New Orleans Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1916-02-20


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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART. KEW ORLEANS. LA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1916. Fair Grounds. Forty third day. Business Mills Racing Association. Winter Meeting of ".7 days. Weather clear, Presiding Steward, T. c. Campbell Fi-siding Judge, Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, A. 15. Dade. Racing Si cretarj . Joggi .h .Mci.cnn..n. Racing stalls at 2:30 p. in. Chicago lime 2:30 p. m.i. *lndica:es apprentice allowance. Wh pr/r P» FIRST RACK 1-2 Mile. 67800— 47% — 2—110. Klinemloi 1 Furs,.. Purse OHO. *Q *JJtf*J 2-yeai "Ids. Allowances. Net value to winner gOOj second. jflBj third. 835. "index Horses AWtlISt ■•, _■ i4 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners 11 C 1 S 25044 -sol vf.h; w in; :: i V r. l w Obert c J Broekmmier 5 8 7 21 1 25021 iIHNca DIN w 116 I :: 3 2 f J McTnafrtG I. Blackford S 5 4 s 5 4 5 85021 SILVER SEDGE w 109 19 5 41 4 8* L .entry 1 A Cochran 10 12 10 4 2 24074 K HI: NETTA w W9 8 8 .- ■* 4 K Ambrose L J Brown E i G 2 1 24087 CHEMUNG w 113 7 ii 7" 51 •"- T McTagt II McDonald 2 2 2 4-5 2-5 26644 OWAGA w 11C 2 2 5] 7 S| I. McAfee T Clyde 8 10 10 4 I 2 i «» 1 7 BIRD LORE w 108 1 1 Bl 8 7 T Koerner W Hurley 20 38 20 8 4 25001 BEN HAMPSON w 112 5 8 a". 8* 8* W Andreas W Perklna • 34 38 M 10 26021 WAUKEAG w 112 N 10 He- H C VanUun Ottawa Stable 18 M 10 4 2 25021 SWII •"! POX W 111 11 7 2 ;nlin- .1 IVn" F J Pons 12 12 12 E 2| AIMEE T. w MS tn ii it ii F Keogfa C N Darke 30 30 30 10 5 Time. 11%, 2SV5, 35y5, 47% dpiaL track record. Tract fast. Winner— B. f. by Marta Santa— Reality trained by W. Vitatoe. Went to post a! 2:31. At post :; minutes start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. SOLVE1G, Knowing great speed, red Into a km* lead In the first eighth and. making the pace last, held the others safe 1..: the entire way. DUNG A 1 IN escaped Interference on the Brst turn and held in. will in tin- final drive. SILVER SEDGE raced forwardly and stood a hard drive gamely. Hlt NF.ITA raced wide ill iii.- way and ran a good race. CHEMUNG suffered from much interference. OWAGA tired. Scratched 2". 44 Meddling Miss. 112. OverweightK Chemung, 1 ponnd: Bird Lore. 2: Swift Fox. 1. yhpr/r*/* SECOND RACK— 3-4 Mile. 19155—1:12 -S—10.S. Purse S400. 3 year olds and up- 4J *J "jyfj ward. Selling. Net value to winner S::oo; aecond, 665: third. 638. Index Horses AWtlTStj ,.■ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 1 1 C I S 24080* TALEBEARER W 1 llri 7 1 :■ IJ 1* 1 T Koerner XI J Thompson 2 11-52 4-5 2 5 2504X IMiAt XTi:i wi 5 112 1 8 8* 4* ::: : ■ AV AndresaC T Worthgton Pi 10 7 28 1 25048 i:riA u B M7 1 2 l«l 2" 2 ::: .1 McTagtrE Cook x s 7 2 1 24050 THE SPIRIT w :. ill 8 8 r,1 5» 41 4- F Keogh N Mocfariane 7-6 8-6 8-6 7-181-3 24516 BALGEE urn 4 112 17 7 7 7 6* J Kederia T Tnmmlra 8 10 in •. 7 5 25045 /.IN li:i. w 1 M E S :: S» 6* 6] J Callahan W 11 Frey 1". B 12 5 I 25045 MEBLICKA wi I MG 2 4 ti 8" 8» 7 M Garner W P Fine 10 12 12 5 2 Time. 23. 472,. 1:13%. Track fast. Winner Ch. z. by Marta Santa Cathay trained by A. B. Gordon. Weni lo post al 2:5t. At post 1 Bkittute. Slail good and fast Wo:, li:iinlilv: second and lliird driving TALEBEARER, .lose up from the start, wore UAITNA down before reaching the stretch turn and. taking the had. was ridden lard through the last eighth, 1 ii t won by a sale margin. UNDAUNTED, from a slow beginning, made up ground and was going fastest at the end. RATI N A set the earlv pace and raced forwardly all the way. THE SPIRIT raced wide and was always outpaced ZIN DEI. and IfEE-I ICKA anil badly Tin wnncr wa~ i ntered for 8700; no bid. Overweights Undaunted, 1 pound, THIRD HACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. KM!MV— 1 : 05 *-. 4 — 1 1 2T1 Southern Highweight Handi" 2P»|QfT fjJ%J I ■■]■. Puna ,*i"0. .: year olds and upward. Net value to winner 50; second, " tjOOj third. ,0, •ndcx Horses AWtlISt ; ■■ % Str Fill Jockeys Owners ~ fl r P 8 25030 DR. LARRICK wi 1 128 si 1- l1. 1: l3 J Butwell K B Elkins 1 4.. 3* 7-5 7 10 26047 » HESTER PRYNNBwn 6 114 7 3 : 2 21 2* J McTugrt R T Wilson 5 , ?,l 7-5 7-10 25023 UNCLE JIMMIE am 6 111 it t :.?. 4- ::- 8| W AndresaC 1: DeHne* 15 15 Q 5 .. 25402 * BLUE CAP w 2 108 M Z 4J M 41. 41 T Koerner W f King s pj pi 4 I 86047 * PRESUMPTION wb 7 119 5 5 ?fi r,i :m :.- T McTagt J MacManus 2 :t :: 7 5 7 10 20047 DR- IAKMKN wan 4 113 :: 7 8 fih 6H «i M iarn.-r R L Raker 8 lo 8 I s5 25047 STARTLING w 3112 2 6 6 7J V 7J J Keaeris R W Carman 6 C 6 2 1 26040*ORBENWOOD w 3 106 1 IS M 9* 9 f R McDottC II Marlinan S S 6 2 1 249S4 MAI. HERRMNXwb 3 105 4 0 MM 1" N W Obcrt N Darke «0 88 88 28 KJ 84043 WASHOE BELLE v 3 107 ti 8 1* s.1. s1 M W F.razel Nevada Stk Fin I 10 10 4 2 Time. 22«5. *635, 59, 1:0535 new track record. Track fast. Winner -Ch. c. l,y Marta Santa Pirate Folly drained by B. B. LTkinsi. Went to post al 3:21. Al nasi 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and lliird driving. DR. LARRICK showed high speed from the start and. setting a great pace, held on well aud outstayed HESTER IRYNNK with ease. HESTER IKYNNK raced in closest pursuit and made a game finish. UNCLE JI.MM1K raced wide on the turns, but closed 11 good gap in the last quarter and uulsbed tast and close up. BLUE CAP ran well, but tired near the end. PRESUMPTION was shuffled buck on the last turn. GREENWOOD was in a jam and away slowly. Scratched— 24059 Rclainotir. 111. Overweights — Blue Cap, 1 pound . __ O nOU FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 10365 — 1:44%— 3— 104. First Running Merchants lKJjjKJ Handicap. ,500 Added. 3 year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 82,765 : second. 8300; third. 8200; fourth, ijtioo. Index Horses AWtlISt jfc -s % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners o H C P S 25024 * MARION GOOSBT W* 4 103 5 2 3 :. S 2l 1 M darner M C Moore s 10 10 4 2 24»»4SSKKER PACE WB I 88 2 3 4] I1 4 1 :.• » W Brnsel Nevada Stk Finvi; 8 8 3 s "• 2488HPAN ZAKETA wb 6 112 14 4 1»| ll 1»1 1» 8» J Kederis II S Newman 5 ; 8 - 8-5 24006 EAGLE W 4 115 3 10 81 0 5" 4 4* P Keogh E Ilerz 8 8 7 21. 8-5 25030 I Hi K WILLIAMS w 3 104 10 FJ 13 111 !IJ 9" 5- AMott J W Schorr tJ.1. 13-513 51 12 86040XCELESTA w 6 107 1 14 12 |11* M1 S"k | ] J Metcalf Nevada Stk Ftnvi; S 8 3 8-1 25030 ORUMPY w 4 103 7 1 2 2i s B | V J McTagrtc J BrockmlUer 15 20 80 8 4 25040 iDoliOTHY DEAN v 7 102 4 11 9h 9- 121 12 8- J Dodd J W Fuller 8 8 8 3 8-8 25024 INDOLENCE W 6 103 15 S 5"t 7 Ti 1 1 - -*i F KobinsnR J Austin 10 ID L"0 S 4 22668 FKllN.W w 5 109 13 8 8" 8 J 6i» 7 M* J F.utwell ; A Cochran 10 10 7 21. 1 25030 BRYNLIMAH wb 6 102 8 15 15 15 IS 14= IT J Callahan J Lowe 30 48 48 IS 8 26047 FAIR HELEN vv 4 98 9 8 U* 12* 11* 14* 12* L McAtee J Phillips 15 20 20 8 4 23786 x ED CRUMP wb 4 126 3 7 7J 5" 3 5l 131 T Koerner J W Schorr t2i 13-513 51 1-2 24995 SYRIAN vv 4 102 12 IS 10" 132 II2 13 14* C VanDunJ W SehoR 22 13 513-51 1-2 250SO*LAHORE w 8 109 11 8 14* 14* 14s 15 15 W Lilley J L Pan! 5 8 7 21 1 1 1 Coupled iu betting; no separate place or show betting. Time. 23%, 4714, l:12y5. l:37*i. 1:45. Track fast. Winner — Br. ir. by Marathon — Pheenie Fickle 1 framed by W. Perklna. Went to post at 3:52. At post 2 minutes. Start good **d slow. Won hamlilv: second and third driving. MARION GOOSBY was saved close up to the last turn, then gained steadily in the stretch and, passing PAN EARETA In the final seventy yards, woo going away. SKEEB FACF. was prominent an the way and stood the final drive gamely. FAN EARETA showed high speed and set a great pace, but found the distance too far. FAOI.F made up ground and was going fast at the end and had I rough race DICK WILLIAMS closed a big gap. ED CRUMP showed speed, but Cued as if short. GRUMPY tired after racing well lo the last turn. CELESTA ran a good race from 1 bad start. Scrntched- 28026 Ooldcrcst Boy, 106; 29030 Ilanovia, 105; 21U77 Herbert Temple, 90. Overweights el -sta, 2 ]Hllinds. 1I1"ni RACK 1 Mile. 2441S--1 :37 if- 5— 10i. I Iurse »». :; year olds :nd ii|.w:mlT 2PZfJk fJXJlJ j Selling. Wet value to winner $:;oo: second. : third. 5. Index Horses AWtlISt %, ■■ V4 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C • S 24044 JESSIE LOUISBwn 5 107 I 1 4- l 3» V l- W Meehan.I T Looney 1 8-5 6-5 1-2 1-5 2502S*BROOMSEDOE wh S 114 1 S 31 31 21 1» 2«1 J Butwell G Phillip* 3 ::. :: 4 5 2 5 25062 MARY H. wl 9s 7 2 Ill" 1 2» 3 M Garner J N Hiiilman 8 8 8 2J 1 23020 yORPERTH WO 7 188 ! 7 ■ 8 5" B» 4 F Hopkins Ml: Hoarser N IS 15 8 2] 26032*REDLAND w 4 118 fi 1 2» 2» 4:?. 41 5* J Dodd W Walker 8 lo s :; 7-5 ■ 24900 OF. MARCHMNT W 8 112 3 3 7 7 7 8* « W W Tlor.1 W Fuller 8 8 E 2 15 25048;XHAVOOL w I! 4 107. 5 5 tv- ;- f;2 7 7 W AndnssR F Carman 10 Pi s 3 7-5 Time. 24%. 4815. 1:131,, 1:39%. Track fast. Winner— Ch. m, by Marta Santa— D.dlle Me. trained by J. M. Goode. Went to post at 4:21. At jiost 1 niiniite. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and tiiird driving. JESSIE LOUISE raced close up to the homestretch, then drew ait in the last eighth and won going away. BROOMSEDGB raced forwardly and held on well in the final drive. MARY H. set a go.xl pace, but tired after leading for three-quarters. ORIF.RTH ran well all the wav COL ONEL MABCHMONT was outpaced throughout. The winner was entered for 81,108; no bid. Overweights — Goodwood. t pounds. *Th fr -| -./S SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 19305— 1 :44»f,— 3—104. 1 iurse 00. 4 year-olds and dS O A / / upward. Sidling. Net value to winner 00: second. JOS: third. 885. Index Horses AWtlTSt j %. % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H ■ y s 25040 *G. M. MILLER W 81071 4 5 31 P| 1» 1" E Ambrose Ii F Carman ~ 3 iT5~i 1-2 25066 : HARRY LAUDERwsb 6 114 8 7 SJ 8 o* 2 2* W W TlorJ F Sweeney- 10 10 10 4 2 248271INTONE wsb 4 106J 1 1 IU VI 2h 31 3h W Meehan.1 T Ixionev 10 20 15 ii 3 25049 -KNEKLET w 4 MS -5 9 9 91 4h 4h 4" T Koerner J MacManus 2 . 31. U 7 5 7-10 24510 MARY ANN K. wb f, 105 4 11 10 10= 9J 51 5 W Lilley F Oering Jr 88 88 88 N 5 250263YENGHEE wb f. 10S 2 2 3M5 €h 6X 6* C VanDunL Hesforges 8 10 8 1 s5 25048 COFNTERPART WB 8 111 10 5 22 22 3t 7h 7 F Keogh II Moore C 0 5 2 1 25049 EL 1ATO ws 7 107 9 6 6l 7s 81 9l Si F RohinsnD B Freeman 15 88 88 8 4 25026 DIAII w 5 108 7 3 4J r.h 71 Sl 92 L Gentry A veanlM- Stable 6 8 5 I 1 24979 YODELES W 4 113 11 10 11 11 11 11 101 T McTagt M B Bowser 8 10 8 2 8-5 24993 DUDE w 4 110 3 8 71 fih 102 10s 11 M Garner G Watts 10 10 10 4 2 Time. 24%, 48%, 1:14, 1:40%. 1:46%. Track fast. Winner — P.. h. by Lissak — Subdue trained by R. F. Canaan. Went to post at 4:43. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. G. M. MILLER made up ground steadily and. sprinting into the lead on the last turn, drew auay nnd won as his rider pleased. HARRY LAUDER closed a gap and outstayed INTONF in the final strides. INTONE set ■ fast early pace and tired near the end. KNFF.LFT closed a big gap and was going fast at the tunl. MARY ANN K. came fast in the stretch. DUDE was badly outrun. YENGHEE Bundled chwe up. The winner, entered for 8300, was bid up to 8006 and bought In. Scratched — 250821 Injury. 110; 25082 Richard Langdon. 105. Overs eights — O. M. Miller. 2. pounds: Intone. 11: Kncelet. 1: Yodeies, 1

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