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Havana Entries and Past Performances for Sunday, February 20. i WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. These entries are for Sundays racing. No racing on Monday. o o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the I I entries below show the best time of each horse I 1 I at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter I I where it finished. In cases where record was I I made on other than a fast or good track, abbra- I I I viations show track conditions. 0 o Baring starts at ":O0 p. m. Chicago time. 2:27. yRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. SI maidens. Apprentice allowance. 1 First Race— 3-4 Mile. : ear ■ Ms and upward. SellinK. Track record: 242.:2 1:11%— 4— 111. Ind. Horae. Wr. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 24965 Idiola 107 1:14--. 4 104x700 250B71 Haberdasb M . .10.".U:1::--. 4 95x020 . 25103 Granado m 1:14% :: 90. .028 | 25040* r..lvn c 100 1:12% 4 102X09G I 25043 Ton Hancock Hi:: 1 :i4- -. 5 lOOxttOO ] •_t,ip7o* Snngnlde 113 1:15% 0 105x020 A hopeleaa h t oa term. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. i 2-year elds an.i npward. Selling. Track record: 24232 1 :11% l ill. 25002 Queen Apple 101 1:14 .". 07. .725 r 25065* Tnitv MJ8 1:10% 4 100X720 i 250C7 Argument 100 1:14% :: ti7..7ir, 25041 Hntfa 108 1:14% 4 111-710 25104 Archery 911:14% r, 114©710 1 23008 Belle of the KitcbenlOS 1:14 :: !i7x7or. 1 24284* Blue siouse 122 1:12% 8 104x700 Queen Apple ah—ii r..e better. 1 Third Race— 5-8 Mile. 4-vear-obls and npward. Selling. i Track record: 24280— 50%— 5— 114. 1 25051* Moaereif 109 1:00% 8 104®725 24007 Skeets 102 1:09% c»HSx72o . 25001 The Lark 22 1KB % 4 ltM!x715 1 28080 Ieirrot 108 :.".!■-. 4 los. 715 24905 Paha Leaf 108|1:00% 5 110X715 p 242011 Sonlello 107 1:01 5 112 710 r. .Monireif is extra c.»h1 and in well. Fourth Race— 5-8 Mile. l 4-year-olds and upward. Belling. I Track record: 24282 -62%— 8— 114. 25002 Auavri 112 1:00% 0 112X725 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 25051** Chitra 107 1:01 4 1O1X720 24:iv:« Louise Travers ..101 1:01% r, 101x720 25051** Protagoras 112 1:01% n 10B..TW 2na~1 Cherry Seed 1iH 1 : m ►--• - 7 p-j 71,, -4.is2 Claribel 112 1:01% r. im;©7or, 24897 Fred Levy 102 1:01 2 112X700 Anavri is clearly best. Fifth Race — 5-3 Mile. 3 year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 24299 — 99%— 8 — 114. 2.-.010* Miss Cenevi. vo ...1111. -01% 7 105X7°5 251021 I til Mil 107 1 :ol 1- 7 104x720 25050* Captain Elliott ...108 1:00% «! 10SX720;s Medea 102 1:01% :: 97x715 24980 Russell McGill ...103 1. -01% 7 104X71". 24080 Jim 1 112 1:08% S 104X710 25050 Deviltry 10741:01% 4 108X706 25104 Crfefra 10O.l:0Hf, 0 108x700 Sliss General re should race better. Sixth Race— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. 4-year-ebN and upward BeHina*. Track record: 24228—1:42% .".-104. 24!isl Boyal Intereat ... 4 Iii7x7°-i 25054 Moacowa 100 1:4.". 4 107x720 25070** Ben ITnras 108 1:45% s 28x718 25070 I...iii-e May 07 1:45% 4 105x715 25087* I.adv Rankin 102 1:48 7 110x718 24084 Centaur! 100 1:44% 8 112x710 250S0 oui.k 107 1:40 8 112x710 25105 has. F. Grainger. 109 1:45% 0 112x710 25050* Calethmnpiau 7 .,0, -|- 25050* Frontier 5 112x705 25054 S.utlieiii Cold ... i, I12A705 25105* Meise ..110 1:47,2: 8 102x700 " 24294* San Jon MR 1:40 8 104X990 Royal Inteic-t sheiibl win if he ma slay. Seventh Race — 1 Mile. :: year .Ids and upward. Selling. Track record: 28071—1:29 .-, _i7i 1 25014 ZOROASTER 109 1-39U 9 1124B72B 250.-.2 Altamaha 100 1:39 s 108x718 2." I71 I. other ll:, l::;.|i: 6 11" 71". 25052* Tamerlane 105 1:4©H 4 107 7ti» 25014* Kris Kringle 105 1:40% I 103x708 250541 Hay Day 110 1:40% 4 IOltx7«KS " 25083 Tony Iasliion s:» -. .17 700 Zoroaster is extra good just now.