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TELEGRAPHIC FORM. The aurnti which aeeai best in Wiimtatmj,t races are: 1 Saratoga Saratoga Springs. N. V.. Aagasl 17. 1 Evelyn C, Santo, Duke ..t Dunbar. 2 Bryndown, l l Salt, India* Arrow. : :. Ainalii. OSullivan, Raoul • 4 — Dominant, Jaeoba, Li rac. 5 — Montresor, Saratoga GoMcreal Boy. 6 — Korfhage, Presumption, Forecast. F. J. Ortell. Windsor. Ont.. August 17. 1 Scrutineer, Wodaa, Starcress. j i i Seagram entry, Irmlae, lliaa ray- t ; Mis- Waters, Langbonu Laura. • i: 4 — iriet Petal, Martian, Mockery. B .iniak. Tar Brum, Miss Atkia. ; i, ii— Fannie. Strathearn, Capt. Ben. 7 Balfron. Birka, Surpassing. T. K. Lynch. Hillcrest Park Toronto, Out, August 17. 1 Knight of Pythias. Bye Straw. Brookcress. 2 Lad] Isle, St. Bass, Sykesle. :; Gertbelnia. Miss Menard, Abdul. 4 General, Sureget, Jessap Burn. r. Black Chief, Yn ca, Bl Mabdl. G Carrie Orme. Barette, l-ord Wells. 7 Call, Kin- Worth. Golden Ruby, g— Irish Kill. Duke of Shelby, Brlnj Deep. I. 11. Sproule.