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1 ] . . , . 1 r . SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. ltilftS 1:05. 2 114. GLOAMING, ch. c. 3 101 Bv Star Shoot— Autumn Leaves R. T. Wilson. iratoga 2 I 1:18 hvy S lis 4 4 :. fi- 7--. I MctTahey 7 Kenmouae, LadyBarbary, Quarts 20468 C-Ini.nii 51 f si 1 :o:,%slow 10 97 5 4 4 V S*| J MeCabey 6 T.otbMurn., T.Finn, Kaskaskia 2.1107 Belmont 7 s l:28%mud 20 97 2 2 2 3 3 3"!C Watson .". Flying Fairy, Rauano 18462 H.deGce . 1 f I : i7--,fast 8-6 1«.r. 2 4 4 4 4-J A Schugr 4 Broom Flower, Alhena, Gaelic 18353 Pimlico 51 f law fast S5 113 1 3 2 23 l J McCahey S Ragle, Sarsenet, irotector 17054 I.aur. 1 51 f 1:67 fast f. 115 10 1; 5 P t!3 .1 McCahey 10 II. Junior. Hanson, Disillusion 169S6 Belmont SI f st 146%fast 11-6 MS 3 4 3 2 l2 .1 McCahey 9 Hanson, Rhine Maiden. M. clrl MBSB Brlmont 51 f nt 1 -tWffast 5 los 4 11 21 3« .1 MeTag*rtlO Bpabooter, R. Martyr, Astrologer FORECAST, ch. f, 3 94 By Voter— Divination COneck Stable. 22120 Saratoga 3 4 1:17 slow -11 H 2 1 1 1.1 i-1 1: Wracher 7 Dinah l» . Brian Bora, Santo 21979 Saratoga 11:41 fast 15 ito G • 1 1 1 1- 4*J B Warschr 8 Lindenthal. Amalfi, Grosvenor 21652 Belmont 3-4 1:14 fast 20 102 s 4 2 51 7* B WarachrlO Gnat. Sherwood, True as Steel 30875 Jamaica 3-4 l:13%faat 4 95 12 11 8 91 9" !P Lowder 15 Dinah Do, OuUook, Tinkle Bell 20827 Belmont 3-4 1:13 fast 9-5 90 7 3 2 V l,lU P Lowder 7 I.ilv Orate, J ..I. Lillis. WaterLily 20697 Belmont 3 4 st l:lo%fast 1G 5 SS 4 1 1 2" 22 P Lowder » Striker. Amans, Menlo Park 30590 Belmont 3-4 l:13%£aat 8 Ml 3 3 31 »tj p 7 B« WiU, Chesterton, Srbuaaaa PRESUMPTION, b. g. 6 104 By Golden Maxim— Proud Duchesa J. MacManuaL 21975 Saratoga 3-4 1 US fast S 113 7 9 s 7- 7" M Baxton 11 Con. Tower. Corsican, Palanqnin 21883 Aqueducl 3 I 1 :1::%fast 21 US 3 2. 2. V 1"* M Buxton » M. Specs. Palaminin. Tinl.l.l.. II 31601 Aqueduct 2 4 1 :i:;-.-,last 17 10 1 10 2 5 4 2- :* M Buxton 7 Helen P.arbee, Volant. Orotund 21127 Jamaica 3-4 1 iKJfast 2 107 1 111" 1=1 M Buxton 7 llurakaa. Orotund, Coy 20753 Belmont 1 l:39V5fast S 110 3 2 2 G G S*| M Buxton li Bac. i M. Miner, Astrology 20566 Belmont Gl f 1 :20%good I 115 2 2 2 22 2i M Buxton .5 1. Shore. .Beethoven, Astrology 30489 Belmont 6.1 f 1:21 mud 2JI ME 1 112= Mil Buxton 5 TbornhtU, Astrology, Spearhead 29298 Churchill 3 4 1 :122f,fast GJ 111 3 2 3 4" ai W Lilley lo Hawthorn, Maznik, The Norman KORFHAGE, ch. g. 4 102 By Cesarion— Busy Lass W. Bruce. 21309 Latonia 2 4 1:15 slop 31-10 111 1 115 5" C Can?: fi Mars Cassidv. Royal Tea, ll.enir 21186 Latonia 1 I 1:13 fast :Hi 5 los 4 2 I 21 41 R Goose s Broil. Imperator, Bseeil 20873 Latonia 3 1 l:12%fast 17 MS 4 5 5 4 31 .1 Brown 9 Torv.Maiil. DLarriek. Bklhoin 20773 Douglas ll M 1:45 fast 22-5 MS 1112 3i 4 C Bishmon S Impression. Beulab S.. Okl Ben S9SS4 Douglas lm70y l:44?ifast 17 107 5 3 3 3 2.1 x"! C DishmonlO Brynllmah. Tavolara Uaaaaseli MS8S Douglas 3 4 l:l7%hvy 11-5 102 2 3 3 31 3J B Ott 1 Dr. Carmen, B. Flower. B Bdlth 2040:. Douglas 3 4 1:14 mud 3 107 3 4 3 Pi 1" C Bishmon 9 ll.Barl.eo. Bob Hensley, Ratkna PLANTAGENET. b. g, 3 98 By Ogden— Mamie Worth R. T. Wilson. 22U92 Saratoga 5J f l:ll%hvy 2 1117 7 7 4 4 :.:". .1 MeCabey 8 Devil Fish, F. Wuxsy, Ber.James -17C4 Lelinotil M 1 st l:n.,--.tast 13-6 106 t 5 G G- B* .1 McCahey 9 Beethoven. Azvia.le. Menlo Park 21612 Aqueduct 3-4 1 :14%fast 5 lo.1 3 11 1«| 2» .1 McCahey 14 Outlook, Menh.Prk. Fascinating 21660 Aqueduct 3 4 1 :1GVr.slop 8 92 4 3 2 23 2" .1 1 Ryan !» Isirose. SongOfVaUey, San Vega 21306 Aqueduct B-8 1:0l%fast fi ME 4 7 fi 8- K"l.l McTagrt 11 Gilt Edge, V I.ilv. H.B.Kuhanka 21171 Jamaica 51 f 1:07 fast 7 MS G 1 1 2- 2» W LUley 11 Fenm use. Minstrel, S.ofValley 21104 Jamaica 61 f 1 :07 fast 7 107 S 4 4 4 43.I McTagrt 9 I nele .limuiie. Mamie K.. Sleuth 21043 Jamaica 5.1 f 1 :o7 fast 4* lo7 G 5 I 51 S"jJ McCahey ;i Palanquin, Yadopeep, Asyiade TINKLE BELL, ch. g. 3 105 By Peter Pan— Lady Gay J. Butler. 22231 Saratoga 1 l:4644hvy 10 MS 12 3 3 3- V R Hoffmanlti WW I.r. Squeeler, Hapenny 22168 Saratoga 1 1:47 mud 13-5 its 4 I I 2 2- ,1 M Garner •". Shyness, Brian Born Sam sli.k 23017 Saratoga 1 l:12"f.slow 2 2 105 1 7 5 4 51 f.-i.l McTagrt 9 Dryad. B.Spiller. Though trva ler 31882 Aqueduct 3-4 I:13%fast G iwo- 4 G « V 4»| J Bntwell » Presumption, M.Rpees PaUmiuIn 2l7lo Belmont 1 l:41%raat S MS 2 5 4 1 11 2; C Turner 17 Dryad Napier, Dr Duenner 21695 Aqueduct 1 1:2:1 fast S MB 1 3 4 5 fi 1;" W .1 ol.n 7 Saratoga. Rlla Brysoa ilhena 21447 Aqueduct 2-1 l:15%slow s5 105 4 4 4 43 1- C Tamer 8 Hiker Gilt Bdge. Hill Stream 21274 Aqueduct 1 l:4«%faat 15 MS 3 3 3 2 2- ::- J p Ryan 10 Vedetes, Stonehenge, Beethoven VOLANT, ch. g, 3 105 By Canard — Estimation S. Lewis. 22231 Saratoga 1 l:lG;,hvy 11 5 he. 3 Fell. M Buxton 1« W. Wonder, Squeeler, link Bell 21912 Aqueduct 1 1:39% fast 9-20 107 111 1 2» 21 T McTagl 6 Alhena. Song of Vall.v. Napier 21819 Aqueduct Gl f 1 :l.l%last 7 5 lo7 1 1 1 I2 1- T McTagt 9 Noiir.aldiii. Outlook. Minstrel 21691 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13%faat 10 MS 4 2 2 2- 2 J McTagii, Presumption, Orotn.l 21534 Aqueduct 11:41 fast 8 los 111 1 I1 1= T McTagt 10 Minstrel. D.Duenmr, I.Marshall 21324 Aqueduct 3 4 1:15 fast 10 105 12 10 8 7» G7J I Hoffman 1-4 Palaaqaia, Hiker San Vega 2I10G BTine A1.7 8B27 good 3 14S 113 2 2" 2" A Lee 7 Singsong, Ambrose Stonehenge 21050 Bline Ab7 S 1 :30 slop 6 5 142 1 1 1 1 1* 1« A Lee 4 Singsong, Sir Biles Mr. Snlggfl BEVELRY JAMES, ch. g. 3 93 By Star Ruby— Lady Lindsey Lissberger and Jacobs. Saratoga 51 f 1 :10%good 5 lo9 4 11 4 12"JT McTagt 12 Sarsenet. Evelyn C, Santo 21 8 Saratoga 3.4 1:19 hvy E 95 9 G 7 S* S" M Garner 12 K. Belling, S.Vega Herrmanna 092 Saratoga 5J f l:ll%hvy 12 102 5 2 3 3s 3* M earner 8 DevU Fish, F.Wnzsy. MenloFark 21881 Aqueduct 5 S 1 :01 fast 15 1oo G s s G- 5*1 W UUey lO Rlenainia Hiker Grapeshot 21306 Aqueduct B-S 1:0l%last 10 109 6 5 4 GJ 7lnU Butwell 11 Gilt Edge, W I.ilv M.H Rubankfl 20029 H.deGce E-8 1 M fast 11-5 10S 2 1 2 E f.-ii J Butw.ll 11 Andrew, Jefferson Deviltry 18460 H.deGce 5* f 1 :09V5fast 10 107 C 2 1 11 1" A S. liugrlT Half I.oek. D.ofDunbar l.i.rvn 18447 H.deGce El r 1 :08%good 13 5 MS 2 1 1 G 7»J A Schugr I. 5 Thrill. River King. Volant PERTHSHLRE. b. b. 7 112 By Caughnawaga— Perth W. N. Adrians. 0793 Bel nt G*fl:20%fast 41 114 4 GO B« G". .1 MeCabey S Orotund, Dlst. Shore Kl la Bryson 20658 Belmont 11:42 fast 12 5 110 5 4 4 4 I 5"! V I nil !i OSullIvan, Guy Fisher Hurakan Belmont 3-4 l:14%slop 21 115 5 4 4 21 21 : Garner S Garl, Chesterton, Lilian Mien 20247 Pimlico 3 4 1 :i2fast 17 lo MS 3 3 2 21 1" T Rica 7 Zin Del, Amans Minstrel 20204 Pimlico 3-4 l:14Hffood 7-4 112 2 2 1 i» pit Rice R AlBloeh. Loa.Travers, ll Meteor 18512 H.deGce lm?0yl:46 fast 12 MS 13 2 2 5* s»l .1 McCah.vll J.Deiboid. llurakaa Uncle Mun 18490 H.deGce. 3 4 1 :i:; 12 112 7 10 9 S- T- B Ambrose 14 HillStream. Graaelle. Undaunted YOUNG EMBLEM, b. g. 4 102 By B —al Emblem— Onaga C. N. Darke. 21SX1 Aqueducl 5-8 1* fast "0 112 S 5 4 4"f.; .1 MeTagrtlO Kleusinia. Hiker, Grapeshot 20934 Jamaica 5* f 1:08 fast 12 IM E 5 5 G 4" V l.illcv G Prairie, J. J. Lillis, Superhuman 20782 Belmont 3 4 st l:ll45fast 12 5 115 1 3 r 7s 714C Bvrne Id Amans. Superhuman, I. Fortune 16303 Saratoga 1 l:!2-slov 7 108 2 4 4 3 li 1- .1 McTagrt II Camellia. Callant Boy Be It 1*7 Saratoga 1 l:41%sIow S 9: S G 7 5 3- 4:S.I McTagrt 1.1 Ktherner, Jawb , Gold. Prime 16037 Saratoga 1 l:40andfaat 6 98 7 3 4 ? 1- Ink J McTagrt 7 Jawbone. Northerner. York Boy 15921 Empire ImTOy l:4G--siow 3J loi 14 5 3 2» 2J J McCahey 7 Executor, K.audStri pes, C. Nome 1S8S4 Empire 3 4 l:12%fast 12 l"7 G 6 C 6- 3J J McCahey s Campeon, J. D. Wakefield, ;. Roy GOODWOOD, ch. g, 3 101 By Watercress— Almadie R. F. Carman. 21880 Aqueduct 3-4 l:L4%fast 30 102 7 2 2 2- 1 .1 MeTagrtlO Gallop, Nortblight, Chance 21169 Jamaica J-4 1:M fast 30 107 5 4 3 G S*| C llu.-stis 6 Fthan Ml. n. Outlook Dlnab Bo, Jamaica 51 f l:07%fast 30 1o7 S 7 S G3 B -■! Huesl is g Rlkridge. G. Edge, M.B.Entuinka 21040 Jamaica. 2 4 1 :14-r,fast 50 105 4 I 3 4 G4 C Huestis S Chesterton, Ethan Allen tlheua 20500 Belmont 61 f l:20Hgood 20 107 3 3 4 5 r.-M Buxton S Tinkk Bcll, Dist.Shore SamSlick 20045 H.deGce El f 1 :07%faat 20 107 fi G ; 6 FC Turner 8 VUey, Seorpll Inlan MOSS H.deGce B-S BOoifast G M7 7 2 2 3 S*| C Turner 11 Applauder, High Tide, F. Riser STRIKER, br. g, 5 105 By Disguise— Contentious H. Rites. 21962 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13%fast 10 111 9 G 7 S* 4-. T Henry 13 Arts, Azvia.le. Mr Spees 21882 Aqueduct 2 4 1 : i2- :.f;lst 7 HE 2 5 4 4- BT| C Fhtiier 9 Presumption, M. Specs Planqnrn 21786 Belmonl 2 I 1 :14---fast E 120 4 7 7 7s 7" C Fbther H IMnafa Do. Minstrel. Grumpy 21728 Belmont 3 I st 1 : r_r,fast 7 5 112 E 4 2 2. 4*1 J Butwell 15 T. as Steel, Grumpy DofDunbar 20697 Belmont 3 1 st 1 :10%fast 6 5 lit 1 2 2 1 1= G Bvrne 9 Forecast Amans Menlo Park 20539 Belmont 61 f l:20%fast 13-10 107 2 0 7 fi l»! G Bvrne H Hurakan, Lily Orme S of Valley 18451 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%fast 2 10.8 2 2 3 2* 2:l F Coleman 4 Sherwood. Croaabun, Prairie IS404 H.deGce 3-4 l:13y5fast 3J 111 8 8 2 li 1"k B Shilling 14 Yadopeep. Undaunted. Kr. Path CHESTERTON, ch. c, 3 103 By The Scribe— Penitence II. J. MacManus. 21819 Aqueduct 6 f l:19%fast S Ml 7 G B 5 8" T Henry ! Volant, Nonreiklm. Outlook 21560 Aqueducl 3 I l:16 4slop 13-3 ME S 4 4 c- 7-5 M Buxton t» Istrose, Planugenet s..raney 21171 Aqueduct 3 I 1:18 slop 4 113 3 2 2 •.•« 2- M Buxton «. Polarias, Uoy, Sarsenet 21345 Aqueduct 1 1:45 li 12 5 MS 1112 r,3 r,.iM Buxton 8 Saratoga. Minstrel, Joe Delbold 1040 Jamaica 3-4 l:14%fast 9-5 Ho 1 2 2 ll 1" .M Buxton 8 Ethan Allen, Alhena, Yodeles » Belmont 11:41 fast lt-S MS 111 1 Pi- M Buxton ft Dr.Dne r. Jawbone, Btboven 20690 Belmonl 2 l 1:13:,fast 7 MS 1 2 2 2* 2-1 M Buxton 7 He Will. Forecast, Superhuman HERRMANA. b. f, 4 107 Bv Mesmerist— Mamie Land G. R. Tompkins. 22198 Saratoga 3 I 1:19 hvy 2. m 7 S :. 4 l» R Martin 12 K. Belling. SanVega Bev.James 21112 Con ghl 1 1:l2f.;: 17 112 2 2 2 2 A- 2 P Goioata fi Pepper Sauce, Reddest Linsin 21026 Conght 7-8 l:29%good 41 116 2 112 PJ I" Goldstn fi Sea 1 1 r.|. Corn Brooai Red Fire 20958 Blue Bon. 3-4 1 :16%mud 37-10 113 1 1 2 1» 1 P Gotustn 8 SHp.Day, L.Speadthrift. Meissen 0S88 BlueBon. 2.4 1:15 slow 215 114 4 2 2 2 2 P Gotdstnl" Linsin. Bustling. HamptonDams 20486 Wdldne 2 4 l:ii; 2 5 115 4 4 2 Z* 1*1 P Goldstn 8 Garish Sua SirArthnr Waveney _ 81 Pimlico 3 4 BIG slow 30 MO 3 2 2 2" 4*1 W Ural 5 Dakota, Hoffman. Beau Fere VOT.USPA, br. f, 3 91 Bv Dr. Leggo — Georgia Girl A. Garson : Saratoga 51 f l:10£good 30 lo- in 10 7 12 l! I. M.Aiee 12 Saraenet, Evelyn V Santo 20029 H.deGce 5-8 1:00 iast M ME 9 S 9 MJ I ",l» .ill 11 Andrew. Jefferson Deviltry 19217 N.Orlns 51 f 1 4 lo.t lo fi s 8 9*f R Goose 12 P. White, Mallard, G.W Klsl r 19141 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13%fast 8 M5 c. 4 S 7 G" J MeTagrtlO Estimable, M. Fannie Celebrity 19070 N.Orlns 3 I I iti.-isi :i M2 .. 9 7 H» H»»1E Pool 12 Toddling. M. Frances T.Ntmare 18608 iTiarlen 51 f 1:09 fast S los 9 7 7 Gl B»l 1" Murphy 11 Mrs. Campbell, Fairllel.-n BiiP 18656 Charlen 5-8 1 : 3 102 fi 4 11* 11 R Pool 11 Saturnua, s. I.otte Bl Lewis 1K009 Laurel 6-8 1:04 slop 34 .ol 8 S « Sa* 5"1D Steward 10 BrianBoru, F.Helen J P. II nr.ll 17509 H.deGca B-8 l:01%fast 10 us 9 7 G Gl 5-1 1 Steward 11 .1. B. Barrel!. Corsican, iliker AMBROSE, b. g, 5 109 Bv Disguise— Ambrosine Marrone Stable. P i itoga 3 11:17 slow M IM S fi 9 M" 7" l Steward 11 Supendent, URarbarv, Grnmpy Saratoga 3 I l:lS%slow MS 122 1 3 3 i- :.-■■ D Steward IS Con. Tower. Fen mouse Uanovia 2159S Aqueduct ll:lo fast 20 MS 6 C E 2 r.l c. - T McTag*tl3 Anialti. OSnllivan Stonehenge 21447 Aqueduct 3 I l:15%slow 41 115 l 5 G fi= .=.1.1 McTagrt K Tinkle Bell, Iliker, Gill andlge ll". Bline Ab7-8 1:27 good 8-5 MS 3 2 2 2 |» 3* Mr B Sten 7 Singsong. Volant. Stonehenge 21047 Bline Aid 1-8 2:04 slop 7 10 162 13 2 2 2J 2n Mr Sls.-.i I Dixon, Alisronder Stonehenge 20676 Jamaica 1 1-16 s MS 2 2 2 3 V .".* AV LUley 4 Roly, Runes, Armament 0797 P. Rk l.i 1 16 1 :■•--, fast 7 5 152 5 2 2 1 p l«l MrMBger S Ham. Pass. Absconder Kllerea 20763 pip.Bk A 1.3 I i :1S ;,ia-t S5 MS 4 4 5 41 pip Btevsoa 8 Calvert Andes Stonehenge