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Befmont Park Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, August 30. "WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. o o Todivq Tho figures under ths heading "Rec." in the Tnd. Hors. AAt Ree A Yt H-in entries below show the best time of each horse 28694s Half Rock 106 1-foV tlirvT-o at tlio distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter 24977s Oratorium ".10""1 :3 ; 115 7r,o where it finished. Iu cases where record was 23361 Air Man . 114"l-liiT 108715 mada on other than a fast or good track, abLre- 28303 Success " " i iirJrr viations show track conditions. Delancey has ImVmV raVing well in better com- 0 pany. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. Fourth iourtn Race icccJ-l 3. MPa Hue qtrilw btraieht. XRuns well in mud. SSuperior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. Hir.eola Stakes. Value ,500. First Race 1 1-10 Miles. , 2-year-olds. Selling. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: May 19, 190S 1:08 1137. Track record: July 8, 1913 1 :4 4 -5 120. 28092 WISTFUL 115x730 Todays 2SG92-f Straight Forward.. 120X7"0 Ind. Horse. AYt. Rec. A.YYt.lIan. 2S5I43t Kilhh no 7"o f2S65l Longfellow 5 120.. 725 28407s Fairy AYaud 107.715 28101- Fuzzy YVuzny 111 1 :49m 5 116X721 28376 Jack Mount 110. .710 28507 Aiiara 117 1:4s I 120x715 t". I- YYilson entry. 2S641 Juliet 10S 1:47 4 110X705 AYistfnl is iu good form and seems a fair sort 2X095 Mnifou 3 98X705 25S29 OSnllivan 106 1:47 6 112. .700 Fifth Race About 2 Miles. 280OI Venture M ;; 94.. 690 t.f , . 28601. Rose AYatcr 100 1:51 3 99X690 Steeplechase. 2S307 Fairwcather :, 101X690 . 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Longfellow appears to have improved greatly. . 1r"" record: Sept. 10, 19144:095153. o , , . 2i230 Louvois a i-ji; too Second Race 3-4 Mile Mam Course. 28474 .1. R. Johnson ... 8 15o"6r Far Rockaway Handicap. 28640s Raccoon M 8i:nG9-; Track record: Janf i1i5-l:ll-7-125. Zlii V" 5 W6129Z 28435 Prince of Como ...112 1:12 if. 3 119X735 27634 RusilaM. 4UO 180 28647s Hanson 102 1:11-. 112 X 730 27192 .Martasha M .... A 130 St 28647 Hauberk 106 1:12 4 115x730 28598 Johnnie McKavM 7; rr,";75 S inFk,!e:L::::!o An 1,11 ,,f J-"- iiltt TrVaddr imuiliil 3 iSsH sixth 3-c-5 r5 straight. 2SG91 Nylon M 122 1:13 4 117.. 720 2-yeai-ohls. Allowances. 2S476t Delancey 112 1:12 :i 95x720 Track record: July 17, 1915 1 -o; 100 28740 Fellowship 110 1 :15s 3 111X715 28511 Burlesque " i, to- A. Belmont entry. -J8502 Nebraska ll:7rI Prince of Como has been showing improved form 28642s AYoodtrap . 1lv7i of late. 2SG96 Starfinch iwC Third Race 1 Mile. 2S696 Sortie Il"x71r; 3-yoar-olds and upward. Allowances. 2S376 Jack Mount no 71J1 Track i.cord: Sept. 7, 1914 1 :36 3 1 17. 2H612 Intriguer Ilrx700 2S476 Delancey 104 1:40 Jf. 3 111X725 Contendi-rs are well matched. 0 : o Tho small figure under "Str." shows tho distance tho horse was ahead of that next in the race i The small figure under ;5"in." unless the horso won shows the number of lengths the horse was behind tho winner. Weight to be carried appears at top cf column of weights in previous racei. 0 o FIRST RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. .Inly 8, 1913 1:11.- 120. index Course Dlst TlmeTckOdds Wt St Y M Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish LONGFELLOW, b. g, 5 120 Ey Chaucer Kalydar E. Arlington 2SGE0 Saratoga 1 1-S l:57mud 5 WI 3 2 1 1 V- Us H II Plips i DaingerlieM Soldier Volusn i 2S557 Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 10 105 13 15 13 15 15s" A ScliuKrl5 J.riz.-;, Cash on Delivery Ilumnse 28249 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast CO 113 11 12 11 ll Ss II AYoods i:j Silica. Ima Krai I" N-iushon 229S1 H.deGce 3-1 l:13fast GO 110 12 12 12 12 12" .1 McCaDe 12 Sand Marsh, T. as Steel B Path 20S9S Latonia 3-1 l:13fast 16-5 105 10 S 7 G1 3s K Lapaillell Royal Tea. Oakland Sureer 20711 Douglas 3-4 l:12fast 20 10S 9 U 6 3" 3 L Gentrv 10 Droll. Gabrio Birka 203S0 Churchill 5J f l:06fefast fld 110 14 12 12 12 11" T McTagtl4 B.andStars, R Goose Hnntres 20270 Churchill 5i f l:0Sslow 101 113 12 14 14 13 12" AAr AV T!orl4 Hawthorn, Chartier Busvllith 17MC Church 1 3-4 1:13 mud 29 935 7 7 7 7 73iB Marco 7 Leochares, Hodge. The W. Moon FUZZY WUZZY, b. gr, 5 116 By Ildrim Skirts Cleveland Stable. ESC01 Saratoga 11:41 fast 12 111 1 1 1 2 2i 2 G Byrne 14 St. Isidore. MissFannio E Ken in 28143 Empire 1 1-1 G 1:52 hvy 13-5 109 7 1 1 1 Is 2 It Ball 7 Daingertield. Malabar Jackl.t 28039 Empire 1 l:43slow 12-5 111 5 3 3 3 2s 3li Ball 10 Monocaey, Rev Oakwood AP-ir-i 277S0 Empire 11:42 fast G 111 4 7 5 4 2J 5fih Ti HoffmanlH Carlton!., J. Counsel, N simnlet 27700 Empire 1 l:41fast 4 IU 2 4 5 2 2s 2 R Hoffman 10 Ilanworth, R.Metcor G Counsel 27C33 Aq.luct 11:41 fast 15 115 2 1 2 2 H 4J J McCaheyH Andes. Daingerlield N Siniiilex 27149 Jamaica 1 1-1G l:4Sslow 12 110 2 2 2 5 C G18 R Hoffman 6 Kil.Boy, G.M.Miller, Sringmass ABTARA, br. c, 4 120 By Voorhees Handsome Florry C.R.Fleischmannl- 2X507 Saratoga 1 1-S 1:54 fast G 110 1 3 3 2 Is Is M Buxton 10 G.Counsel. O.ofPadise R AV-iter 1 25434 Saratoga 1 l:43fast C 154 4 4 4 t 4 310 E Tucker 5 Dervish. Sasin, Pharaoh 2S319 Saratoga 7-S 1:27 fast 20 120 3 9 3 3 1J 4s M Buxton 17 NinetySimple.v. Naushon Andes 2S139 Empire lm70y l:50hvy 12 10S 1 3 4 4 4" 4 C Fbther 5 Good Counsel. Gold. Gate Ahar-i 2S039 Empire 1 l:43slow 10 114 4 5 5 4 4s 41 C Fbther 10 Monocaey, R.Oakwood FWuzzv 277S0 Empire 1 1:42 fast 15 10S 10 8 7 G GJ CS M Buxton 15 CarltonG., G.Counsel. Simnlex 27700 Empire 1 l:41fast 3 110 5 2 4 5 5 711 R Ball 10 Hanworth, K. AYuszv R Meteor 27G37 Aqduct 1 l:41fast S 111 1 1 1 2 2- 2n M Buxton 6 G. Gate, Murchena.Itaconteuse 27477 Aqduct 1 l:40fast 8 115 11 10 S G Ss 59J AY Kelsay 12 JesseJr., SamSlick. ltoy.Meteor 27273 Aqduct 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 15 117 1 2 3 3 4s 41 J McTagt 6 L. Nearer, C.Haven, G.AI Miller 27063 Bline Abl 1-8 2:01 hvy 3-5 1C3 5 3 3 3 23 II AYillma 5 Marchena, Doublet, Gossoon 27014 Bkline Ab7-8 l:2Gfast 7-5 1C5 2 1 1 1 H AVillms 7 Doublet. Marchena, Sir Giles 26692 Pi.Rk Abl 1-1G 1:56 slow 3 155 1 1 in 2l Mr H-Tkr S Top Hat, Lysander, Martian 26619 Pip.Rk Ab3-4 l:17fast 6 115 8 8 3 l1 II AAillms 9 Doublet, Socony, Simon Jones tDead heat for second place. J"JXIET. ch. f, 4 110 By Peter Quince Avon II. J. T. Ireland. JSG41 Saratoga 1 1-S 1:55 fast G-5 101 G 5 4 5 55 5J II Shilling 6 D ngerlieM, Q.ofPadise, B.OIga 28599 Saratoga 1 l:40fast 20 106 3 3 3 3 4l 4"3 F Fuerst 10 Bac. Sasin, Bonnie Tess 2S557 Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 20 116 S 13 9 Gi 4nJ T Davies 15 Brizz, CashonDeliverv, Plumose 2and119 Saratoga 1 1-1 2:03 fast 1G-5 102 4 4 4 4 3s 3"- 1. Lykes 8 Killanna, SamSlick, "Daingerheld 2S423 Saratoga 1 l:ilfast 12 104 7 G 5 3 Is 1" L Lykes 13 Q.ofParadise, Bobs Olga, Andes 2S410 Saratoga 7-S 1:28 fast 20 105 4 3 5 4 6 Be5 F Fuerst 13 NinctySimplex, Naushon, S.Gift 27551 Latonia 1 1-2 2:32fast 40 101 1 4 4 0 7l 71s C AanDun S ConHagration, Billows, A.Brazel 27471 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 24 108 5 3 3 4 4and 5" R Goose S Yenghee, M. Fannie, Surpassing 27367 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 19-5 107 1 3 5 7 7 7S1 li Goose 7 Billows. Sauterelle, A. Brazel MAIFOU, ch. f. 3 S8 By Hastings Cathay F. A. Herold. 2S695 Saratoga 1 l:43isslow 40 92 9 9 9 S S M Rowan 10 Miss Fannie. Star Gift, Jacklet 2SG01 Saratoga 11:41 fast 60 93 11 11 11 10 91 11" M Rowan 14 St. Isidore, F. YVuzzv, M.Fannie 28507 Saratoga 1 1-S l:54?;fast 7 99J 5 7 8 6 G1 Gi L Lylccs 10 Ahara, G. Counsel, Q.ofParadise 2S423 Saratoga 1 l:41,kfast 15 102 9 10 11 7 71 5,s R Ball 13 Juliet. Q.ofParadise, Bobs Olga 2SSG7 Saratoga 1 l:41fast 40 95 19 17 IS 17 13 1011 M Rowan 19 Sam Slick, B. Trooper, R.Metcor SS319 Saratoga 7-S 1:27 fast 30 102 13 17 13 13 105 S3 M Rowan 17 NinetySimplex, Naushon. Andes 2S20G Saratoga 1 l:41fast 20 95 7 7 7 C C8 612 M Rowan 7 Dervish, .lacklet, Q. of Paradise 2SCG3 Empire 1 1:44 mud 41 102 8 7 7 5 5s :;i R Ball S N. Simplex, R.Meteor, AYoodfair 27926 Empire 1 1:42 fast 16-5 101 1 5 4 1 2and 2lh J McCahey 6 GoId.Gate, Dr.Grmer, F.Nought OSULLIVAN, ch. h. 6 112 By Oddfellow Rosinante J. MacManus. 25S29 H.deGce lm70yl:4G,good IS 105 1 7 7 7 7 7" E Haynes 7 L. England. H.Lauder, Pardner 25709 H.deGco 3-4 1:13 fast fid 113 9 12 12 12 ll13 E Haynes 13 Marianao, Outlook, Water Lily 25061 Bowie 1 l:42fast 36 110 5 C 6 5 6 66 J McTagt 6 Jem. Bobby Boyer, Republican 24996 N.Orlns lm"0y l:40tast 15 112 7 7 9 9 9 913JJ McTagt 9 Guide Post. Prince S., Alston 23S43 Pimlico 1 l:41fast 1S9 103 9 9 9 9 9 9t4JF Robinsn 9 Cannonade, Corsican, Rpublican 23312 H.deGce lm70yl:44fast 15 114 1 12 12 10 S1 12" C Bgame 15 Gloaming, Guy Fisher, Volant 23204 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:47M:fast 41 108 9 G 7 7 9 88i O Bgame 9 Amalfl, Stonehenge, Guv Fisher 23037 H.deGce lm70yl:45ifast 12 112 S 8 G 5 5s 45 0 Bgame 10 Borgo. Daiugcrfield, His Nibs VENTURE, b. f, 3 94 By Rock Sand Velocity G. F. Johnson, Jr.. 2SG01 Saratoga 11:41 fast 40 95 13 8 S 5 13" 13s J Mulelieyl t St. Isidore. F. YVuzzv. M.Famiic 28171 Saratoga 5J f l:071fast 15 107 G 10 10 10 S M Buxton 13 Kens. Burglar. Politician 28110 Saratoga 7-S 1:28 fast 10 91 10 G G S 7i 7si J Brown 13 Ninety Simplex, Naushon, S.Gift 2S319 Saratoga 7-S 1:27 fast 4?. 97 5 C 9 9 11 ll4 J McCaheyl7 NinetySimplex, Naushon. Andes 2255S Saratoga 2-1 l:15fast 13-20 1 05 G 5 5 5s 4s M Buxton 6 Nolli. Mad. Herrmann, Tatiana 2235S Saratoga 3-1 l:15good 3 104 5 G 8 7s 4a M Buxton 12 South. Star. Sevillian. E. Kenna 22069 Saratoga 51 f 1:13 hvy 2J 109 4 4 3 31 G9J M Buxton 9 S.Knight, B.oftheKchen, S.Star ROSE WATER, ch. f. 3 99 By Tho Picket Rosecrest W. B. Mitchell. 28G01 Saratoga 11:41 Tast 20 95 10 14 11. 13 11 1 10ls L MeAtee 14 St. Isidore, F. YVuzzv, M.Fannie 2S507 Saratoga 1 1-8 1:51 ifcfast 18-5 10013 S 7 7 7s 4"i K LapaillelO Ahara, G.Counsel, Q.ofParadise 2S 123 Saratoga 1 l:41fast 12 103 G S S S S" C K LapaillelS Juliet. Q.ofParadise. Bobs Olga 2S319 Saratoga 7-8 1:27 fast 12 102 17 1G 15 14 13 1013 K Lapaillel" NinetvSimplex, Naushon, Andes 27554 Aqduct 1 l:39andfast G 96113 12 7 7 Gs G"3 D Lykes 14 Rae 1!., YVenonah, Jesse Jr. 2714S Jamaica lm70y l:4Cslow 7 100 G 4 4 4 4s 3i L Lykes 7 Doliua, Illuminator, Dancer 26904 Belmont 1 l:41fast 12-5 94 4 5 4 4 3s 2s L Lykes 5 Old Broom, Flag Day, Maifou 20745 Belmont 3-4 1:15 mud 41 9S G 6 5 5 31 L Lykes 6 Armament. Emden, HarryJunior FAIR WEATHER, ch. g, 3 104 Bv Fair Play Souriante M. Hirsch. 1S2G7 Saratoga 1 l:41fast 20 107 1G 1G 16 14 15 H"! L Allen lil Sain Slick. B. Trooper, R.Meteor 28266 Saratoga 11:4lfast 7 100 G C G 7 7 7,s E CanipbI 7 Dervish. Jacklet, Q.ofParadise 27472 Aqduct Gl f 1:20 fast 12 9S 10 10 10 10 S F HopkinslO Gloaming. Hiliation, B.Uensley 27192 Aqduct 3-4 l:14fast 20 105 11 10 10 0s 9" R Hoffmaiill T.othMing, Pumption, Bvale 23833 Pimlico 3-4 l:13fast 50 105 10 9 9 10 D" L Allen 10 Franklin, Tiajan, Snrmt 23S07 Laurel 1 1:40 fast 19 1001 4 3 4 6 G C L Allen 7 Col. Vennie. Spin-, Sprint "3195 Laurel 51 f 1:14 hvy 12-5 105 1 2 3 3 3"1 G Byrne 0 Shrapnel, Vlrgmia M.. Ildiko 22S51 Belmont 51 f st l:07fast 2 107 4 2 2 2s lnfc T McTagt 10 Benjamin. Recluse, M.Herrmann 22472 Saratoga 51 f 1:03 fast 41 109 2 1 1 1 1 T McTagt 13 Kezlah. Bobolink. Miss Philbin SECOND RACE 3-4, Mile Main Course. Far Rockaway Handicap. All Ages. June 3, 191." 1:11 PRINCE OF COMO, b. g. 3 119 By Disffuise Claudia G. A. Cochran. 25435 Saratoga 3-4 l:12andfust 7 112 1 1 1 Is pi J McCahey S C. Tower. II. Noon. J.J.Murdock 2S379 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 5 117 3 2 2 2t 2s J McCahey 11 Startling, B. Baggage, Delancey 282G1 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 5 112 1 1 3 4s 42 J McCahey 9 Pennant. B. Baggage, Delancey 27923 Empire Ab3-4 1:08 fast G 113 1 11 15 H J McCahey 6 Kewess i, Hign Noon. Delancev 27760 Empire Ab3-4 l:14fast G 105 2 1 1 lb 1 J McCahey 4 Marse Henry, J.J.Lillis. Othello 27370 Aqduct 3-4 l:12fast 31 113 4 5 5 5 5 J McCahey 7 Startliug, R. Maiden. Kewessa 26286 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 slow 4 123 3 1 1 11 43 J Hanover 0 Fernrock, Mustard. Dad. Choice 26166 Jamaica 3-4 l:12fast 20 10S1 2 3 2 Ei 12" J HanoverlS Sand Marsh. High Noon, Jacoba 22S81 Belmont 3-1 st l:llfast 7 117 1 1 1 34 6i W I.illev 10 Gillies. Bromo, Spur 22S17 Belmont 51 f st l:05fast 4i 117 2 11 11 U J McCahey 5 St. Isidore. Fernrock. Sun God 22575 Saratoga 3-t 40 117 1 3 8 91 10 J McCahey 13 Dominant. Big Smoke. Primero 2476 Saratoga 3-4 l:174tmud 5 123 2 3 2 2" Gl J McCahey 6 Achievement. Spur. Col. Venni HANSON, ch. e, 4 112 Bv Oddfellow Jane Eyre S. t. Parsons. 28647 Saratoga 3-4 l:14mud 4 121 3 2 2 3s 38 T Davies 6 Hauberk, Kens, Ed Howard 28435 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 31 116 4 4 5 5s 51 T Davies S P. of Como. Con. Tower, H.Noon 2S299 Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 3 125 2 1 1 21 li T Davies 10 S.Marsh, J.J.Murdock. Startling 27636 Aqduct 7-8 1:25 fast 11-5 107 1 1 1 1 11 In T Davies 4 B.Candle, SunGod, DaddysChoice 27510 Aqduct 3-4 1:11 fast 7 102 1 1 1 2s 2 A Schugr 5 Thunderer, Dr.Larrick, AVhiinsy 27175 Jamaica 3-4 l:12fast 8 106 4 5 G 7 10s T Davies 10 Old Koenig, M. Henry, Startling 27047 Jamaica 2-4 1:11 mud 13-5 114 3 3 3 3 31 T Davies 5 Ormesdale, M. Henry, H. Shaw 26825 Belmont Gl f l:20mud 8-5 124 1 1 1 Is 1 T Davies 5 S.MMcekin, Hid.Star, Bon.Tess 20637 Belmont 3-4 st l:10good 2 102 5 3 4 6 Gl A Schugr 7 H. Noon, Benevolent, Phosphor 26504 Belmont 3-4 st l:12fast 11-10 123 2 2 1 1 ll T Daviea 3 Fernrock, Miss Puzzle HAUBERK, b. g, 4 115 By Martinet Druid W. R. Coe. MM7 Saratoga 3-4 lai-mud 11-5 11.". G G 3 2 1 .1 McTagt ; Kens. Hanson. F.d Howard 2S175 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 fast 41 120 9 8 0 53 31 J McTagt ! PanMaid. C.Tower, J..7. Murdoek S3 Saratoga 1 l:37fast 15 101il0 7 0 3 6 C" J McTagt 12 Hank ODay. Fcrnrock, Gainer "80C5 Empire 1 l-lj 1:49 mud 13-10 106 4 2 2 1 lot l1 E Campbl 4 line. Sky Pilot. AVoodon Shoes "79"5 Empire b3-l l:09Vfast 41 100 G 6 4 41 2" E Campbl C M.Puzzle, C.Tower. SirW.Jnsou "7CG9 Anduct 1 1:33 fast 21 111 G G G 5 G3 G3 E Campbl 7 Fenmouse, .T. J. Willis, Bae 27474 Aqduct 3-4 l:12fast 5 106 3 7 5 2 l1 E Campbl 7 Sandman II., Fenmouse, Bac "fir.0r. Belmont 1 1-4 2:05 fast 15 10115 12 4 fi 6" J McTagt 0 Friar Rock, S. Grass, Stromboli "6373 Belmont 1 1:38 fast 7 102 4 G 5 8 81 9" J McTagt 12 The Finn. Stromboli, Spur "2SS" Belmont 1 l:3Sfast 10 105 S 4 4 1 1 35 O Turner 5 Trial by Jury, The Finn, Klines 22751 Belmont 1 1-1G l:45fast 12 103 7 8 S Pulled up.O Turner S J.byJury, Sharpshooter, T. Finn RHINE MAIDEN, b. f. 4 97 By Watercress Gold E. F. Whitney. "S75II Belmont 3-1 st 1:11 Ihfast 20 11X 2 5 4 43 li Bgame l! Leocs. BayiyCandle, .M.dOrll. Vi" Saratoga 3-4 1:12 fast 20 11G 2 7 1 4 3s R HolTinnlO Leochares, R.Baggage. L.Skolny . 2Sr17 Saratoga 7-S l:25fast 41 101?. G 3 4 4 4 G3 Ii Hoffmn 11 Cnpra. Flying Fairy, Ima Frank "8135 Saratoga 3-4 l:12iifast 8 10G 3 7 7 71 S2 R Hoffmn 8 1. of Como, Con. Tower. II. Noon , 1 "75S7 Anduct Gi l:20?ifast S 104 1 2 2 2 li R HoffmanlO Celandria, Lorac, Malachite "7475 Anduct " 1 lSfast 12 97 2 2 3 G G 6ltf F Hopkins i Bay. Candle, Borrow. Sun God "7370 Anduct 3-4 l:12lifast S 105 1 4 4 2l 2S M Garner 7 Startling, Kewessa. M. Henry 27271 Aqduct 1 l:3Sfast 7 115 C 5 7 7 7! 7ss R HoffmanlO Bay. Candle, Grumpy, n. Shaw IMA FRANK, ch. f. 3 104 By Abo Frank Tei Anna Beverwyck Stable. ! Saratoga Si f G lO.t 5 4 3 33 2 II H Plips S Kathleen .Miss Puzzle Lorac 517 Sam toga 7-S l:25bfast 1C-5 103 7 4 3 3 33 3- M Garner 14 Polroina. Virginia M.. Dorcas 2S44S Saratoga 7-S l:25ifast 5 1 05 2 2 2 2l l3 .T McTagt 11 Capra. Flying Fairy. Celandria "S379 Saratoga 3-1 1:13 fast 30 111 7 7 S Cl CT5 T Kolan 7 SirAV.Johuson, Vermont, .TuliaL. S49 Saratoga 3-4 l:12?;fast 15 102 C 2 2 23 21 M Garner 11 Startling, P.ofComo, 15. Baggage , "GOGS Fimlico 3-4 1:15 rast 23 111 S 4 1 1- lt J Metcalf 1:5 Silica, Naushon, Gnat 25311 Pimlico 3-4 l:14;fast 7G 95 G 6 7 7l 711 L. McAtee 9 Marianao, JaneStraitli, S. Beach 1 HANK ODAY br. g, 4 ISO By Peep oDay Eric Belle A. K. Kacomber. . "8517 Saratoga 7-S l:25fast 2i 124 3 13 5 Gi Gsi O Garner ! Frizzle, Blind Baggage, 11. Shaw "8470 Saratoga 1 l:3U-;-ifast 2i 119 1 2 2 1 15 l3 G Garner ! Chiclet, Dorcas. Polroma s- Saratoga 1 l:37sfast G 100 4 1 1 1 l4 Garner 12 Fernrock, Gainer, Chiclet . "803S Kir.nre 1 1:40 slow 3 111 2 1 1 1 li 1-i G Garner 4 IlarryShaw. Aldebaran, Iloliday "78S5 Empire lm70v 1:43 fast 13-5 103 2 3 3 4 4 4C3 Ij Mink 4 Fernrock. Trial by Jury. Poly "Y44 I atonia 1 3-1G 1:57 fast 37-20 107 0 1 1 1 31 5SJ D Connlly S D. "Williams, Franklin, Pif Jr. 272C5 Eatonla 1 1-4 2:03fast 31-5 105 4 1 1 1 2: l t C VanDun 7 Pif Jr., Pels. Water Witch 271SS Latonia 1 lSVifast 59-10 110 2 4 4 7 51 485 L, Gentry S L.Itotha, Embroidery, G. Hughes TEA CADDY ch. c, 3 105 By Rock Sand Teas Over A. Belmont. "SG13 Saratoga 1 3-1G l:5S"ifast 3i 107 1 1 1 2 3 317 J McTagt 3 Spur, Franklin "S17G Saratoga 1 1:38 fast 10 107 3 2 2 1 ink 3 M Buxton 1 Dodge, Spur. Kathleen "S-"5 Saratoga 1 1-4 2-05 fast 20 11G 3 1 4 4 4 4 E Haynes 4 Spur. Star Hawk, Franklin "79G5 Empire 1 l:43mud 11-5 102 2 1 1 1 ll 23 L Lykes 4 D.Choice, Gnbearer. SandmnII. "784G Empire 1 1-10 1 :45f ast 20 109 3 2 2 1 2i 3s L Lykes ! Spur. Celandria, Daddys Choice 2CC37 Belmont 3-4 st l:10good S 100 2 4 3 4; 5 J McTagt 7 II. Noon, Benevolent, Phosphor 2G370 Belmont 3-4 1:15 fast 7-5 106 5 3 2 23 l1 E Haynes o T. as Steel, .Notions, F.Wuzzy 2C204 Jamaica 1 1-1G l:45fast 15 9S 2" 5 8 9 10 10" J P Ryan 10 Capra, The Finn, Boots "G1GC Jamaica 3-4 l:12X;fast 30 99i 6 11 11 S3 51 J P Ryanl3 Sand Marsh, High Noon, Jacoba 1 3S69 Pimlico 3-4 l:13fast 20 99 13 15 10 7s 42 L. McAtee 15 Franklin. Spur, Socony 23791 Laurel 3-4 1:15 hvy 2S-5 103 4 9 11 ll3 101 W Lilley 12 Dodge Spur Anita "3759 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 23 10:5 S 10 10 S 73i W Lilley 12 Sir Edgar, High Noon, nnnson 23725 Laurel 1 l:43slow 10 100 4 3 2 4 43 3 W Lilley 10 King Neptune. Spur. Ind. Cham I XYLON er c 4 117 By Grey Flumei Lady Marie L. Wood. "SG1 Saratoga 3-4 l:15"islow 1-G 115 9 9 S 7 G- J McTagt !t Fellowship. T.P.rook. .Meditation "-i aratoirt 3-4 l-l"fast 4 122 7 5 3 3i 733 J Xotter 8 P. of Como. Con. Tower. II.Noon 1 2829G Saratoga 3-4 l:13lfast 1 115 5 1 1 lh 2i J Loftus 15 Crimper, Hubbub, Hendrie TlFTANfiEY b c 3 95 Rv Rock Sand Delusion A. Belmont. S47G Saratoga 1 1:38 fast 10 104 5 3 4 G 53 7" L Lykes ! Dodge. Spur, Tea Caddy 2S379 Sarato-a 3-11:13 fast 7 97 8 S 7 5 4i L Lykes 11 Startling, P.ofComo. B. Baggage -; 09 Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 10 116 G Co 55 6i J McTagt 10 Hanson, S. Marsh. J. -J. Murdoek "W,4 Saratoga 3-4 l12?sfast 20 107 3 3 4 3 3 L Lykes 1 Pennant. B. Baggage, P.ofComo j 923 Empire Ab3-4 1:08 fast 10 9GJ 3 2 2 3h 43 L Lykes U P.ofComo. Kewcssa. High Noou i 2C177 Belmont 5i f l:04good 41 112 3 4 4 4 4" E Haynes 4 Mustard Woodward Grasp 2G413 Be mont5f"st 1:05 fast 12 110 2 3 3 3MJ E Haynes 5 Come y. Phosphor Half Kock ws lPimilpo -5-4 1-13 fast 3-2 112 1 11 Is 1T J KcTagrt 0 Churchill. Celtabcl. Dorcas SH 2 --4 1-14 f7st 19-10 97 4 1 1 l12LMink 13 Old Broom. Celtabel. Wizard HllpScS 51 f liokfaft ll 0 115 9 7 6 V 52 W Lilley K Black Coffee. Wizard .Celtabel 2788 Laurel B f l:10hvy 23-10 114 8 5 4 33 2a W Lilley 12 Blgtodo. Moonstone, Smootlibort h 74Laure : Ihvy T-4 112 5 2 2 3 5S w Lilley 12 Schoolboy. 15. Corn. Smoothbore filMure IM- UlivV 4 3 1 1 1 5 3H V Lilley 5 15, Trooper. 15. Corn. Landslide Sijffin. fisiMilWri k 112 7 3 2 2 21 .1 l;.,lvll 1 Ocean Irln.v, GibrallHr. Uae 11 mmflfSltlP b e- 3 Ul By Fnyotto Bohemia J. E. Madden. S Belmont 3-4 l-llikfast 15 114 G G 0 5 l-l .1 McTagt .! Lcoes, liayryCandle. M.rt;OrIT. t8C91 Saratoga 3-1 l:15sl"v 10 110 5 7 1 1 1 E Martin i The Brook, Meditation, Mayliird 1 . , 1 , 1 . . 1 I 1 -; j i h 1 THIRD RACE 1 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. Sept. 7, 1914 1:30 3 117. DELANCEY, b. c, 3 111 By Rock Sand Delusion A. Belmont. 2S47G Saratoga 1 1:3S fast 10 101 5 3 4 5 5 71T L Lykes U Dodge. Spur. Tea Caddy 2S379 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 7 97 8 S 7 51 4", L Lykes 11 Startling. P.ofComo, B. Baggage 2SLH9 Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 10 HG G 6 5 5i Gi .1 McTagt 10 llansoli, S. Marsh, J. J. Murdoek 282G4 Saratoga 3-4 l:12-fast 20 107 3 3 4 ?.- 3: L Lvkes J Pennant, IS. Ilaggage. P.of Coino 27923 Empire Ab3-4 1:0S fast 10 9G 3 2 2 3" 43 L Lykes i P.of Como. Kewessa. High Noon 2G477 Belmont 5i f l:05igood 41 112 3 4 4 4 411 E Haynes 4 Mustard, Woodward, Grasp 2G413 Belmont 51 f st 1:05 fast 12 IK 2 3 3 31 45 E Haynes 5 Comely. Phosphor, Half Rock 23SSS Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 3-2 112 1 1 1 1 l1 J McTagt !i Churchill, Celtabel. Dorcas 23S45 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 19-10 97 4 1 1 li 2l L Mink 13 Old Broom, Celtabel, Wizard 23812 Pimlico 5i f l:0Sfast 19-20 115 9 7 4i 52 W Lilley 15 Black ColTee, Wizard. Celtabel 237SS Laurel 51 f l:10"ihvy 23-10 114 S 5 4 3s 2" AV Lilley 12 Bigtodo, Moonstone. Smoothbore 23574 Laurel 51 f l-.llhvy 7-4 112 5 2 2 3 o"! AV Lillev 12 Schoolboy. 15. Corn. Smoothbore 2337G Laurel 51 f l:14hvy 7-4 110 3 1115 3r,l AV Lilley ti B. Trooper. B. Corn. Landslide 22313 H.deGce 5-S 1:01 fast 3i 112 7 3 3 2l 21 J Butwell 9 Ocean Prince, Gibraltar, Bae B. HALF ROCK, ch. c, 4 11G Bv Rock Sand Half Sovereign A. Garson. 209 1 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:10i5slow 4 HG 3 3 2 2 2 3i J McTagt 3 Frizzle, Killanna 2S504 Saratoga 11-8 1:53 fast 20 107 3 4 4 5 51 5J J McTagrt Gainer, Grumpy, Trial by Jury 27271 Aq duct 1 l:3S,ifast 30 100 9 9 S 9 S3 Si J McTagt 10 Bay. Candle, Grumpy, II. Shaw 27131 Jamaica lm70yl:4G7igood G-5 115 3 3 3 3 3:o li J McTagrt 5 Dorcas, Curraghaleen, B.Oliver 2G942 Jamaica 11-10 1:46 fast 30 100 8 5 9 10 11 121 M Garner 12 SandMarsh, F.Fairy. Slumberll. 2GSG3 Belmont 11:41 slow 3i 120 1 4 3 3 3 333 P Kcogh 4 AVoodward, Dorcas, Meditation 2G547 Belmont 11:40 fast 16-5110 4 2 3 3 31 37 M Garner Spur, Grumpy, Distant Shore 2G413 Belmont 5i f st 1:05 fast 20 109 4 5 4 4" 3TJ J McTagt 5 Comely, Phosphor, Delancey 20781 Belmont 1 3-8 2:lSfast 40 126 3 2 2 3 23 2 D ONeill 3 The Finn. Pebbles 1 ORATORIUM, b. c, 3 115 By Ossary Tenebrao J. MacManus. 21977 N.Orlns 1 7 niiA 7 7 7 7 3 33 .1 .McTagrt 7 Lahore, Dorothy Dean. BenlahS. 24G50 X.Orlns 1 l:41fast 5 10S 1 o G 4 U 11 J McTagrt 7 ItilleShooter. SkcerFacc. Alfadlr 213G2 N.Orlns 3-1 l:Kfast 3 115 2 2 1 1 1 T McTagt 12 Wizard, Tito, Clara Morgan 22313 H.deGce 5-S 1:01 fast 40 112 4 8 8 S4 SC B-amc 9 OceanPncc, Delancey. Gibraltar 230SS H.deGce Gi f l:0S;fast 30 112 8 S S S- S,05C ! AAoodstono. O.Prince, B.Trooper 229S3 H.deGce 5-8 1:01 fast 100 114 5 4 4 0- 913iG Corey 14 Remembrance. Wizard. O.Princo AIR MAN, br. c, 3 103 By Waterboy Colonial G. A. Cochran. 2S5C1 Saratoga 1 1:39 fast 4 111 G 4 1 5 G G13 R Troxler I. D..-Clioice, JuliaL.. J.J.Murdock 27425 Aqduct 1 l:41good 13-5 HO 7 G 7 C 53 48i J Hanoverll L.Hillington, F.Count, Egelbert 22SS1 Belmont 3-4 st l:llf ast 7 110 G 8 7 Gi 55i J .McCaheylO Gillies, lirorno. Spur 22779 Belmont 7-S st l:24 Jfast 8 112 2 5 5 5 5 21 .T McCahey 7 Chicle, AVhimsr, Friar Rock 22705 Belmont 3-4 st l:llifast 20 122 12 11 12 10 G8J J McCaheylO Thunderer, Bromo. Achievement 2239S Saratoga 3-4 1:14 fast 12 118 9 -9 S S 7l- C Bgame 10 Bromo, St. Isidore. Fleuro 22264 Saratoga 3-4 1:1G slow 8 122 3 7 7 73 G13 C Bgame S Dminant, Puss inBoots, F.Rock 21977 Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 7 110 G 7 5 53 5 J McCahey 9 Dominant. Lorac. Marse nenry 21GSS Belmont 51 f st l:0?.f ast 5 10G 5 4 6 51 3 W Lilley 7 Friar Rock, Lorac Kilmer 21G32 Belmont 5-S st 59fast 12 115 4 3 2 23 In AV Lilley 11 Dominant. Sevillian. LordR.Aale SUCCESS, br. c, 3 115 By Waterboy Enterprise Quincy Stable. 2S3G3 Saratoga 3-4 30 W9 10 9 9 91 S11 C Bgame 11 Gnat. SirW.Jolmson, Port Light 2S2G1 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 30 112 8 5 C Si 9IS C Bgame 9 Pennant, P.. Baggage, Delancev 23137 H.deGce 51 f 1:09 mud 15 101 9 7 5 41 43i J McCaheylO Slipshod, King Neptune, Ptskv 230S4 H.deGce 51 f 1:08 fast 5i 112 7 5 4 4i 2li J McCahey 7 T. Elward. Plumose, L. Heavens 22777 Belmont 5i f st l:057nfast 7-5 117 3 3 4 51 G3J C Bgame 0 Sun God, Sal Aanitv. Ilighllorse 22GG9 Belmont 3-4 st l:12rast 17-10 10S 2 3 3 2k 3 J McCahey 4 Hidden Star. HandsOff. B Carrie 22170 Saartoga 51 f l:12mud 41 105 3 4 3 33 lh J McCahey 9 Fernrock. Startling, Hands Oft 21C29 Belmont Cl f st 1:07 fast 6 107 7 2 2 21 2iJ McCahey J Hands Off, Tralee, Fernrock FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile Straight. Mincola Stakes. 2-ycar-olds. Selling. Mav 19, lJOS 1:0S:; 4137. WISTFUL, ch. f. 2 115 By Star Shoot Witfull J. Butler. 2SG92 Saratoga 51 f 1:09 slow 2 115 1 1 1 Ii 1 T Davies 4 S.Forward. T.otlieAVave. P.uford 2S514 Saratoga 5i f 1:07,Sfast S-5 122 3 4 5 5i C31t .1 Loftus 7 Burlesue. Berlin, Killdee 27C9S Empire 51 f 1:07 fast 3-2 107 2 1 1 1 1 H Shilling 4 S. Forward, Genesis, JaekMount 27555 Aqduct 5-S 1:C0 fast 16-5 113 2 3 2 l1 l1 P Keogh i Kiverdale. Basil. Fairv AVand 27434 Aqduct 5-S 59 fast 7 109 5 7 7 75 710 R McDott S Bon. AVitch, Y.AVitch, Kittenish 27007 Jamaica 5-S l:01slbw 13-5104 4 G 5 51 2s R McDott C Yankee Witch, Artemis, Cheer 2654G Belmont 5-8 st SOfast 8-5 119 3 2 1 1J l1 J Loftus C Itiverdale, Sky. Merchant 2G2S8 Jamaica 5-8 l:01slow 11-20 112 1 2 1 2s l1 R McDott 4 Mary Powell. Kebo. Deer Trap 2G201 Jamaica 5-8 1:01 fast 13-10 109 1 3 3 lJ 1 R McDott 5 AimceT., TripleCrown, 0. Drury STRAIGHT FORWARD, b. c. 2 120 By Star Shoot Frankness R. T. Wilson. 2SG92 Saratoga 51 f 1:09 slow S-5 114 4 4 2 2 2l J McTagt 4 AVistful. T. o the AVave. Buford 28505 Saratoga 3-4 l:13lifast 5 112 7 9 9 71 7:3 J McTagt 12 Crank. Deer Trap, T.MeTaggart 2821G Empire Ab3-4 l:10fast 11-20 110 2 1 1 l3 1 J McTagrt 4 EdRoche. Ballad, King Baggot 27S43 Empire 51 f l:06f ast 11-10 117 1 2 2 2 15 J McTagt 4 Bally. Philippic, Ed Garrison 27G9S Empire 51 f 1:07 fast 31 107 3 3- 3 2l 2- E Haynes 4 AAistful. Genesis. Jack Mount 27513 Aqduct 5-S 59fast 13-10 100 4 5 6 52 21 L Lykes G M. McGrath. .T.Monnt, Felicidad 27272 Aqduct 5-Sl:00fast 16-5 107 C 4 2 2J 3JJ McTagt Genesis, Artemis, Counsel 27150 Jamaica 51 f l:07slow 4 101 4 4 4 3 21 J McTagt 5 Genesis, Artemis, Dunga Din 2G165 Jamaica 5-S l:01fast 4-5 109 4 4 4 21 li J McTagt 7 Leonie. Solveig. Nonesuch 2C091 Pimlico 41 f 5Gslow 3-4 110 4 1 1 Is 1 J McTagt 7 Fox Trot, Monomoy, N. K. Real 2CCGG Pimlico 41 f 55 fast 81-10112 8 4 3 3-2 J McTagt 9 Crank. Alvord, Dr. Nelson 259S2 Pimlico 4i f DGandfast Cl 112 9 10 9i 9T C AVatson 13 Blue Fox. OpheliaAV.. Dr.Nelson KILLDEE, b. c, 2 110 By Olambala Mauvictte R. T. Wilson. 2S5H Saratoga 51 f l:07, 8 112 1 2 3 31 3i .1 McTagt 7 Burlesque. Berlin. Kiverdale 2S407 Saratoga 5i f l:074ofast 12 110 G G G G5 G5i J McTagt 7 Itiekety, Ultimatum. F. AVand 2S337 Saratoga 51 f 1:08 fast 41 lin 1 3 3 1 1 J McTagt 9 H.Cash, MadameCurie, Felicidad 2S142 Empire 51 f l:09"shvy 9-5 109 2 2 3 3 3s J McTagt 3 Ticket, Jock Scot 27S4S Empire 5-8 ltflfast 2 113 3 2 1 l3 l3 J McTagt 12 TheKnocker. ContyCourt. J.Scot 27701 Empire 5-S l:01"fast S-5 115 1 3 4 32 2 J McTagt 1 Election, Friendless, Jock Scot 27234 Aqduct 5-S l:01good 21 115 7 4 3 2 2l J McTagrtl2 ISally, T. McTaggart, Friendless 27127 Jamaica 5-S 1:01 fast 1S-5 104 1 1 3 31 33 J McTagrt 5 Ywstone, Algamator, Cterbox FAIRY WAND, oh. f. 2 107 By Star Shoot Countess Wanda G. A. Cochran. 2S107 Saratoga 5i f l:074ifast S 107 4 3 4 41 3 J McCahey 7 Rickety. Ultimatum. Koh-i-noor 5297 Saratoga 5-S l:00fast 15 107 4 4 4 31 22 J McCaheyl3 Columbine, Reprobate, Ballv 277S1 Empire 5-S l:0l7fast 5 112 1 11 li l3 J McCahey 8 Hussy, Storm Nvmph, Scylla 27555 Aqduct 5-S 1:00 fast 12 103 5 5 4 43 4CJ A Schugr 0 AVistful, Itiverdale, Basil 27409 Aoduct- -:5-8l:00" -fast .20 101 5 G S 9 01- J McCahey 9 Camptire, Ivory Black, Ticket 27274 Aqduct 5-3 1:01 fast C 101 C G C 41 4i R Ball S Burlesque, Star Finch. Arnold JACK MOUNT, b. c. 2 110 By Amadis Catana AV. R. Coe. 2S37C Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 15 115 4 7 7 7 7-l J McTagt 13 H.Cash. S.Mstcr. Q.of theWater 2769S Empire 5i f 1:07 fast 8 109 1 4 4 4 43 J McTagt 4 AVistful, Str. Forward, Genesis 27513 Aqduct 5-8 59fast 1S-5 107 2 3 3 2h 3i J McTagt ! M.McGrath, S.Fward. Felicidad 2CG1G Pip.Rk Ab5-S 58fast 3 US 3 3 33 J McTagrt 3 Hwfa. Omar Khayyam 2G152 Belmont 5-S st COfast .41 115 G G 5 G3 C32 J McTagt 9 Hourless, lvorj-Black, Julialeon FIFTH RACE About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 3-ycar-olds and uoward. Allowances. Sept. 10, 191 4:09 5 153. LOUVOIS. br. f, 4 136 By Electioneer L Orient L. Wood. 27231 Aqduct Ab 2 4:31 good 7 135 9 7 6 4 1 1 B Haynes 10 Guardian Saint, Martian, Agon J. R. JOHNSON, b. g. 8 150 By Sidbow Silver Fish A. E. Dietcrich. 2S474 Saratoga Ab 2 4:31 fast 3i 152 112 1 1- 1" II AVillms .! llemnana. First Out RACCOON, br. g. 8 135 By Gone Coon Judith Campbell H. W. Sage. 2SG40 Saratoga Ab 2 4:31 fast S V,Vj 3 3 2 2 2 2 .1 Williams 3 Bill Dudley. Karlv Light 25912 Pimlico 2 -Uiifast Gi 119 -5 3 3 2 33 3Ji S Bush S Falmouth, Mayhud II., Alb-do G1S7 Pimlico 2 1-4 -lSgou.d -10 141 7 7 7 7 Pull.up.AV Booth 7 Juvence, MysticLiglit, Cherish FAKER, b. g, 4 133 By Bryn Mawr Prestidigitatrice W. P. Spurgeon. 2S10G Saratoga Ab 2 4:23 fast 3-2 135 2 2 2 3 3 338 P Willms 3 P.ill Dudley. J. C. Ewalt 23525 Pip.Rk. Ab 2 4:04 slow 3 140 7 3 2 1 3" F AVilliamslO ViHr, Bill Dudlev, Superhumau 22747 BlueBon. Abll 3:05fast 1-2 130 2 1 1 1 li li F AVilliams 2 ItufTo 207G5 Dorval 3-4 l:14fast G 10G 4 5 4 4i 58J E Forehnd S A. N. Akin, Zin Del, Reflection 20GS3 Dorval 51 f l:0S.6fast S-5 99 1 4 5 33 li L McAtee 9 L.Sdtlirift. Indifft R.R.Miller 2043S AVdbine 3-4 l:14V5fast 22 99 9 7 S 5 7-i A Collins 14 Patience. Iav Streak. Burwood 2C30S Pimlico 1 l:42fast 29-20 110 2 2 2 5 6 6" P Golrtstn G Os.Maid. Tamerlane. L.Sptuelle 20206 Pimlico 7-8 1:29 slop 19-5 100 5 3 3 2 2 331 L McAtee 7 Corsican. Boxer, Videt 20213 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 19 95 G 5 6 nk S"iA Collins S Coy. Monty Fox, Jim Basey 20183 Pimlico 3-4 1:1G mud 20J 92 4 2 1 1 Ink McAtee 7 JoeDcibold, Crossiiun, Work.Iid 20147 Pimlico 11:43 fast 23 100 3 1 1 I 33 3-i L McAtee S FIv Home. Cliff Haven. Celebty 14S12 Dorval 5-S l:01r;rast 15 1121 1 2 3 4i 5"iG Burns 9 Ormulu. Ethan Allen. Tarzan MESHACH. br. g. 5 135 By Atkins Chickadee S. L. Josephthal. 23SGS Pimlico 2 1-4 1:25 fast 53 130 11 11 11 10 11 ll33 B Haynes 1:5 Collector, Bobt. Oliver. Cu Bon 23S4C Pimlico 2 4:00 fast G 112 10 7 G 3 4- 4" J Ryan 13 Topi Iat. Emil Gem. March Court 23S13 Pimlico .2 4:03 fast fid 131 11 S 1 1 2 2i J Ryan 15 Robt.Oliver, Jverence, Collector 2302G H.deGce Ab 2 4:07fast fi 145 13 13 13 10 7" 6" F Turnbkcl4 Battcrv. Grey Leg Aviator 229S2 H.deGce Ab 2 4:01 fast 12 137 2 G 5 4 35 33 P Turnbkc !. Abdon." Earlv Light. Rock Fish 22474 Saratoga Ab 2 4:38 mud 7 142 10 10 4 3 23 2" F Turnbkell Hibler. AAelsh King, Suwannee 22195 Saratoga Ab 2 4:3S hvy 4 142 2 5 5 4 4" 4"J Ryan 5 Gold. Vale, Suwannee, Valentine 21109 Bline Ab2i 5:00 good 6 131 3 4 4 4 4 4rl J Ityan 5 C.Malotte. BigSandr. Ches.Krum 20503 Belmont Ab 2 4:2S good 7 142 1 2 2 2 21 3s J Ryan 7 Bryndor. Election Bet. Pebeto RUSILA. ch. f, 4 130 Bv Puryear D. Sevens Mrs. J. E. Davis. 27G34 Aqduct Ab 2-4:10 fast 30 13110 S C 6 51 54B AV Murphy 10 Kaeebrook, Sandow. Aberfehlv 27338 Aqduct Ab 2 4:22 fast 30 132 5 4 5 6 5 510 AAr Murphy 9 Stonewood. Itaeebrook, Cloud" 27193 Aqduct 2 4:26 fast 15 132 11 11 11 10 9 93 AV Murphyll Dixon Park, Abdon. El Bart 2GS79 Belmont Ab 2 4:33 fast S 133 1 Fell. A Lee 5 AA". King. Brotherstone. G.Saint 2G794 Belmont Ab 2 4:28 mud 25 133 2 1 1 7 7 751 A Lee S Repentant. Zellwood, Fly. Peep 2G677 Belmont Ab 2 4:19 fast 15 135 7 7 Lost rider. T Moore 7 Distance. AVelshKing. Mavbudll. 2eG15 Pip.Rk Ab 2 4:02181 8 130 7 C Fell. T Moore 7 DixonPark, Northwd, Koyallll. MARTASHA, b. g, 4 130 By Marta Santa Kadisha Kentucky Stable. 27192 Aqduct 3-4 l:14fast 100 111 1 5 S 10 10- A Schugrll T.othMing. Pumption. Bvale 22974 Lexgton 3-4 l:133fast 506 103 G 5 10 10 102 F ItobinsnlO Grecian. Lackrose. Uncle Hart 22S75 Lexgton 3-1 fid 101 10 6 9 11 H,5iF Robiusiill Korfhage. Aunt Josio. Car.Onue 222S:: Bl.Grass -3-4 1:14 fast 104 2 O Green C Flight Ella. Oreen. Dor. Perkins 22277 Bl.Grass 5-S 1:01 fast 102 J AVake 1C Shadrach. L. Alorois. Lucille B.. 22271 Bl.Grass 3-4 1:19 good 103 C Green 5 R.ofli eland. Luc.Morois. Sennet 2120S Latonia 3-4 l:12fast fid 99 9 S 11 10 10"iF Robinsnl2 RoyalTea. Langhorne. Grosvenor JOHNNIE McKAY, b, g, 6 135 By Magistrate Maceadio J. Whalcn. 28598 Saratoga Ab 2 4:22 fast 20 139 5 7 7 7 6. G E Hayes 7 Rhomb. Itaeebrook. Otto Floto 27S 15 Empire Ab3-4 l:10y3fast 100 10S 9 9 9 9 914 J3 Kleeger 9 Gloaming, Dervish, T. as Steel SIXTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs Straight. 2-year-olds. Allowances. July 17, 1915 1:03 !r. 2100. BURLESQUE, b. f, 2 100 By Star Shoot Masquerade G. A. Cochran. 2S544 Saratoga 51 f 1 :075fast C 117 5 3 1 1 li R Troxler 7 Berlin. Killdee, Riverdale 27274 Aqduct 5-S 1:01 fast 5 109 2 11 in 1 J McCahey S Star Finch, Arnold. Fairv AVand 2G243 Jamaica 5-S l:00fast 7 104 1 2 2 21 1 J McCahey i AVoodtrap, Bally Pleas Dreams 201SS Jamaica 5-S 1:02 fast 1G-5 112 3 4 3 33 33 J Hanover 4 Julialeon, Cockleshell, Precise WOODTRAP ch. c, 2 112 By Trap Rock Woodvine A. Belmont. 2SG42 Saratoga 3-4 l:145islop 15 10G 2 2 2 2i 21 J McTagt 5 Ultimatum, Tragedv. Basil 2SG0O Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 12-5 105 5 C 7 7 73 J McTagt 7 Crank. DeerTrap. Q.of theAVater 2S37G Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 12 115 1 5 G 6 6i E Haynes 13 H.Cash. S.Mster O of theWater 2S003 Empire Ab3-4 l:12slop 7 112 3 5 5 61 Gu J McTagt 7 T. McTaggart. Ticket Philinni" 27817 Empire 5-S l:00fast 31 112 2 11 2 23 E Haynes S T.MTart! Q.of theWr E Itc e 27409 Aqduct 5-S 1:00 fast 41 112 6 8 7 S 7 M Garner 9 Campfire, Ivory Black Ticket 2H94 Anduct 5-S l:007jfast 15 112 2 2 4 3 33 E Haynes fi Tumbler. Hollister Ticket 2G451 Belmont 41 f st 52fast 9-10 117 5 4 4 45 3S1 B Haynes 5 Felicidad, Ylowstone. Phantom NEBRASKA, b. c. 2 112 By Ballot Star of the West J. E. Madden. 2S502 Saratoga 5i f l:07fast 15 113 3 2 2 2s lh R Hoffmn 14 Aivid, Meteorite, Hemlock STARFINCH, ch. c. 2 112 By Star Shoot Unterock Sunset Stable, 2S59G Saratoga 5i f l:09slow 2 103 S S 1 Is 1" J McTagt S Backboard. Deckmate. Sortie 27420 Aqduct 5-S l:01igood 7-3 113 8 G C 5 51 F Keogh 11 Election. Doer Trap. Philippic 27274 Aqduct 5-8 1:01 .fast . 5 1 07 8 5 2 2 2" M Garner S Burlesque, Arnold. Fairv AVand 26S47 Belmont 41 1 st 53 mud 10 112 6 5 6 C3 4s L Allen S Camptire, Tumbler, Felicidad 2674G Belmont 5-8 st 1:01 mud 11-5 110 4 4 4 4 3 L Allen 4 Ballad, Arnold. Passing Fancy 26673 Belmont 41 f st 53 fast 1 107 3 3 3 31 41 M Garner 6 Dunga Din, Bally, Riverdale 26502 Belmont 45 f 53 fast 41 108 4 4 4 43 42 L Allen 6 Basil. Columbine. Pleas.Dreami SORTIE, ch. c, 2 112 By Watercress Enterprise M. L. Schwartz. 2G!K; Saratoga f.i r 1 :09t3.sIow 2i 115 I 2 3 3 IJ T Pa vies H Starliiicli. Deekniate 2SG02 Saratoga Hf 1:07 rast 15 1H 2 3 3 3 3J M Buxton 7 P.ellrlnger. Sedan. Rally CS310 Saratoga 5i f l:07ifist 4 110 3 3 C 5t V J McTagt 9 Kailan. Basil. Arnold 2777S Empire 51 f l:07fast R-B 112 3 5 5 G3 5-3 . 1 McTagt 7 Harry Kelly. Deer Trap. Ticket 27670 Afiduct 5-S l;01fat 13-20 115 9 3 1 l3 Is J McTagt 9 Town Hall, B.Aote, Torchbcarer JACK MOUNT, b. c, 2 112 By Amadis Catana W. R. Coo. 2S370 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 15 115 4 7 7 7 7"J J McTagt 13 II. Cash. S.Mster, Q.of theAVater 27G98 Empire 5i f 1:07 S 10! 1 4 4 4 4 J MeTagt -1 AVistfiil, Str. Forward, Genesis 27513 Aqduct 5-8 59fast 1S-5 107 2 3 3 2U .1 MeTagt 5 M.McGrath. S.Fwanl, Fclicidad 26616 Pip.Rk Ab5-S 5Sfast 3 US 3 3 J MeTaKt 3 Hwfa, Omar Khavyam 2C452 Belmont 5-S st 59fast 41 115 6 6 5 63 i;3? J McTagt 5 Hornless, Ivory Black, Jnlialeon INTRIGUER, br. g. 2 112 By Cyclades Diplomacy E. F. Whitney. 2S-612 Saratoga 51 f l:07fast 25 115 C 4 3 G 3SJ It Hoffnrnir. Gold. Fox. Hon. Lassie. M.Murray iS515 Saratoga 51 f 1:0S fast 15 116 11 7 9 12 12 C Fbthor Hi Felieidad, Onwa. Solveig 2S467 Saratoga 51 f 1:0S fast 50 110 3 4 5 C3 4 R Hoffmn S Ultimatum, I.allv, Sedan 27374 Aqduct 5-8 1:01 fast 30 115 7 9 9 9 9 n Hoffman 9 Leonie, DeerTrap, Amalgamator 26094 Pip.Kk Abl-2 52 slow C-5 112 2 l3 l3 R Hoffman 2 Bendlot 26327 Jamaica 5-8 1:02 fast 15 112 0 0 G C 33 D Hoffman i Bronze. Cockleshell, .Toek Scot 2G091 Pimlico 41 f 56slow 12 110 2 G C 7 713 D Hoffman 7 S. Forward. Fox Trot. Moiiomov 26014 Pimlico 41 f 11 112 2 4 31 G33 M Buxton 1". Hanobaln. TheOnlvOne. FoxTrot 25911 Pimlico 1-2 49 fast 03 107 1 3 3s 33J D Hoffmn Alvord, lr. Nelson, Burbank