Fourth Race [4th Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1915-11-12

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FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling Handicap. 90722— 1:12— «— 124. DOCTOR GREMER. b. g. S 108 By Isidor— May field W. J. Anderson. SM7 Pimlico MldftM 75 lor, 9 5 3 3?. 2J J Pitz Mini Mark. Tribolo. Nolli 23794 Laurel 3-4 1:16 good 2 103 6 I 4 31 3J. T Pargtoni5 Atuka. Kdith Kallmann, Welga i::743 U.ui. 1 3-4 l:14%fast 18 97 3 2 I 3" 4-J L Mink 12 High Horse, Stellarina. Nolli 2MB laurel 3~« 1:18 slop 32-3 104 6 3 3 4J 2i T Iargton 10 Eddie T., G. Counsel, Important 23T,:;o Laurel 54 f l:07%good 13 98 4 3 3 3 3=1 L Mink 10 D.s Choice. Jane Straitb, Iolite 2.::J31 H.deGce 61 f 1:08 last 20 105 7 5 7 7ls 6«J J Smyth S M. Herrmann. T.Ehvard. S.Mark ZISS H.deGce 51 f 1 :08%fast 15 97 2 1 2 2l 4« T Par* gtonll High Horse, Benjamin, Servia 23239 H.deGce 61 f l:07%fast 20 104 3 9 9 9 9" J Pitz 9 M.Hrmann. II. Horse, G.Counsel :216a H.deGce 6-8 l:01%good 50 102 2 1 2 21 2* L Mink 12 Stellarina, J. Straith. Flag Day 22985 H.deGce 6-8 1:01- fast 40 109 10 6 9 131 14" C Fbther 14 Royalist, Recluse, Seryia WELGA, br. f, S 105 By King James— Wealth S. Ross. 2SN47 Pimlico 3-4 l:154£fast 35 lu2 5 2 1 2 7s E Forehd It; Sand Mark. Triholo, Dr. Gremer - :7H4 laurel 3-4 1:16 good33-20 110 7 1 1 I1 4=J J But well 15 Ataka. E. Baumann, Dr. Gremer .MlA Iaurcl 51 f 1:12 hvy 39-10 104 6 4 4 4s 2s E Forehnd ! G.Counsel. Iportant, R.Sekland 23529 Laurel 61 f 1:08 good73-10 104 7 6 7 9* 7"1E ForehndIO High Horse, Nolli, Good Counsel 22242 Wdbine 3-4 l:14Vfcfast 49-10 103 11 3 7 11» 12«* J Siuyth 12 Gypsy Blair, Blue Cap Immune 23174 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%fast 22-5 104 7 7 10 10l 8s E Forehndl2 Greetings, L. Bigger. A.Mancinl 11745 BlueBon. 51 f l:07%fast 49-10 102 2 11 1» VI E Forehndl2 Investmnt, CopperKing. T.Tush 22.r.93 Conght 61fl:12%mud 5 101 3 2 1 1 V E Forehndll S.Stalwart, L.Blgger, Galesnthe 11945 Ha in ton 5-8 l:03%slow 8 95 5 2 3 3* 4« E Forehnd 8 Lit. Bigger. T. Tush, Prohibition 11906 Ilamton 6-8 l:02%slow 3 105 6 1 1 4« 4« P Lowder 11 Lucky R., Will Cash, Yermak U.V27 FortErie 6-8 1:04 slow t 98 2 2 6 6 6«i E Forehd 0 Investment. Greetings. B. Straw TRIBOLO. b. c. * 109 By Puryear D. — Priceless Jewel E. Bjerz. 2384? Pimlico 3-4 l:15%fast 29 no 7 3 4 1" 1»U Butwell It; Sand Mark. I r. Gremer. Noll! 12125 Saratoga 51 f l:llV£slow 10 112 lo 9 9 10 9" C Turner 10 Disturber. Ilaria, Black Beauty 1 1C29 Belmont 51 f st 1:07 fast 10 107 4 8 6 7» 7T| T McTag*t 9 Hands Off. Success, Tralee 11565 Aqueduct 3-4 1:19%slop 2 HO 1 4 2 2 1 3J M Buxton C SunGod, E.Baumnn, Gaswinthe 21240 Aqueduct 5-8 1:01%fast 9-5 108 5 2 4 4 3and M Buxton !» Plumose. High Horse. Ataka 21191 Jamaica 51 f 1:08 fast 10 102 2 4 5 5 3« J McTagrt B Fernroek. Feminist. Ting-a-Ling 20903 Jamaica 5-8 l:00%fast « 111 1 5 4 31 3*1 M Buxton 7 Fernroek, Sprint, Prohibition 2M662 Belmont 6-8 st l:01%good 20 105 4 5 4 21 1 C Turner 8 High Horse. Stellarina, Nolli 20233 Pimlico 5-8 l:02%good 14-5 110 4 6 6 6 6* J Metcalf 6 Mustard. Iolite. Nolli GOLDEN GATE. b. ». 1 101 By Golden Maxim— High Gate H. W. Warner. 23874 Iimlieo 3-4 1 :l.".Vsfast f Id 109 4 2 1 1» 1= J Metcalf M MollvO., F. Nought, M.Bckwnod :.S21 Pimlico 3-4 1:15 fast f Id 107 9 I 5 4and 4J J McTagrtll*. Letfetti. Friar Nought, Walloon 2M2 Pimlico 5* f 1 :0S%fast f Id 112 13 12 12 II2 8C3 I Hoffmanl.-. Black Coffee. Wizard, Celtabel 21411 Auueduct 6-S 1:02 slow 30 109 10 8 7 7l 7» D Hoffman K» Wfarer. Achievement. L.R.Vale 21329 Atiueduct 5-8 l:01%fast 20 112 3 4 5 5 4" D Hoffman S Feminist. Ildiko, Edith Olga 21220 Jamaica 5-8 l:01%fast 10 108 1 2 3 31 3« D Hoffman 0 Dr.Gremer, Gleswinthe. Tatiana 1167 Jamaica S-ss 1 :01%fast 20 100 5 5 5 5* 5« I Hoffman C L. Dipper. Favour, E Baumann lo71 Jamaica 5-8 l:01%fast 15 107 5 4 4 4« 41 D Hoffman t; Besslien, D.Gremer. Q.ofPadise 20977 Jamaica 5-8 1:01%fast 30 104 S 9 9 91 9 ■ D Hoffmanll Ataka. Besslien. Little Alta :oyo7 Jamaica 5-8 l:01%fast 60 114 3 4 3 31 3» I Hoffman C L. Sands. Hands Off. PastMaster GREETINGS, du f. t 108 By Glorifier— Glad Tidings F. J. Coleman. 23S4S Pimlico 3-4 l:13*£fast Tld 98 11 11 11 11 11" L McAtee 11 Benevolent. Tie Pin. T.Masqder :twis laurel 51 f 1:11 hvy 46s. 102 S 9 7 71 7*1 R McDottll Maifou, Disturber. Iolite 12513 laurel 61 f 1 :08%good 19 94 10 10 9 9 9"£L Mink 10 Startling. Fernroek. Broomvale 3M8 laurel 5ifl:ll%hvy 32-5 98 6 5 4 3J 3» J Callahan 6 Golden List, Sky Pilot. Plumose 22373 Laurel 51fl:ll%slop 10J 104 8 7 3 3« 3 It McDott 8 Golden List. Plumose. H. Horse .174 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%fast 3 101 1 3 3 11 l| R McDottl2 Lit.Bigger, A.Mancini, FarAway f77 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%fast 20 107 13 11 10 9» 651 C Hirst 13 Candle, Iolite. Philistine 2773 ItlueBon. 3-4 l:13%slop 33-10 90 5 7 7 6» 6«i A Collins 7 WaterLady, PanZareta. Venetia 1591 FortErie 61 f l:ll%slow 17-20 105 1 4 4 Fell. M Garner 7 Aud.Austln, Larkin. BroomStraw 11027 FortErie 6-8 1:04 slow 8-6 104 4 4 4 2 2»* J Acton 6 Investment. B. Straw. A. Austin LILT HEAVENS, ch. f. t 95 By Great Heavens— Lillian E. M. J. Leonard. ■47 Pimlico 3-4 l:K.%fast -4 llo 16 16 14 13= 11»1 C Father 1« Sand Mark, Tribolo. Dr. Gremer SWlMNl 51 f l:ll%hvy 81-10 92 5 6 6 6 6» P Lowder « ioldenList. SkyPllot, Greetings 2192 H.deGce 51fl:04%fast lo 99 6 6 6 6 4« L Mink 6 Fernroek, Skv Pilot. Plumose ::127 H. leGce 51 f 1:09 mud 30 95 S 10 10 10 10« P I-owder 10 Slipshod. King Neptune. Pesky 2M4 H.deGce 51 f 1:08 fast 3 109 2 2 2 3» 43 C Fbther 7 Tom Elward, Success. Plumose 23000 H.deGce C-8 l:01fast 15 107 7 7 7 7 7 C Fbther 7 Col. Vennie, Adroit, Broomvale -1T..2 Ilelmont 5-8 st 58%fast 20 107 4 4 5 5» 5i» C Fbther 7 Puss in Boots. Malachite. Grasp 21 lol Jamaica 5-8 l:01ttfast 10 107 3 4 3 3» 2 C Fbther 5 Tea Caddy, P. of Como, Kilmer HUTH STRICKXAND. b. f. 1 10f By Czar— Searchlight H. G. Bedwell. :.m,i Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast rid 104 .» 2 2 2= 2° V Cooper 14 Dancer, BroomCorn, M.ofDundee 7:» I Laurel 3-4 1:16 good iZ loljll 9 8 71 W% S Wolstm IB Ataka. E. Baumann. Dr.Gremer Vand*i laurel 61 f 1:12 hvy 1J Itt. 4 2 2 2= 461 F t n ]ier 8 tJood Counsel, Welga, Important 2X2K ll.d-Gce 5ifl:08%fast 30 10215 4 4 51 9»i F Cooper 11 High Horse. Benjamin. Servia 3M» H.deGce 6-8 l:01%good 60 102 7 4 4 4i 6« F Cooper 12 St.-llarina. Dr.Gremer. J.Straith 1274T, HlueBon. 61 f 1 :07fast fid 99 7 3 2 3» 87J II Hanmer 12 Welga. Investment. CopperKing 22453 Windsor 5-8 l:03%mud 27 109 2 3 7 9» 9" A Mott 10 S.Stalwart, R.Cross, Geswinthe 219* A.iu.-.luct 6-8 69 fast 20 104 8 8 8 g 8 t w Lilley 8 Stellarina. E. Kenna. B. Redfleld 14C1 Iitonia 6-8 l:00%fast 17 105 4 4 4 4» 4" F Judy 6 Impressive, Dollna. MollleElllott 21264 Itonia 6-8 1:01%fast 17 107 8 2 1 7 7 R Goose 12 Little Bigger, Bessie N., Dolina 21124 Uitonia 5-8 l:02Hfast 14 ft. 9 2 2 2* 6=1 K Lapaillell Savino. Ingot, Investment »7tr. Dnuelas 6-K l:01%fast S 1* 1 4 4 4* 4«1 L Gentry 8 Mary H.. Bessie N.. Intention LETFETTL ch. f. 8 1W By Voorheea — Chime S. Louis. 3M« Pimlico 3 4 1:Hr£fast .„ 16 92 „ 8 S 11 lo= R A Collins 14 Aldebaran. Ladv London. Hiker 2SW1 pjmlico 3 4 1:15 fast 31 MS 1 1 t ]« 1= R McDott 1*5 Friar Nought. Walloon. G. Gate 2H5J laurel 5-8 1:01 %fast W M4 I 13 I «B McDott 14 M.McGce. S.Light, M.Blackwod X4J lurei 61 f 18%fast f Id JU 1 11 I* a | Hajnes 14 Rose Juliette. B. Corn. Walloon 224%; Laurel 3-4 1:21 hvy 83-10 109 5 ,4 5= 78J M Buxton 9 Chivator, B.Corn. B.of tlieKhen 227* Hiu-Bon. 61 f 1:09 aow « J07, J - 2 3= 3».J E Andirosel2 Shrapnel, BroomCorn, F.Delpbia "l I.orval 1-2 £Ha8J Ji SS I ? il 6M A Schugr 9 Milestone. Q.Apple, S. Maggie -" f D.rval 1-2 49%fast 2| 109 8 2 8b 7«1 E AmbroselS EddieT.. F.Uelphia. J.Z.Wlgim 2Mb Wdbine 41 t 65%fa»t S8-6 107 3 11 1 3» T Rice K Candle, Alfadlr. Milestone MM Wdbine 41 f 65 fast 36 109 4 5 5 5= o7l F Colemanll Iolite. Peep Sight. Casco MAID OF DUNDEE, ch. f, 8 101 By Duke of Ormonde— Maid of Dunbar E. 3. Albright. " Iimlieo 3-4 1:14 fast 16 102 « I I 4= tj I! McDottll Dancer. Ruth Strickland. R Corn -■"■■» laurel 51 f 1 :07%good 14 MB 6 4 7 9 9" K WeathylO D.sChoice. J.Straith, Dr.Gremer - •: 11 .l.-Gce 5S1:01%fast 8 ! ».. 2 1 1 ] V L Mink 12 R.CfTce. B.of tlieKhen. JrrvJr -■•» 11 jh,t 51 f 1 :08«4fast 40 KKt 9 . 7 7U 7-» L Mink IWtHMw, o.lVlnee, B.Tr*oper « 1 Auueduct 6-8 1:00%fast 20 104 6 7 7 7 4« D Steward 7 Sal Vanity. Murphy. BobReddeld

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Local Identifier: drf1915111201_5_2
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