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A mi Ml TT A W TELEPHONES: Automatic 62-756. ft IVI ll I I n I Harrison 1314, 1315, 1316. All Departments. nnnuni, owed ». My uvmv co. RACING FORM rszszr The International Authority 435 Plymouth Court, Chicago, III. on American Racing, Circulating in the United States, Cuba. Imllk ■ Wf I * *I Philippine Islands. Canada, Mexico, ij I I 11 I t» England, France. Germany, Austro- »»a». -m. m* Hungary. Australia, India, Argentina, chiii. Peru, etc, etc made of your own material This Book Carries wilson, Indexed form charts f all recognized racing in the 1418 StCVCHS Building, ChJCdgO Inited States. Canada. Cuba and Mexico, has sup- m planted all oihers for the use of racing otlieials Telephone: RANDOLPH 3219. and is universally used by jockey clubs through- _____________________ out the world. "impact. accurate. perfectly printed, with absolutely correct index, on linen _« _. _ - — - - , paper, lettered, and bound in flexible leather. •■„- Hlf IllieSt RCSOrt Hotel III ttlC WONd tanis. besides charts of all recognized racing on American tracks, the American and Canadian time HAS BEEN ■•"•■n BTTTT T AT records, scales of weightH of various governing •T4™ ouxij. ax h. ilies and record of jockey mounts in the Inited _ . . ... _ .»«_«. « States, Canada, Mexico, and Cuba, for the year. SUIISet MOUIltaill. AsheVllle, V. C. 7b ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. TUfc imiiii ■■■!■■ I ll THE SPECIAL ATTENTION oldfashioned walls fiTe feet mok ot OF TIinFNT OF FODM granite boulders. Water from slopes of highest VI OIUVLIIIO VI I VHIYI raountain east of the Hockies. Finest golf links in is directed to the nieth.,d of ind xing the charts. the South. Write for rates and literature. 1 lie index shows each and even start ..f all herses that have raced, with firsts, seconds, thirds and GKOVE PARK INN, track conditions designated on the occasion of each _ . _ . . __ „ ._ _ and every start. By means of this innovation it is B""in t Mountain •• Asheville. North Carolina. pOMlblc for the user i.f the tmtm nmk t- instantly detennine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired. SUNN _ YS I D E HOTEL _ Annual Racing Form ,*lTf!Spr:T O Baldwin County :: Alabama has been oversold for the past few years and the attention of prospec- W. H. H. HAKDING. Proprietor. cf the 1915 edition tive purchasers T_ In ,l. the ». heart „, of th„ iho i «/. Ponce de j_ t Leon country, v be- is respectively called to the desir- ability of placing orders early. tween Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Opea PUBLISHED IN TWO VOLUMES IS ZZIumSLmmm tm- PRICE, PER VOLUME, 0 subscribe for daily racing form, Copies by mail must go as registered ttrm 3- matter, with an extra charge of ten i.r.Ajna. cents for registration. Not responsible 5 Cents Per Copy. for books sent as regular mail. .50 Per Month. 7.00 Per Annnm. As plain enveloped letter, first-class mall. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., uaJtiSUtASS,m. 441 PLYMOUTH COUHT CHICAGO, ILL. 441 Plymouth Court :: :: Chicago, IllinoU 74 EXCHANGE SrSEET BUFFALO, N, Y. 74 Exchange Street ll :: Buffalo. V. X.