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: : i • 1 t i a x COMFORTABLE FEELING AT HOT SPRINGS. Hot Springs, Ark.. February 1!.— With horses on their way from San Diego. Cal., San Antonio. Tex.. and points in Oklahoma and. with a majority of the horses now iu New Orleans proaalaod, the lacal and visiting poblk is taking a keen interest in the twenty-one-days race meeting which is scheduled to open iu this city March 11. Walter Rarringer. associated with Joe Yeager, is one of the first from the New Orleans meeting to reach this city. He states that Mr. Yeager had a successful experience at the Crescent City and that he is now at French Lick Springs, but will be here for the races. "The announcement that racing was assured for Hot Springs was Joyfully received in New Orleans." said Rarringer. "and there will be a big CTOWd hole for this event. The re-opening of the Oaklawn hack will pin Hot Springs on the map iu the racing world and make it a most Impartial center I of the sport.