Seventh Race [7th Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1915-11-12

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SEVENTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. tSffS— 1:12 — 0—124. BRIAR PATH, b. m. 5 110 By Marta Santa— Sweet Alice H. 6. Bedwell. i: 70 Iiinlieo 2 4 1:14 fast 6S KtO 1 2 3 3* 21 F oo er 5 Wanda Pitzer. Joe Blair. Videt 2MM Iiinlieo 5-4 1:13 fast 8 WC 1 2 4 7 732 F Cooler IS Pullux. W. Pitzer. Sand Mirsli ZSU Lauaral B f UStJtswd 11-5 Ml 2 2 2 2"" 21 F Oeapcr 13 Forum, Crosslmn, Enver Bey TXB1 Laurel 3-4 1:10 slop 3S 103 1 2 3 3l 3"?. F Cooper ii Pullux. Isirose. Naushon 220M HdeGee 8-4 l:13S£fast 15 Kt7 1 3 2 5i 3-J F Cooper 12 Sand Marsh. T.asSteel. Sarsenet 2279S BlueBon. 3-4 1 :l."%slow 19 lefi 1 I 5 8 3=i F Cooper 8 Seiupsilla. Videt. Crossbun 5MM Windsor 51 f 1:07 fast 29-5 Kifi 11 10 11 11 11= .S Wolsfm 11 Zin Del, Rubicon II.. Dignity 21438 Fort Erie 11 f I IHlfclJ 14 111 2 4 3 4 * 4s* E Taplin C Zin Del. The Spirit. King Wort b 21292 Haniton 5J f l:r7»4fast 4 106 3 7 7 7l 7181E Taplin S Slipper Day, Deposit. Viley ELWAH. ch. m, 6 108 Bv Chuctanuxda — White Frost H. G. Bedwell. 20S2T. BlueBon. 1 1 :41fast 23-20 111 4 2 11 li 3s. E Taplin 11 Penalty. J.H.Hghton, S.ofLove 20041 H.deGce 3-4 1 :13Hfast 4J 114 3 2 2 2* 2* E Ta.plin 8 Fair Helen, Jesse Jr., Alhena 30023 H.deGce 3-4 l:14%fast 2 106 3 4 5 5s orJ E Taplin 12 Scallvwg. Progrsive, R.Meteor 20010 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 2 112 1 3 1 ll 1* T McTagt " Kagle. Videt. Carlton G. ISC 4 Havana 3-4 l:13*£fast 4 113 2 1 3i 1» E Taplin 7 R. oLight, Minstrel, Lohengrin 18250 Laurel 1 1-16 l:45%fast 19-10 103 5 11 2 41 5,;1M Buxton 5 Spearhead. Holiday, Brynlimah 18071 Laurel 1 1-8 1:52 fast 51 100 6 2 2 1 Is l1 J McTasrt 9 Polly H., Amaifi. G. M. Miller 17900 Laurel 1 l:394£fast 34-5 109 3 4 3 5 6 6" G Byrne G FMtawav. Uncle Mun. Lit.Nearer 17806 Laurel 1 1-lf. l:45-=tfast 91 103 10 10 8 10 10* 7»1 J Callahanll Lit.Nearer. Montresor. Executor 17732 Laurel 1 1-16 l:45%fast 21 109 5 3 2 2 2s 2l C Bgan.e 7 Darf.vortli. Ambrose. Dr.Dr.enner LADY LONDON, br. m. ft 108 By Hermis— Lida B. W. Smith. aSR Piiuli-o S-4 l:M%Caat 22 Mi 4 | 1 1?. *jt e Hayn s 1 1 Ahlebaran. Hiker. Striker 23N4t Pinilico 3-4 1:11 fast 22-5 ll i 8 5 « *ak tf Is Mink 14 Lolieii-iiii. Luther. Patience BSM Pimlico 5-4 l:13=~iast 7 113 14 11 6 41 48 L Mink 14 Striker. Borax, Crossbun 23700 Laurel lmlOy 1:49 hvy 13-5 107 3 1 1 1 l"k 2 L Mit.k S Watertown. G. Counsel, B.James 2..M1 laurel 3-4 l:K,%hvy 3 105 4 4 2 ll 1U L Mink 9 Salon. Enver Bev. Laura aftM Laurel 3-4 l:17*r.hvy 17 ]07 6 3 2 2* 3U L Mink 7 Brandywine. Minstrel. Anxiety SftU Liurel b f l:08%good 52 103 8 8 S 7s 7C3 C Turner 12 Forum. Briar Path, Crossbun i;;:4:: Wdhine 3-4 l:13%fast 61 107 7 7 1 l2 1*1 H Donldn 7 Cnansia, Scrutinr. tn..Iimn:ie 23002 Wdhine 1 l:41» 26 107 1 1 1 2 B 7"i T Hayes 11 Orperth. Star of Love. BeauPere 2981 Dorval B f 1 :06Vifast 33-5 309 4 3 5 6i 5«j E Havnes S Bali Cap, Bula Welsh, Nigadoo 22S03 Dorval p f 1 :0C 6fast 29-5 115 3 12 3"t 2» E Havnes 10 Fastoso, Jim L.. Alston 22M.2 Dorval mtUH fast 8 111 3 4 5 31 3J E Haynes 9 Viley. Bula Welsh, Sir Raymond ENCORE, b. f. 3 90 By Plaudit— Expressing Mrs. J. Arthur. 2385C Bimlieo 3-4 1:12 fast fid 02 2 3 12 Vl- IJ**|L MeAtee 15 Iullu. W. Pitzer. Sand Marsh 23051 Fort Erie CI f 1 :00%hvy 5 loi 3 111* It P I.owder fi Kni :htsDirfer. Laura. M. Johnson 2U44 Hamton 3-4 l:lfi%stew 8 101 1 2 2 31 4i L MeAtee 9 Yorkville. Zi:i Del. Laura MB* Hamton 11:40 fast 3 95 2 1 1 1 ll l1 P I»wder 10 Valas. Carrie Orme. Subject 21784 Hamton 1 1-lfi 1:46 fast C 94 2 1 1 2 3? 43 T Hay.-s 32 Fenrock. Dicks Pet. Dundreary 2MM Windsor ll:40%fast 4 97 3 1 1 2 21 4* L MeAtee 10 Cannonade. Dundiearv. W.sLast B8M Fort Erie 3-4 1:16°iSlow 8J 01 3 2 2 41 7" A Collins 8 Water Ladv. Vogue, Bendel BSM Hamton 3-4 1:14 fast 5 100 3 4 3 61 S11 J Acton 12 Ketterton, Commensia, Richwood 21307 Hamton 11:40 last 3 88 3 2 2 2 2"k 2 L MeAtee 8 Squeeler. Burwood. Baby Sister 2MB BlueBon. 51 f 1 :07%fast 13 102 7 6 7 81 7* F Cooper 11 Zin Del. Kewessa. Squeeler MBS Wdl.ine 3-4 1:13 fast fid 89 5 1 1 1* in A Collins 10 The Spirit. Ada Anne 20324 Pimlico 3-4 l:15%mud 4G-5 104 2 14 4* 5*1R Shilling 6 Corn Broom. BushyHead, Alhena MAXIMS CHOICE, b. g. 4 101 By Golden Maxim— Leonalla C. H. Bobbins. 3871 Pimlico 3 4 1:13fast 61 bio 0 4 3 2 2T J MeTajjttlfi Martin Casea. Anxblv. Pharao!i 23M4 Pimlico 2-1 l:13=jfast fid 112 11 10 9 9J 0- C Fbther 1 1 T.asSteel. ll.Iivnne. R.Bradlev ftMM Pimlico 3-4 1:10%mud 35 112 11 10 8 93 S1- C Fbther 12 Kderoseros, Iliimirtion, Ortyx 35324 Aoue luct €J f 1:21 fast 6 101 5 4 5 5s 5,;JH Hammer 0 Executor. Mr. Specs, Progressive 15305 Aqueduct 7-S l:27?i,fast 3-2 95 1 5 4 3 ll 23 B Marco C Naiad. Wooden Shoes, Bull Dog 14013 Belmont 3-4 st 1:13 fast 31 100 8 4 2 2* 2l W Ward 8 Edith W., Altamaua, J.J.Lillis 14741 Belmont 1 1:40 fast 25 109 3 5 5 5 f.» 4«1 C Fbther 6 Thornhill. L. Travers. Spearhead 14546 Belmont 3-1 l:12fefast 10 107 4 3 2 3« 3* C Fbther 7 Crossbun. Edith XV.. Orotund TIE PIN, b. e, 3 102 By Armeath II.— Toi San J. S. Ownbey. 2X72 Pimlico 11:42 fast |8J Ml 1 ; I I 1*1 S*i M ITtfcetra S S.w.Jn B.Uainec. Sprisiu- i: is Iiinlieo 3-4 1 :i3*-fast 19 5 102 7 5 3 2 I1 M M"th-«sll T.Masqiader. Videt 23658 Laurel 3-4 l:18*£hvy 51 107 2 7 6 ■ P*|M Mtiews 7 Il.P.rolher. B.Qince. D.ofDnbar 15iso H.tieGce 3-4 l:14Vsfast 0 302 9 8 7 0 r, ;M Mthewsl:: Prairie, Gloaming. Scornii 22727 Belmont 8J f 1 3*%ffcat 40 307 7 5 6 7 6~ , M Mthews 7 Y. Notions, S.W.Json, Xephthys 22626 Belmont 3-4 1 12?tfast SO 307 7 8 8 8 7 »1M Mtkewa 8 T. as Steel, He Will, Sarsenet 21471 Aqueduct 3-4 1:38 slop 20 111 1 5 6 5* 5» M Mthews 8 Polarius. Chesterton, Coy is 141 H.deGce 51 f l:07jgood 7 Ml 4 3 4 45 4si H Laiferty S Dr. Larrick, Alhena, Reflection CAMELLIA, b. m. 8 103 By Stalwart— La Mujer J. L. Paul. 23877 Pimlico 1 1-M l:l7-;.fast 5 1"3 1111 4"»7;iW Lilley 11 cliff Bdjre, Afterglow, CarltouG. 25161 Pimlico 1 S-M 2: tltast 3! 1-i 2 4 4 7 •*» B* W Lilley s Ywhllnjr, Ben Qateec, Beta 23R2U Pinilieo ImMy 1:41 fast ft JS 2 2 C S •■ 4« W Ulley 13 Cantata Parr. I.ilvOrnio. Iierr.d MM Laurel ImMy 1:43 fast 3 5 BB 3 1 1 3 3= 2- XV Ulley 11 Soldier, Delia Mack. Sprinmass 8SM Laurel laaMy 1:43 fast 4S-5 i »: :; 2 I 2 21 21 F Cooper 8 Nephtky*. Dinah Do. Task 23M7 H.«l Gce 1 1-M 1:48 fast 4j 3"7 4 4 8 8 6h WW UHtf M Stonehcnse. M.Warren, Petelus tS ■. 7 Saratoga 1 I I lalai M Po 6 8 7 8 7 5"?W Lilley U Dryad, B.Spiiler, Tlioughtreader BM1 Aqueduct 3 l:4 i-5fast 3* 3 6 0 4 7 6 65 6 "UV Lilley 8 Nephthvs, Alhena. Dr. Duenner 21726 IV-Imont 1 1-S 1 :53%fast 12 102 8 3 5 3 21 4*1 W Lilley 11 Pollv IL. OSullivan, Napier 21003 Aquedct 1 1-10 3:48 fast 7 105 3 12 3 51 4i W Lilley 6 G.M.Miller. Snption, L.Marsh11 21131 Jamaica 11-16 1:49 fast 11-5 105 3 4 3 S 3J l1 W Lilley 5 Valentine. G. Prime, Nephtbya MANSON. b. g. 4 93 Bv Solitaire If, Tim— te N. F. Kerger. 238W Pimlico 13-36 1:10 fast fid 07 7 7 s j 3.1 B»- IT Hayes in Ali:-na. Meiilo P.-.i •!;. Babv Sister 23477 Laurel 5j f l:ll*jfcfcry 1 112 14 14 11 14 I4*» D Mar.Cauea. KnverBev. LilvUrme IBM Bowte 3 4 1:14 fast 25 10 0 9 o 9*" »51 A Xieklausio Supreme, fa— act. Graarift* 1717«; 3 4 l:IS%faat W I-l 4 5 5 5= ft»«ll Collins 8 Acton. Honev Bee. Parlor Boy IS4B AqiHdue: 11:43 sl.iw 3 2 lifi 4 2 3 2 8* f M Buxtea 5 J. J. I.iilis. RenQiiince, LilvOrme KIM Aajaedfjct 1 1:1 --.last 6-5 92 Threw rider. B Marea 7 Afterglow. LlllMUlllu. Ntherner IBM Aqieduct 11:43 fast 10 302 I 4 I 4 4 2- 1 MeCahe 8 Perth Rock. S. of Valley, Naiad 148B H.deGce lmMyl:4B*£faat 8 98 5 11 2 I2 4»J J McGahi yl2 Ardelon. Loween. Orperth 34/-2S H.deGce lm70yl:45%fast 10 99 2 1 1 1 2 25 J McCah. 30 B .Pnc.-is. BtizzAround. Sepulveda CZAR MICHAEL, b. g, 4 100 By Ivan the Terrible— Sorcga J. V. Hedrick. Jr.. 2 .:7 Iiinlieo 3 I l:11-.-.last fid h 7 0 !• 0 B 13 V Hinphy 14 Aldebaraii. Ladv London. Hiker BK8 Belmont 3-4 st 1 :12»;fast 16 310 Left at tli- pot. W J 0B*nl5 T. as Steel. Grnmpv. D.ofDunbar BOM B-imont I I IHLlaal 40 108 5 4 5 Kanout. J MeTaurt ■: Lady Teresa. OldBen. BoofcerBIII 19854 Havana 3 4 3:ir.4r,good 0 5 1-7 r. 1 ::" , a Qartner 7 C.Mcferran. Nljradoo. Eteeuraere 19649 Havana 1 l:41wkat 35 IM 7 2 1 2h l*|J QartJMT B Y.Bv.-s T.Field. Dr.R.L.Sw.u r BSM Havana I 4 1 :14-%fast 5 BB 4 2 !" I| .1 Gartn-r 8 K. Ilarwo :d. Kinwav. B. Belle BSM Havana 3 4 LK-.slow 4 lo4 7 2 I 7-*.i Gartner 7 Laura. P.-.t!l Buefc, A. C. Balev BSM Havana 2-4 1 :15«-fast 3 104 1 1 3,3■, .1 Garni, r s Charley Brown. Sp.ihn. Masalo " 104S4 Havana f.J f 1 :ll]6good 31 3"9 2 5 6 4U D Conn llylO Chitr.i. Chilt. Tianee. P. Rock FORD MAI. br. g, 5 90 _ By Clifford— Mai C. P. Sherman:. 2*354 HUlcrest ■ t I :i5 fast 6 IK 7 7 7 7- W llinphy 7 A11111 Reed. S.Kni-ht. ThaCBaiU 22115 Kuff- rin «*. f 3 :26 fast 3 312 2 I I 7Ti W Hinphy 7 Irish Kid. Civill.ass. C.Melerran nof.r, i u!T. tin, rood 11 115 Left at the Mat, W Hinphy R A.C.Haley P.Boy. RavK Miller 21744 Windsor 1 1 : 1«i ilast 56 M3 0 1131 II 31 M» H Stearns 1] P.irka. Miss Waters, Cliff BtkCUBl 2!.V 2 FoilKlie 1 l:45«jslo-.v 0 101 4 3 3 4 3 2-; L MeAtee 7 Uncle Pen. L. ..Kirkcaldy. Font 215.V FUrtBrie 2 11:2l hvy 25 IB 2 5 5 4« 5= J Bmytfc fi C.onPclivy, Kate K.. L.London DAKOTA, ch. g, 4 102 By Planuses— Wbyota W. Birnie. .tt Pimlico :: 1 1:1 ■ 42 los 4 5 7 7- 0 " M M tie s-B: K.«.|.-n:iv. CreMdmB, Kd. AmUM ZSCZ Saratoga 5. fl.S fast 15 1»7 K 0 Fell. I. BeAteU 14 llmtr ss. 8aa Veca, Bev. James :- :r. Pin, lico S-4 1 :14*Acood 14 3i:: 4 3 4 8* ft*| T Nolan 7 MarjerieA., Bndvwine. CmUMefc 3031 Pimlico 2 4 1:16 alow 41-M MS 2 3 1 l2 L T Nolan ft Hoffman. BeauPere, flerrmana 8KB Iiinlieo 2 11:14 fast 61-20 112 6 2 3 3* •*§ T Nolan 0 P.Streak, SilverMoon. lx.hennrin ■J881 Bowie 3-4 l:14%faat 2 304 3 4 4 4 44* V Coleman S Yodelinj.. Brandvwine. M. Casea 10.117 Havana 1-4 LHbfast 2 MZ 2 1 1= 1= Allen 8 Y.-l. Bves, liniiu.llu. Coesler 3 •..; Havana l|f IB fast 11 10 1t 7 4 3 5JI1 ft* Calem— 8 PweufctU. Km v. Iailhful 8MB Havana 1 4 1 :l5* 32 b 7 2 1 1" I3 V CMeuaUill I l.e Monk. .1 . II. Malik ItMM Charlea H f 1 . is«5fast 2 104 5 3 2 l« I1 ■ Paol IS MIssBrusli. llearlhslone. Moisnt I88B Charlen 3-4 l:K%aTOOd M 109 2 2 3 5" 5 K Tool 8 Cannock. Dicks Pet, Miss Jean 3«C.«7 Charlen 3-4 3:15 fast 8 104 31 11 10 M" M** R Shilling 14 Cannock. Hill all. Gallant Boy laioT Cbarien 3-1 l:15rast 6 104 1 1 I 5l 8«J E Pool 12 Broomtedge, T.M.Greeii. Aitbj

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