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LATONIA JOCKEY CLUB COVINGTON :: KENTUCKY Stakes to Be Run at Autumn Meeting, 1915 Entries Close Wednesday, August 18 5 16 Days Racing: Saturday, October 9, to Wednesday, October 27 Latonia Autumn Inaugural . . . ,000 Added Autumn Stakes ,500 Added y HANDICAP. To be run Saturday. October 9. SELLING. To be run Saturday, October 23. - FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. B, — KW. of $,3 each: 6 additional to .tSPSSSandXSfftifUt S.ftSJwS SoWS.? „:„ : ,„„,,,. « w,u,„ $» t„ ,,,„,„ „„. ,m u ,,„,,,. t.. u, «,e iu s,;,k, *** KeASS .SWiBi trZ Weights Wednesday. October t . Winners of |500 alter publication of wetghta .". lbs. extra. ll:,v be*?fe "" ,:1, - :" l:s":l1 llm- " "*■*■*■ Mow than two may be named by the mow noml- " nator. but only two in tin- same interest can start, though starting fee must be paid for ill One Mile and a Sixteenth. named. One Mile Fort Thomas Stakes ,000 Added Latonia Cup ,500 Added 5 HANDICAP. To Le run Saturday, October 16. HANDICAP. To be run Wednesday. October 27. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS. — I!v subscript inn of IS cadi: |SO additional to start: ,010 added. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD.- Ry subscription of 5 each; .$ additional to i of which to s„ tlM to third, the fawtta to «ve Its stake. Weights Wed. «tar. oh,, vVeandtfatondS? Octo*** Wtanera aflSrbtk* tf weight. S"R MrTTlS1 wta£. * bet lo. Winners after publication of weights ." IPs. extra. Six Furlongs, to receive a beautiful solid silver loving cup. Two Miles and a Quarter NO PURSE LESS THAN 00 SPECIAL NOTICE. THE RULES OF RACING adopted by the Kentucky State Racing Commission govern all races run under the au.-piccs of the Estonia Jockey Club. Entries to all stakes advertised in this newspaper are received only with the understanding that the officers of this Club reserve the right to refuse the entry or the acceptance cf a transfer of any entry for any cause and without notice to the subscriber. No entry will be received except upon this condition: That all disputes, claims and objections arising out of the racing, or with respect to the interpretation of the conditions of any stake, shajl be decided by the officers of this Club, or those whom they may appoint, and their decision upon all points shall 4 be final. j Address All Communications to LATONIA JOCKEY CLUB Covington, Kentucky JOHN HACHMEISTER, General Manager. FORTY-ONE DAYS RACING IN KENTUCKY — FALL MEETINGS. 1915 KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION Lexington, Ky., Thursday September 9 — Saturday September 18 9 TlAYS DOUGLAS PARK JOCKEY CLUB Louisville, Ky., Monday September 20 — Tuesday September 28 8 DAYS NEW LOUISVILLE JOCKEY CLUB Louisville. Ky., Wednesday September 29 — Thursday October 7 g tjay. LATONIA JOCKEY CLUB Latonia. Ky., Saturday October 9 — Wednesday. . .October 27 16 DATS nOllOLAS PARK JOCKEY CLliR mJ j LOUISVILLE :: KENTUCKY Stakes to Be Run at Autumn Meeting, 1915 Entries Close Wednesday, August 18 | 8 Days Racing: Monday, September 20, to Tuesday, September 28 DOUGHS PARK INAUGURAL, BEECHM0NT STAKES ,500 ADDED LOUISVILLE CUP, ,000 Added. To be run Saturday, September 25. ,500 AldCl. ~ . HANDICAP. FO» TWO-YEAR-OLDS.-By subscription of 0 each: 0 additional to start; HANDICAP. 20. •»■ "" ■** " "**«* *» " « "* I150 " *""* ** «*■»* "• " "*« To he run Monday. September To be run Tuesday. September 28 * :,,"•,i,,"■ *** " "* "" """ : " ** *" "" "* "*° ° *"" " : * FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. B, FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. Rv " """ *"* " MKM,: - "-• f"r """ nW " ■T""- ****" "Uil fHta« l""i" -.bsenpt.on of 5 h: 0 adduiona! to atari; •ab criptio. of 3 .ad: ISO additional to rtart; l" " !,:",:1 *■«•■■* l1" *■*»* ,l"; the day before the race at the usual time or ,500 added, ol which 00 to aeeend, 50 to third, fcJOOU added of which 30 to -croud 54 to third, the fourth toaare Ita atahe. Weights Wedaea- «**»■«• "«*« than two awj be m d by the aaaae aeaaiaator, but only two iu ";, ! ..-" w£Jl! HS ,Wi"";S S;""1,l:,v a ,.,,..,... Septenjoei - . Winaers after publication ol weights * day. Bephaaaher 17. Whanera after ptbllcariw of the aaaae totereat can atart, th—gh the atarthaa; fee moat be paid for aB aaaaed. „ lha. extra. The whaaer to receive a beaotifol solid « fi il:t~ J lha. extra. One Mile and a Sixteenth. Five Furlongs and a Half. silver loTiag cap. Two M.Ie.i. NO PURSE LESS THAN 00 - SPECIAL NOTICE. Jju: RULES OV RACING adopted by the Kentucky State Racing Commission goverri all races run under the auspt e.s ol the Douglas Park Jo-kcy Club. Eatriea to all btakci i advert !.,• d in Qua ■"■■paper nrc raoaived only with the understanding that th" officers ot this Club reserve the right to refuse the entry or the acptanee of a transfer of any ent7 for si-v caaaa and without notice to the subscriber. No entry will be received except upon this condition: That all disputes, claimi and ob.r ti"n-. arising out ot the ratohaa;, af -. -1 1 h respect to the interpretation of the conditions of any stake, shall he decided by the officers of this Club, or those whom they may appoint, and their decision upon all points bh;cli be final. T == [ Address All Communications to DOLJIaS Park JOCkCV Club Louisville, Kentucky I JOHN ETACHMEISTER, General Manager.