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WESTCHESTER STEEPLECHASE FILLS WELL. Imported Jumpers Among Nominations — "Diamond Jim" Brady Seriously 111. New York. March 8B. Battles for Ike Vfeatt-hea-1. :• Btct plechase, which closed yesterday, fitted , ■ piioi.ily well. Manj Imported horse* ate among the nominations. Isaac Kami Thoasaa of I H -ton is one ,,f the latest aspirants for such tint ! • Mors. He lias but two horae* at pre— tit. Javer-unce and Baajo .lim. but will increase hi* stable opportunity offers, it - said.* received here state that Junes k. Brady "Diamond Jim" is seriously ill in Atlantic City. Mr. Hr::dy was once the owner ■ ! a tfo,„l stable of - lactadiag Accoaatanl and odd lie,;,. W. Booth has been engaged to tile the- Schwartz Brothers bar at* in tteeplec bases. According t., tie Baring Calendar, J. B. Maddea has only leased the heme Defense for the eaaaaa of 1W7. It was it-ported that be had boi.slit the eajt,