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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. s,i Wave, another three--yeai old by Bea King — Fairy Bird, is iii good, condition after wintering well. As a two year-old sn • came in first one,, i a | la lea and third twice. The buu v ho ha* charge of tin- government bath liHi-s at Hot BpringS, say* thai an average of twelve handled more people take- the baths elaily than in any other year previously. Williams Bros, usually choose a letter of the alphabet to begin, the names of aU their horses. I his they have selected K, and Kobly, Kling and Keraaa are nanus of some promiaing yoaagsters. An iiidie-atioii of the crowded condition of Hot Borings accommodatioa* for gmests is found in the- fact that John W. Schorrs hltl arrival was clue to the fait that, for :i time, he; could see lire no abidhag place. Betting at Hot Bpring* is much heavier than it was at Neat oil-mis and neatly all of the layers have made money. The-re is only room fee fort] la. Mrs and the re is a considerable list awaiting a chance- to "cat in." Two-year olds are aaaaereen at the Beaaiag track and tiny should have a right royal time at Bowie, for, umler tin rules of racing, those- that Inn. b en started earlier in the year will be barred from the tracks of the Jockey Club for the rest of this year. Te tidal, the bay or brnw n filly, by Irish 1. id - Teetotmn II.. an Indifferent runner last year, has wintered well and will be ill great condition for tin- spring BMOtfaaya. sin- was beaght out of the -:!•• of Mrs. Huryeas thoroushbre-ds at P.elniolit Bark last May. Mr. Widen. -r is making eeiisuh table progress in breeding the roughbreda for his own stable- at ilr deahelm. Already he- has six foals of but there, and all are- reported to be doing well. Besides, atr. Wideaer has several other rnloabte mares which a:e due to foal this spring.