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TO CELEBRATE AT HAVANA CUBAN NATIONAL HOLIDAY TO BE MARKED BY A SPECIAL RACING PROGRAM. Medals ior Successful Owners and Jockeys — Owner Alexandras Troubles as a Trainer — Gossip of the Ring. By T. K. Lynch. Havana. Cuba. February 12. — Brest preparations ate bnlai made by the Cmm 1 t i k an Jockey i-iub to make February 24. the Cuban natiuiial holiday, a gala day at the race coarse. Ob tkfci say tee ne.d eecrasare will be epea to tin- public and a special program provided, the feature of which will be the Lillian National Handicap, the eondltoas of which will he framed by Martin Nathanson to bring together the best horses stabled at Oriental Park. The Havana City Council has set aside a sum to be s]MiU for medals to commemorate the occasion. The owner ot the winning horse will get a -old medal and the owner of the second horse a silver medal. These medals are handsome affairs. Two casli prizes have also been provided, a prize of gfj9 in gold to tlie jockey riding the winning horse and S2a goes to tlie rider of the second horse. The grandstand and clubhouse will be brilliantly decorated with palms and the national coins and the famous Municipal Band will furnish music during the seven races. The ruuuir.g of tlie bone Flying Foot on Friday last came near la 111 III! an open rupture between the officials and owner ;. Alexandra. Flying leet. a receding favorite, from 7 to 10 to t to 5, made a miserable showing, finishing a distant trailer, beaten off by some ordinary horse-. When Matt foster and Alexandra parted company, the latter aimo.iiiced his intention of doing Ins own training. He was told at the time that it would lie advisable io employ a regular trainer, but be disregarded the advice, electing lo handle his horses himself. Early 1 liday morning light showers fell, which made the going alow ami in spots a bit sticky, Flying Feet has been numing in aluminum pads and Alexandra did not think to remove them. The result was that tlie dirt ••balled up in his feet and the aluminum pads became virtually lead pads. Flying Feet had no action whatever being unable to obtain a toe hold and. daring the entire race, kepi slipping and sprawling. He did not run a two -minute clip and immediately be pulled up in front of the Judges stand iii.s feet were examined. Alexandra satisfied Hie officials that he watered 290 on the horse and that il was pine ignorance on his part. Tile stewards, however, insisted that no entries be received from his stable until he had engaged a competent trainer, satisfactory to them. Flying Feet was claimed by H. G. Hedwell. whoso Ballron won the race, for 25. He should he a useful 1 orse in Bedwells hands, as should also Stonelienge. which Bedwell took out of a selling race a few days ago. feba .1. IfeGraw and "Germany" Sehaefor were arrivals last week for a short stay. McGraw is Jt an ardent race-goer and also a great booster for Cuba. He is combining business with pleasure here and before the races goes to tuo ball panics. The laces al Oriental Park do not begin until 4 ocl ik and McOraw usually misses tlie tirsr two. He w ill probably pick up a couple of players here. aamag them pitcher Palmer*. Considering the material at hand. Martin Nathan-son has been doing remarkable work. There an only about 323 horses here and some of them are on the sick list. Nathanson is taxed, at limes, to gat the races to till, but in some manner he accomplishes this task and in a majority id cases Interesting contests and etoea finishes result. llie battle between the layers and players is still in do,, Id. To d.ite neither are much winner or loser. Some f the bookies have not missed a day since tbe opening of the meeting. Jack Hare h:is been oo stead". He has Oscar Bacamaa on tbe block lor him and is a moderate winner. T. F. Buckle] lias aKo been a regular. Bert Johnson 1s taking The money for him and "old Hutch" is cashing. Abe Ketapner was writing a sheet, bnl won three or lour gaod bet* and is now basking ni lie sunshine. Kempaer is a regular at Martanao Beach and is so tanned that he looks like a native. Edward Griffith had Charlie Porter booking lor him until a few days a,- w lien he went off. Griffith Is probably the biggest retail dealer of second-grade tires in tbe Baited Slates. He came down lure for a lew days vacation and cut in just to bare a little excitement. He Is reported to bare lost a little on tlie operation. Fred Cook did not get beta tin 1 1 several days after tlie opening, but he lias been a regular since he cut in. His old trainer, V. B. Phillips, is writing tickets for him and Frank Sector is one of his outside men. C. 1". Boeraad has no missed a day since the opening. He baa been up ami down, but is now a little to tlie bad. although he says «,ne or two good days xv ] 1 1 pull bint out. "fat" Campion is taking tlie Hi lie v for liini and Have Ileisman is cashing. Willi-- Kerryhari i~ now the "hell cow" in the ring. We succeeded Ton Buckley a few days ago. Ray Miller is interested in Ho- book that Kerryharl is mat Ins. Henry Weunt is booking for a Jacksonville man named W. Fnndaberk. who. by tlie way, is ipiite ;. money handler. This book will lake about as l.g a bet as any doing business i,i the ring, i |: ii date it bas about broke oven. it. p.. Stelle lias I een un and off. So bas Peter Me Irath. Tiie bitter booked fa- himself the lirsi ten days and lost fl.500. lb- then laid ff lor a couple of weak* and recently formed a new combination and again cat in. lb- is doing better than "standing tliem off" although he is not much winner. Abe Meyer la booking i r New York parties and Osea:- H ilder and Ed Cotell are making tbe field book. Phil McKim also Mssis;s in looking alter Hie :ni"rest of tie- bitter concern. V. Gargan, the well-known clubhouse commisioner, i- cashing ,. in one of the biM.ks. Charlie Primrose and "Little oink" are also acting as cashiers. v. A. Mr Manns. George Considine. Jack Bturgis, Johnny Edwards ami Bait MeCaslin are till here playing ilieni from the ground. McManus finds tlie game ; easy to beat, but the others have not been as suc- , . — fill. Hie play in the clubhouse bas been in creasing and the wheel is getting much patronage. Roulette is extremely popular with the people , here. The Municipal Band gives a concert at the track every Thursday and is one of the strongest attrao- -ns id the meeting. Thursday is society day at Oriental Park and the elite of Havana turns out. I he Municipal Band is really a high-class masleal i organization. Some idea of tie ib-wb pment of suburban property down here eaa be had from the fact that five .Mats ago Frank Sti inhart. president of the Ktrtwt railways, offered tin- present oaVera of the Cuba American lackey Tub a lot of ground adjacent to I tlie Almandares river for eight cents a metre. Rince then this nrepert: has advanced to .25 and .7.". a lUdie. The death of Sim Beimel was ipiite a shock to | I at* Huata here. He left New York aboard one of Hie Fnited Fruit liners for an extended stay in Cuba and was accompanied by his wife. He apparently enj red the trip and was in good spirits until the night previous to arriving in Havana. ** when In- was takes ill and. at I oclock ill the morning, be expired suddenly. It was bis mten lion to book here At one time Mr. Beimel was associated with Charlie Dwyer in the ownership of | the iood bone Airi-xiuder and later was interested I with Cornelius Fellowes in a lxiuk. Last summer ho booked in partnership with James Beatv. Mr. Itoimels body was eiiiblamed and shipped back to New York last Friday.