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• I S t 0 t . 1 v ■ ,. e 0 P 8 ■— ----.--. _.« - »-»-*•- ._F a. 1 . « Pin uilftflH , .»A. 1/U1W •_Ut_l , t9m 1 III FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. lJOM l.llj, 4 114 PR, VvT ,ETAf • -b «,,*, - V*? , Armeath Il.-Pagoda J. 8. Hendrie. 22193 FortErie lm,Oyl:44 hvy 1. 14 -j 104 o 2 11 1 2 23 .1 Smyth S BnshyHead Bendel R H.-nslev 22110 FortErie 1 1-M l:50%hvy 17-5 MM 7 4 3 2 21 3* J Smyth 7 BushvHead Riirwn»l cbKI? 21817 Hamton :; H , l-fast 4 i,?.. 6 B 4 4 2 J Metcalf »• y, k , B, z A n. / nd 20988 Conght Il:45%slow4 107 14 5 6 6 6**U Smyth 6 KHambarg H ofOak SrhVrnVr BlueBon. 11-4 2 :0S*f.f ast 31-20 112 1 1 1 ".I i 4 4 4 Smyth 4 HI: k ,„ F Fa II of - k 20523 Wdblne 1 M« l:47%fast 9-5 1JS 2 1 1 J J. ,; J sSlyth 7 F.imlain Fa y. orlnulu l.i L 1 .0429 dbine lralty 1:45 last 24-5 MC 31123 I* J Smyth :: Waterbass, Fountain Fay SSSi, hT-ig-r-* , ,* . - H? . By Bowling Brook— Mary Le Grand T. J. Bird. 7- ■„; c-" Vn" "u:y:-i uvy 2, Ji] 4 4 ,; I1! 5*1 J Callahan 8 BnshyHead. PrivetPetal, Ben.lel 22110 FortErie 1 1-16 ltoO/shvy 29-0 MM 2 24 t; 7 6»» A Schugr 7 BnshyHead Brwood Priv Pota 22M2 FortErie 1 1-16 VJ» hvy 8 10:; 4 2 2 2 I * 2* F Cooper 5 B Hensley Prdner ProErewlve 21919 Hainton 1 l:4of.slow 31 112 3 3 2 3 » 2* M Ganier S Bnshf Head C Orrn lEwv ONE Ham ton 11-16 l:50%slow 31 107 111 1 _i_ i« F Cooper c Dicks Pet, Flitaway E.-,"-i" i.ii.l MOCKERY ch. g. 4 104 By Plaudit— Stheno P. M. Civill. 22192 FortErie 1 1-16 l:46%faat 61 107 5 8 S 4 4 | 8*1 T Hayes 10 Guide Post FIv Home F Stir I vr ■ftlSIIla i"i6- V5f/S; If0- IS4 .? S S 5 lh r L Gentry "White Wool Wryneck. Hermans Latonia 1 1 l-lo 1 :4i fast 21-o 105 2 8 -1120 8 6 5! 2» L Gentry 10 IrishGentlom-in Ohoinc f.,i,„i,. •MOB Latonia 1 1-18 l:46«faet 17-10 99 2 4 4 3 2 2ntM Garner 10 W W WWIIw i.lf lr 25 Latonia 1 1-16 l:19%mud 51 107 2 4 3 3 3 3" A Mott 8 High Private VctVHel.n M 208,4 Latonia 11-16 1:46 fast 24-5 103 6 6 5 5 5 5« D Stirling 6 MiSsTborne GnidePoat 20819 Latonia 1 1-8 l:52*tfast 14 1061 1 4 4 3 3 43J W J OBn « bVuii !.? Exp. ctatlon." Bldhnab F.L"A.WA,T-. b-. • *, -,. . ,, , -0.1 . , . BY Fair Play— Flittermouse H. L. Craine. FortErie 1 1-16 l:a2Hhvy 13-10 105 3 111 1»§ l» a Mott 7 H Lander Bean UHmnwn 22106 FortErie 3-4 1:17%hvy *i Nil M 9 PPfAliot 10 BeiuPe, Ladyandndon PaBoy3 FortErie lm70yl:45 good 5 104 4 3 4 I 2« 2» Mott r li,-i- vt i-, ■,,,. . 21905 Hamton 1 1-16 l:50%siow 15 106 2 2 3 I • I*. W WTTor 6 SJ%lcketll,Lir,ht 21813 Hamton 1 1-16 l:48%fast H l«M 1 1 3 2 mt 2 W W TMo -12 I - H -s ome Brick . v Mo cw" Windsor 1 1-16 1:48 fast 91 107 2 1 2 2 21 2 AY W Tlor ? 7 S D r, z - bv Slat, r li r ,1.1 20H5Lexgton ll:40.Jfast 131 109 7 7 8 7 61 I" L Gtentri 10 BeuUh i J Lnlse OigaSt« 22* 3-4 l:l:;%faSt 6 107 4 3 3 41 43 T Rice S Thdorita. G.R.issell. AlWniwW u ? hB, ?, -,. , ... - 7*. Bv Box— Eric Bello P. J. Miles. * Windsor 1 1 u 1», l:..l--hvy 24-6 102 - ,67 7 S 8" H Stearns K Redlantl Ralfrnn Anrtaa »405LatoBia 1 1-16 l:49%slow 19-10 108 2 4 5 2 2 2* F Robipsn s Whit W,, | Ki oiler Cited.. Latonia lm70y l:441tgood4l-20 1U 111 1 2« 2* F Mun In r "Vw, 1 1 r W0J7 LaUrel 1 1-16 l:46%f ast 53-10 104 112 2 2. 2 J Kedes wl 1" f flnS If i t ,„ !i 8HaA.uuaiBt ? si ! ; ; t s*i IS ! saSS .AU; b f ? V$ , . By Fatherless-Belle Fleur S. Louis. -l ». FortErie 3-4 l:17*4hvy ,-«u ,,1 111 103 I 8 5 3.. m R McDottlO Ladv London ParlVir Rn* k;„, FortErie 1 1-8 1 :58«ihvy 9 107 156 •. tow, ! 6 6-" B" 1 M.-D," 7 V s„,i c- , ,i. „-,l 22037 FortErie lm70y 1 :52%hvy 14-5 104 3 3 4 8 6 |i*lF Cttoner 11 StanW Pi, s:V , 1- V J Conght lm20yl:44%good 7 108 4 E E E P 4" F Coo r s 11 ". w" l,,u "i :u":m "" 21057 Conght 11-16 1:5.7 mud 8 MG 5 2 1 1 1= «[ | Atee 1 1 Cocs D ,rin • 11 7ir 21032 Conght I 1-8 ISOlfcgood 10 99323 3 4h r,«t L i o I F Tir, - 1 ,i„V Mudsill Jtww*.* v,4 7SlOW 12 "" 7 5 4 4°- ,: "S » SedoVfcSMgaSAr.te :»«5ftJtoUi a?37o .17 , A»fss»fandjnss-M. :-T«Vi Winder MS 03 10 _J gl«B lVJti KW IHSSSft?11! -ill, 3-4 ]"? 4 l :! 4 4 nS YXVsM,o-m,iriart;a,,Ks;.he;!i ; - - . — Conght mmm -...-ims l:lu%good 30 102 hs 9 i. 8 8 11 ll U» U« M 8**|R "Hi McDottHJ McDottl2 StelmtaTJoae, Stcllata. Jose. sSJrate. Berate, IheUck. Meelicka