New Orleans Side Lights: Everybody Eagerly Awaiting Pan Zaretas Trial Against Local Mile Time, Daily Racing Form, 1916-02-20


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NEW ORLEANS SIDE LIGHTS EVERYBODY EAGERLY AWAITING PAN ZAR-ETAS TRIAL AGAINST LOCAL MILE TIME. Guido Posts Consistent Racing — Frequent Bidding Up in Selling Races — Bedtime Stories Best Two-Year-Old at the Track. New Orleans, La.. February 1!. — Only fifteen lavs, remain of the local meeting, and from present indications they will be productive of tile MR and liiist interesting sport of the winter. To begin with there will be three more stakes decided in tile fifteen days and, in addition to this, there will lie the usual daily handicaps. The stakes WON f rained to suit only horses which stay a long route. but in the handicaps the crack sprinter-- have plenty of opportunities to earn bracket*. Not only will these races be valuable, but during tin- last eight days of the meeting no purse will be less than 10. f All here are looking forward to February 23. on Which date Tan Zareta will be sent a mile against tine. Racing secretary Joseph ItcLeaaaa will frame a high class racing card for that day, and The occasion will have a holiday aspect. Anything that Pan Zareta does is of especial interest to the New Orleans race-goers, and they will be badly disappointed if she does not beat J. .1. I.illis mark of a niili- in 1:37%. Jockey Joe Kedcris will ride her in her trial. The -elling plater Guide Pact, owned by B. Ros euthal of Cincinnati, has shown tine consistency here. In her Brat nine starts at tho Fair Grounds she finished hist si times, defeating everything that came in her way, and being beating only when a victim of bad racing luck, and then by narrow margins. The unusual activity shown in bidding up and burning horses has caused many racers to change hands, ami it is setting a new record for any meeting in these | arts. To date George Phillips has been the chief ligure in the bidding up and claiming. Several horaea which he took have wen races for him. In each instance, however, he was forced to stand a raise or lose the horse, and he chose the latter course with two of them. Fly Home and Helen M. C. T. Worthington is another who has l been active in this respect, and he will take back a lair stable of horses to Kentucky, most of them obtained in selling races here. There is no doubt now but that liedtinie Stories is the best two-year-old here, as she won her first three races, one at three-eighths, one at three and I one-half furlongs and the other at a half mile, and the longer the route the easier she won. In her Brsi race at a half mile Bedtime Stories scored by eight lengths, and all through the stretch she w cantering. She could easily have made a new record for a half mile here had she been urged to the limit. Since Manager Joseph E. Martin of the Hot Springs meeting came here and unfolded the plans of the Business Mens League of that city to the horsemen at the Fair Grounds many have announced their intention of shipping to the Arkansas Spa ai the conclusion of this meeting. According to Mar tin. the horsemen are taking no chances in goiug in Hot Springs, and if the owners co-operate with the Business Mens League like they did with the Business Mens Racing Association here, they will make the meeting a success. Owners are busy nominating their stake horses t • the various tixiures to be decided next spring. The Stakes for the Lexington spring meeting wen the lirst to close and they drew a record number of nominations. Charles F. Grainger, president of the New Louisville Jockey Club, made a flying trip here tj look after the Churchill Downs --take-. which .-lose March 1 and which include the 0,000 Kentucky Derby. These stakes are tilling even tie! ter than was expected, as are those of the Havre de Grace track. Both the Churchill Downs and Havre de Grace -take- dose March 1. Much favorable comment has been heard regarding the action of the Business Mens Racing Association in laming over the net profits f the two racing days. March 2 and March 3. to the Charity hospital. I Before the Fair tirouuds was opened it Was deter mined by the association not to employ inerceuari methods In any respect and thus far this motti has been lived up to. The horsemen have profited. Charity will benefit and the race- track people will have the good will of all classes of people. Rehearsals have been held regularly for several days for "At Hk* Po-t." the musical comedy to lie presented by the race track fraternity, the proceeds of this afa» to go to the Charity hospital. Harry Shaw sad Willie Gerdea have things running along smoothly for the performance and the iast is hard at WOtk. Mel Collins, who handled the musical end of the BBOWS given at Jacksonville and Charleston, came over from Havana to take charge of the BUM lino for the coming show and his connection Willi tile play added lite to it. He formerly was musical director for Bra Taagaay and has written several big song successes, lie has been a well-known figure in racing circles for some time.

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Local Identifier: drf1916022001_1_2
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