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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. W. It. Midgely will go to New Orleans with lif-tecn of the Gilford A. Cochran yearlings. K. T. Wilsons Ienol»sc-ot probably will not race again. He is at Belmont Park with Bailies of the It. T. Wilson string. Tor value of t tie Australian Jockey Clubs Derby to the winner this season was 2,203. Last year the winners share was 2.oso. * J. P. May berry will develop live yearlings for XL L. Schwartz, of New York, who is returning to the turf as an owner after an absence of several years. The re| ort comes from Baltimore than an anti-racing bill will lie introduced at the forthcoming session of the Maryland legislature and that it will be met by a bill f r state regulation of the S|«.rt. John Hachineistcr. manager of the Latouia and Douglas Park race tracks, was granted a patent last Tuesday on a special t| f pari-muluel machine which he has hail in operation during the past racing season. They are manufactured in Cincinnati. The military authorities having been in occupation of the Evanslon race course in Australia, aar-missioii was granted by the committee of the Adelaide Bacing Club for the use or the Victoria Park race course for a meeting October 2."!. The chief secretary granted the necessary permission for the transfer of the totalizator license for the meeting. In an aiiti-t dalizator article in a Sydney daily it was stated that among those anxious for the totalizator were proprietary clubs. Whoever supplied that information was certainly loose in his ■•fa Is." If there is one thing the Sydney proprietary clubs do not want it i- the totalizator. They know where they are now. when in receipt of a large revenue f,,r liclliug privileges but. as they have no idea to what extent they would be affected by totalizator legislation, they are opposed to any alteration •• the present -lo them — satisfactory position. I" New- South Wales the strongest total-ir-ator advocates include country clubs of the nonproprietary order.— Sydney Referee. Bacing Secretary A. McL. Earlocker has the blanks for the litis Futurity ready for distribution among the breeders. This nice has been turned over to the Westchester Bacing Association and will be continued indefinitely as a fall feature o! racing at Belmont Park. For the 1»1S running the condition provides thai there shall lie $."».000 in added money, which will restore it to something like its value before the adverse legislation against the s| ort brought about a general cut in turf values. Secretary Earlocker is also busy with the slakes for the Saratoga Association, and it has lieeu announced mat the H«| eful Ear next year, which is to close lor yearlings November 20. will have a guaranteed value af 1". ■ » ■ making it ■ f the richest, ■lot the 1m-s1 id the lixtures fur the juveniles. Of thi- ai nit Jil.tHCi goes P. the second and |I,BW I to the third, leaving 3,4100 for tiie winner. I - - 1 f l s . ! r 1 i- t - . , ,. ,. t „ 1 t . :• 1 ,. | if f 1