Windsor Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-18


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; I , » . J , t • I , , p ", - , , . L . • :, 0 WINDSOR ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather dear; track fast. Racing starts at 2::w p. m. Chicago tbne, 1:30. I Buns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Ml maidens. Apprentice allowanee. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-otds and upward. Maidens, special Weights. 1 mck re. I: 21623 1 :1 I • -, 5 118,1 Ind. Horse. Wt U.e. A.Wt.Han. 21834*1 Seruiineer MB 1:13% :: 108. .715 ". 174s:, 112 1:16% :: 108 • 71" . 22049t Hiniitv 10!» 1:16 :; 104.. 705 3 21099 Wodan lot; 1:14 :t 106. .705 21927 E. M. Wats. 11 112 I: It; 4 111 880 » 22188 si w.m.,1 105 1:14% :: 106. .690 1 22077 Kathleen s 113 1:16% 8 108. .690 1 20492 Blonde M7 1:15$ 3 106. .680 1 22188 Nellie Boots .". lo-t 680 9 22137 I imIi.i l» Ill 117 3 101, 680 1 ■ 1 : If. Hendrie entrj . Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2 year olds. Canadian-foaled. Allowances. 1 Crack record: iom i 1 .0;, % 2 1,, :. , 2ls;:; Aniline 120 72, a 2183 lf Gala Day los . 720 - 2127 Miss lav ltl. 1 :144 .h 105X715 21052 old l.i lo.s . 715 5 22217 : kathl 1 II 184 1:148 103x715 ;, 216241 Mandarin ids 710 n 21024 McBride 105 7o:, :, 21660 Waterdown Mi... 98. .09.1 ,1 lli.pelill Ige .IS 1.1. I". Seagram entry. Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 3 ..Ids and upward. Selling. Track record: 21622 ill--. 5 —lis. 22343* Langhorne 88 1:13 :: 107X725 .7 22162 * Mama Johnson ... 95 1:13% :. 1050720 I 22051 Martin Cases 110 1:13% 1 105X720 0 221i:2f l.aura I04 1:13% 4 105X715 •7 22162 li-s Waters 100 1:15% 4 103X710 «» 2::l.;s Sherlock Holmes. ..105 1:13% f 103x705 - 22252 Africa Bran 1 10 1:16% :; 1114-70.-, •7 2221s- a,-.. Nome H7 1:14 4 tis 70;, 5 22188 HcCUntock 112 1:1.-.:- 0 112X705 • 21714 Kopje 92 1:15 :; 95x690 o 21814* Pampinea 105 1:13% .7 98. .090 21684 Hykl 112 1:13% 4 106x690 • Als,. eligible 1.1 start in order anted ahonld auj .,1 above be scntched: 21661 V,.lfs Bath- 168 1:14% G 106x690 .1 22162 Aimie Leslie ":i2 1:15% :: 95x690 l Fourth Race— 1 1-lG Miles. :: yea; ..Ids and upward. SeDing Clia. k re. .id: 15696 144- 1 11 1 1 221.: PRIVET PETAL . 82 1:46 ! 108x730 0 --!• • Martian 101 1:48 l 111x720 " 22192* Mockery 104 1:46? 4 104x715 5 i22i:::n F.itaway 1 ■ ■ * 1:48% 4 101 ,i • , • 22306 King li . 105 141; :. 88x710 0 ,:_io... i:,.iu Pen 102 1:48 1 102 .10 0 22166 Stnnlej s 112 1:47% 7 102x705 15 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 2 J ear dds. Selling. Track record: 21622 1:11% 5 118. 21620* Card. .me 107x726 " 22::o investment 96x720 22251 Petlar 112l:18%h 113x720 122101 1 Yermak 166X715 , 22P.IP Glomer 105x715 -, 22165* Tar Brash P7 1:101 » 107x710 o i21.ii::, Miss Atkin ,n; 710 II 22LS5* Boneros First .... 103 7o". r. 22105 Lark in .l. 1 1 1 , ; 70.-, 0 21182 Lad Worthing 1 l 1 102. .690 in ■ 1711 Oaklawn Belle l I 103. .680 HI Sixth Raoe— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds ami upward. Selling. 1 I raek r -.1: 21622 1:11% 5 118. 19330 Miss Fannie 107 1:14% :: 95X725 ,- 21926* Capt. Ben 109 1:13% I lor, ■ 72 i ;;, 22iss * Mgadoo Iirj 1:13% I 105x720 ;.. 22138 * Strathearn 99 1:16 1 100x715 - - 221S8 .Inn I 106 112. 7 112X715 ,: liisu the 1 v|,ei- 108 1:14 I lor, 710 21572* Ceieinin 107 1:14% :: ! 7 7o." .- S 21879 M..i.le,ai 100 1:12% 4 105 705 2-lss Aristocral 1 1 1 . .107 l:17a h 4 loo hjbo MJ 22l::s Ibbotsford 115 1:14% .". 105 690 II I 22162* Kinaiee 03 1:14-- :: 90 i;:.o " 2is.:!i Twilighl lor, 1:1:; :: no 890 4bw eligible t,. -tart ahonld any of Ih.- above be scratched: 2211:2 Katharine 0 SB 1:12% :: 85 715 r Seventh Race — 1 Mile. :: reai olds and upward. Selling. rira. k record: 15736 1 ::7 1 . I I0S 1 22:;oi Balfron :».-. 1:3Q% I 104X725 .1.7 22083 Birka 102 1:40% 1 100x720 Jo 22306 .1. II Houghton ...114 1:40% 8 ins 720 -•o 22:. is Surpassing 112 1:43% I HI 710 10 22306 Duudrearj loo 1:40% ■■ 97.. 710 I" 22H;t --tl.-irr» l.:itid«r 1 10 1 :■■. "■■. ■■ 105 710 10 2i:2.-,:: i...i,i Color frfl I jJUr* - :. .107 ■ 70.-, 15 22164 cliff edge 100 1:37% ■ los 705 17 221*2 Lenavaal M io2i:42:-. 4 182x680 Wt : 1 1 1 • j , r 1 1 - ; j I 2 2 o 2 | 2 " or ■ I • | j 1 5 j j 5 22351 Beeond Rao Abool 88 Mile. Purse 8888. 3-year-Olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10: second, 860: third. 0. Ind. Hone. WLFln Jockey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 21317 Rebecca Moseslol l" AFlnl v -I ■• M 22114* J. Nuunallv ill V PJkina 14 2 1 22308 lawn 111 l M Hill 6 I :: J :. .". I 2063TTi.. los | MBger 15 IS 3 2211.4 . 1 1111 Malladv * 116 I ] LMple 2| 2| 4-fi S| 1 22308 Caris imii lit 6" SToandn 5 and 2 1 I 22255 Spirella ill 7 HWntta 1 10 4 2 22ul3 Abjure 111 8 AN* ion -0 .:, b 4 Tune, 1:00*5. Track fast. Winner — Mn. K. Maioneys eh. f, :;. by kfeslcan Johnnj Hani- Rone Thorpe trained by C. Lip : in 11 1. Weill to pool at 2:.74. At post 2 minute-. Start good and slow. Wen easily; second and third driving. REBECCA MOSKS -1 k SPIRELLA .IT on the lai linn ind wnn going away, jack m NALL1 ran well. PAWN liuished resolutely. The winner was entered for 8200; no hid. Scratched 222.-.:. Abdul, 116; 2211 sir Qalahad, 11.:. 22352 Tliird Race about 5-8 Mile. Pome 8300. :: year-old* and apward. Selling, Net value t.. win 11. r 8210; second, 800; third. 830. Ind. Bone. Wt.lin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 236*7 Single 110 la HWntta 3 1 22261 Ada Anne 112 ." .ID" port 1 2-3 oat— .22255 1 1 -1,1 Flower 112 :;■ White S .". z 2 :: 22086 Daylight 107 I1 WIThy 7 7 2 1 21370 Trui.- lot1. :,* JDomk 3 1 :::::! 21921 Yankee Lady 107 r..1. J M-tour 12 12 4 2 22009 Smirk 107 7 CDrir/l IS 20 7 :! Time. 1:00. Track fast. Winner Clinton stai.i.-s i. g, 4. i.v OenorloH — Al I.011. ■ 1 train. , I I.v B. L. O.lei. Weill to poet al 3:14. At post 2 minutes. Start oimI and slow. Won driving; second and third Ihe . SINGLE was tiring and l.areh lasted long enough. AHA ANNE L.-i ground uo the turns and would have woo in another stride. The winner Was entered for oO: no hid. Scratched— 21887 Lord Leigbtoa. 104. Overweights- Single, 1 pound; Trnlane, 21.. . 22353 Ponrth Race ■; 12 fnrlonga. Parse 8300. :: .nr , .Lis and upward. Sellum Net value t.. win m-r 8210; second, 0: third. $:io. Ind. II. use. t.l in.J.Hkev. Op. CI. PI. Sh. 22313 Queed llo L] WHIiv 3-2 3-2 3-6 1-3 22309 C. McFerran 105 j» i.lkins 7 I :: S-2 22039 Noble loan, I III ::; JDomk 4 t Z 1 22311;Mar ORyan 110 4 AFlnley 3 4 2 1 222G1 Brown Prime Hm; .",- OCwell M 8 :: : .". 22257 Rose il llo S* HWntta 2| I 2 1 22033 Char. Prawn no 7 RLowe 15 *8 7 :: Time. 1:24=,. Track fast. Winner II. B. ;.. riiis eh. g, ." , by Russell " La Tour trained by K. Hortoa. . W.nt to pool ut :::::7. At 2 minutes. Start c jr 1 and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- inu. QUEED raced NOBLR GRAND into defeat in 1 the first half and easilv withstood CHARI.KY Me-1 . KKBKA.Vs challenge. The latter closed a gap and finished fast. NOBLE GRAND quiL The winner was entered for oo: no bid. Scratched 22201 Marly Lou, los. Overweighta BrOwa Prince, :; pounds; Baoe . llneil. 2. 22354 Iii th Race 0 1 2 Furlongs. Purse $:; . 4- . and upward. Selling Net value to wiu-1 ii.r iO: s.e. ui. I. 860: third. #20. Ind. Hurse. Wt. Pin. Jockey. Op. el. PI. Sh. 22091 Anna B.e.l 113 1 NPodn lo 4 L 1 22090 Sharp. Knight 115 2: C Pen* 16 2 1 21970 Th. mas Hare 11.7 2" AWalsh 21 2 1 2-3 p. 22257 1...V-- Daj IIS 4 F Prior :: 2 2 2 :: .7 1 2 ; 22255 i:ealil.11r 11.7 .".- WUvle 7 7 2 1 I 1 I : . . " . c 1 . . p. ; 22113 Rose Bin- 113 «" JPonat I « J 1" 22115 lord Mai 11.7 7 WHhy 4 4 2 1 Time. 1:25. Track fast. Winner D. HiUa b. m. ... l.y Star Bhoot— Banc M iss 1 trained by P. HOI. • Went to pool at 3:58. At post 1 minute. Siart ,:,.l ami -low. Won bandilv ; second and third driving. ANNA REED linisbe.l with a rush on the outside. SHARPER KNIGHT forced tin- pace and finished gamely. THOMAS HARE saved ground on the tarns. ROSE RING quit. The winner was entered for 8100; no bid. Scratched 22366*8ykea!e, 115. 22355 Sixth Race G 12 rnrlongs. Parse 6300 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net vain, t win ii.r :f2lO: second, 860: third. 0. Ind. Home. Wt.Fin.Jockey. Op. CI. Pi Sh 22259;iini 117 1:, C Peak I J-2 3-8*1 22259 Sempsilla llo ** ANeyn 2 I — 22260 Pierre Dumas II!- 3" JDomk II 1 22250 -Tnqui. la 106 I- RLowe 13 ; 88116Bulger no :. WHhy 7 8 22059 Gold. Lassie 105 t M Hill IS 20 3 Time. 1:2325. Track fast. Winner .1. .1. Shannons br. b, 5, by Maita Santa - Tin Cap trained bj J. J. Shannon. Weill to post at 4:21. At post 1 ininule. Start rood and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. GLINT finished fast and wen drawing clear. SKMPSII.I.A set 1 fast pace, but tired when challenged. PIERRE DIM AS tinishe.: -am. I.v. Ihe winner was entered for #2MI; no bid. Overweights Inqaieta, 5 pounds. 22356 Sev atfe Ba.e 1; 1 2 Furlongs. Parse 8300. 3-year-oMs and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 10; second, ;o; third. 0. Ind. Hone. Wl.liu J...kev . tip. CI. PI. Sh. 22309 l. of 1 1,. me llo p ANeyn • S J 1 21959 Double Bass llo 2" HWntts 20 20 s 4 22257 111 mtus Poseyl05 . JDomk 3 1 8-5 3-5 22257 Briny lleep lo2 4:: PJkhu 3 ::! J-2 4-5 22035 Ih. am. los ., ■ RLowe :: 4 2 1 22257 Mike .hen 1101 •, C Peak W 12 4 J 22310 Rescue 107 7= NFoden 4 6 1 21956 Mamita 112 si JD-porl 8 I :: : 22085 I. MacGinnii 115 n Walsh « 1; J 1 rime. 1:25. Track fast. Winner M. I..- Roys b. in. .7, I.v Havoc Frosne 1 trained i.v B. Gleaaen. Went to pool at 141. At post 2 minul. . Start good and alow. Won easilv: second and thud .Iriv ins,-. MlD til" IlioMi. finished rasl from 1 ilow beginning. DOCBLK l.ASS was a close cou tender thronghout. Bl.ooMINi; POSE was hard ridden to outstay BBINY DEEP. The winner vvas entered for SJIIO; BO I. id. Overweights Maid of prune. 2 pounds; Ir Caan, 1; Mike Cohen, 2: Jan. MacGinnis. 1. 22357 Eighth Race About 5-8 Mil.-. Pur.- 1300. :: year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 8210: see, ,11. 1. 860; third. 0. Ind. II. use. Wt.Iin.J..,key. Op. CI. PL Sh. 22258 Curious 114 P .IDpi.rt 1 4-3 2-3 ont 22312 I. .- Invalides 10.7 _" JDomk :" " I 1 3 22313 !.. Capricious 106 ::- NFoden 1 G :: j j 2 22114 Kl Mabdl 117 I ANeyn 1 I : 22116 Blue Jay llo :,- AFlnley 8 10 3 .".2 22312 Maude 112 «l HWntta lo U 2 Time 592/5. Track fast. Winner -.1. W. Arthurs b. -. 7. by HastiagS— Crosswavs trained by J. W. Arthuri. Went lo post at .7:11. Al p..s| 2 minutes. Start •r.M.d and slow. W.ui handily: second and third drivini;. CURIOUS finished fast and won . in« away. LBS INVALIDES tired in the final drive. LADY CAPRICIOUS ran well. The winner was entered for 8200: ne bid. Scratched 22313Jessup Burn, 186; 2231S Lonhi d.s Cngneta, 1M . Overweights Lady Capririoos, " pounds.

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Local Identifier: drf1915081801_2_6
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