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EIFTII RACE— 1 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Handicap. 84261 1:37% :: 119. MONTRESOR. ch. g. 6 111 By Monfort— Madchen R. T. Wilson. 143 Saratoga 1 1 KBfcslow 3 107 2 2 2 2 2. 2 .1 Butwell 7 Star Jasmine, Hanson. Pom.Bleu ,1 itoga 7 1 ■• v 7 10 110 2 2 2 2 2- 2. M C; r :: Yankee Notions, Sea Shell . lie. Im t l:3S fas! 13-5 M3 111 1 1 1- VV I. ill. v and Roly, Harry Shaw. Botha 16 Aqueducl 1 l:4«%goodE 166 3 2 3 2 11 11 J McTagrt «: Gainer. Pebbles. Ruckborn 21531 Aqueduct 3 1114 fast 41 M7 I 1 ! 3 3*1 P Lowder IS Y. Notions. I.. Botha. U. Barber 1:. linoiit 1 1:41 fast 7 20 110 1111 1- 11 V Oral -J. V.. M. Miller • Belmont " I 1 1 111 1 11 P 1= W Ursl :: Virile. Tinkle Bell 1 Pimlico 3 1 1 r.4..iiiu.l 4 5 MS 4 2 1 14 Pi A Schugr 1; l.olv. Surprbiins, B.Cunard*r r Pimlico 3 - I ■ I I" -.slop 2 2 MS 2 1113 1*1 A Schutgr .I An. Irew. BhincMai.len. S.l.oar.l . II OCHARES. b. g. 5 117 Bv Broomstick — Leavonara J. W. Schorr. I60 Saratoga 1 7%g 18-5 lis 7 fi S 2 V . .1 Kederis » CongTower. Tborrrtiill, Reybrn 16 Saratoga 3-4 1:17 hvy 9 10 IN 5 4 2 2 • Kederia .. . Sniierintendent, II. 1 Latonia f 1 Hla-t 21 121 S fi 4 2". 21 R Goose 7 Hodge, Star Jasmine. Hawthorn 21121 1-it..ini sii fasi 13 10 120 3 4 2 2 :■ .1 Kederia fi Little Father. Hodge. Benanel -I Latonia " t 1 l- fast 19-20 120 4 4 4 2" 2« A Neylon 1 Hotlge, The Norman, Benanel Latonia 3-4 1 IHfefast 14-5 119 I E 4 4" 4-]. Hanover .". Iron Mask. T.Norman, B.sCboice Doufflaa 2 1 1 i.vfast 5 4 121 E I 4 4. 4-1 M Garner IS Luke. BradlevsChoice, Buck horn J 20007 DoUUtlaa 2 4 1:12 goo.113 10 122 6 5 fi 41 2J li Cioosn 7 P.. -Choice. Chalmers, Il.iiMa-1 HOLIDAY, b. g, 4 S5 By Broomstick— Leisure A. Barklie. 067 Saratoga I 1:11-. .hvy 6 106 3 3 1 4 1 -4s .I McTag-ri I UiSkoIuy. U.Shaw, Bay.Candle • li Aqueduct T s I: "-last 13-5 loo 4 5 5 3 2- 1" .1 MCiag n U Capra, Trial h Jnrv Surprising Aqueduct 1 I lasi 10 ! s I 1 3 4 4: j- .1 MeTaerl II Hodge. C s»tte, BvberryCandle . i/i Belmont l i:M.,-iow 13-5 ME 13 2 3 21 ::■ M Buxton 4 Transit. RckView, RhineMaiden Belmont 3-4 si 1:11 faat M US 3 G G 5 »•] M Baxton 7 Etruscan. Hanovla He Will w ■ "ip.Kk AW 4 1 ;:;.r.-i i 6 108 2 :: 3 2 3*1 C F*bther 7 RhineMaiden. Figinny. Rasxano ■ . lielmont 3-4 1:13 good 10 ME 4 4 5 E ."."it; Ryrae 5 Rock View, Van. Notions Tartu - Pimlico ll IS i tr4f,iast 24-5 10.. 12 2 2 2 21 J McTagrt 5 Thornhilr, L. Nearer, Brynllmah 1 VFRILE. ch. g, 5 100 Bv Stalwart — Cherubim Greentree Stable. •! Saratoga 1 I:44V4mud 7 lo US E S E S 2 :;• T McTagl :. Rac, Lindenthal, Spearhead 19 Belmonl I I " faat 6-6 IM 1 4 4 S 2« :" T McTaal t Tbornhlll. Pnlarins Wood. Shoes , 21647 Bel nt 1 1 16 I l*;1 l.-t S-fi 112 5 4 3 1 Is 1* C Turner ti Vodelea, old Ben, Hedge Jamaica I I ■■ 1:4714 low 13-5 112 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 M Buxton r. Y.NotronS, B.ii.isfir- vv-lerlown n * i . im. .nt I 1-M 1:4 i.i i M M no 3 3 2 2 24 11 II Raxtoa 3 nine Thistle, Spearhead ■ • Belmont I 1 0 fast l 14fi 7 I I 3 :.l :l li Bell - Doublet. Spearhead, Ambrose ISMS Bclmout 1 LWieood 9-10 113 2 2 2 2 2 l1 C Turner 2 Re| »blkuu B 2 ! . J 2 I 2 : : : : ■ J 1 i ] | • , SARATOGA, br. c. 3 102 By Ogden— Unsightly D. J. Leary. 22265 Saratoga 1 I 8 l:56%slow M lot fi i; | ; : • . - m darner ■. star Jasmine, Gainer, Strom boll 22123 Saratoga l l 1 : ii--.siou 17 M 121 422 2 2 x7 C Tumi r :. T. by Jury. LadyRotha, IronDuke 978 Saratoga 11-4 2 1--,fast 7 MS g 4 4 ] j| •_•-" Turner 7 Roamer, Star Jasmine. T.byJury i. Belmont 1 1 ifi 1:46 East S 103 14 2 2 1" l" c Turnei 7 Trial bj Jury. Vladimir. TbeFina 21649 Belmont 1 M last 7 MS 2 3 2 2 2: 2- C Turner H K..l. Royal Martyr. Rasxano 21S05 Aqueduct 1 1:39 fast 9 10 MS I 2 I I 2 I] M Buxton 7 RUa Bryson, Ubena, Dryad 1..I Aqueduct 11:45 slop 21 lit 1 2 4 I t* _- C Turner E All Smiles, LadyTeresa, Grumpy 21345 Aqueduct 11:45 hvy S-5 SS 3 3 3 3 21 li J McKvcr S Minstrel, .!.«■ DeUtoM, Kepbthjra HEDGE, b. m, 6 95 By Planudes— Partridge H. C. Haller.beck. 22319 Saratoga 1 1-8 l:55%good 13-5 111 1 2 I 2. 2. c-i; Byrne 0 Lindenthal, T. Grader, L Nearer 21765 Belmont 1 1 s 1 :54 fast 8-6 ill 1 1 1 1 1= 1- .1 Butwell ti 0 Sullivan, Lazuli. Sir Denrah 21667 Belmont 11:41 fast 1G 5 118 5 9 6 3 3- 2| J Butwell . Dist.Shore, W.Shoes, ORulIivan 21 ;47 Belmont 1 1-16 Llfifast S Ml G 6 c G fi 41 G Byrne 6 Flrile, Todelea, Old Ben 20973 Jamaica 1 1 M 1:49 faat S-S HI E E 4 4 4s 3»| G Byrne 5 J. J. Lillis. L. Ieu-a. Patrick S. 20728 Belmont 1 l:39%fast S-C MS I I I 2 2*i 3*| J MeCabey 4 Fllttergold, Runes, Garbage 20591 Belmont 1 1 16 PIG 21 106 3 2 - " |aS 4* Q Bvrne 5 Norse King. Top Hat, Addie M. 17771 Laurel 1 1 M l:44%fast 9 v A 2 .". 4 5 E B"W MeCabey 5 R.Bradley, Ftergidd. Night tk-k 17555 Laurel 1 1 16 l:43%fast 43 103 9 I «; 7 Fj 7"W McTag*rtlO Stromboli. Roamer, Tartar STAR GAZE, b. b. 5 100 By Star Shoot— Lyndall H. L. Pratt. 22318 Saratoga 1 1:42 good IB 111 5 E E E 5 P"-l MeCabey .".One Step, Roly, Coy Lad 20761 PIp.Rk AL 1 7-W 128 3 6 4 3 S* 2 .1 MeCabey 8 Abac It. Pen Dale, Doublet 20282 Pimlico im to i:if. -slow 23 10 118 3 4 4 1 1* 1 -I McCahey .". Ta.-iies. Spearhead, Abac I.r 20131 H.deGce lm70yl:44 slow 12 107 4 3 4 4 4 49 .1 McCahey I Waterbass, Buskin, Renublieaa 17340 H.deGce lm70yl:45 fast 4 los 544 4 4 4*1 J McCahey it B. Rradley. Montreaor, Ambrose 10691 Saratoga 13-4 3:10 mud 5 12G 4 11 l l8 l9 J McCahey 4 SanVega, Flying Fairy, 14504 Saratoga 1 3 1G 2 :03%hvy 6 9S 10 2 1 1 l2 12 J McTagrt 10 I.ahoie. San Vega, Amies 16406 Saratoga ll:39%goodl2 SS G 5 4 I 41 22 .1 McCahey 7 Magnet, San Vega, Frederick L. GREVILLE, b. 0. 3 96 By Waterboy— Irish Song F. Schaller. 22318 Saratoga 11:43 good 6 MS 14 4 4 A- .."•ID Cnn-llt 5 On. Step, Roly, Coy Lad 214;. Latonia 1 3-16 l :".s%fast 17 104 J 1 6 G 4 32 35 L Gentry 11 PceHermis, H.ODay, S.Jasmlne 21266 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4:.%fast 29 5 loo 5 4 4 4 22 1» M Garner 5 PceHermis, J.Gund, Win Witch 21122 Latonia 1 1-M l:45%faat 47-5 110 2 4 4 3 R 11 F Kcogh 5 Embroidery, Fleetabelle, U.Bryn 21002 I.atonia 3 I 3G 113 5 5 7 SI ■","• F Keogk li CncleBryn, M. Conversa tom Latonia 1 1-16 l:47%mud 44-5 lao 5 5 5 5 fi Mil Garner 5 P.. Candle. GcrestBoy, FetabeUe 20816 Latonia 1 1-1G 1 :44%fast 68 94 8 8 7 8 7i 791, B Marco ! PceHermis. B.Tooey, S .Jasmine GOLDCREST BOY, br. g. 3 90 By Plaudit— Polly Prim J. W. Schorr. 22262 Saratoga 3-4 1:17 Blow M 112 7 E I S] .• ■U Kederia II Supendent, L.P.ui.arv. Grumpy 21100 Baton ia 1 3-16 l:57%taat 2fi !io 213 8 1" !-F Judy 11 Pee Ilermis. II. ODav. Irevllle 21340 Latonia 1 1-8 l:53%good 51 !hi 4 4 2 3 "3 3*1 F .ludv 7 Hodge, Bronxewlng, WterWltcb 21230 Latonia 1 l:38%fast 42 95 111 1 21 2- F Judy S Lit. Father. Rmbroiderv, Benanel 21062 Latonia 1 l:40%hvy 22,5 ss 5 3 1 2 41 B4 K LapaOIe 8 S.Jasmlne, B.Hs|ey, Embroidery 20898 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47%mud 16-5 103 4 4 4 3 11 21 I Slirliie, 5 B.Candle. Fleetabelle, B.Hnsley 20815 LatonU 1rn7.iv 1 :!2ifast C9 10 102 3 2 2 3 41 4 i 1J Stirling 6 Royal II., TheCraihr. «/. Witch