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YOU should judge a man by his record — NOT by his promise-,. During the past forty days I have given the lollowing winning "occasioiials" : C. M. JOHNSON 8 to 0 LUCIUS 0 to 0 POLLS 0 to 0 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON.. 0 to 0 Compare those with what VOC have be, n doini;. If you have done heller, then you dont need me. If my record is better than yours, then write me without ih lay. as my next occasional goes soon. 1 pay my track connections more than any other man in this business pays -thats INK reason why the information is OOOD. Terms are always the winnings of a HBAIGHT .*•".. HO PLAY. 1 consider my aext one exceptionally good and, if you want it, write at once. TEXAS R00KER 396 MAIN AVENUE, NOR WALK, CONN., U. S. A. Reference: Ask any man who ever did business with me.