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; , i I | TRAINEES AND EIDEES IN INTEENMENT. At Bahlehea, Germany, there is a contingent of 100 prisoners who were engaged in German and Austrian racing stables. The interned trainers include George Annill. Montague Ayleb. Edward Carter. John J. Castas, Charles Cootes. R. Beards. William Bonner. W. J. Oortnan. Charles Lawrence. George Lawrence, William Moore, Alfred Nash, John Swift, Alec Ernest Waugb. Frank Waugh. Percy Waugh and R. A. Waugh. The lorkeya include Robert Askew. Frank Binn. Harry Blades. Charles Bowman. Herbert Brown. Francis P. Cannon of Camberwe" William C. Carder, William Carr, Y. ConoUy, Joseph Chatwell. Arthur Cobb. Fred Bavies. George B. Bay. Edward Dunbar, Horace W. Dye, Thomas Fletcher, Charles E. Fay, Albert Gutsier, Frank Healy. W. Heath. If. Hogg. Charles Halliwell. C. O. Hamshaw. Barry Hope. Joseph Hughes. Robert Jekyll. Jan Jessop, Robert Johns. ui. Frederick Lane. Oeorge Lawrence. W. J. Lister. Frank Lome. John Mcfailane. William Maker. James Martin. W. H. Millett. Charles Mill-. Charles Moore, Robert A. Moore. Frank Nash. F Barr. George Pollard. Daniel Rockall. William Rowlandson, A. E. Saunders. F. W. Sehurgold. Thomas Sherlock. F. Blade, William Smith. Fred crick Strickland. A If Vivian, William Warne. Cecil A. Webb. George Wedgwood. F. Winter and George Yeomans. others known to he in captivity ate Charles Mon- olio ibead man, Charles Pearce Mad siable bid. and Thomas Pitt stable superintendent. lii Basland Lady Bective is at the head of an organization to provide these victims of war with a weekly provision of food supplementary to their scanty prison allowance.