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WESTERN RACING CIRCUIT PLANNED. Tentative Schedule Calls for Opening at Phoenix, Arizona — Frisco Meeting Probable. San Francis,!. Cal.. Match LO. — W. W. Finn ha* beea in Ban Pmnciaco for the- past week working on tin- schedule e f the thoroughbred circuit in Unfa r west next summer and fall. He annouiiceel today that it has beea practically settled that Phoenix, Ariz., will follow the «-l MM at Tijuana with a nineteen days meeting. Pari-matnei machines hive already been installed there. No definite date has beea set until it is known when Tijuana e-loses. It is expected that the meeting will be held the latter putt of April or the first part of May. June 1! is the tentative date for the opening of a aine teen-days mreting at Beno, with Denver and Colorado Bprtaga to fellow and then some racing at Alan. Idaho. Mr. Finn intimated that a meeting will be held in San Francisco next summer on the same imli-Vidual wagering system that operates on the Now York tracks. No facts were given out. as the plana have not been perfected. It will be a sort of teat, as no attempt will likely be made at the lire .cut session of the legislature to get through the- proposed State Baring Commission and piri-mutu -1 bill. George Berry, manager of the Nevada Stock l-arni. arrived today aa his way to Bene. Sixteen horses, including Slippery Klin. Square Set. Bcaahrt Oak-, eight two year-old* and others, will lv shipped straight to Jamaica from Tijuana on April Beecee Tresjer, win, claims to be the oldest Jockey in point of se-rvii-e in the sadelb- on the turf t iclay. passed through lure today on bis way to New York. He is under contract to P. A. Clark.