Second Race [2nd Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1915-11-12

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SECOND RACE — 2 Miles, Consolation Steeplechase, 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. r, .sin ran ft 111 | JUVERENCE, br. g. 7 139 By Juvenal — Inference W. L. Crosby. r9H Pimlico 2 1 4 1:25 fast 41-10 l:,ii 6 7 4 I 5 4* .1 KcrSBStthU Collector. Rol.t. Oliver, Cu Hon 5 SKS Iimli.o 2 3:5S— .fast S-5 i:: ; 4 3 2 I 2* 21 C Smoot li Ahdon. Cynosure. Aviator "i 23SIJ Iimlico 2 1 30 fast 3 l:.l 13 2 I 3* t* C Smoot IS Koht. Oliver. Meshacb. Collectoi 5 23SI ll.d.c.ce Al 2 4: 1-2 147 5 1 1 1 l1 U ■ Wolke ■ Aviator, Carolee, Amans • 2:201 ll,l. ;•,.• Al 2 4:o3Vifast 30 140 4 113 3.1 3=1.1 KermathlO Svosset. Little Hugh. Altdon i, tOKS. H.deGce Al. 2 4:01 fast 10 137 5 7 4 5 5-» 5" J Smoot t Altdon, Earlv Light. Meshach , 2:141 S.naioca Al. 2 4:35 slow 8 145 I 3 4 Fell. E Wolke B Swish. Garter, Buckthorn „ VKBX Iimlico 2 4: 9-3 147 5 6 3 2 21 2 IJ Bryant B Jesuit, Foxcraft, Brush " 174S2 Wdhine 2 1-2 5:00%fast 11-5 146 4 4 4 4 3 3=» B Bryant I Wcldship, Shan. River, Frijolee -; 17:!sf. W.ll.ine All 2 4:14 slop 8-5 152 5 2 2 1 1* 1* B Bryant » TheAfrican. Laomedon. J. Gaiety - CU BON. ch. g. 7 142 By Cunard— Bonibel W. Smith. T- 3M*. Iimli.o 2 1 I 1:25 fast fid 5 2 2 1 2l :V B CrmwTdl3 Collector. IJoltt. Oliver. Juvcrcnce Z tSKS Iiialico 2 ." 21 112 5 2 1 2 41 7I,;1U WaldroiC.l Altdon. Juvcrcnce. Cynosure 1 SOtll Iimli.o 2 4:03 fast 17 119 3 6 3 4 4l 5= H Crawfrdl5 Ifobr.Oliver, Meshach, Juverence 2 22245 W.ll.ine Al 2 4 :16*;,fast 3 at 2 2 2 Crawfd • The African. M. Court. Morpeth B 251 tl Al. 2 4:22-good 14 IM 4 2 1 I i 41C II Crawfrd «» Cynosure, Stucco, Tropaeoluin 2: anWdbiM Ab 2 4:35 fast 19 135 4 12 2 2l l;l H Crawfrd 7 Moriteth, Cvnosure, Exton fj 22772 Klu. r:,tn. Ab ! 4:14 slop 91 134 I 3 12 11 11 II Crawfd ■ I. Michael. EarlvLight, M.Court ■ 2J..7. Glii.l.on. Al. 2 4:15 fast 17-5 147 112 2 I** I* II Crawfrd • Dr. Holzlterg, U.Jack. Kali Inla c ITBI rssjgfM Alt | 3:5S mud 10 132 4 2 2 1 2i 37 H Crawfd 5 Stucco, Cynosure. Early Light «| F.ARLY LIGHT, b. g. B 137 By Peep oDay— Wantage H. G. BedwellL r,:.! 23*1 Iimli... 2 li fast 53 PI 9 9 6 4 "~ V .1 Smith 1 Km. Gem. N. Haven. J. Winston £ ;:::::: • H .1. GC- Alt 2 4:00 fast 41 13H 5 4 4 5 5 5= W Allen 7 Kacebrook, Battery, Abdon 5 23294 H.deC..e lni7ovl:46 fast 40 103 1113 14 13 121 10"»F Cooper M Dav Dav. Jesse Jr.. Santo z:, ton Il. l. :.e Alt 2 4:01 fast 10 152 4 4 3 2 25 V* C Koerner ft Altdon. Meshach. Rock Fish 5 22772 Ulu.l.on. Alt 2 4:14 slop 9 Ml 4 2 4 4 4" M I Gaddy B CiiBon. IdleMichael. MrchCourt g 22.V..4 Conglit Ablia mud 4 i:!9 I 5 6 3 3" B*t D Caddy f! Stucco. Cvnosure. Cu Bon = 22.502 «:onght Alt 3 3:57%slow 7 142 2 4 4 2 1« 1* D Gaddy I F. A. Stone, fnion Jack. Cu Bon 5: HUMILITY, ch. m. 5 146 By Bryn Mawr— Penitence II. W. Stockton. Ti 23R39 Pimlico 2 :;:5S-,fast 22 5 145 2 5 7 5 5 B*|A Wright 11 . Union. Jiivereiice. Cvno uie f 2i:.::i Ilamton Al. 2 4:12 slow 12 140 13 2 2 I* l:o F Williams 4 V.Isini, Decathlon, Jim O. B ai9V9 Cftnght Al. 2 4 : iS slow 4 5 131 4 11 1 l5 I3 F Williams 4 Gaiter. Stalmore. Dnrotliv Webb K 2-OV24 l:lu i:..n. Al. 2 4:lo fast 43 20 r.C 15 1 1 Is I* f Willms S Kingcash. Dor. Webb, Promoter 2: aSSS WdlriM At. 2 1:o5 fast 23 20 12.9 111 1 1" 1** V Williams 4 Joe Gaiety, Morpertl. 2: 2M17 II d.i..e ,i, I 4:oiu,slow 6 142 5 4 3 1 V- 2"1F Williams 7 Kacel.r.M.k. Al,.lon, Stripes 21 a*r| II .l-G.e Ab 2 4:o«;.fast 8 13S S 2 1 2 1 lu 1 Dnpee 10 Fri iolcc. Garter, Woollex 2: 16579 Con ghi Alt 2 16-5 134 6 2 1 1 1*1* W Kolil.r 7 .1. Gaietv. Malaga. Portarlington 21 15039 Conght Ab 2 3:5C=4fast 11-5 134 5 2 1 I *h V J P.ernhdt C Iromoter. Tom Horn. Velslnl 21 ! || 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 l / r, :, j ; 2 I ij c r, - C ! ■ 9 ;, » j I j 2 1 AVIATOR, br. g, 7 132 By Broomstick— Lizzie T. R. I. Miller. •38a Iiiiilicn 2 3:5S2sfast 23 130 111111 9 62 4»S A Nicklausl I Altdon, .liivcren.e. Cynosure SB1 ll.dctloc Alt 2 4:05V5fast I 142 1 I I 4 21 2.1 T Tnckey .", Juverence. Carolee, Amans 23201 H.leGcc Alt 2 4:03i5fast 30 131 6 9 9 S N* 7-* J Brown 1*t Svosset, Little Hugh, Juverence 2:135 H.deGce- Ab 2 4: »M iiiiud 30 142 1110 9 I 3s 3" J Brown 11 Grev I-cg. Agon. F. A. Stone 23036 H.deGce Ah 2 4:07%fast 30 145 12 11 I 4 3] 3B J Brown 11 Battery. Grey Leg. Brush 21823 Aqueduct Ah 2 4:26 fast 10 149 3 1 3 Fell. G Palmer ft Cloud. McNalt, Brush 21407 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:32 slow 30 132 8 9 10 8 8 8" J Brown M Frijolee, Rock Abbev, Zellwood 207S2 Belmont 3-4 st l:ll%fast 60 112 8 9 9 9» 815U Dreyer 10 Amans. Superhuman. L. Fortune RACEBR00K. b. g, 8 148 By Racine— Miss Wandelohr S. L. Josephthal. aSS Iimlico I 4:01 fast Si 152 9 3 3 3 7* 64 S L JosallO Senegamltian. l.urgeois. Collector 23330 H.deGce Ab 2 4:00 fast 2J 14X 3 11 1 i» t Ko«-rner 7 Battery, Altdon, Little Hugh 23263 H.deGce Ab 2 4:o3 fast 4 142 7 6 4 3 3- 40 MrSLJosal S Syosset. Golden Vale. Grey Leg 23056 H.deGce Ab 2 4:00 fast 4J 138 2 11 1 11 21 J Dupee II Astute, Idle Michael, Agou 22PS2 H.deGce Ab 2 4:01 fast 3 152 9 Fell. MrSI-Tosl ft Abdon, Early Light. Meshach 20231 Pimlico 2 3:57%fast 16-5 154 4 1 1 1 L.rider.R Lucas ft Worstdale. Garter, Frog 20117 H.deGce Ab 2 4:01M;Slow 13-5 148 3 2 13 l"k ll Mr Josthl 7 Abdon, Humility. S.aud Stripes 20044 H.deGce Ab 2 4:02 fast 8 147 7 4 2 1 i« i« m Josthl 7 Wooltex, Gun Cotton. Woodsi* 20007 H.deGce Ab 2 4:08?fcfast 60 147 9 1 3 2 2« 2« Mr Josthlll Astute. Abdon. Aberfeldy *i YOUNG MORPHEUS, ch. g. 8 130 By Morpheus— lone K. D. F. Kinney. 23868 Iimlico 2:114:20 fast 232 136 1115 B**9* II Tansey l:: Collector. Robt. »liver, Cn Bon 23S39 Iimlico 2 3:58%fast 4j 13o 6 4 4 10 10 Hi" H Tansey " Abdon, Juverence. Cvnosure 23613 Mt. Royal 5-S 1:05 mud 15 113 10 111 10 9MS Wolsfin M King Cobalt. York.Boy Minstra 21056 Conght Al 2 4:01%mud ff-5 135 1 2 1 2 2 » 2* "N Brooks 4 Garter. Velsini. Stalmore 20S65 ItlueHon. Alt 2 4:08%fast 11-20 i:» 5 11 1 l* i« p Willims S Stucco, Orav Planet, Mattel Hite 20524 Wdl.ine Ab 2 4:33%fast 33-10 143 4 3 11 2» 22 F Williams 4 Kingcash. T.African D Hzberg 20428 Wdhine Ab 2 4:33 fast 3110 143 6 3 1 2 2* 2» F Williams « Garter. Joe Gaiety. TheAfrican 2*1231 Pimlico 2 3:57%fast 3 144 8 3 3 6 51S B»* E Burke ft Worstdale. Garter. Frog 11647 Wdhine Al 2 4.02%fast 1 145 3 1 1 1 2 2« W Kohler 4 Turbine, TheAfrican, Bilberrv 11567 Wdhine Ah 2 4:01 fast 24-5 139 6 11 2 2« 2« J Hethton 7 Weldship. J.Denlen, B.Andws 11004 BlueBon. Ab2 4:09%fast 1 134 2 1 1 1 v ij j Hethton 7 Bello. Jack Deuuerlen, Luckola 8855 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:ll%fast 7-6 139 4 1 Lost rider. Chartnd 5 Chocorua, Ballyback, Dr. Heard HANDRUNNING, br. g. 7 132 By Handspring— Pens* C. K. Rockwell. 23S39 Iimlico 2 3:58%fast fid 132 7 6 5 8 915 9-1 A Stretch 11 Abdon. Juverence. Cynosure 53813 Pimlico 2 4:03 fast 31 134 7 7 5 6 6 71" S Stevsonir, Robt. Oliver. Meshach. Juverence 17475 H.deGce Ab 2 4:06 fast 8-5 144 2 3 1 1 2* 23 T Cottman 5 Abdon, Gregg, Orderly Nat 1733S H.deGce Ab I 4:08 fast 4J 137 7 6 6 3 2s 1«* T Cotman 7 Mo, Abdon, Little Hugh 14718 Belmont Ab 2 4:19 fast 7 145 5 1 1 I 4*» 4** B Bryant S Gun Cotton. Syosset. Shan River 14596 Pip.Rk Ab 2 3:56%fast 10 140 1 2 3 3 25» 2l»»B Bryant S Astute. El Bart. Owannx 14345 Bel. Ter. Ab3-4 fast 12 147 1 2 4 6i 7" Cap Rkll 7 L. of Langden. Zellwood Former 14260 Bel.Ter. Abll fast U-20 158 2 1 1 1 2" 2* B Bryant 5 Zellwood. Mead.Lark. Capricorn GOLDEN VALE. b. g. B 134 By Bowling Brook— Golden Valley E. Stackhouse. tStM Pimlico 2 14 4:25 fast fid 136 2 5 8 S 75 7" T Gaskins i:: Collector. Robt. Oliver Cu Boa M Pimlico 2 3:58%fast 69 138 8 18 Lost rider. E Baker ii Abdon. Juverence. Cynosure 23813 Iimlico 2 4:03 fast fid 132 15 Lost rider. J Brown IS Robt. Oliver. Meshach Juverence 23801 RoseTree Ab 2 3:50 fast 6 152 2 2 2 Fell. Granthm f Sixty Four. J.C Ewalt Brosse-m 23263 H.deGce Ab 2 4:03 fast 40 134 3 4 1 2 2i 2« T Gaskins S Syosset, Grev Leg, Raeebrook 23056 H.deGce Ab 2 4:00 fast 20 1:5 6 2 Ixwt rider. J Jolly f, Astute. Raeebrook Idle Michael 22263 Saratoga Ab 2 4:34 slow 20 140 3 5 6 1 5 5" J Rowan « C.Malotte. Lvsander. Brvndowi 22195 Saratoga Ab 2 4:38 hvy 31 145 4 3 3 2 1* 1" J Jolly c Suwannee. Valentine, Meshach 22065 Saratoga Ab 2 4:34 hvy 5 145 2 1 1 2 3 3s* M Henson 4 Cabaret, Hustler, S. and Stripes BUCKTHORN, b. g, 9 139 By Santello — Escarola T. J. Donohue. 2aB Pimlico 2 1-4 4:25 fast 150 1:50 3 9 7 7 41 5= B Bryant !:: Collector. Robt. Oliver Cu lion 23839 Pimlico 2 3:5S~last fid 133 3 8 3 3 72 li«JT Moore 11 Abdon. Juverence Cynosure 23S13 Pimlico 2 4:03 fast fid 134 12 12 9 10 9» 8=* S Bush 13 Robt. Oliver. Meshach Juverence 22396 Saratoga Ab 2 4:31 fast 12 132 3 2 4 4 4 4" S Bush 4 Old Salt, Bryndown, Ind Arrow 22141 Saratoga Ab 2 4:35 slow 20 145 4 2 1 2 3 3" B Bryant r Swish. Garter Juverence w 20334 Pimlico 2 3:56 good 21 142 1 5 4 4 4* 5"£J Williams S Senegambian. Tom Horn R Fish 20231 Pimlico 2 3:57%fast 28 144 9 7 6 4 3»* 41 J Dupee 0 Worstdale, Garter Froe "*lsn 20210 Pimlico 2 3:59 good 22 147 6 3 2 2 4" 4»i J Dupee 7 Bryndown, Escocia, M Cavanath 20019 H.deGce Ab 2 4:06%fast 6 145 4 4 3 5 6 6I9JF Willms 10 Humility Frijolee Garter 20007 H.deGce Ab 2 4 :08%fast 3 147 1110 Ran out. F Willmsll Astute, "Raeebrook Abdon 10852 Saratoga Ab 2 4:27 fast 2 150 2 4 4 2 4 4" L Franklin 5 Zagg, Maltbie. Sonof the Wind DIXON PARK, br. g. 9 132 By Kinloch Park— Baby Dixon J. H. Collinsl 23853 Pimlico 2 1-4 4:25 fast 46 136 2 4 6 6 6 6 " H Willms t; P. Asiiiorum. Svosset rVnosnre 23813 Pimlico 2 4:03 fast 85 139 2 9 13 8 S« 9=» .1 WilliamslS Robt. Oliver. Meshach * Juverence 23201 H.deGce Ab 2 4 :03%fast 15 135 5 3 8 7 7* 8" P Brady M Syosset, Little Hugh Juverence 22765 Belmont Ab 2 4:13 fast 8 138 13 5 5 3J 3» B Haynes C, Swish, Little Hugh dventi re« 22670 Belmont Ab 2 4:21 fast 6 147 1 5 3 3 3« 3* H Willms 7 Zellwood. Abdon Big Sandv 22425 Saratoga Ab 2 4:33 fast 6 134 311333H Willms 4 Garter, Handsallround. Astute N0RTHW00D, b. g, 4 133 By Moharib— Tallow Northwood SUble. 23861 Pimlico 2 4:00 fast fid 142 7 8 5 Fell. R Waugh W Emerald Gem N Haven F I i»iit 23S53 Pimlico 2 1-4 4:25 fast 46 134 3 3 2 3 5=° 51T R Waugh li P. Asinorum. Svosset Yvnnsmu 23719 W. Marsh Ab 2 4:16 hvy 8 136 4 2 4 4.1 21 R Waugh 10 Sing.Stick. TheElephant llil er 23631 Lynwd Ab 2 4:46i good 3 145 I 4 4 4" R.out.J Clark 7 Flv.Peep. Nelenhant SiTtvlw 23669 Pip. Rk. Ab 2 3:56 fast 50 130 3 2 7 7» 7=» R Waugh 10 Exton. Pebeto Skibbereen 23305 Bel.Ter. Ab 2 fast 8 145 5 1 Refused. J Clark 7 Ptolemy, Florida, Flying Peep OTTO FL0T0, br. g, 4 132 By St. Savin— Divonne E. B. Ackerman 23861 Pimlico 2 4:00 fast fid 142 S 2 I 6 611 «" E Wolke 1«, Emerald Gem llaveii Fli.l.i 23846 Pimlico 2 4:00 fast 339 142 6 2 3 Lost rider. E Wolke l.i TopIIat. fcmd Gem March* Wt 23630 Lynwd 6J f 1:29 goods 123 5 5 3-3= R Waugh .; Valentine. Fadoodle Culvert 23573 Pip.Rk. Ab3-4 l:19%fast 3 147 3 2 3* V Mr G Gder S Culvert, Ataboy Alledo 23303 Bel.Ter. Ab3-4 fast 5 122 2 3 3= 3 R Waugh 8 Culvert. Rhine.l aiden Ifnenot 23111 Bel.Ter. 5-8 fast 2J 116 1 1 2b 5*4 C Borel 11 Culvert Camion Rhine MaTden 20996 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:50%slow 60 112 5 2 5 6 7 7" H Cavanh 7 G.M.Miller B Ounce Rohinett? 20976 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:46V4fast 100 108 4 3 4 4 4 4" H Cavanh 4 Rolv. Cliff Field Lazuli 20656 Belmont 1 l:41%fast 30 107 4 2 3 6 8 8" D ONeill 8 R. oLight. Orotund Robinetta 20411 Belmont 1 l:43%mud 12 108 6 6 6 Pulled up.H Harton « Al Bloch, Robinetta Stooehen 20348 Bel.Ter. Abo-8 fast 10 140 3= Mr Olsen 10 Fenmouse, Mr Specs Culvert 30079 H.deGce oi t 1:07 fast 60 109 7 6 6 6* 6 E Taplin ft Sherwood. Monty Fox Wat Lilv 20029 H.deGce 5-8 1:00 fast 40 112 7 5 4 41 4»J E Taplin 11 Andrew, Jefferson, Deviltry SEQUENCE, b. m, 10 132 By Royal Flush III.— Parthia W M. Robertal 23859 Pimlico 2 4:01 fast 36-5 100 2 1 1 Fell. W Allen 10 MchCourt. Suwannee berfeldv 23S46 Pimlico 2 4:00 fast fid 149 5 6 4 4 L.rider.S Bush l:: TopHat. Emd Gem March Court 91681 Pimlico 1 1-4 2:13%fast 7 153 V Maj Robts « W.Lkaye, B.ofJmine K ~-"lDas ofBrsii n 91t37 Pimlico 1 1-2 2:50%slow 6-5 151 1= Maj Robts .". Matabon. Mav Lee y 297 Saratoga 1 l:49%slow 3J 159 1= Maj Robts 7 Matabon. C«.l* Ladv Martha Jane 91i?6 Saratoga 1 l:40%good 60 103 3 2 4 6 9 8« T Koerner !» Woodcraft, Far West" Scarnia 904SO Iitonia 3-4 l:13%fast 19 107 7 5 6 6 781 C Grand 10 T.Robson, Hawksflight, R.Queen CARL, b. g, 3 139 By Formaster — Bracing Breeze J. M. Black 23S32 Pimlico 2 4:04y5fast 85 132 2 7 6 5 4 4" W Keating 8 Vitir. Jack Winston maiis 23036 H.deGce Ab 2 4:07%fast 30 132 5 10 12 9 8 8* E Krause 14 Battery, Grev Leg Aviator 22757 Timium Ab5-8 58 fast 6-5 109 4= T JlcCullh ft Thrill, Remarkable Nar JVIr 20882 Mboro Ab5-8 1:04 fast 4 104 li W Doyle ft Coming Coon, LoisV Glouc.-str 20808 Mboro 51 f 1:11 good 10 101 8» A Pickens 8 Miss Brush, KinderLou E Bliie 17395 H.deGce 5J f 1:07 fast 150 92 10 10 10 9* 9" C Braxton 10 Pullux. M.Montgomery. Proctor.

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Local Identifier: drf1915111201_4_2
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