Third Race [3rd Windsor, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-18

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11 a 2: X -1 S * y Z _ 5 . j 2 2 , J _ I« i - J i 2 - : , ! - £ : ! . . I . ■_ : 2 j . j | . . ; t , f • • , , f e MAMA JOHNSON, ch. m. 5 105 By Cesanon — Over Clinton Stable. 22183 FortErie 3-4 l:14%good 18 102 5 3 4 3. 3*1 J Alt 11 Dignity, Langbornc. I.dyl/.nd-.n 22106 FortErie 3-4 l:17%hvy 26 .7 loo 2 1 2 0* 8*f C FaaDaalO BeanPere, Lady! Ion, Par.Moy 22051 FortErie r.1. f I09 5hw 47 10 H12 t; 4 :. 4i 4*1 X Hayes fl Encore, Knights Differ. Laara 21878 Hamton 5Jfl0S%slop 3 99 4 2 2 2* 2i R McDott s Miss Gayle, Kgmont. The Spirit 21661 Windsor 51 f l:10%mod 18-28 97 1 2 2 2* 1 M Garner S Mi-s Gayle. Kopje. Martin Cusca 21621 Windsor 5i f 1 :06%fast fid 103 3 3 2 2 2J F Cooper 12 I s.-eit. Colic Miss Gayle 21555 FortErie 3-4 1:21 hvy 9 106 6 1 2 3* 42 C VanDun 6 C.onDelivy, Kate K., L.London MARTIN CASCA. b. g. 4 105 By Martinet — Cascabel F. Brown. 22051 FortErii 5 f l:09%hvy 51-10 104 1 6 4 :.- : ~ f Cooper .: Encore, Knights Differ, I. aura 21941 Hamton 3-4 l:15%siow 9 109 6 5 4 5- V, V Obert 0 Torkville, /in Del, Laara 21835 Hamton 34 l:12-,fast lf 96 4 2 2 4* I* K I.apaille s KeweaM, Teagbee, In. Jimtnic 21081 Windsor 5J f l:10?f.mud 41 103 3 6 5 5* 42 J Kederis 8 MamaJohnson. * MlSsGayle, Kopje 21337 Latt.nia 3-4 l:14?sslow 10 117 2 3 2 2h 3s L Gentry 11 BioBrazos. Koy.Tea. Coppertowa 212i7 litonia 3-4 1:16 mud 14 109 6 5 4 41 33i L Gentry S Carrie Orme. Kd.Dellius. .King 21213 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 55 111 7 5 6 82 6"i .1 Met abe 12 Gabrio, Bio BraaOB, Bell Boy 21098 Iatonia 3-4 1:13 good 12 107 4 3 4 7 71J J McCabe 7 Maznik. Hoyal Tea. Talebearer LAURA, br. f, 4 105 Bv Woolsthorpe— Incendiary H. G. Bedwell. 22162 FortErie 3-1 l:14%good 101 112 6 5 6 7 7" 10 Martin 11 Dignity. Laagborne, M. Johnson 22109 FortErie 3-4 1:16 hvy 19-5 102 5 I 5 4". 4" ; S Wobrtai S Water Lily. Mi-s Gayle. OoldCap 22061 FortErie 51 f l:09%hvv 19-5 102 2 2 3 3i 31! S Wolstm 0 Encore. KgbtaDlffer, M.Johnsoa 21944 Hamton 3-4 l:15%slow 6 101 2 4 5 4= 33i M Garner .» Yorkville. Zin Del. Encore 21878 Hamton 5» f l:0S%slop S 107 3 8 8 71 6°i A Collins 8 Miss Gayle. M. Johnson. Egmont •JESS FortErie 6* f l:09%slow 14 104 6 3 3 41 36 A Schugr 1; Deposit. Sir Blaise, Yorkville 21587 FortErie 3-1 12%hvy 17-5 105 4 17 72 881A Nerger S Patience. Astrologer, Jim Basey 21488 FortErie 3-4 l:20%hvy 53 110 1 11 l3 l3 S Woholm S Gordon, Patience. C. on Dcliverv 21261 Hamton 3-4 l:13*fcfast 20 110 1 2 2 51 9121E Taplin FJ Miss Gayle. Brandywine. KateK. MISS WATERS, b. f. 4 103 By Lord Esterling — Lucrece F. J. Pons. 22162 FortErie 3-4 1 :14%good 121 98 10 9 9 SI 8»| A Nerger 11 Dignity, I.anehorne M. Johnson 22082 FortErie lm70yl:4.7good 7-4 97 3 2 4 I SJ 14 it McDott !• FeUowaaaa, Weyanoke, It. Sister 219 I Hamton 3-4 l:16%hvy 7 98 6 6 6 7 8*1 J Morys s Fascinating, A. Anne, apt. H.11 2iv:s Hamton G f l:07V5fast 8 109 6 7 6 61 3= J Connors 12 Water Eilv. J./.arate. Marvelous 21744 Windsor 1 l:40%fast fid 105 1 5 3 2 32 22 J Kederis 11 Birka. Cliff Stream. Sun Queen 21523 FortErie 5J. f 1:11 slow 73-10 106J 5 6 6 5»k 45J .1 Metcalf M Peggv L.. Toddling. Luther 21384 Hamton 3-4 l:16%mud 7 112 4 5 5 4l 3° J Connors 8 Valas. I ej;cy I,.. Meelicka 21334 Hamton 3-4 1:15 slop 8 110 6 6 6 53 44 J Metcalf S KateK., Reflection, MamaJohnsn SHERLOCK HOLMES, br. h. 6 103 By Inflexible— Orsina W. Walker. 22138 FortErie 1 1 M 1:51 hvy 68 M6 4 7 5 6 6. !*•• w Ural 7 Zodiac. Stratbearn, Abbotaford 22082 FortErie lm70yl:45-»4good 113 103 4 5 7 8 83 S=3 S Brown .» Flowman, M. Waters. Weyanoke 22037 FortErie lm70l :52- -,f ast 65 102 5 5 3 6 S3 S-JJ Brown 11 Stanh-vS.. FirstStar. Fcllouman 21158 Conght lm20y l:44%gOod 8 104 1 2 2 5 6° 5» L McAtee 8 Ovation. King Radford. FordMai 21092 Conght lm70v l:44ViYast 15 108 1 8 5 5 5s 5" A Schugr 8 Supreme. L George, B. Welsh M 1 Conght lm2oy l:46%good 10 111 5 3 3 3 4 63 A Schugerll Liberty Ball, Ford Mai, Galaxy AFRICA BEAU, blk. g, 3 104 By Boanerges— Africa W. L. Lewis. 2 Windsor 1 l:41*%fast 43 101 3 I I I 6" 6*3 A Claver 7 Kim. Redland. Stalwart Helen 22192 FortErie 1 1-16 1 : IK.-Jast 34 99 4 7 7 7 63 64 A Claver 10 Guide Post. FIv Home. Mockery 22139 FortErie 1 1-16 l:52%hvy 34 M8 4 7 7 I 2 37 R Shilling 7 Flifawav. H.I.der. M.Mgomery 22 55 FortF.ric 1 1 16 l:50%hvy 71-10 106 3 3 2 5 0 5i F Cooper 5 Raincoat. Kneeht. Dundreary 21927 Hainton 3-4 l:16%hvy S 99 7 7 6 3* 11 L McAtee 10 Argent. Ella Jennings, Collector 21874 Hamton 1 1-16 l:5iy5slop 15 102 5 7 8 S S3 fi» A Mott 10 S.andCap. Straih.-.irn. Moscow.! 21888 Windsor 61 f 1:12 hvy 86 10017 10 10 81 5s A Mott 10 V.n.-tia, Meettcfta, Katharine G. CARO NOME, br. f, 4 98 By Ornament— Xarco P. J. Miles. 22248 Windsor 61 f l:06%faet fid 88 7 M I 8* 8 1: Graven 10 Marjorie .v.. Imperator, Useeii 21724 Windsor Gi f l:07%fast 25 9S 6 9 9 9 Si H Graves 12 Yorkville, I.uria. Kyle 19884 Juarez 1 1:40 fast 4 102 3 7 4 4 51 4* It Shilling 7 FredaJohaaOB, M.Emily, J.Spohn 19867 Juarez 1 21 103 4 1 2 2 3- 13 It Shilling S l.onenian, Zangarec. .Sh. Knight 19828 Juarez 51 l:07£fast 4 100 7 7 7 5t» 3=J J Longo S Hazel C, John Spnhn. Kali Inla 19806 Juarez 5-8 1:01 %f ast 5 110 7 7 5 2 l3 J Longo 11 Pinkland, Kenwar. has. Goetl 197.",:, Juarez 3-4 l:13%fast 6 107 1 3 3 4 21 W Ormes 14 Zainloeh, Zenotek. OaptXtedsley McCLINTOCK, b. g, 6 112 By Peep 0 Day— Marguerite Doyle Wheat City Stable. 22188 FortErie 51 f l:07%fast 12 113 2 7 7 7 7*1 T CommgalS LadyMexlean, GoldCap, Nigado,, 17759 Ilillcrest AbS-8 1*0 fast 15 114 2 6 B 7- T Caaaagfl 8 Miss Felix. Undo Dick. Van Bu 17637 Hlllcreat 6J f 1:25 fast 15 113 7 7 7 71 89 T CumngalO Mother. Tempest. Scarlet Letter 17375 Wdbine lm70y l:4.7%fast 41 103 2 2 2 6 7 5n.I Metcalf 10 Sackcloth. Gerrard. S. of Rocks 17253 Dorval 51 f l:08%fast 30 106 6 7 5 7 E*l T Cnmngs 7 Armor. Zodiac. Dicie Jackson 17216 Dorval 51 f 1 :09 fast 8 107 7 7 6 61 7»| K Ambrose 7 Arran Sir Fretful ABCOB 17168 Dorval 51 f l:09%fast 60 104 3 4 5 61 5=1 T Cumngs S Spohn, l.amhsTail. M B Harbor 17072 Dorval 3-4 l:16%fast 80 109 5 9 7 6"t B*l F Cox " Bubicoall.. Amrt. BeamnntBle KOPJE, br. f, 3 95 By Kroonstad— Gironde II. T. J. Elward. 2171 1 Windsor ll:40%fast 15 88 S 2 5 6 7= f.".A Collins 11 Blrka. Miss Waters, Cliff Stream . Windsor 1 1:41 good 29 88 4 1 1 2 3 4«J A Collins «l Kate K.. Dicks Pet Guide Posi Ll.661 Windsor 51 f l:10%mud 23 89 4 3 3 31 3j K Lapaille MamaJhnsoii. M.Gavle. M.Casca 21644 Windsor 51 f 1 :09-r,slop 10J 98 9 7 7 7 621.I Sterrett 10 F.limmie. Kefle.-tion, KharineG 21571 FortErie 51 f l:15%hvy 15 98 I 2 2 21 3 J Sterrett 7 Inquieta, Bola Welsh. Clynta 21488 FortErie 3-4 1:22 hvy 34-5 102 2 5 8 6l 68J J Smyth ! Jim L.. Toddling Celebrity 21392 Hamton 3-4 lemud 6 98 2 5 5 41 4«1 J Starrett s Lib. Hall. AdaAnne, L.Lightning 19107 Havana 51 f laSg.slowll-lO 109 6 4 f* 1« C Jones 6 The Lark, Idiol.i. Haberdash PAMPINEA, ch, m. 5 98 By Marta Santa— Aida Dunn J. C. Fletcher. 21814 Ham ton 51 f 1:08 fast 10 104 S 10 ]0 9:! 1*1 L McAtee 12 Crystal B.-s Latimer Cud Ben 21724 Windsor 61 f l:07,fast fid f80 M E 4 :: ifj J Miller 12 Yorkville I.uria Kyle 21640 Windsor 51 f l:09-ir,slop 81 104 6 6 7 8 7»j F Cooper t» Tbe Spirit. Rubicon II Lib Hall 21334 Ham ton 3-4 1:15 slop 15 106 4 5 7 7 7-SV Stev son S Kate K.. BeOectlon. M Johnson 2126H Hamton 3-4 l:14%fast 60 100 7 10 10 9» I*| W stevsonl- Bendel, LadyLondon Miss Waters 20676 Wdbine 3-4 1:14 fast fid 107 6 11 10 11 12" H Watts 13 TvBuaybody, DicksPct Bwin3 17443 Wdbine 3-4 l:13cgood 5 103 9 97 61 6*| J Metcalf 6 Birka, Gen.B.I.edi Brandvwin- 173S3 Wdbine 3-4 1:15 slop 14 10118 8 8 61 6*1 R Neander 8 Chas.Cannell, rtlgadao, L. Tail HYKI. ch. c, 4 108 By Dr. Leggo — Norinne L. F. OLeaxy. 21684 Windsor 51 f l:ll*f,hvy 5S 107 8 7 7 8 S-1 R Shilling S K. a Differ Yorkville Sir Blaise 11766 Hlllcreat 61 f 1 :2_l-,fast 15 113 X 9 9 9 9"iM Sinn ls » B.-uigan. Yanker. Grecian Bend 1. .01 Hill, rest 6 f 1:25 fast o 112 7 7 6 U 5*1 F Beaton 8 Bnsticana. B.-da Miss Christie 17270 Dufferin AbS-8 10 110 9 4 41 4*1 F Beaton B Twenty-One : Warren T Lisht 17138 Du f. -rin Ab6-8 IS 110 8 S S2 8*1 F Benton 8 Mrs. tally Cnrieux Excalihnr 14781 Latonia 1 l:40Vsfast 149 lioiillil 11 ii 11 R Sweeney 11 First Degree Vlador Transit 13414 Juarez 11:39 far 3 100 8 8 8 8 8 8-* P Ford 8 P.Conrad. CaVtlimpian. Kelsetta Also eligible to start in order named should any of abovo be scratched: WOLFS BATHS, br. g, 6 105 By Cesarion— Retained II. M. B. Trowbridecl 21661 Windsor 51 f l:10%mud 35 104 5 5 6 61 0* F Rohinsn 8 MamaJohnson MisaGavle Konie 21449 Ab5-8 1 :03V»fast 8 112 8 8 7 7"JW Gargan 0 Big I. umax Bos K ":. Bi 1- MM Dorval 3-11:14 fast 20 109 9 10 10 10 B»»|j Groh 11 The Spirit Gordon Eye White SEeemer 6!:M , "? , . W Rosen » L.deognJ.ts. V.niova .Inn! W. 20603 Del mier 7-8 l:31%fast 12 Ho 2 7 „ 7 7rl W Rosen ST Hare Blue Jav 1 of *■**•*» Shell, v 20545 Delmler 7-8 l:30%fast 10 110 7 10 7 9Meehan 10 Blectrlc Jabot V-.stos,, 2C449 Del mier Ab5-8 l:05-Vsgood 4 112 63 W Gargan 12 Belfast Vrraiaia S M ilik AoM.E.? LSLIE- .,c-, • ■ _ 95 , By Pink Coat— Senta G. McSweeneyL 22162 FortErie 3-4 l:l4%good « 31 98 11 11 7 6 F| J Palley 11 Dignity. langhorne M Johnson 21926 Hamton 3-4 1:16%hvy 8 97 7 4 4 5 H B McDott S Fascinati.m • „,e C- t , 21838 Hamton 51 f 1 :07/,fast 20 98 s 5 5 4*1 6* B McDott 12 Water Lily J Zarate* M Watera 2.*S9 Dorval 51 f l:0S%fast 5 102 7 8 8 51 8*3 . BaUingerlO Jefferaon De v,U Fnei-ctic 2 hurchin 11-16 1:46 fast 62 93 8 6 8 10 10 W M Garner 10 Miss TbSrpe BenT LT jSnearc* 20290 Churchill 11-16 l:47%fast 11 98 6 6 7 11 103 lo* A Mott Hi Pr. . ■— ----.--. _.« - »-»-*•- ._F a. 1 uilftflH Eugene , .»A. LDnlweber 1/U1W •_Ut_l , « t9m 1 Pin III

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Local Identifier: drf1915081801_3_4
Library of Congress Record: