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WAR TAX FOR CANADIAN RACE TRACKS. All but Blue Bonnets, Dorval and Connaught Park to Come Within Scope of War Measure. Mi ntreai. Que., February 19. -Bjf the aropoaed tic. war ta "ii the dividends of corporations pay-lag mi excess ..| seven per cent nest of the race tracks ia Canada will contribute to the cost of the war. Of the eight mile courses BOW being operated k ;n the Dominion, it is safe to saj thai the Montreal Jockey Club, the Dwrval Jockey Club :mil the Con- naught Park Jockey Club at Ottawa are the only "ins not paj in.: a dividend. The Windsor Jockey Hub, the Ontario Jockey Club, the Niagara Racing . •-. iattoa sad the Hack Biver Jockey club have all paid dividends, and their earnings have ei "ceded the asaonal frees which taxes will be cl 1 ■ ted. This tax will not only be placed on the mile courses, but on the half mile tracks, which earn a greater pi out iu comparison than the mile the jockey cfasba are capitalised it from 5.- 000 to 00, . which makes them liable to the taxation. The greatest revenue derived by any jockey .-inb la-t year is credited to the Windsor Jockej i bib. which handled a daily average of over 1178,000 in the mutuels, which was added to by the gale receipts, and 1 he revenue from other privileges, n was estimated that this clubs net profits anioiuiteil to 00,000 for fourteen days racing. The Ontario Jockey Grab, which holds its meeting* at Woodbine Park. Toronto, is said to have bandied over 00,400 liailv in i he mutuels. to Which Bra* added the gate receipts and the revenues from other privileges, netting the crab a tidy sum. This • lui. is -nd to have paid a dividend regularly, al tie ngh the an ut has aawer been made public. I in- Niagara Racing ft saw Isilna. with a conrae at 1 ..rt Erie, is capitalized at over 60,600, and had successful Meetings last summer fhe mw Mount Royal Park, at St. Laurent, oper a ted its meeting, as did the half-mile courses, with a syndicate ring, and retained the other privileges. Ii was s;,id that the Hack River club in rule close to Silicon on its iw clings. of the half-mile tracks in Montreal. King Edward Park was Ibe only one unable !•• pay large divl p , lends. Deiorimier, capitalised at gJS.008, has paid big dividends. J he initial meeting of the Miwtf " Driving Tub, at Maisonneuve. was not particularly successful, although the second meeting netted a profit from which a dividend was paid. The two half-mile tracks at Toronto, which have been in existence for many years, are both capitalized at over .0. OCX, and from good authority comes the news that the profits of the two meetings at each course last vear were in excess of previous years, which was greater than those of the local half-mile tracks, as the result of a larger attendance daily.