untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1916-02-13


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, j : j NOW ON SALE 1 THE AMERICAN I RACING MANUAL for 1916 An Excellent and Low-Priced Book of 398 Pages It holds information for people interested in racing contained • in no other publication. It is simply a mine of records AMONG ITS FEATURES ARE: Method for Calculating rari-Mutuel Prices with Examples. Fusts Of 1913 f Lvery Horse that Raced in North America During the Year. Record Trices in the Pari-isutuels. English Racing Records to Date. , Three Handicap Systems with Examples i. Records of All Distances of the Tracks of the United States, Canada, Cuba ;nd Mexico. Ainvrican Yearling Sales in 1! 15. American Racing Records at All Distances. Canadian Racing Records. J English Racing Records. Australian Racing Records. The Great Money Winners of the American and English Turf. Tabulation of Winning Two-Year-Olds of 1915. Arranged Inder Their Re- j spectlve Sires. f Officials and Location of Racing Organizations of the United States, Canada, , s Cuba and Mexico. List of Horses that have Sold for Great Prices. The Leading Winning Two-Year-Olds Since 1870. | Remarkable Feats of Jockeyship. Li lading American Sires since 1S70. Twenty Leading Sires of 1915. ! Table of Comparative Speed of the Tracks at Various Distances. The Scales of Weights of the Jockey Club, Kentucky State Baring Coinnfis- sion. Pacific Jockey Club, Canadian Racing Associations, Jockey Club Juarez, Cuba-American Jockey Club, and of England. , Tables of Speed of All Tracks. The English Betting Rules. The First. See. nd and Third Horses, Jockeys, Weights, Values and Times Z of American Stakes. r. Winners of All Stakes of 1915. ; Lacing Statistics of 1915. Horses Disqualified in 1915. Dead Heats in 1915. I Horses Which Died in 1915. Harass Bid Up in 1915. Winners of Important Races of England. France and Australia. *. Records of Miles Run in 1:S or Better, etc., etc. PRICES— By Mail: | PRICES— At Office: Leather Bound.85 Gents ! Leather Bound.75 Gents Paper Bound.. .80 Gents ! Paper Bound.. ,50 Gents With this eminently handy book in his socket any admirer if racing can readily answer almost any Query that may cssne up concerning facts of rac- ■ ing in the past. Its equal has never been printed and, considering the topics it covers, it is an extremely lo"w-pricod book. ! 1 j I Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 441 Plymouth Court .. Chicago, Illinois 74 Exchange Street . . Buffalo, IM. Y. POSTPONED ! XX SPECIAL GOES BETWEEN EEBRUARV 17 AND 19. We ted so confident of getting this one orer I ■ we sr« gains, t" ette all sanacrroen to sasse FREE A SUBSCRIPTION TO OUR OCCASIONAL WIRE A SUBSCRIPTION TO OUR DAILY WIRE if horse we send you between above dates does not £ni h OJ«ETWO at 5 to 1 or Better i , if .I liter and. rteUere us. ve are going t. do onr besl t. :_.t a Dine winner, a- me d rare to ;;ic .-if...e srirea away Free. iet your snb-seriptiou In t«uay «o sre can send yon ■ t f. STesteruayn 1 ai 1 gare ■ winner and a loser. New Seiy.,-,. 1,,-t. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 308. Yesieuia.vs Form Special lest. THE STANDARD TUHF GUIDE Room 403. 22 West Quincy Street. Chicago, Illinois. WINNING INFORMATION FREE. Of last ■"» of onr free dally best pnblfebed here, i nl . have ran worse than 1iini. All jr u need i the book 25 rents i. on sab- ererywuere. Todays Best: Went-West-Sat-Ire-Row-Try. Book 240. American Thoroughbred. Baltimore Bide.. Chicago. Katurua3 - . 1 Sticeial* srere WAREMORE 8-1 WON and a third. Korni Spe«-lsl. ECK DAVIS. 2-1, WON. MONDAY S SPECIAL: No. 253. THE TURF REPORTER. Room 609. 82 West Quincv Street. Chicaro. TJlinoia Subscribe for Dally Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.. 441 Plymouth Court :: :: Chicago, Illinois 74 Exchange Street :: :: Buffalo, N. 7. SKIRTS made of your own material. WILSON, 1418 Stevens Building, Chicago Telephone: RANDOLPH 3219. TELEFKONFS: Automatic 62-75G. Harrison 1314. 1315, 1316. All Departments. OWEN H. FAY LIVERY CO. AUTOMOBILE LIVERY AND GARAGE. 435 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs, Baldwin County :: Alabama. W. H. H. HARDING. Proprietor. In the heart of the Ponce de Leon country, bo. twaen Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Or cu all the year round. Fine fishing. The Springs fur- ni;h a certain cure for kidney diseases. RA1ES: 5 PER WEEK. The Finest Resort Hotel in the World HAS BEEN BUILT AT Sunset Mountain. Ashevllle, N. C ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. An old-fashioned Inn: "walls five feet thick of granite boulders. Water from slopes of highest i !ountain east of the Rockies. Finest golf links ir» the South. Write for rates and literature. GROVE PARK INN, Sunset Mountain ;: Asheville. North Carolina*

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916021301/drf1916021301_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1916021301_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800