Sixth Race [6th Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1915-11-12

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SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. New Howard Handicap, 3-year-olds and upward. 92432— 1:0% .". ni.i COCK 0* THE WALK. ch. h. 5 124 Bv Peep o Day — Ellangowan F. Johnson. 3SW Pimlico unMy i :4J fast 1:; ia ° • :. 1 1- 1*1 M r.uxt.m 7 1I:iitv sii.iw. Holiday, StratabaH 3853 Plmlico ::il:lj last v I2S 4 :: :: S* 6*5 M Buxton 11 Strotuboli. II. Irvnne. II. Shaw ZmS Iiinlieo :i 4 1 :1H fast fi-i 1"G :: L 1 -" -" M Buxton M II t-li N.on. Water Ladv. lelto aMtaaNl 1 l::r«4sfast .t-0 U 7 Z I I -■• *■* M Buxton : Baste, l.m kl.orn. Iandcan rHP H. teGce 1 1-16 1 :46 fast 6 120 2 2 2 1 1 U M B"Mou 7 Lahore. Hittergold. Holiday agf H.deOce ltn7"yl:43 fast 5 US 4 1 1 1 -* Sl M Buxton s Short Crass, Kolv, Lahore 2MB H.«It .;*ce lm70yl:4l»ifast 10 IS ."■ 2 2 2 t* -" M l.uUon S Kolv. Short Brass. Holiday *283 Belmont ll:3T=sfast 135 111 5 4 4 7 715 7:s M Buxton ■ Slumber II.. Gainer. Capra rS728 Belmont 1 1-1C 1:47 fast 5 117 2 2 2 1 1* 1 M Buxton 4 Thornliill, Charter Maid, Hedge 22Cf* I.elmont o-4 st 1 :102sfast 12 12C 8 7 7 72 7"*M Buxton S IVnniouse. Luke. High Noon 1156" HdeGee 1 1-16 l:46?sfast 7-5 128 5 5 4 3 3= lJ J Glass « Fly. Fairy. Nightstick. Bamegat FENMOUSE, b. f. S 102 By Rock Sand— Flittermouse A. Belmont. 3M5 Pimlico 3-4 1 :12»ifast 17 If.t ! !i f. 0- 7=1 J McTagrt • Hester Irvnne. CafWa, Celt" Sajg rteaUca 3-4 1:13 fast 27 1»1 6 8 8 C- f.l W Lilley 10 nigliWuiii. C.otheWalk. W.Lady ran Lawn 1 3-4 1:12 good69-10 Kfi 5 4 4 B -":2 W Lilley t. Sir Upr, Quartz, Water Lady ::«3!« liur.l .1-1 l:ii"islow 24-5 112 4 3 3 4i *■ W Lilley c, Montresor. Ahara. Blue Thistle Om Laurel 3-4 1:1S mud 14 110 I G 6 6 Cn XV Lilley • at hide. BistautShore. OsfJWttS SBRLauaral 3-4 1:1:4 slop 14-3 106 4 4 5 P G-M» I/uvder fi Iulhix. Isiroso. r.riar Path :27 0 l:. lmont 3-4 1:13 fast 3J 108 2 6 6 3»k l" J McTagrt t; Roval Mnrtvr. Kaskaskia. Capra 2I.W.S Belmont 3-4 st l:10%fast 10 105 6 4 3 2 1" J MrTngrt S Luke. High Noon, Hauberk 22T.73 Saratoga 3-4 1 :124-last 11-20 10*t 1 2 2 2s 2= J McTagrt Isirore. Kvclvn .. Sarsenet BM Saratoga 3-4 l:C%at«t«r I 111 1 11 l5 1" J McTagrt 1 Bac. Chartier, Mars Cassldy 22K.1 Saratoga 3-1 1:13 fast 18-5 M 4 3 3 23 2- J McTagrt !» Wanda Bitzer. H.Barbee. Ilaria THORNHILL. ch. g. 4 110 Bv Hastings— White Thorn D. J. Leary. 2MC7 Pimlico 3-4 1:11 fast M 112 I ■ ■ U .-, C Byrne in HighNooii. C.otheWalk. W.L.nly :_V.:: I. hnotif 1 1:::75sfast 8 M 7 7 7 .". ."• S* .1 Butwell R Slninli. r 1 1.. Gainer. Capra __7 i:. Iniont 1 lit; 1:17 fast 1-2 11 ; 1112 :•• 2= .1 MeTagrt 4 C. o- the Walk. C. Maid. IhtKc L244S Saratoga 1 1 ::n=-fast 1".". 115 ". .". ." r. .". HJ Butwell 5 The Grader. Bolhl.iy. I*ullux :.::«•• Saratoga 7-S 1 :27*,iB«od 10 113 K S 8 4 ::- ::J Turner ! Le«M-hares. C. Tower. Kevhourn ■---■:• Maratoca 1 l:4C%favy 1-4 ii" ill 1 i; H «i Turn r X Ckartef Maid :17!:« :. I nt 1 1:2 last lv r, M 12 2 1 Is T " Turner 4 Virile. Polarim, Woafleaflhaea 217 ■ : B- Imoiit 1 2 1«; 1:17 fast 3i 112 2 2 12 21 4*1 C Turner .• Gainer. Addie M.. Bay. Candle J. 1. LILLIS, br. g 4 100 By Bannockburn — Tootsy Mack Karrone Stable. , SHCI Piaalico I i 30-;% T. 4 2 3 3 ::- ML Mink s lie Will. Holiday. FlMtergoU :::::.:, H.deGce 51 i l: 7Vifast 4 115 4 2 E Z V B Stewnrd 11 Fttz.Wiizzv. Scaramouch. Forutn 2WP Aptaiei 3-4 l:ir.%fast 10 122 6 I Ah ¥% K Troxler 11 Aeis. Azviade, Mr. S[ ees MBJfcaaaJai 1 1-M l:«l fast 8 107 1 2 1 1 l1 li G Corey S Ladv Teresa, Heduc, Patrick S. MM .latoaica 5?. fl:0S fast 14-5 115 1 4 4 2- 2- G Corey C Prairie. Superhuman, Y.Kmhleni 20S27 Belmont 3-4 1:13 fast 4 110 2 4 4 3i 3 J J McCahey 7 Forecast, Lily Orme, Water Lily LAHORE, ch. jr. 7 106 By Delhi— Nora Creina J. L. Paul. 2381* Laurel 1 1-K l:47%faat 3 2 ll- 5 5 4 I "- li W Lilley l Ititns Around. Day Day, Volant 237K I -iui 1 1 1S1::,1 fast 38-5 1H2 .1 3 2 ", 3 4-J v I.illev S Kolv. Blue Thistle, Lahore 2.;ill l.aunl lartty 1 : 17 slow »-10 110 12 3 2 a 11 W Lilley M Searaniotieh. Amalfj. Basle j::ivl l.aur.l I 1-M 1:55 mud 13 10 IOC 3 4 4 4 4l 4 . W Lilley ; Kepuincan. Spearhead. PulliiT 3S2 11 . decree 1 1 -Ifi 1 :4C fast 8 103 3 5 3 2 21 B W Lilley 7 C.otheWalk. Fterstdd. Holiday Stat H. ieGcc 1ni7"l:l3 fast 15 100 7 7 7 7 B MW Lillev S S. Grass. Rolv. C.otheWalk tmt lL.l.-G-ce lni7oyl:H fast 7 Mill I 1«| t* W Lilley 7 BlueTIiistle, 11. Shaw. Y. Notions 22818 Belmont 11:39 fast 12 105 5 5 5 5 43 33 AV Lilley T Barry Shaw, Y. Notions, Runes 22751 Belmont 7-8 1:25 *ifast 8 113 2 3 6 6 5= 6=| W Lillev 9 Blue Thistle. T. as Steel, pullnx 22555 Saratoga 1 l:41fast 3 112 2 4 3 1 l2 l5J W Lilley 0 XV. Pitzer. Napier. D.Macdonald A. N. AKIN, b. ff. 3 96 By Algol— Tremar E. Trotter. SSS4 Latoiiia 1 I 1 :14».-.hvy JJ-S l"s 4 1 2 21 lh F Kobinsn 7 Korfliage, Br.Carnien. D.Lairtek 2327«; WMl.ine 3 4 1:13 fast 10 5 102 I 2 2 2- 3- WWaid ft W. Ladv. K.-wessa. Between Is ::17S W ilbine t-t l:U%Caat 30 OS 4 4 5 0 HJ Morys :. W. Ladv. Kewessa. Pan Zareta ■S.::h; Bin Bon. 11:41 slow 37-10 US 2 11 1 1»l 1" W Sehorn ! K.dland. Tactics. Harl.aid 22410 Windsor 3 4 1:13 fast 33-5 104 2 f. 5 3.. 2" F Cooper ft Water Lilv. 1seeit. Pontefract afXOMgtt ll:413ifast 3i 105 5 4 4 3 3 S J Connors t Sunset. Kedland, Kazan 2O0S7 Conght CI f l:10»sslow 21 102 5 4 3 3- 2f J Connors 10 Venetia. Dcfiosif. Mama Johnson 2US62 Blue Bon. 3-4 l:14»sfast 6-5 107 11 9 7 81 77 M McDottll The Busylx.dv. Vllev. CornBroom 2n7«»T, Dorval 3-1 l:14%fast 2J 112 2 2 2 21 1J M McB"ott S Z:n Del. Reflection. Celebrity WOODEN SHOES, ch. g. 4 100 By Burgomaster — Breakdown Qnincy Stable. SM» Iiinlieo I 1-M 1:47 fast 24 1 6 5 5 3 4 4,; 4rJ .1 MeCahev S Hetttay. Short Grass. Spearhead 32St Laurel 1 1-16 1 :455ifast 28 :r7 I 5 5 6 B 4" J MeC.iiiey I ShortGrass. Waterhass. D.Shore 2MV-. H.deGce 1m70yi:42"5fast 30 07 4 4 5 7 8 S18 J McCahey 8 Kolv. C.otheWalk. S. Grass 22778 Belmont 1 1-1C l:47»sfast 9-5 110 1 2 1 1 l3 l1?. J McCahey S Am.ilfl. Hedge. Spearhead 22028 Belmont 1 1:40 fast 4-5 Ki7 111 1 l1 1= J MeCahev S Robinetta. Beethoven. B. Quince 21740 Belmont 1 1:39 fast 5 110 2 1 1 4 4 4" I McCahey 4 Thornhill. Virile. Polarius 21CG7 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 16-5 118 4 2 2 2 2* 31 J McCahey 9 DistantShore. Hedge. OSullivan HUGUENOT, b. c. 8 94 By Oddfellow— Rochelle II. F. A. Clark. 23MB Iiinlieo 1 l:30--f?st 173 .»; s | 7 ■ 6* 5*"S J P Ryan 8 lie Will. Holidav. .1. J. I.illis 2:,St IlscTree Abl-8 1:31 fast 2 15S 2 7 3 4= Mr II Tkrll Spearhead. B. Hibbs. Brazcnose 2.7C9 W. Marsh 11:4_ fast 3 127 4 I 3 8* K Vaadl ! • SiH-arhead. Arament, Matchfield Z37MW.Mmnk 11-8 241 hvy 4-5 152 4 I 4 2- V Mr II Tker ft Doublet. Absconder. Bruin Belle SMC Lynwd I 1-10 2 M good 1-2 140 3 11 1" l« II Tueker 4 Double;. Beethoven. Ataboy 23581 Pip.llk. ALU 0-5 IS 1 2 I 2"- 24 V P.iwers 8 Revbotirn. Beethoven. Sandow 23524 Pip.Rfc.AM 1-8 2:03=;slow 7-5 13S 1 7 I 2- - V Powers 7 K. Maiden. Revbonrn. Absconder •SMI B. l.Ter. AI.3-4 fast 31 Ml 8 G P l1] U Harton 8 Culvert. KhineMiden. OttoFloto 21 17- Saratoga 1 I H 1 :"0 fast 50 H| 5 5 4 5 7 7-- M Garner S Roatner, B.irow. Strotnlndi 224M Saratoga 3 4 1:13«ifast 40 115 10 9 7 C! 8*1 M Buxton Ht Hanson. Ill Iftufcjl. Luke 2O03B Jamaica 1 1-10 1 15 05 7 6 7 7 7 78 P Lewder 7 SlunibcrlL. Doub.Kagle. Baaaaaa NBZT Saratoga 3-4 l:14«fcslow 20 j 1 i «.t 9 8= 4" WWTlorll Kaskaskia. Sunn Glass. Runes* 10442 Saratoga 51 f 1 M%aft*W 9-5 112 4 4 3 l1 V WAVTlorll M. Twinkle. Planetary. Sluniberer 16262 Saratoga 3-4 l:14%fast 8 110 1 3 2 2- 3-1 XV XV Tlorl2 Breoinleaf. Chivalrv. I. Mipiette 16123 Saratoga 51 f U88fcfUt 10 112 8 6 8 5J 516 W W Tlor 9 Montrosa. Royal Martyr. Doublet i

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