearns ; A Alexandra 14070-100 21724 MU NTAIN PEARL w MI 1: »; »: 4. 4 C* V Kubiiisn W Gerst I421O-10O 22188 MKPI.HKA wa Ma •. 2 ::■ r."»7; 73 .1 Snivtli W P Fine 2370-188 21468 ANXIETT wilt *M II- H V V T RJce A Taraes 12.77 100 21021 MAXIM BELLE wb 107 10 s -; B1 ■■ SI A Claver ThorncUffc Stable 17120 100 2 1226* JIM SAVAGE am 113 4 It piii 11- m- up S Wolstm H ti Bedwell .77ito-ioo 22188 SEPTEMBER HORN vv hi, 1111 U 12 12 IP. .1 Callahan.l C Calm ML WBLCOR w KM s i 9«i.|u IP. U .1 Acton A Estabrook t* :Miitu.l li.l.l. Time, 88%, 49, l:023/5, 1:09--,. Track heavy. . miituels paid. Vldet, $:.o.:h» straight, 0.40 place, .30 show: Cardigan, $::.S0 place. .20 show; Langhorne, 84.80 show. l.iuiv ol.-iit booking imPIs -Vldet, :44.7 t«. phi straight, 42o .. 180 place. HB to Hh» show: Cardigaa, 88 to loo place. 80 to 160 show: 12.7 to • tM show. Winner B. m. bv The Picket I. a Orecque trailed by W. A. Bnrttscbell. Went t,. post at 2:32 Al post :: minutes. Start good 111. 1 slow. Won easily: second and third driv- in;;. VIDKT. a rapid beginner, raced int.. a long lead while rounding the far turn ami was eaateriag at the end. CARDIOAN raced wide all ihe way, but finished last. LANGHORNE closed up grouad and out i..v.d /.IN DEL at th,- end. The latter set the .ail., pace, bat quit badly iii the linal quarter. IfOUN- IN PEARL bowed speed. Ihe winner, entered for .00. was bid up to 10.7 and bought in. Scraldn d 221o. Jesetina Zarate. HMl: 22 4!t Dimity. 05: 221Q.t Joy. In.".: ls.:i Twilight, loo. h 4 Q /I A SECOND Back 7-8 Mile. 91352 12.7--. 4 HIT. Purse 8760. 3-year-olds and up 550rbrJb ward. SeBing. Maiden Jockeys. Net value t„ winner 1550; s.e. nd. 00; third, .s.70. luile Horses AWtlPSt 4 ~_. --4 Sir Kin Jockeys Owners Kqniv, Oilds _SJ.rt S2*84**PR. RHCPERD wa 8 112 5 5 81 s: «•• 4* l1 A Nerger Wheat City Stable 410-100 22124 MARION ; A IIVwb I Pi:. 7 8 4* P 1* P 2 J Alt K Glassco 1toliH 22100 PEPPER SAUCE wb 3 112 9 9 ! 7 2» !* :r II DonsonC A Crew uio-loo 22 160 LAST SPARK :: 99 :: 3 P - :;i. :: :;". I. .1 Miller J s Hendrie 623 Iim 22188*OPTi,ERTORT am 3 "- 1 1 SI •". :, .- :. W McKxieQueen City Stable 2035-100 29053 SHROVETIDE a 3 ! P 8 C S* I" P .", t;1 A Shilling C Millar 4420 100 22188 BXMER w 1; .". 117 • 7 4 U 7 7" 7" M Troop A T Stewart 7385-100 22.200 ii n •;. w3 97 4 ! 2*1 3*1 4 8* s s Brown W Walker 550-100 31116 MASTER NI.KA w 3 102 I I 7- I 9 . ■ R Knnis K Cnshlng 2O6U5-1O0 lime. 25. 50:„. 1:1894, 1:33--,. Track heavy. . niutuels paid, Prince Rhnperd. 0.20 straight, »4.20 place. 83.40 h..vv : Marion Gaiety, 83.30 place, if.l.OO show: Pepper Sauce, $.7. 20 show. Equivalent booking odds Prince Rhnperd, 410 to 1Ht straight, no to 160 place, 7 to loo show; Marion Gaiety, 65 to ioo place, 50 to 1iH show: Pepper Sauce, 160 to loo show. Winner P.. u. bv Strtke-a Light Treasure Isle trained by C. K. Haasea. W.iii 1.1 post al 3:03. Al post :: minutes. Start good am; slow. Won driving: ■--.•..nil and third the saaae. PRINCE Bin PERD began slowlj ami was outrun t. the stretch turn, where he came through on the inside and tin. -lied with a rush. MARION iAlKIV tired alter racing into a Ion- I. -ad and succumbed in the bi-i snide. PEPPER SAUCE began slowlj on Hi. extreme outside and worked hi- waj up oa the inside, bat tired In the flnal strides. LAST SPARK sei the early pace, but quit in the stretch, flu- win ner was entered for 8300; no bid. 6X* Q4 Pk THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 21622 1:11% .7 lis. 1 Michigan Handicap. Purse 8800." OfceJ All Ayi-s. Net value to winner i;.H : si ml. : tliinl. 850. Tnij.-v Horses AW IPC St , V, Sir Kin Jockeys l wn-rs Bqnlv. _ Odds Strt 22183 RACK PAY vv 7 lull ! 2 I* 1". P 1 " l CallahanP Sheridan 2.".t»-HM» 22250-HMk;K w 4 117 t 1 4 V. 2* 2* P Keogh W J W.b.r :io 100 22886*CARBIDE nm 3 182 1 1 21 :. :;; 3* P Cooper .1 S Tyree 115-100 15481 PLATE GLASS w 8 113 3 4 :;t 4 t t A Claver Tborncllffe Stable 2205-100 Time, 23,. 48-,, 1:14".,. Track heavy. s2 iiiutiiels paid. Ba.i. Bay, 86.60 Btraaght, :10 place: Hodge. 82.70 place. No show mutuels s..!d. Equivalent hooking odda Back Bay, 238 to 100 straight. 45 to too place: Hodge. 35 to 100 nlaeo. Winner B. n. l.y Rubicon -Oenna trained by P. Sberldaa. Went 1 -1 ai :;:;:.. At post 2 miautea. Start good ami slow. Won easily; second and ihir.l «1 1 i : nii . RACK BAY went to the front with a rush scon after the start and ea-ilv won all the wav. HODGE easily disposed of CARBIDE, while rounding the far turn, bill was held safe bv the winner CARBIDE was sore when going lo the post and gtnmbled repeatedly in the race. PLATE GLASS showed speed i-arlv. I.ul goon ipiit. Scratched- 21171 Harmonicon, 12s; 22l63*Pan Zareta, 12s: 22240*Kewessa. 106; 22163*Slr Edgar, lo... 21!i25 irmiiln. :t4. * O Q /I i FOURTH BACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. 10511 1:05% 2 MB. Bsaex Handicap. Purse OtTI .Ssihi. 2 year old-. Nel value lo winner 1915.sh50: si end. 00: Ihird. .$..o. Index Horses A WIPPSI , ._. a4 Mr Kin Jockeys Owners E.iuiv. odds Strt 1 22 251 1 A NIT w 11.7 1 1 p.k P. 1 IV A Claver 11 U Bedwell 550-100 222.71 MILESTONE W H4 g I :;i. :: ] ■ •■ .1 Snivtli B .1 Austin H25-I00 22251 JACK ODOWD w 9C C 2 f* 8* :- :;- i: McDottP J Mill.11 300-100 22107 KINi NEPTUNE a 124 6 7 7- :- :. P P Cooper J S Tyree 1,0 too 21812 RESERVE nm 93 18 n s »; 5»* P Lowder Keyst stable 1350-100 22101 jack REEVES w u M 3 C »* p PJ 4* J Morys I! W Moore 12015-100 22251 K H JR. vv i"t • :.• 7 8 7. J Acton l K Uulholland IS05 loo 22011 BAMBI w M 7 3 p- :, 7 8 I CallahanA Taraey 8315-100 Time. 23«s. 48--,. 1:021:,. 1:09. Track heavy. «2 iiiiitui-l paid. Anita. 3.00 -:r:ii::bi. |4.«t0 place, 13.70 -how: Milestone, S7.l.» place, .si» -how: .1. rh ODowd, 84-10 show. Equivalent booktag odd- Anita, 550 lo loo straight. 12t» to Iimi place, 85 lo 186 show; Milestone, 2s 1 . 100 place, llo 1,1 100 -how Jack ODowd. I Of. 1.. loo show Winner B. f. I.v ,„.rliee- Hand- Kloir.v main.. I bv II C. Bedwell. Wiin to p,.si ai 1:08. Al post 1 ininule Start good sad slow. Won easily; eeoad aid third driving. Nil A took Hi.- had at once and. racing eloselj wilh JACK ODOWD al I la-t pace for the lir-i half. i:.-w out and easilv outstayed M II.KSTii.NT:. The latter saved -1. .1111. 1 wh.-n entering the bomestiwtch and :nii-h.,i gamely. JACK iiihuvh ran well i,. the stretch, but tired in the la-t eighth. KINO NPIll NK b-uan slowly and Was outpace*], but Bnished fast. RESERVE finished well. JACK REEVES showed speed Scratched 22135 Boneros I Irst, 88. Overweights Milestone, 4 pounds. iyiYCfTf EIPTH RAt JE 51-2 Furlongs. 10511 1:05"-. 2" ia~i Purse S7H . .2 vear old- and jQ £ fy~k i upward. -it-_l_li_L_iLL Nl V:l1" • winner ?57o: - 1.1. : thinl. . Index Hi A W t PPSI ■, 1.. i, Str Kin Jockey s Owner- K.piiv odds Srl 22248 TORK LAD wn 6 168 4 : .:.. p. 1- i" : K Keogh A Nevv.ll .-,:,-, 100 22678 BROOMSEDOE wn I i"l 7 I p. a :: " C VanDunL Desforges ITiMOO 32248 COLLE w I h- 5 :; - j* »i ::■ F RobinsnW Gersl IO70 ion 222 lX*c« iNNAIiHIT wa 3 94 3 8 | . . I . l" il Stearns T Eggers :t»70 IflOl 220.72 sip BLAIRE wa 4 147 1 S 5*16 4* a] J Baayth W P rtne :.-.,.• 22108* *MISS GAYLE wb I 197 2 1 1*4* .■ 6" T llav.- c A Crew 2U5-1U0 22162KYLE w 8 87 8 7 71 7 7- 7* s Brown W Walker 1051 100 22164*NBVILLE w-n 5 :»7 1 i P I 8 I 1 Clancy Wheal City Stable l!»4V. 100 Tim.-. 233,, 48*:,. 1:02 1:08«;. Track slow. U iniiiuel- paid. Y..rl. Lad, 813.10 straight, $.7.70 place. 83.30 show; Ri atnedge $."...70 place. .70 show : Clio. 84.10 show. lapiivaleui bookin- ,«his Vork Lad. 555 to 100 straight. 185 lo loo place, 8S to 100 show Brooms- edge, 7.7 to loo place, :;.-, t,. 100 shew; cile. 106 lo IO0 show. Winner Br. h. bv Yorkshire Lad Ad. lie trained bv K. Trotter. Weut to post al 4:Js. Al post I minutes, .start good and slow. Wuu easily; second aud third. ■rtvYag. YORK LAD, White racing on tlio outside of the loaders. BMved up fast on the far Inrn 11 miiI easly ptiwd his opponents in Hi.- l:isi quarter. BROOMSEDGE mad* a wide turn Into tbe mm- a stretch, inn outgamed COLLE for second place. The latter »m ■ forward eoBtender .ill tbe way, bat 2: tired in tbe stretch drive. CONNAUGHT dosed a lap. miss GAVl.i. set tha early pure briefly. X Tbe whsatr wai int. red foe 6600; no hid. .... ., ,. ..... -1 s. mt, led 21202* VIley, W; 22248*Imperator, 10*; 2224S*Useelt, 102: „K,.. a»Sl While irown. 108; S 22188 Perpetual. Hi: 21438 Briar Path, 102; 21788 I.uria. AT. Overweights Yocj l.:id. 1 iiound. , * i0 J SIXTH BACK— 1 Mile, 1*730— 1:8714 » MK. Parse 8700. S-year-olds aad upward, y _£ __J £ -|- Q Selling, Net Mine to winner $■.:■»: second. »! ": third. $.* . Z liidex Horace AW; IT St U ■■• _ Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Strt _ "••I88*i iYy~~ mhxk*vnw 3 90 l :: r U E* i0 1* T Hayes H Oots 1313 -100 5 2.«S3*BENDEI/ « IM I - 2* ?i 21 2* 2»| F Cooper .1 JTlramerraaa OO-lOO . •"»-, LOCHIBL WBTM I 1 8* • :;i :;1 :! A Claver Jl q Bedwell 335-100 j ,r:i««iMi.u r stkkamu.: i. io4 I i « 6»16I • £1? McD-ottli Macfarlaae ,££-;°° 2 • ••• ;,- T 1 WT HELEN w 3 mi 5 6 7 7 7 Bi S4 J Acton L Weiss " I"11 2 21?0«*8FRPASSING wil .Hi 7 5 I1 6* 64 7 6* H Stearns J J Ryan •_.» ..-100 , . ;.,,"«., ...o-irwi.i , K l wbI »~ 86 7 5* 3" i» 6, 7 J CallahaBW T Marlin 1065-100 J 25 503V , i:i6%, 1:43%. Track slow. _ W W muti.cls paid, Lady 828J0 Straight. 8.0.80 Place. .20 shew: Bendel. 13.40 place. .00 """"KHMnaien. booTingodda-T Mexican. 1815 to 108 strain. 415 to 108 place, 110 to 100 show; Bendel 70 to 100 place. :v to 100 show: Lochtel. 69 to loo show. Winner Ch. f, by Mexican— Lady Scarlet trained hy n. Oots. I« Went to DOSt at .-.ov. At post 2 minutes. Start good aad ah W. Woa easily; second aad third i drlTinx LADY MEXICAN sprinted ul.ilc roaadir« the Oral .tarn and. leading under re- - Ktrainfuntil In the lust quarter! drew away and won in a canter BENDEL ran to Ctoaeat pnwalt and J the inside In the last eighth. !. » I1II.1. was a loiwai.l COB- i ttnUho.1 „„h- Lot tired and swerTed to J.n.l-r all 111, u!..v bat tired h. the homestretch. CLIFF STREAM began sl»wly. KIM ran uell to 2 the stretch The winner was entered for 8700; BO bid. Scratched 221.f--llv llnno, lir_»; 22083 -T.irka. !4. , - krh ftTfc *"» A r* SEVENTH BACK— 1 14 a-Oas, 84005—2 :05%— 5— 110. Parae 8700. 8-year-olds aad : d4:" upward, Sellinu. Net value to winner ..V : second. tlOOj thud. 850. , "index Horses " AWtPPSt % _■ --4 Str Im Jockeys Ov. I-Q-s Odds Strt ! MS i V V 2 211. I1 K Coop.r 1 KuKcrs 460 100 - ■■ !»• i-u-v-i- si-i-vp w .; i iioitTrailfJwMAN : I IS 2 4 H, gl r: J g F K-o,h G Henxe i-];;;; £ IlltRtE, -w :! iKt I P ;; 3 p 5 "iottir- £g : ? •■ 6« T K W Moore 2075 100 ! ••••l«4 V STICK w K 1 8 l« Hayes ftSCOMMAU»lrTA J» » M B « 4 » 7~ V * * C Hunt W J Weber 3M5-100 . • • • -.• *.■ ilM ill-" K -ilMQ 7 7 g •• ■ 7" i- 1* 1" -I MUes l. oi loo . •irilKAllXlA vvn.-HHi g 5 V * 8,8 s .. StcrrC t .1 W HurttsCell 18685-100 I Tin.e. 25. 53. 1:203,, 1:48. 2:12%. Track slow. . l.iut.iels paid. First Star. .fll.2i» st.aiuht. 85.70 place, 83.80 sh.w; l-.-llowiuaii. .10 place. 82.70 ■_ M1nU-;icnrlm/-hls-ri,-sI Star. 808 b 100 straight. 186 to 108 plaCC. 08 to M8 show: Icl!„. 105 to km. place. ;;.-. ,., 100 show; Moscowa, 60 to 10 show Winner- B. K, by star Shoot— Amy Paeeaport trained hy T. .7. K..hi : Went In mat at 53B M I"st 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Men handily: second and ,.,-.. third vi- 2 Inff iikst stK was "oBtraB to th- btsI turn, hui moved up int.. a contending position oa the hack j stretch and ontstaved FFI.l.oW M AN in the final drive. PBLLOWMAN snowed the most speed for over a . ■ ..Hi- i. t .. ttnalsixtVnth. IKWCOWA stayed well and ontgamed BBHKLEY a, tbe end. Tbe ■ tcr • , w. , d nisi, 1 resolutely. BABY SISTEB tired. The winner was entered for 8500: no Md Scratched 222-." ,;,,i,i.. 98: 22192»Moekory. KM: 28883 Leaaraal, Htt; 22138* Abbotaford, 106. j i v..iuei-iii s— Pirst Stir. :i poondsj Fellowman. :i. |

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Local Identifier: drf1915081801_2_7
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