First Race [1st Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1915-11-12

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•— o The small figure under "Str." shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race. I The small figure under "Fin." — unless the horse won — shows the number of lengths the horse waa I behind the winner. Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races. 0 . _ FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. 05722—1:12—0—124.. Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St % y, =i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish CHURCHILL, br. c, 2 112 Ev Sweep— Lamp Girl F. P. Keene j:.s:,l l-iinli.-.. 1 1:4! andMt fl.l Ml 7 7 I :: P 7"-:; I. Mink ft C-landria. C! Vcnni- l~ MMlllS L::s:L-; Pimlico 3-t 1 :i::--,f;tst LV p.s S 4 I 4l r.i M C.nriier 1 franklin. Tiajan Sprint 237XS Taurel ."i f l:1o%hvy 2S-5 114 11 D fi c," y-» J McCaheylS Rigt.nlo. lKlancev Moonstone 2881 Belmont 3-4 st l:ll%fast 6 107 S »; « »« 9«»iM Buxton 10 Cfllies, Rromo Spur" 2277! Belmont 7-8 st l:24%fast 30 P7 6 4 4 7 7 7" M Garner 7 Chicle. Air Man Whimsv 22575 Saratoga 3-4 l:I3%fast 10 107 7 13 12 11s 8"|W Lilley 13 Dominant. Big Smoke. Priuiero DELANCEY. b. c. 2 112 Bv Rock Sand— Delusion A. Belmont 2X845 Iimli... M 1:11 fa-i in 10 ..7 . -[ ■[ |ij •• L Mink 13 did I.r.M.m. Celtalel Whirl L.-M2 Iimli... :.. f 1:0S;.l:ist 19-3» IM :» 7 I fl S*i« I.ill.y 1.1 I.Ui. k C..rree; Wi/.i.i OttabH 2.!;SS laurel Si f l:lc%hvy 23 10 114 S 4 ja 2" W Lilley 12 Bigtodo. Moonstone 23574 Laurel f, f 1 :ll%hvy 7-4 112 5 2 1 3 5»1 W Lilley 12 Seuoolbov. R. Corn Smoothbore 23376 Laurel m, t l:14%hvy 7-4 110 3 111* Mi W Lilley « B. Trooper B.lSrn Landslide 23313 H.deGce 5-8 1:01 fast 31 112 7 3 3 2 *J J Butwell 9 MMM Prince. Gibraltar Bae B CELT ABEL, ch, c, 2 112 By Celt— Lady Isabel S. Ross. ;, ttttt Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 4 98 6 I 5 4= 3* R McDottl:: Old Broom. Uelancey, Wizard 23812 Pimlico f l f l:0S4»fast 41 115 6 8 4 6J 3i T McTagt 1.5 Black Coffee. Wizard, B. McGee » 22214 Saratoga 51 f l:ll%hvy 4 112 7 5 7 5- 56i T McTagt 13 Daddys Choice, Bigtodo, Nolli j SMOOTHBORE, ch. f. t 109 By Ogden— Royal Gun J. E. Madden. I 237SS laurel 5J f l:10%hrj 3S-5 111 6 t | # H|K Troxler 12 Bigtodo. Delanccv, Moonstone j 23696 laur.-l 5.. f 1:14 hvy 4 112 9 8 7 OJ 71* T Davies !» Broom Corn, M.McGee, E.Bonero 2 23T.74 laurel 5J f l:ll*£hvy 22 109 8 10 7 5i 3«£ J McTagrtlS Schoolboy, Broom Corn, Donner 1 23200 H.deOce 5i f l:0S%fast 5 109 4 3 3 4J 5° T McTagt 11 Ed. Henrv, Gibraltar, B. Trooper DM H.deGce 51 f l:oS%fast 31 109 4 6 5 5s 5C1 J McCabey 9 Woodstone, O.Prince, B.Trooper 22817 Belmont 51 f st l:0G%fast 15 100 5 5 5 5 r « M Garner 5 P. ofComo, St.lsidore, Fernrock 22512 Saratoga olfl:ll%slow 13-5 109 4 4 4 2 21 J McCahey 5 Polroma, Red Cloud. Orator 22129 Saratoga 5! f 1 :07%fast 30 109 11 11 10 7. 5» M Garner 12 Chicle. Prlmero, Favour 2i;::l Belmont 5-S st 1:00 fast 20 112 10 9 9 8 8171L Allen 10 Hidden Star, Royalist, Dorados DORCAS, b. f. 2 109 By Ildrim— Dawte Cleveland Stable. : •3N0 Pimlico 3-4 1 :13Vsfast rid iiil If, 13 9 I SJ J McTagrtl." Franklin, Spur, Socony SKI Pimlico 3-4 1:14 last lOi 101 12 30 6 31 3* J McTag"rtl4 Polroma, Virginia M., Damroscb 2 22S55 Belmont B t at l:07rsfast 50 106 6 0 6 05 715JC Clement 7 Libyan Sands, Ind. Chant, Grasp 1 227ns Belmont 5J f st 1 :06%fast 50 112 11 13 13 12 12l»JC Fbther 14 In. Chant, SeaBeach, Trumpator •■ BILLY McGEE, b. c, 2 112 By McGee— Sanfara J. S. Tyree. a*fl Iimlico H f l:0S«£fast 15 115 2 2 1 2s 43 C Turner 15 Black Coffee, Wizard. Celtabel 3 23574 Laurel 51 t l:ll%hvy fid 112 10 S 8 10» 9" C Turner 12 Schoolltov, B. Corn, Smoothbore 1 2.2:3i H.deGce 5-8 1:00 fast 50 105 6 C 6 6= 616 C Turner 7 S. Isidore. Murphy, Remebrance j COL. MATT, b. g. 2 109 Bv Colin — Ormclia J. Livingston . J 2B38 Pimlico 3-4 1 :14=5fast 1SS 109 9 7 7 7! 77| C Turner ft Bambi. Puss in Boots, Alfadir i 288 H. 1.CC- 5-si:«l fast 8 Mi I 5 5 7- 7".U MeCabe 9 OccanPnee, Delancev. Gibraltar I 23200 H.deGce 5* f 1 :0S £fast 40 109 I 4 I B*| •* J McCtfM 11 Ed. Henrv. Gibraltar, B.Trooper 2 TT9n If ebMTf 5-8 1:01 fast 20 111 S 12 12 12= 10 « J Mc"al»e 14 Remembrance, Wizard. O.Prince 2 28M I.atonia 5-8 1:02 good 5 112 6 3 4 7 718JR Goose 7 Dr. Moore, J. ODowd. C. Reef I 2072 Latonia 0-8 1 :oo%last 14 106 5 3 5 41 58 R Goose S Dodge, H. Gardner, Rochester 2 20712 Douglas 6-8 l:01fast 37-10 114 4 4 3 31 2* R Goose 7 Pockichoo Iolroma, J.C. Welch 2 1 HANDFULL, ch. c. 2 109 By Royal Flush III.— Modreda K. K. Xarrick. j SOI Iimli.o 3-1 1:11 fast fid 104 9 13 12 91 7° L. Mink 14 Iolroma. Virginia M.. Dorcas | 2348 l.aur.4 3-4 1:21 hvy 57-10 109 S I 9 9 91=ili Troxler U Chivalor. B.Corn, B.of theKhen 2 SCST* H.deGce 51 f 1 :08%fast 3-2 104 4 3 2 2s 2°" W Lilley 13 Sandel, Bobolink, Costumer j 2.W3 H.deGce 51 f 1 :08 ifast 10 104 f. 4 I 2 2- P Lowder IS Daneer, Vedado, Rose Juliette J 2 l9 Belmont 41 f st 522+,fast 23 97 7 7 62 6*iP Lowder ft S. Ballot. Broomvale. Fernrock I INkVtl lielmont 5 S st 1.01%good 15 110 4 6 6 6 7«* J Loftus 7 Friar Rock, Kilmer, Hands Off 2 2o43S Belmont 41 f st 53Vimud 10 105 8 9 7 715 G Byrne 9 W. Hackle, Damroscb, Mustard f JACQUETTA. br. f. 2 109 By Jack Point— Buttonhole A. L. Aste. ::M5 Iimli.o :;4 1:14 fast 24-5 96 9 S 6 6= 61 T Pargtonl.l Old Unnnn. I«-lan ev, Celtabel - tOH l«iurel MUtflM 90 9S U 5 5 5" 5 =1T Pargton r, Geo. Smith, Anita, Col. Vennie I BRYN CHANT, ch. c. 2 112 By Bryn Mawr— Chantilla J. E. Davis. I 23874 Pbnlico :; 4 1 :15ifast f1.1 112 S 10 11 71 6s 3 It Troxler Mi Golden Gate, MollyO., F. Nought 2 a*S3 Pimli.o 2 11:14 fast fid 112 11 11 11 101 93 R Troxler 14 Polroma. Virginia M., Dorcas 2 »I2 Iimlico 51fl:0S%fast 14 115 7 13 11 101 ll2 R Troxler 15 Black Coffee. Wizard, Celtabel 2 0 PARACHUTE, ch. g. 2 109 By Aeronaut — Brillancy G. B. Fenwick. J a«74 limli.-o 3 I l:15Vifast 412 104 I I 12 12:12"1W McCTryK Golden Gate. MollvO.. F. Nought 2 asM limli... 2-4 1:15 fast 2ih; ]tt2 8 4 4 111 12" A Collins 35 Letfetti. Friar Nought, Walloon 22M2 Iimlico El l 1 M%gmM. fid 112 10 11 13 13- 13151A Collins J., I.lack Coffee, Wizard, Celtabel J BWWMm 51 f 1 :0S— .fast US 102 4 2 2 71 PI A Nerger 9 Casco, Ladv of Lynn, BroomCorn £ TWTTt TTftlsf 5. f l:fg%fa*t 107 M9 9 5 5 CI S"1W MeClry 12 Typhoon, Trout Fly. Debaven ! SSU Plii.-I.oii. B f 1: I9 slow f Id los 7 7 H 1 1 -"1 1 =" -T McClearyVJ Shrapnel, Broom Corn, Letfetti a*3l BhsaBSM. 2 4 1:15 fast fid 109 I 1 I 101 1218 W HeCTiylS Damietta, Greenwood. G. IHair - 0BS lluiiitoii [II trXslap 15 10411 ll U ll 11« I, McAten 11 T. T— . S. Stalwart, Greenwood ; 2W27 Concht 5 8 l:01%good 30 105 5 4 5 64 718 L McAtee 7 Blame. Ocean Prince, PhilUngai j SMIRKING, br. f. 2 109 By King James— Smirr H. G. Bedwell. I airst titart. , I V S

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Local Identifier: drf1915111201_3_4
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